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1 自动售咖啡机介绍... 自动售咖啡机功能分析... 自动售咖啡机的基本功能... FPGA的选型原则... FPGA的概述... FPGA的产生... FPGA的定义... FPGA的发展趋势... FPGA的特点... FPGA的主要功能... 的基本结构及原理... FPGA的系统结构... FPGA各部分的作用... 102 FPGA系统设计... 可编程序控制系统设计的基本原则... 控制系统设计原则... 控制系统设计的基本内容... 控制系统设计的一般步骤... 编写梯形图的注意事项... 程序设计的步骤... 153 自动售咖啡机FPGA程序设计... 仿真实验系统中售咖啡机的分析... 设计任务的确定... 程序设计部分... 程序设计说明... FPGA程序设计... 仿真界面与FPGA的配合定义... 数据连接... 定义I/O设备... 设计... 324 结束语... 36参考文献... 36致谢... 37

104 评论


纯手工翻译。请鉴定。基于学员综合素质培养目标模型的学员综合素质考核指标体系研究The reseach on the evaluating system of student's comprehensive quality based on the objective model of student's comprehensive quality training摘要:在建立学员综合素质培养目标模型的基础上,通过分析比较现行学员考核体系和方法的优缺点,采用“专家+德尔斐”法的方式,得出了学员综合素质考核指标体系及其权重分布,为科学、定量的考核学员的综合素质提供参考。Abstract: Based on the establishment of the objective model of student's comprehensive quality training, this paper analytically compares its advantage and disadvantage with that of current evaluating system and method, and adopts the method of ' Expert and Delphi' . It obtains the indexes system of evaluation of student's comprehensive quality and its weight distribution, and provides the reference for evaluating student's comprehensive quality scientifically and quantificationally.注:译文中加了主语 this paper (本文)希望对你有帮助。

322 评论


Topic: based on students comprehensive quality training target model students comprehensive quality evaluation indicator system research Abstract: in establishing a comprehensive quality training target students on the basis of the model, through the analysis the current student evaluation system and a comparison method, the advantages and disadvantages of using "experts + Delphi method of, it is concluded that the way students comprehensive quality assessment system, and its weight distribution for science, quantitative assessment of the student's overall quality to provide the reference

95 评论


Title: EPS buffer FEM stress analysis and structure optimization based on (the real test) Abstract: in this paper, three different density of EPS material, in accordance with the provisions of packaging test standards for testing and verification on the mechanical properties of the material, to obtain the corresponding stress-strain curve and cushion coefficient stress curve by analyzing the data; the different mechanical properties analysis, obtained when the same EPS material density, the thickness of the material impact more it can bear the larger, but its buffer efficiency is low; when the EPS material with the same thickness, material density is greater impact force which can bear larger, but its buffer efficiency is low. System composed of EPS buffer material at the same time for the MB70-3006G washing machine beauty of the drop tests were conducted, obtaining acceleration time curve of the system. And the acquisition and Simulation of the acceleration time curves were compared, set parameters in the simulation model, to ensure that the two data. Finally obtains a set of FEM modeling method, provides a general modeling simulation package system for the follow-up of the material.

156 评论


Topic: based on students comprehensive quality training target model students comprehensive quality evaluation indicator system research Abstract: in establishing a comprehensive quality training target students on the basis of the model, through the analysis the current student evaluation system and a comparison method, the advantages and disadvantages of using "experts + Delphi method of, it is concluded that the way students comprehensive quality assessment system, and its weight distribution for science, quantitative assessment of the student's overall quality to provide the reference 题目:基于学员综合素质培养目标模型的学员综合素质考核指标体系研究摘要:在建立学员综合素质培养目标模型的基础上,通过分析比较现行学员考核体系和方法的优缺点,采用“专家+德尔斐”法的方式,得出了学员综合素质考核指标体系及其权重分布,为科学、定量的考核学员的综合素质提供参考。

318 评论


Title:Study of students' general cultivation index system which on the basis of students' general cultivation modelAbstract: Based on students' general cultivation model, this paper try to analyse the relative merits about the present evaluation system and tools, and then find out the students' general cultivation index system and its weight distributions through the way from Expert Delfi, likewise contribute to appraising students' general cultivation scientifically and quantitatively.

166 评论


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    1 自动售咖啡机介绍... 31.1自动售咖啡机功能分析... 31.1.1自动售咖啡机的基本功能... 31.2 FPGA的选型原则... 41.3 FPGA

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