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Coping with Pressure Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has bee a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important. 由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题.作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等.但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的. Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help. 首先,我们应该正对面对压力.压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们.其次,向别人倾诉压力.聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到一些建议和解决方法.最后,要相信自己.我们应该相信自己我们可以通过自己或他人的帮助处理任何麻烦. 对于压力每个人都有话说,上述例文供大家写作参考!

How can high school students relax under the pressure from school? As we all know, the high school curriculum is being increasingly tight-scheduled and pressuring. Thus it is not a surprise that many school aged children are constantly stressed and worried. However, it is important for them to relax from those stresses in order to achieve their academic potential. The most beneficial and aessible way to relieve stress is through playing sport. It allows the students to have fun; increase their teamwork awareness and improve their health. Studies also show that students who exercise regularly are more likely to do well in school. Other activities they can undertake include reading novels, watching some TV programs and socialise with friends. Playing puter games and indulgence in televised entertainment are not remended. This is because they put a great burden on the eyes of the young students; and these forms of entertainment are usually so enticing that they draw students away from their school work. Thus, students should relax via beneficial and productive means. one *** art 谢老师

Dear Guiren, your honered minister of Education Ministry of China, I am a student in (the name of your college or school in English). I am sorry to take your time to read my letter to you, as I know you must be too busy! However, as a hardworking Chinese student I do think I have the desire to be responsible for every Chinese student to express our unbearable experience in paying great time and effort to learn a very different but out of practice languageh "English" for any whatever majored student. Honest speaking, I think it is somewhat useful for certain kind of students, but for me it is letely no use---now or in my future. Because my major has nothing to do with this strange language今天太晚明天再写

orphanage.孤儿院。其实希望你自己写的。 补充: dear gina, haven't seen you for ages! i miss you very much! during these three moths i was working in an orphanage as an volunteer. everyday, we volunters play and eat with those lovely help them to wash clothes and sometimes 补充: went out camping didn,t think the 孤儿院 was full of somber feeling,because we all love those children. that's all. i really appreciate to see you soon.然后落款……

学生志愿者基本上都是镀金的。自带干粮,免费干活,换取政治资本。对于那种勤工俭学,交学费的苦逼学生来说,当志愿者是一件很奢侈的事情。 ========== 楼主把上面这段汉语翻译成英语,差不多字数够80.

立意.审题之后,就该考虑要写什么,要表达什么,在心中有个大概的轮廓,就像我们读到一本书里的内容简介一样.这个思考的过程就是立意的过程,也是确定作文基本内容的过程,在这个过程中就知道了自己要写什么,这样作文的标题就出来了.标题是作文的核心,作文是围绕标题而写的,有了标题立意,写起来就顺手了,就像迷失方向的时候看到指南针一样,朝着那个方向奔跑吧. 构思.当弄清试题的要求,知道该写什么后,就要开始构思了.构思可以在脑子中进行,如果思绪太乱,就拿笔在草稿上列出提纲.首先想好时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果,确定开头写什么,中间写什么,结尾写什么.回忆自己经历或听说的人与事,看到的物与景,按作文要求巧妙穿插与结合,把每一段落该写什么都列在提纲上,一段一段的写.这样,写的时候每一段落都可以是一篇单独的作文,思路清晰,一气呵成.


recently. a discussion has been held in our school on whether it is reasonable to divide the students into different class aording to their grades. 50% of the students support the action.哎,悬分, they express that this make everyone get what they are easy to main these is more will it easer to teach by

Dear Guiren, your honered minister of Education Ministry of China, I am a student in (the name of your college or school in English). I am sorry to take your time to read my letter to you, as I know you must be too busy! However, as a hardworking Chinese student I do think I have the desire to be responsible for every Chinese student to express our unbearable experience in paying great time and effort to learn a very different but out of practice languageh "English" for any whatever majored student. Honest speaking, I think it is somewhat useful for certain kind of students, but for me it is letely no use---now or in my future. Because my major has nothing to do with this strange language

对事物的性质,特征等故意地夸张或缩小。作用:提示事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。类别特点例句扩大夸张对事物形状、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以夸大柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化缩小夸张对事物形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以缩小只能看到巴掌大的一块天地超前夸张把后出现的说成先出现,把先出现的说成后出现她还没有端酒杯,就醉了。 把物当做人写,赋予物以人的言行或思想感情,用描写人的词来描写物。作用:把禽兽鸟虫花草树木或其他无生命的事物当成人写,使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。如:桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。

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