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首页 > 职称论文 > 水对环氧树脂的影响研究论文

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313 评论


In this paper, using the acid anhydride and amine curing agent to solidify bisphenol A type epoxy resin, epoxy soybean oil and liquid rubber modified bisphenol A epoxy resin curing system, in different temperature experimental observation of modified epoxy resin water weighing method experiment, calculation of water balance water absorption rate, obtain the sample weighing with inlet time curve. According to the curve can be calculated from the diffusion coefficients of water. Through the DSC experiments using epoxy soybean oil and liquid rubber modified epoxy resin in different soaking temperature Tg, according to Arrehnius equation can get water in resin diffusion activation energy. Free volume of the polymer is influenced by water in the polymer absorption and diffusion are important factors, polymer free volume fraction is the main factor of water diffusion coefficient and activation the experimental data can be studied in different soaking temperature measurement, epoxy resin samples after soaking water quality change of modified epoxy resin - anhydride ( polyether amine ) sample of water diffusion behavior. Through the control of the epoxy soybean oil and rubber liquid adding amount, flexible adjustment of the water resistance of epoxy words: epoxy soybean oil; liquid rubber; epoxy coating; water resistance 希望可以帮到你!

284 评论


This paper based on anhydride and amine curing agent to curing of bisphenol A type of epoxy resin, epoxy soybean oil and liquid rubber modified to bisphenol A type epoxy resin curing system, in different temperatures with experimental observation modified epoxy resin water the experiment weighing method, calculation of water balance bibulous rate, acquire samples with the change of time weighing water curve. According to the curves can be out of the water diffusion coefficient. Through the DSC experiment with epoxy soybean oil and get liquid rubber modified epoxy resin in different soaking temperature Tg, according to Arrehnius equation can get water in the spread of the resins apparent activation energy. Polymer free volume is the effect of water in polymer absorption and spread of the important factors, the freedom of polymer volume fraction is the main factor bibulous diffusion coefficient and activation the experiment data can be studied in soaking under different temperature, and the measurement of epoxy resin soaking water samples after the quality change to study of modified epoxy resin-anhydride (polyether amine) sample water diffusion behavior. Through the control of the epoxy soybean oil and liquid rubber additives, can adjust the flexible epoxy resin water : epoxy soybean oil; Liquid rubber; Epoxy coating; Water resistance希望能够帮到你(有道)

326 评论


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