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apple-polisher 马屁精 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. 她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。 as busy as a bee (象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的 as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的 as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的 as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 B I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。 beat gums 空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话 bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险 black sheep 害群之马 Buddy, where is john? 要上厕所? Bungee jumping 蹦极跳 Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。 C blue collar 蓝领 white collar 白领 pink collar 粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人) gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司 的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面, 有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位) D dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书 dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠 dog-tired 像狗一样的累 dog watch 夜班 old dog 上了岁数的人、老手 a sly dog 偷鸡摸狗者 a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人 a big dog 看门狗、保镖;要人 You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿! hot dog 热狗 dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒 a dog in a blanket 葡萄卷饼或卷布丁 as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身, He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 A good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头" a a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎) Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。 E eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。 eat his words 食言 out at elbows 捉襟见肘 elbow one's way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道 get a black eye 被别人打青了眼睛 mind your eye 叫别人当心 blink our eyes 眨眼睛 flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼 make eyes 抛媚眼 cast sheep's eye 暗送秋波 You have an eye for something. 有眼光有见解 finely arched eyebrows 纤细的弓形眉 pencil the eyebrows 描眉 eyebrow pencil 眉笔 rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉 eyelash grower 睫毛膏 eyelash curler 卷睫毛器 without turning an eyelash 泰然自若,不动声色 not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉 not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若 hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕 F face the music 不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面 a matter of face 面子攸关的事情 lose face 丢面子 例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face. 他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。 save one's face 挽回面子 pull a long face 拉长了脸 make a face at you 对你做个鬼脸 have the face 厚颜无耻 例如:I'm so surprised that you have the face to do so! 你怎么有脸做出这样的事! cold fish 态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人。 drink like a fish 牛饮 flats 平跟鞋 footfall 客流量 例如:We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and drive footfall into their stores. 我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商店。 G green eyed 嫉妒 green finger(thumb)?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮 例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly. 长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。 green hand 生手 例如: I'm still green at my job. 我依然是个新手。 green light 允许、许可 例如: I'm only waiting for the green light from you. 我在等您的允许。 green revolution 绿色革命 例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after green revolution. 绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要。 the green years 青春年华 H He is ripe in years but green in heart. 形容某人是老当益壮 lose your heart to someone 和某人谈恋爱 lack heart 缺乏勇气 win your heart 赢得你的心 broken heart 破碎的心 heart of stone 石头心肠 pour out your heart 倾吐你的心事 have a heart 可怜可怜你 his heart in the right place 他的心肠是很好的 not to wear your heart on your sleeve 不要太情绪化 Don't take the failure to your heart. 别为失败而难过 lose heart 失去信心 your heart of gold 金子般的心,美好心灵 write a letter to her and declare your heart. 写信表达爱慕之情 Don't let your heart get cold. 不要让你的热情冷却下来 a man after her own heart 正和她心意的人 put your heart at rest 放下心来 straight from the horse's mouth 来自权威和可靠的消息。

348 评论





Beats me. We haven’t learned that.



Beat it! I’m busy right now.


a dead horse白费口舌,白费力气

I’ve already made up my mind. There’s no sense

beating a dead horse.



Put your John Hancock right here.


it under raps保密

Don’t tell anyone about the party. Let’s just keep it under eraps.



Let’s kick around a few more proposals before we come to a final decision.



The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.



I’ve never seen anybody put away so much food and still look so thin.


a move on挑逗

He tried to put the moves on her, but she turned him down.


one’s ass on the line两肋插刀,不惜一切

I put my ass on the line for you. I know you’ll do the same for me someday.



含义: Full of men. (全是男人)

造句: “The club was fucking terrible last night, it was a proper sausage fest in there.” (昨晚这个俱乐部太糟糕了,全是男人!)

含义: The best.(最棒的)

造句: “That bacon sandwich I had this morning was the absolute dog’s bollocks.” (我今天早上吃的配干三明治绝对是最棒的!)

含义: A really long time.(特别长的时间)

造句: “How’s your friend Lisa from school?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”(-你的校友Lisa最近怎么样了?-上帝才知道呢,我已经很久没见过她了)

含义: Are you joking?(你是在逗我吗?)

造句: “You’d rather go shopping with your mum than come down the pub with me? Are you having a laugh?” (你宁愿和你妈妈去购物也不愿意和我去酒吧?你是在逗我吗?)

含义: Really cheap.(真心便宜)

造句: “Where did you get that TV?” “Oh, I just found it on eBay, it was cheap as chips.” (-你从哪儿买的那台电视?-我在eBay上买的,真心便宜!)

含义: There you are.(就在那里)

造句: “Take a left at the end of the road, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the strip club.” (在道路尽头左转,然后你要找的那个脱衣舞俱乐部了就在那里啦)。

含义: Being a third wheel (做一个电灯泡)

造句: “Oh, you’re going to the cinema with Jamie and Robin, do you not find it weird playing gooseberry like that?”(你要与Jamie和Robin一起去看电影?你难道不觉得做一个电灯泡很怪吗?)

含义: Go to the toilet.(去厕所)

造句: “Excuse me for one moment, I just need to spend a penny.” (不好意思,我要去一下厕所)。

含义: Going out and getting drunk.(出去玩,喝到醉)

造句: “Friday niiiight, let’s get on the piss lads!” (周五的夜,让我们一起出去玩,喝到醉!)

含义: Go too far.(太过分了)

造句: “Harry getting with my sister was one thing but him getting with my mum too just takes the biscuit.”(Harry勾搭我姐姐也就算了,但是他还要勾搭我妈妈可真的太过分了)。

含义: sauage fest(人山人海,人满为患)

造句: “The club was fucking terrible last night, it was a proper sausage fest in there.”昨晚这间酒吧好吵,真的是人满为患。

含义:the dog’s bollocks最好的 (bollocks 胡说)

造句: “That bacon sandwich I had this morning was the absolute dog’s bollocks.”


含义:fell arse over tit跌得不轻

造句: “You were so pissed (恼火)last night mate, you walked out of the pub and fell arse over tit in the street.”哥们,你昨晚太恼火了,走出酒吧,就在大街上跌倒了。

含义:as the actress said to the bishop引出一个暗讽

造句: “Oh my, look at the size of that sausage…as the actress said to the bishop.”


含义:donkey’s years很长一段时间

造句: “How’s your friend Lisa from school?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”你的朋友lisa怎么样了? 天知道,我好久没见她了。

含义:Are you having a laugh?你在开玩笑嘛?

造句: “You’d rather go shopping with your mum than come down the pub with me? Are you having a laugh?”你宁愿和你麻麻一起逛街也不愿陪我去泡吧?你在逗我嘛?

含义:cheap as chips便宜到没朋友。

造句: “Where did you get that TV?” “Oh, I just found it on eBay, it was cheap as chips.”你在哪儿买的电视机? 我在ebay上买的,真的是很便宜。

含义:liquid lunch午餐喝酒不吃饭

造句: “Mate, I’m absolutely battered, I had a liquid lunch and now I have to go back to work. I’ve fucked it.”老兄,我现在真的很崩溃。中午喝了酒没吃饭,现在却要工作了。

含义:not cricket不对的,不公平的。

造句: “I can’t believe Barry left just before it was his turn to buy a round, that’s just not cricket.”


含义:see a man about a dog 去了一个神秘的地方,通常指洗手间。

造句: “Sorry, give me a minute, I’ve got to go see a man about a dog.”抱歉,等我下,我得去下洗手间。

含义:playing gooseberry充当电灯泡 (gooseberry 鹅莓)

造句: “Oh, you’re going to the cinema with Jamie and Robin. Do you not find it weird playing gooseberry like that?”啊,你要跟着Jamie 和Robin去看电影,你不觉得这样去当电灯泡很奇怪嘛?

含义:Bob’s your uncle 就到(那里)了。

造句: “Take a left at the end of the road, then the second right, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the strip club.”这条路走到尽头左转,然后再右转,就到了,那个就是脱衣舞俱乐部。

如果大家平时看英剧很多的话,可能早就发现英国人真的很爱用俚语。很多人说,英式英语中这么多俚语主要是因为英国人很喜欢讽刺,而且直接说脏话有辱绅士作风,所以创造了这么多俚语。毕竟这些俚语听起来就觉得:So British!最后给大家推荐一个学习现代俚语的好网站,相信很多小伙伴都知道,就是Urban Dictionary。Urban Dictionary中文译名为“城市词典”,是一个美国在线俚语词典,该词典收录了很多常规词典里面查不到的流行英文俚语俗语。


dog and pony show 新闻发布会,任何精心准备的表演

dog biscuit 饼干(学生用语);没有吸引力的女孩(1940年代学生偶尔用语)

dog collar 衣领开口在背后者,如天主教神父着装

dog days 个人觉得无精打采、意兴阑珊的日子,枯燥沉闷的日子,妇女月经来潮的日子;消耗人们体力的、热而潮湿的夏日,特指仲夏日(参阅dog days:美国俚语中的“三伏天”)

dog-end 烟头,香烟屁股

dog eye 责备的一瞥;哀求的目光

dog hole (不安全的)小煤窑

dog it 摆阔,装模作样;拈轻怕重,吊儿郎当;逃跑开溜,特指从讨厌的社交场合离开;过寄生生活

dog kennel/doghouse 像狗舍的小屋子,如临时使用的小办公室;失宠或失势,被打入冷宫,to be in the dog house表示将要失宠或失势

dog-naper/dog-napper 偷狗者

dog out 把……打扮得花里胡哨

dog-robber 棒球裁判

dog show 脚部检查(二战陆军用语)

dog tent/pup tent 可供一到两人地上睡觉的小帐篷

dog up 穿上自己最好的衣服

dog-wagon 餐车

doggery 下等酒吧间

doggone 该死的,天罚的

dog's nose 含啤酒或麦酒并混合杜松子酒(gin)和甜酒(rum)的饮料

dogs 人类双脚,特指一双脚

work like a dog 拼命工作

dog-eared books 堵得卷了边的书

dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠

dog-tired 像狗一样的累

dog watch 夜班

old dog 行家里手

a sly dog 狡猾的人

a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙小人

a big dog 看门狗、保镖、大人物

a dirty dog 无耻之人

a top dog 位高权重的人

a dog in manger 站着茅坑不拉屎的人


Learning English isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (learning English is difficult). First, grammar muddies the waters (makes things unclear), and idiomatic expressions only add fuel to the fire (make things worse).


If you’re taking the TOEFL or the TOEIC, or just want to know more common idioms, read this list of 40 common idiomatic expressions before you take the test. They may just help your English language acquisition soar (get much better).


Common English Idioms


24/7: Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; all the time; constantly. My little sister irritates me 24/7!


A short fuse: A quick temper. Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play.


A taste of your own medicine: Bad treatment deservedly received for treating other people badly. After constantly being prank-called, Julian decided to give Juan a taste of his own medicine and ordered twenty-seven pizzas to be delivered to Juan’s house.


Butterflies in my stomach: To be nervous. Liam had butterflies in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin.


By the skin of your teeth: To just barely get by or make it. Lester made the dance team by the skin of his teeth; you can tell he hasn't been dancing jazz for very long.


Cat got your tongue?: Can’t you speak? (Usually said to embarrass the other person). I just saw you kissing my boyfriend. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?


Crying wolf: To ask for help when you don't need it. You have cried wolf so many times that no one believes you when you're really hurt.


Cut someone some slack: To not judge someone too harshly. Hey. Cut me some slack. I was really busy with my frog hunting business last week and forgot to call. I'm sorry!


Down for the count: Tired; giving up; unable or unwilling to participate any longer. No, you can’t take my dog for a walk—she’s down for the count after chasing cats all day.


Draw the line: To stop; to know the point where something goes from okay to not okay. Now I draw the line at speaking in front of 34,000 people.


Easier said than done: Not as easy as it appears to be. You want me to come to work at 6:00 AM? Easier said than done!


Every cloud has a silver lining: You can find good in every bad situation. Even though you just got fired, remember that every cloud has a silver lining—at least you don’t have to work for that grouchy boss anymore!


339 评论


1,ace: She is an ace dancer. 就是牛X的意思啊。 2,all-nighter: I felt very tired after an all-nighter. 通宵。 3,beemer: That girl is driving a beemer. BMW, 宝马。气人的是,我们停车场里一辆牛款beemer的主人不是官最大的,当然不是最有学问的,而是一个有钱人的小千金。 4,booze: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party. 酒 5,bummer: 坏事,不好的方面。别人要跟你说开车撞了电线杆子,你就要说 Oh, bummer!一表感同身受。 6,chicken: He is really a chicken. 弱人 7,cool: 港片里的“酷”啊,用得实在多。 8,cop:That crazy driver was pulled over by a cop. 警察,可不要当面叫啊,当面叫"ShuShu". 9,couch patato: My roommate is a couch patato. 喜欢长时间坐那看电视的懒蛋。 10,deep pockets: I don't want to buy it, it's for people with deep pockets. 富鬼。 11,flip side: Don't watch the flip side, it's too personal. 另一面,反面 12,foxy: Look at that foxy lady! 性感撩人的 13,nuke: That country is working seriously on nukes. 北韩,说你呢。 核弹。 14,pain: That's a pain in the neck. 烦人的, 15,psycho: That psycho scared me. 说人“有病” 16,rock: You wanna your coke on the rocks? 冰块, 注意介词 17,shot: Do you wanna another shot? 试试 18,yukky: That dish was yukky. 难吃 19,get it: Did you get that joke? 搞明白 20,glitch: We shut the pc down since there was a glitch. 小毛病,比如以前电脑里的一些莫名其妙的东西经常搞死机子。 21,goofy: They were worrying about their goofy kids. 傻,不懂事,顽皮 22,grand: Give me two grands and the car will be yours. 一千大洋 23,groovy: His Mom made some groovy art. 有品位的 24,gross: 恶心 25,guts: 胆量 26,vibes: I have bad vibes about that person. 对别人感觉如何的“感觉”。 27,up: He has been up since married. 高兴。“七喜”的英文是啥来着? 28,veg: He veg out in front of TV all the time. “菜”在那不动 29,好吃叫“yummy".鬼子喜欢听好话,他们要做点啥请你吃你可一定要装一装说”yummy". 30, fishy 可疑的。 That sounds fishy. 31, drag 没劲的事 It's such a drag to deal with them again and again. 32, roll 走,离开。(今天还听一人说Ready to roll?来着) Are you ready to roll? Let's roll. 33, nuts 疯 Are you nuts? The trafic drives me nuts. 34, freak out 紧张害怕 Don't freak out if cops pull you over. 35, rip off (钱了) I realized I was ripped off after payed $200 for these shoes. 36, bug 讨厌 Stop bugging me with your plan. I won't do it with you 37 shrink =A psychotherapist 心理医生 38 airhead =A silly, rather unintelligent person. His girlfriend is an airhead. 39 a-yo 比较随便的打招呼,近似于"What' up?" "Hey!" 40 buzz 打电话 Give me a buzz when you reach home. 41 bread =money. breadwinner 养家的人 42 booty 屁股 Check out her booty!

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Rise and shine!起床了!出自《冰河世纪》 bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦) 出自《阿甘正传》ants in one's pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) 出自《碟中谍》circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待) 出自《速度与激情》俚语就是美国人或英国人生活里常用的语言,和大家学校里学的英语很不一样。其实中文里也有很多俚语如:哇塞、当了、不靠谱、绝倒、纯爷们儿,这类的语言都是学校里不会教的,因为他们不够正式。俚语是学校里不教的“非正式”语言。俚语可以让说话变得更“生动”更“流利”。俚语比喻一般比较“夸张”,所以很适合用来表达自己的心情和想法。俚语因为比较夸张,可以让你的语言变得更“生动”、“流利”。

159 评论


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