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首页 > 职称论文 > bbs论坛系统实现的开发论文

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Based on the BBS forum JSP systemWith the popularity of computers and computer the rapid development of science and technology, more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Management of the school's new report an important part of information management. Faced with a large number of students to report information, will be dealt with using human waste a lot of time, manpower and material resources, and the accuracy of the data low. Therefore, the development of a user-friendly, easy to operate the information management system to automate processing has become very important, this is the purpose of the system development and significance. Freshmen taking enquiries and report back system is an information management system, including the development of its database background to the establishment and maintenance, and front-end application development aspects. With regard to the former request to establish a strong data consistency and integrity, data security, and other characteristics of a good database. For the latter request applications fully functional, easy to use and so on. System using B / S structure, to meet the enquiries and more remote branch manager at the same time the needs of the time of admission. This paper against the system in all its aspects, involved in the process of developing the technology and tools are conducted on. We will use the JSP JDBC technology linking the MySQL database, the information database will exist through the display interface and edit it, for such an operation.

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1、 基于JSP的BBS论坛管理系统 摘 要为了方便信息的交流,在结合动态服务网页(JSP)和MYSQL 技术之下开发了这个快截、界面友好的网上交流系统。论坛使用动态服务网页(JSP)技术建设论坛的骨干框架,使用MYSQL制作系统的数据库... 类别:毕业论文 大小:473 KB 日期:2008-10-23 2、 论坛留言板系统的设计与开发(开题报告+论文+程序) 2008-06-08 02:44 50,688 开题报告.doc2008-06-08 02:44 74,752 英文翻译.doc2008-06-05 ... 类别:毕业设计 大小: MB 日期:2008-06-28 3、 asp+access在线论坛系统的设计(开题报告+论文+程序) 2005-06-06 03:16 28,672 中英文摘要,目录.doc2005-06-06 01:30 25,600 任务书.doc2005-06-0... 类别:毕业设计 大小: MB 日期:2008-06-22 4、 ASP论坛管理系统 摘 要为了方便师生信息的交流,在结合动态服务网页(ASP)和ACCESS2003 技术之下开发了这个快截、界面友好的师生交流系统。论坛使用动态服务网页(ASP)技术建设论坛的骨干框架,使用ACCES... 类别:毕业论文 大小:484 KB 日期:2008-05-15

91 评论


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