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检索以下的关键词:挥手打出图形9-Waved play graphics00000000000000000000是用激光点燃,It is ignited by the laser,用射束聚集的微波点燃,With a beam of microwave light gathering,用机械手臂,拈着蚊香、打火机,With mechanical arm, thrust forward mosquito coils, lighters,去点燃导火索,To ignite the fuse,用机器手手指来攥住烟花,用机器人拽住大鞭炮、握住烟花筒,With robot fingers grabs fireworks, firecrackers robot grabbed a large holding fireworks tube,都是先进的、无接触的、安全的、可靠的,点燃、燃放手段喔。Are advanced, non-contact, safe, reliable, ignite, discharge means Oh.都很安全啊。We are safe ah.现在,Now,都已经流行,Have been popular,用手机在空中挥舞,Waving in the air using a mobile phone,吹气,Blowing,挥动肢体,Waving limbs,用手指的细微运动,With a slight movement of the finger,脸部的表情变化,Changes in facial expression,来实时,In real time,控制燃放造型的立体形状,Control the discharge of modeling three-dimensional shape,连续变化的动画效果细节动态改变,Animation effect continuously changing dynamic change details,调节爆炸点的空间位置,Adjusting the spatial position of the point of explosion,修正爆炸点的焰色、响度,Fixed explosion of flame, loudness,还论啥子实体结构产品哟。What is also on the physical structure 现在,都是游客,Now, all tourists,自带钢铁怪兽,It comes with steel monsters,共同搭乘摩天轮的轿厢,Together ride the Ferris wheel car,根据自己所在轿厢外的景色,According to their own views of where the car outside,凭借自己的感受,By virtue of their feelings,即兴当场DIY设计,DIY design improvised on the spot,立即向轿厢外发射,Now to car emissions,喜闻乐见,立即可视,立即产生实体的可以用肉眼识别的壮阔场面,即视观感,当场兑现,Loved, immediately visible, immediately generating entity can visually recognize the magnificence of the scene, that is, as the perception, on the spot cash,还可以将3D造型的指令、数据、参数,You can also 3D modeling of instructions, data, parameters,传输到空中的飞行器、或者注入地面行驶的车辆,发给河流中航行的潜艇,Air transport to aircraft, ground vehicles or injected, sent rivers navigable submarine,当即燃放出立体烟花造型,Immediately set off a three-dimensional shape of fireworks,游客在空中欣赏自己的杰作、创作、创意。Tourists enjoy their masterpiece in the air, creation, creativity.不再受制于人,No longer controlled by others,被他人摆布。It is at the mercy of 烟花绽放的样子?Fireworks look like?那是你的DIY,That's your DIY,你的激情展现,Show your passion,你的设计,Your design,你的艺术创作啊,Your art ah,请检索以下提示,Please retrieve the following tips,阅读全文为盼:Hope to read more:现在,是自己DIY构图,Now, it's your own DIY composition,用钢铁怪兽当场打出立体造型,进行验证和修改创作,With steel monster on the spot to play three-dimensional modeling, validation and modification creation,所以,So,为人们所喜闻乐见,踊跃参与,积极投身,Loved by the people, and actively participate in, and actively participate,立即可视,立即产生实体的可以用肉眼识别的壮阔场面,即视观感,当场兑现,Immediately visible, generating entity can immediately recognize the magnificence of the scene with the naked eye, that is, as the perception, on the spot cash,00000000000000000000000五彩缤纷是形容烟花的什么,千姿百态昰形容烟花的什么What is described as colorful fireworks, fireworks mix of what is described as形容都是虚幻,Describe are illusory,空虚,瞎想,臆想、幻想、幻觉、Emptiness, imagining, imagination, fantasy, hallucinations,应当是,It should be,你自己,yourself,亲自设计DIY,Personally designed DIY,立即燃放出立体的造型,Immediately set off a three-dimensional shape,根据实际燃放效果,According to the actual effect of the discharge,继续修改设计,Continue to modify the design,做到完全个性化,Be completely personalized,独特,独步,独领风骚,Unique, unmatched, dominate,独树一帜,为你独尊,Unique, as you only use,别开生面,独步天下。Spectacular, unrivaled in the 电视台直播间怎样发超级烟花?How televised Room sent super fireworks?就是根据观众的呐喊声,Is based on the audience cries,根据球迷声浪的声压最强的位置,According to fans of noise sound pressure the strongest position,根据拥趸情绪、是否吹喇叭的频谱特征,According to fans emotions, whether trumpet of the spectral characteristics,依据进攻的队员的球员颜色和编号,Based offensive players of color and number of players,按照进攻队员的位置,In accordance with the position of offensive players,追随进球的轨迹,Follow the trajectory of the goal,在球赛的现场,In the game scene,各个发射阵地,Each launch position,在进入球场的移动发射装置,In moving into the stadium launchers,发射各种立体造型烟花效果啊。Launch of various three-dimensional modeling fireworks 难得有烟花与狼共舞?Rare fireworks Dances with Wolves?有哇,There is,狼在即兴扑食物、俘获猎物,玩耍,游戏,狼群中开展社会交往活动,Wolf flutter in impromptu food, capture prey, play, games, wolves carry out social interaction,系统就立即自动追随,The system will automatically and immediately follow,燃放出动画的立体烟花造型,Discharge of fireworks animated three-dimensional modeling,并且自动依据狼的情绪,And automatically according to Wolf's emotions,形态动作所表达的语言,Form action expressed language,不断地,continuously,实时地,In real time,改变立体形状中的色彩分布,Change the three-dimensional shape of the color distribution,调整立体造型的亮度渲染效果,Adjust the brightness of rendering three-dimensional modeling,这可不是虚拟的屏幕假的玩意儿哦,This is not a virtual screen fake stuff,是实际烟花燃放的效果呢。Actual fireworks effect yet.还自动作曲和演奏,Also automatic composing and playing,进行现场伴奏呢。They performed live 至于不一般的,As unusual,那就是你即兴跳出街舞的各种动作,That is out of a variety of actions you improvise Hip-hop,系统自动追随你的舞蹈肢体动作,The system automatically follow your dance body movements,燃放出立体变化的图案,Discharge of a three-dimensional pattern of change,是动画效果额。It is 用手势,With gestures,在空中书写一行字,Writing line of text in the air,就立即用烟花将字幕燃放出来啊。It immediately set off fireworks subtitle out.你即兴唱一首歌,You impromptu sing a song,立体烟花就跟随你自动变换,Stereoscopic fireworks will follow you automatically transform,都是实际用火工材料燃放,Pyrotechnics are actually used material discharge,绝对不是计算机虚拟的立体图像。Definitely not a virtual three-dimensional computer 这是一个大系统,This is a big system,你即兴地演唱,You impromptu sing,计算机控制的伴奏乐队,Computer-controlled backing band,自动前馈控制,Automatic feedforward control,进行跟随伴奏,Conduct follow accompaniment,大系统,Large-scale systems,同时,at the same time,不断地根据你的情绪,Constantly depending on your mood,燃放出不断变化的立体烟花造型,Discharge of fireworks changing three-dimensional modeling,000000000000000000000000000呜啊,Woo ah,现在,just now,都是,They are,手持手机,Hand-held cell phones,在空中晃几下,In the air, shake a few,一个钢铁侠大系统, a iron Man big system,就立即打出明亮闪烁的,immediately play bright flashes,实际的,真家伙的,立体造型啊,Real, real thing, three-dimensional modeling,不是屏幕上的虚拟图像哦。Not a virtual image on the screen,00000000000000000000嗨,Hi,不就用一条鞭子,It is to use a whip,在空中挥舞,Waving in the air,在空中晃动出形状的包络线,In the air, shaking out the envelope shape,立即就:Immediately:****公司生产的手机,**** Company production of mobile phones,也就只是一般般,It is just a general,没有啥子尖端、先进,高精密度。There's nothing sophisticated, advanced and high precision.现在都是用手机在空中晃动出形状的包络线,We are now using a mobile phone in the air, shaking the shape of an envelope,剩下的,leftover,立即就由整套的系统自动完成实际在空中的燃放过程了。Now is automatically completed by the entire system the actual process of the discharge in the 晃动手机,在空中挥舞,Shaking the phone, waving in the air,就能够产生各种立体造型,It is possible to produce a variety of three-dimensional modeling,而且,是实际燃放,Moreover, the actual discharge,不是虚拟的图像效果,Not a virtual image effects,没有固定的曲目,No fixed tracks,不是呆板地,按照乐谱演奏,Not rigid, in accordance with the score playing,而是,即兴演奏,Instead, the riffs,同时,自动燃放不同造型的烟花。Meanwhile, the automatic discharge of fireworks of different 时代是在不断地进步,Times are in constant progress,将是有观众掌握自由的主动权,The audience will be free to grasp the initiative,由观众即兴,临时决定燃放的时间,地点,花样,造型,字符内容等等。Improvised by the audience, the provisional decision discharge time, place, pattern, shape, character, content and so on.就是由观众之间可以通过QQ群组团,Is made between the audience can tour through the QQ group,一起举办集体的燃放活动,Organized by a collective of discharge activity,就如微博、微信凑在一起,来个闪客,实施突然,突如其来的燃放活动。As microblogging, micro-channel to get together, to a mob, the implementation of a sudden, sudden discharge activities.国外的游客,Foreign tourists,游览经过此地,Tour through here,可以是个人投币付费方式,进行一次即兴的,小型的,精确的燃放。It may be a personal coin payment, once improvisation, small, precise discharge.这就属于观众心血来潮,突发奇想,当场构思,当场实现燃放。It belongs to the audience a whim, a whim, on the spot conception, realization set off on the spot.好友信息发送烟花是什么意思?What dose friends Sending fireworks mean?是你的死党、好友,Your buddies, friends,遥控立体发射车辆,Remote-dimensional emission vehicles,为你做闪客,You do flashers,出其不意地,Surprisingly,为你演出耶,For your show,真是你的好朋友耶!!!!!!Really your friends! ! ! ! ! !还将你梦寐以求的话,Will you dream it,用花火写在空间、天上,Fireworks used to write in space, the sky,这就是创客的好题目啊!!!This is a good hit off topic! ! !他们才不在手机上摆弄虚拟的玩意儿,They did not play with virtual stuff on the phone,要来真格,To be real,上真家伙!!!Aiming guy! ! !000000000000000现在,just now,都是由你,They are from you,用手势在空中运动,With gestures in the air campaign,就直接决定了立体的造型,Directly determine the three-dimensional shape,当即就燃放出来。It was immediately discharge 顾客现场编程、立即燃放,Customer site programming, immediate discharge,乐队现场即兴演奏,自动跟随燃放,Live music, automatically follow discharge,顾客用手势在空间运动,全自动追随燃放立体造型,Customers with a gesture in space motion, automatic discharge follow three-dimensional modeling,当场燃放、立即动态显示累积费用,Spot discharge, immediately dynamically shows the cumulative cost,顾客当场题词,立即燃放出字幕。Customers inscription on the spot, immediately set off the 手指划过触摸屏,跟着手指划动的轨迹,Finger across the touch screen, finger paddling along the track,屏幕上有烟花绽放效果图像的垃圾软件,There is fireworks effect of junk software image on the screen,已经过时的虚拟现实的虚幻效果,Outdated illusory effect of virtual reality,糊弄崇洋媚外的,不发的地区愚民的小把戏而已。Fool fawning, do not send the region stupefying little trick.俺们可要动真格地,We had better be the real thing,运用雄厚的基础工业装备,The use of a solid foundation of industrial equipment,像烟花一样随你操控的是什么游戏?What game is Like fireworks as you control?什么游戏用手一摸就走烟花?What game fireworks touched left?喔哇,Oh wow,都是啥子年代了,What are the age,还食古不化,Also pedantic,在触摸屏幕用手指划动而产生燃放烟花的虚拟图像效果,In the touch screen with your fingers paddling generated virtual image effects fireworks display,早就被时代彻底底抛弃了!!Age has long been completely abandoned! !现在都是在空中一划,根据手势,根据手势的空间运动,We are now a draw in the air, according to the gesture, according to the gesture of spatial movement,立即就是实际来真格的,Now that is real to real,真实、震撼、空间大爆炸、场面骇人、惊天动地。

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