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qe quality engineering

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Construction project management methodology for researchAbstract: The construction project is the largest number of the most typical of the "project", construction project management project management theory and practice is one of the important sources, combines the practical experience of project management systems project management theory also for the construction project management provides a theoretical tool, allowing construction project management is increasingly systematic and : Project Management Engineering1, of the problem and the status quo ReviewProject management makes it a modern community to resolve the "one-off problems" so an effective tool for an occupational qualification, in social affairs, economic process, and the rapid development of widely used, it is that it provides a new approach. Ever-increasing volume of modern socio-economic globalization, the growing trend of information technology, more speed, complex procedure, new industries, emerging areas, product development cycles, leading to an increasing number of "one-off", there are no precedents to follow the emergence of the task, particularly in business and management of social and public affairs, government, it is faced with an increasingly complex domestic and foreign affairs from the market and the various issues related to factors, the main interest of more and more, these problems conventional management practices are difficult to resolve, or satisfactorily resolved, while those from construction projects and military, space exploration and other areas of project management method has been promoted to project management theory and thought, offered a solution to the problem of socio-economic development in Central Africa conventional means. May be that the development and application of project management lies in its methods. Project Management in China, widely popular in recent years, things in the ascendant, and we introduce and popularize the focus should not be tedious theories, concepts, procedures, but should be concise, applicable and effective of changes in economic structure, engineering, project construction is still the main carrier of China's economic development. In our country is currently building a moderately prosperous society, developing the northwest, the revitalization of the Northeast against the backdrop of the project into many parts of the important means of economic revitalization. Some cities have even proposed "project Prospering City" slogan. Economic progress in the application of the results rely mainly on new technology and rely on content-type expansion, relying on knowledge innovation situation, relying on extensive-type projects are not suitable means of revitalizing the economy, our country has been for the investment decision-making mistakes pay a huge price, so the use of scientific methods of construction project management, including assessment of feasibility studies, project construction will be able to achieve the desired objectives of the important management approach is not only specific methods, but also ideas. The party's third plenum put forward the people-oriented, sustainable scientific development concept, "people-oriented", "sustainable" is an essential element of science and technology, economy, environment and social development, the project construction as an economic development an important tool, not only costly, but also have significant impact on the surrounding environment, it is necessary to meet the sustainable, coordinated development of the request, which is project management, one of the important guiding ideology. Methodology is a method of research. Comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, developing the northwest, the real background of the revitalization of the Northeast may trigger a new round of construction boom, sustainable, coordinated development of the scientific concept of development projects, building on a certain restrictive macro-control, which is to be implemented in construction project management approaches. Engineering Project Management is designed not only to achieve specific objectives (duration, quality, costs), should also be project construction and environmental, social coordination, otherwise it might repeat of past investment mistakes, missteps, out of control in the past. This is also the project management approach up to the "Methodology" One of the theory of project management can be said has been very comprehensive, and this not only in the rich diversity of theoretical results, such as a variety of project management books (including translation) is available, but also the performance in this area has its own "knowledge system", such as the the . Project Management Institute (PMI) in 1987, as amended 1996,2000 proposed revision of the "Project Management Body of Knowledge", International Project Management Association in 1997 launched a "project management capacity benchmarks", China's double-Law Research Project Management Research The Commission also launched in 2001, "China Project Management Body of Knowledge." The above knowledge system project management knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, modules, China's knowledge of "methods and tools," the concept of no other systems on the method of independent topics, but throughout all stages of project management, process , domain. Were also many works of a variety of project management focused on project management, content, stages, procedures, and organization of the exposition devoted to rare for the method. Of course, this does not mean that the methodology of the neglect, but a summary of the methodology, which focused on project management and improvement will help promote the use of project management role into full added: 2, construction project management approach the level ofNarrow project management is a limited duration, quality, cost objectives of the project within the integrated management to achieve the project targets, but only the management of the construction project, with the scale of investment, the expansion of the area, diversification of investment sources , project on the environment, enhance the economic impact, project management has been limited to the implementation process, but extends to be delivered from the project to the maintenance of the whole process of management, engineering implementation of the project from development to project management and construction contracting, engineering, general contracting and other forms. For a specific project, its objectives have not only the quality, duration, cost control, but also with the financing, risk analysis, the use of maintenance as well as the seat of economic, environmental and other linked objectives of the project, management should have "generalized" to consider. Project management approach, in addition to specific technical approach, but also forward in the latter part of the evaluation but also an extension of the central authorities to consider the sustainable and coordinated development, reflected these ideas. In summary, this article will be divided into project management methodology at two levels: ideological approach and technical methods, or that the project management ideas and , the ideological construction project management method

104 评论


Abstract: the construction project is the most typical "project, the project management," the practice of project management theory is an important source of integration, project management experience of project management theory and system for construction project management, provides the theoretical tool construction project management increasingly systematic and : project management, engineering1, the present situation and problems were put forwardProject management is a kind of modern society, to solve the question "disposable" effective tool that a professional qualification in social affairs, economic process widely and rapid development, is that it provides a new method. Modern social economy increasing economic globalization, information, growing tendency, development speed, process, a new industry, the field complex, product development cycles shorter, more and more "disposable", the task of precedent, especially enterprise and management of social public affairs of government, facing the increasingly more complex from the market and domestic affairs, involving factors, more and more of the routine, these problems to solve or management measures, and solving the construction project and military, space exploration areas such as project management method for the promotion of project management theories and thoughts, and provides a solution of social and economic development in non-routine problem means. Can think, project management, development and application of the method in it. The project management in China in recent years, is widely popularization, ascendant, we introduce and popularization, and should not be tedious theoretical, concept, program and should be concise, apply and effective of how the economic structure, project construction is the main carrier of China's economic development. At present the comprehensive construction well-off society, the development of northeast, northwest, project construction under the background of economic development in many areas become the important means. Some cities and even "project" slogan. Economic progress in science and technology achievements mainly rely on new applications, rely on connotative knowledge innovation on the expansion and vulgar, situation and not suitable project construction of economic development, China has the means for the investment decision-making error cost, so use scientific method for engineering construction projects, including evaluation management, project construction is the important goal can be project management method is not only a specific methods, including thought. Third plenary session human-center, sustainable scientific development concept, "people-oriented" and "sustainable" is one of the basic content of science and technology, economy and environment, social harmonious development, project construction as an important means of economic development, not only expensive, but also has a great influence on the surrounding environment, so must satisfy the requirement of sustainable development, coordinate, this is also the project management is one of the important guiding ideology. The method of research methodology. The comprehensive construction well-off society, the development of northeast, northwest realistic background may be starting a new project construction boom, sustainable and harmonious development of scientific development project construction, puts forward certain constraints of the macroscopic control, it must implement the project management method. Project management is not only realize the aim of specific target (period, quality, cost, should also do) project construction and environmental, social, or may be repeating mistakes and failures, before the investment control. This project management approach to the meaning of "methodology".Project management is the theory has been very perfect, it not only in the variety of theoretical results such as all kinds of project management books (including translation), more performance in this field have their own "knowledge system", as well as the project management association (PMI) in 1987, 1996 and 2000 and revision of "project management knowledge system", international project management association 1997 launched "project management capability, China's benchmark" double method research project management research committee also launched in 2001, China project management knowledge system. The knowledge system of the project management knowledge divided into several fields, elements and module, the knowledge system of China has "methods and tools" concept, no other system about the project, but the method of independent throughout all phases of the project management process, and fields. All kinds of project management work is more focused on project management content and phase, procedures, organization, and discusses the method for special. Of course this is not meant to ignore the method, but the methods of research focus and perfect summary, to the popularization and application of the project management of project management role fully.

115 评论


Engineering quality department

93 评论


Study the summary in methodology of building project management: The construction project is a plentiful, most typical " project ", practice of building project management is one of the important origins of the management theory of the project, the project management theory of merging the system of the practical experience of the project management has offered the theory tool for building project management, so as to build project management day by day systematizedly, scientifically. Keyword: Project management Project1, Proposition and current situation survey project management of problem become one modern society solve effective tool a kind of job qualification of " lump-sum problem ", employ and develop in the social affairs, economic course rapidly extensively, lie in it offers a new method. The modern social total supply and demand is increasing constantly, economic globalization, information-based trend are being strengthened day by day, development accelerates, the course is complicated, new trade, field are appearing constantly, products development period is shortened, cause more and more " disposable ", appearance of task that have no precedent to follow, especially the governments of enterprises and the social public affairs of management, face complicated various problems from the market and domestic and international affairs day by day even more, there are more and more factor, the interests main body involved, these management with regular problem is difficult to solve or solve satisfactorily, And the project office procedures from fields such as construction project and military, space exploration,etc. are promoted as management theory of the project and thought, have offered and solved the unconventional problem means in social economic development. Can think, development and application of the project management lie in its method. It is a thing in recent years that it is popularized that the project management is popularized in China extensively, in the ascendant, and the focal point which we introduce, popularize, should not be tedious theory, concept, procedure, and should be the concise, applicable, effective matter how economic structure changes, project construction is still the main carriers of economic development of our country. In the well-off society of comprehensive construction at present of our country, develop the Northwest, revitalize the background of the Northeast, important means that project construction becomes a lot of regional economy and revitalizes. Some city put forward slogan of " event revitalize city " even. Mainly depend on the new scientific and technological application of results, rely on the intension type to expand, depend on the situation of the knowledge innovation in economic progress, it is not a means to revitalize the economy suitable by extensive type project construction, our country has been paying the enormous cost for the fault of the investment decision all the time too, so utilize the scientific method to manage construction project, including assess, prove, important terms that project construction will you please achieve the nticipated office procedure of the project is not only a concrete method, but also include the thought. The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee of the party puts forward the human-oriented, sustainable scientific development view, " human-oriented ", " sustainable " a basic content is the developing in harmony of science and technology, the economy, environment, society, project construction is done in order to develop the economic important means, not merely costly, have to surrounding environment influence more, so must meet sustainably and coordinating the demand for development, this is one of the important guidelines of project management too. Methodology is the study on method. Comprehensive construction well-off society, develop the Northwest, revitalize the Northeast realistic background might raise the upsurge of new round of engineering construction, sustainable and developing the scientific development view in harmony and proposing the macro-control sure to restrict to project construction, this should implement on the method to build project management. The purpose of project management not only realizes the concrete goal (time limit, quality, expenses), should accomplish the coordination of project construction and environment, the society too, otherwise may have followed the investment fault, unwise track of an overturned cart out of control in the past. This is that an office procedure of a project rises to one of the meanings of " methodology " theory of the project management can be already said to be very complete so far, this not merely displays if the emergence of various project management books (including translating) in the rich and varied theory achievement, display and have one's own " knowledge system " in this field even more, if the project management association of . (PMI) put forward in 1987 and " managerial knowledge system of the project " that revised through 1996, 2000, the international project management association put out" administrative staff's ability basis of the project " in 1997, China pairs of law research association project management research committee put out" managerial knowledge system, event of China, " on 2001 too. Every knowledge system described above divides the managerial knowledge of the project into several fields, key element, module, knowledge system of China have " method and tool " concept, other system independent special topic about the method, but run through at each stages of project management, course, domain. Various project management works lay particular emphasis on the argumentation at project management content, stage, procedure, organizing,etc. more too, the special argumentation to the method is rare. Certainly this does not mean the neglect of the method, summary, concentrate on, study with improving project management role of popularization and application to facilitate project management give full play to in , Time limit when the level narrowly-defined project management of the office procedure of the construction project is being limited, quality, expense go on comprehensive management to the project by realizing the predeterminated target of event in the goal, but this only management that project construct, influence, strengthen with scale of investment, enlargement, investment source diversification, project of field to environment, economy, project management has not been limited to implementing the course yet, but expand to and safeguard overall management from setting up to making available to the users, implementation of project develop from constructing and contracting to project management too, project always person who contract various forms. As to a concrete project, its goal has already not merely been control in quality, time limit, expenses, with capital collection, risk analysis, use, it maintains to be and economy, environment,etc. connected with where one occurs ground, the goal, management of the projects should all be considered according to " broad sense ". Unless the project management one method, besides concrete methods technical,whose name is to before and after appraisal of issue extend, take, consider sustainable, coordinated development that central authorities put forward, reflect thought these. In sum, this text divides the office procedure of the project into two levels: Ideological content method and technical method, in other words, project management thought and method. 3, Ideological content method to build project management

230 评论


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