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密码学在信息安全中的作用概述 引言基于日常生活,同学们对密码的了解可能仅仅直观来自于社交账号的密码,银行卡的密码,若再提及电脑,可能就是开机密码。而严格的来说,上述所举密码都不是密码学中的密码,他们都只是一种口令。密码学是研究编制密码和破译密码的技术科学。研究密码变化的客观规律,应用于编制密码以保守通信秘密的,称为编码学;应用于破译密码以获取通信情报的,称为破译学,总称密码学。这里方便理解,我们可以举“门锁”的技术机制,因为它能在一定程度上反映密码学的技术思想。 一、密码学的作用 那么密码学的作用是什么呢?它是一门用来研究如何隐密地传递信息的学科。在现代特别指对信息以及其传输的数学性研究,常被认为是数学和计算机科学的分支,和信息论也密切相关。著名的密码学者Ron Rivest解释道:“密码学是关于如何在敌人存在的环境中通讯”。自工程学的角度,这相当于密码学与纯数学的异同。密码学是信息安全等相关议题,如认证、访问控制的核心。密码学的首要目的是隐藏信息的涵义,并不是隐藏信息的存在。由此可见,密码是通信双方按约定的法则进行信息特殊变换的一种重要保密手段,使得交流的信息获得安全保障不被他人获取。通俗一点来说,就是使信息伪装化,使未授权者不能得到信息的真实含义。 二、密码学的一些相关概念首先不得不提的是加密密钥。因为加密解密都在它的控制下进行。其次是加密算法,它是用于加密的一簇数学变换,相应的,用于解密的一簇数学变换称为解密算法,而且解密算法是加密算法的逆运算,掌握了加密密钥和算法的人才算授权了的人。依照这些法则,变明文为密文(称为加密变换),变密文为明文(成为脱密变换),合法的通信双方就得以进行信息交流。 三、密码的三个性质保密性,保真性和保完整性。所以密码学是在编码与破译的斗争实践中逐步发展起来的,并随着先进科学技术的应用,已成为一门综合性的尖端技术科学。它与语言学、数学、电子学、声学、信息论、计算机科学等有着广泛而密切的联系。它的现实研究成果,特别是各国政府现用的密码编制及破译手段都具有高度的机密性。 四、密码的由来与信息安全的联系大约在公元前1900年前,古埃及一位奴隶主的墓志铭中就出现了一些古怪的符号。西方密码学家认为这是密码的最早出现。一般,墓志铭不需要保密,这样做大概是出于对墓主人的尊敬和追求文字表达的艺术性。而随着互联网的急速发展,网络信息的安全成了一项重大问题。密码在早期仅对文字或数码进行加、脱密变换,随着通信技术的发展,对语音、图像、数据等都可实施加、脱密变换,如今特别是在于电脑与网络安全所使用的技术,如访问控制与信息的机密性。所以密码学与计算机科学相互促进发展。现在密码学已被广泛应用在日常生活:包括自动柜员机的芯片卡、电脑使用者存取密码、电子商务等等。要说到密码与信息安全的关系,不难理解,密码是信息安全的关键技术或核心技术。从而,国际上,密码属于一个国家的主权。即,任何一个国家有自主选。再由于信息所需的保密性,几乎所有的信息安全领域都要应用密码技术,所以密码也是信息安全的共性技术。那么密码对信息安全的重要性也可见一斑了。 五、信息安全的专业定义信息安全是指信息系统(包括硬件、软件、数据、人、物理环境及其基础设施)受到保护,不受偶然的或者恶意的原因而遭到破坏、更改、泄露,系统连续可靠正常地运行,信息服务不中断,最终实现业务连续性。信息安全主要包括以下五方面的内容,即需保证信息的保密性、真实性、完整性、未授权拷贝和所寄生系统的安全性。其根本目的就是使内部信息不受内部、外部、自然等因素的威胁。为保障信息安全,要求有信息源认证、访问控制,不能有非法软件驻留,不能有未授权的操作等行为。既然有人想要对信息进行加密处理,那么也有敌人想要破解密码从而截取信息。 六、密码破译的发展与信息安全的联系1412年,波斯人卡勒卡尚迪所编的百科全书中载有破译简单代替密码的方法。到16世纪末期,欧洲一些国家设有专职的破译人员,以破译截获的密信。密码破译技术有了相当的发展。1863年普鲁士人卡西斯基所著《密码和破译技术》,以及1883年法国人克尔克霍夫所著《军事密码学》等著作,都对密码学的理论和方法做过一些论述和探讨。不得不说,两次世界大战对于密码学和信息安全来说都是发展的“绝胜时期”。第一次世界大战中的密码斗法。美国破译其他国家密码,一战结束后,军情处8 科被解散。雅德利带领留下的50多人成立了美国黑室”,专门破译各国的外交密电。1917-1929,雅德利领导的“美国黑室”小组破译了45000多份密电,包括中国、德国、英国、法国、俄国等20多国。雅德利经营了十几年的 “美国黑室”被国务卿关闭,理由是“君子之间不偷看信件”。此语成为美国密码史上的一句名言。后来,雅德利把这段经历写成一本书《美国黑室》。第二次世界大战中的密码斗法。二战时期密码技术有了很大提高,一战时的密码技术主要依靠手工进行加解密,密码的复杂程度、安全性和加解密速度都不够高,密码破译人员主要由语言专家,猜谜专家,象棋冠军组成。战时的密码技术实现了机电化,加解密用机电装置进行,密码的复杂程度、安全性和加解密速度都有很大提高。密码破译人员也有数学专家的加入,并发挥主力作用。军事家评价:“盟军在密码方面的成功,使第二次世界大战提前十年结束”。中国的抗日战争是第二次世界大战的重要组成部分,值得骄傲的是中国人破译了日本部分密码,为赢得战争胜利作出了重要贡献为赢得战争胜利作出了重要贡献1938年底雅德利来重庆任军统密码破译顾问,为军统培训了200多名密码人才,回国。后来我国破译了日本间谍的重庆气象密电,抓获了间谍;还破译了汪伪的一个间谍密码,并抓获了间谍;还破译了日本空军的密码,使重庆空战损失减小;还破译了日本外务省的部分密码,获得了珍珠港事件前的部分情报。 到1949年美国人香农发表了《秘密体制的通信理论》一文,应用信息论的原理分析了密码学中的一些基本问题。自19世纪以来,由于电报特别是无线电报的广泛使用,为密码通信和第三者的截收都提供了极为有利的条件。通信保密和侦收破译形成了一条斗争十分激烈的隐蔽战线。当今世界各主要国家的政府都十分重视密码工作,有的设立庞大机构,拨出巨额经费,集中数以万计的专家和科技人员,投入大量高速的电子计算机和其他先进设备进行工作。与此同时,各民间企业和学术界也对密码日益重视,不少数学家、计算机学家和其他有关学科的专家也投身于密码学的研究行列,更加速了密码学的发展。最终密码学终于成为一门独立的学科。 七、密码学与信息安全的联系密码学是一门跨学科科目,从很多领域衍生而来:它可以被看做是信息理论,却使用了大量的数学领域的工具,众所周知的如数论和有限数学。信息安全也是一门涉及计算机科学、网络技术、通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多种学科的综合性学科。信息作为一种资源,它的普遍性、共享性、增值性、可处理性和多效用性,使其对于人类具有特别重要的意义。我国的改革开放带来了各方面信息量的急剧增加,并要求大容量、高效率地传输这些信息。传输信息的方式很多,有局域计算机网、互联网和分布式数据库,有蜂窝式无线、分组交换式无线、卫星电视会议、电子邮件及其它各种传输技术。信息在存储、处理和交换过程中,都存在泄密或被截收、窃听、窜改和伪造的可能性,所以安全的保障被高度重视起来。不管是机构还是个人,正把日益繁多的事情托付给计算机来完成,敏感信息正经过脆弱的通信线路在计算机系统之间传送,专用信息在计算机内存储或在计算机之间传送,电子银行业务使财务账目可通过通信线路查阅,执法部门从计算机中了解罪犯的前科,医生们用计算机管理病历,所有这一切,最重要的问题是不能在对非法(非授权)获取(访问)不加防范的条件下传输信息。由此我们提出安全策略这个术语,信息安全策略是指为保证提供一定级别的安全保护所必须遵守的规则。实现信息安全,不但靠先进的技术,而且也得靠严格的安全管理,法律约束和安全教育。 八、密码学与信息安全共同迅速发展中国信息安全行业起步较晚,自本世纪初以来经历了三个重要发展阶段(萌芽、爆发和普及阶段,产业规模逐步扩张。带动了市场对信息安全产品和服务需求的持续增长;另外,政府重视和政策扶持也不断推动我国信息安全产业的快速发展。据《2013-2017年中国信息安全行业发展前景与投资战略规划分析报告》数据显示,2010年中国信息安全产品市场规模达到亿元,同比增长。前瞻网认为,信息安全行业具有较大发展潜力,但目前国内互联网行业的信息安全形势不容乐观,随着网络日益渗透到社会生活的各个方面,增强网络信息安全意识、提升信息安全防范措施变得尤为迫切。2012年信息安全产业将步入高速发展阶段,而整个互联网用户对安全产品的要求也转入“主动性安全防御”。随着用户安全防范意识正在增强,主动性安全产品将更受关注,主动的安全防御将成为未来安全应用的主流。 信息安全的市场主流电子商务将加密技术作为基本安全措施。加密技术分为两类,即对称加密和非对称加密。一、对称加密又称私钥加密,即信息的发送方和接收方用同一个密钥去加密和解密数据。它的最大优势是加/解密速度快,适合于对大数据量进行加密,但密钥管理困难。如果进行通信的双方能够确保专用密钥在密钥交换阶段未曾泄露,那么机密性和报文完整性就可以通过这种加密方法加密机密信息、随报文一起发送报文摘要或报文散列值来实现。二、非对称加密又称公钥加密,使用一对密钥来分别完成加密和解密操作,其中一个公开发布(即公钥),另一个由用户自己秘密保存(即私钥)。信息交换的过程是:甲方生成一对密钥并将其中的一把作为公钥向其他交易方公开,得到该公钥的乙方使用该密钥对信息进行加密后再发送给甲方,甲方再用自己保存的私钥对加密信息进行解密因为在互联网上,每台计算机都存在或多或少的安全问题。安全问题必然会导致严重后果。诸如系统被破坏,数据丢失,机密被盗和直接、间接的经济损失,这都是不容忽视的问题。既然说到安全,我们经常提到要使用防火墙、杀毒软件等等。而密码技术的有一个劣势就是密码不擅长解决信息处理形态的安全问题。这是目前病毒泛滥,而我们又没有很好办法的根本原因。因此请记住:“再好的密码也不能杀病毒,再好的杀病毒软件也不能当密码用”。两者都很重要!说了这么多,密码学与信息安全就是相辅相成的关系。密码学因信息安全得以更快发展,信息在密码学的保障下得以安全交流。参考文献:[1]谢希仁.计算机网络(第4版)[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2003.[2]张民,徐跃进.网络安全实验教程,清华大学出版社,2007,6.[3]许治坤,王伟等.网络渗透技术,电子工业出版社,2005-5-11.[4]武新华,翟长森等,黑客攻防秘技大曝光,清华大学出版社,2006.。。这是我之前纯手写的,还能关于密码学的,觉得能用就拿去吧

205 评论


Recently,the news that attack on China's Inter is always the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our a result,in the era of rapid development of neork,we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively.


From my perspective,in the first place,we should call attention to our personal only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites,but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be it will make it possible for that neork can run more addition to doing some work by ourselves,the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber involves probing for deeply rooted reasons,devising creative solutions,developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision.

从我的角度来看,首先,我们应该关注我们的个人信息.我们不仅不随随便便在一些奇怪的网站提供自己的信息,而且我们需要在众多的网站之间明辨是非.此外,安装一些安全的杀毒软件是必须的.这使得网络运行更加稳定.除了我们自己该做一些努力之外,还需要 *** 制定相关政策来保护国家网络安全.这就涉及到探究深层次的原因,想出有创造性的解决方案,发展高新技术人才、加强监管.

Although scientists still cannot overe the problem pletely,they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber of cyber security should not in this way,we just enjoy the convenience brought by the neork.





SafetySafety is very important for everyone. As students, we should pay more attention to , there are more and more cars on the road now. So when we cross the road we must be careful so that we can't be hit by the car. Then, having healthy food is also important. We shouldn't eat lots of junk food or unclean food. It isn't good for our health. What's more, we should use the Inter carefully. When a -friend wants to invite you to meet outside, you had better refuse him. He may be a bad person. Finally, we should learn some mon knowledge of safety to protect ourselves. In a word, if we do these things well, our life will be better!















Along with the calculator technical quick development, Be puting the business of on board processing also from according to the mathematics operation, document of the single machine processing, according to in brief link of the internal business of the internal neork processing, transact automation's etc. to develop to connect the business enterprise class of (Inter) a calculator a processing system and the information share in the world scope and business processing with each other according to the plicated internal (Intra), business enterprise exterior (Extra), the system handle an ability exaltation of in the meantime, the conjunction ability of system also in the continuous at the time of linking an ability information and circulating an ability exaltation, according to neork conjunction of the safe problem is also increasingly outstanding, the whole neork safety mainly expresses a few aspects at the following:The physical safety, neork of neork rushes toward a structure safety, neork system safety, application system safety and neork management of safe etc..So the calculator safe problem, should the elephant each per family's fire prevention guard against theft the problem is similar, attaining to guard against in not will not thought of you will also bee the time of[with] target by yourself, threatenning have already appeared, once taking place, usually caught unprepared, result in pole great damage.规定字数有限,想要详细信息,麻烦请给我邮箱,谢谢


篇一:交通安全Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic accidents. It is reported that many accidents resulted from people's breaking of traffic rules. So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, underground passage or pedestrian overpass. If one is riding a bike or motorcycle, keep riding on the right side of the road. When the red light is on, please stop and wait until the green light is on. Give a hand signal if one wants to turn or stop. It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very dangerous. Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind everyone obeys the traffic rules, it will be much safer to walk or ride on the road.篇二:交通安全交通安全的英语作文4篇交通安全的英语作文4篇With more and more cars ing into our families,we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily,it has also brought many problems,such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.(善意的谎言作文)Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example,we must walk on walk side,when we cross zebra – crossing,stop and look right and left,then go across fast. Don't play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive,not to run through red lights,not to talk and laugh while driving can say cars are ing into our life,but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.


1 关于校园安全的英语作文 Recently,six killing accident happen in elementary school,which have a bad influences on our social influences can be described as elementary school killing accident cause the students'panic,worrying about their own 's more,it also cause the parents'and teathers' worry,and parents and teachers must pay more attention to their children's and student's but not least,due to this,many other people hold panic for their own what we have discussed ,we know the serious consequence of killing accident in elementary facing this accident,relative department should take effective measures to reduce the killing accident in elementary school,reducing the social panic,assurencing the social 关于饮食安全的英语作文 Dining safty has long been a major concern of human race,so,how can we assure that we are dinning safely?As the basic element of dining safty,source of the food is perhaps the most essential issue that we should focus upon,if the raw metrial itself can cause negative effects to the human body,nothing can be done to put it hygiene will pehaps be another element that should be taken into consideration,including water source,type of cooking oil,quality of spicery used and blending of cooking sum up,we have a lot to do to ensure dining safty3 关于学校安全的英语作文 Teachers and parents are working together to ensure the health and well-being of all are really safe places for children to be,and they are the heart of the 's make sure they stay that munities are finding practical ways to provide children the safe and disciplined conditions they need and should expect to find in school,such as by promoting *** aller schools,respectful munities,fair and rigorously enforced discipline codes,teacher training to deal with violence,school uniforms,and after-school programs that keep kids productive and of

如何保持安全 英语作文 初中水平

Schools are really safe places for children to be, and they are the heart of the munity. Let's make sure they stay that , schools, parents, and munities are finding practical ways to provide children the safe and disciplined conditions they need and should expect to find in school, such as by promoting *** aller schools, respectful munities, fair and rigorously enforced discipline codes, teacher training to deal with violence, school uniforms, and after-school programs that keep kids productive and off the must get violence out of our schools, and we must put discipline and learning back in them.


Automobile,the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies,marked by rapid change and growth ,is moving into a new era,an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our on the duality has bee very popular in newspapers or in people's chats. On the one hand, no one denies that automobile is currently one of the most useful transportation in our daily life. On the other hand, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams. The harm and loss they cost are incalculable. Heavy traffic will make much time waste for nothing and accidents happen form time to time. In addition, more and more private cars will make environmental pollution more serious, which will do harm to human my opinion, it is high time for the whole people to reduce the frequency of traffic jams. The first step should be to fundamentally chane lifestyles so that the car is no longer part and parcel of everyday life. Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities.汽车,最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,以快速变化和发展为标志,正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时期,这将重塑我们的生活和我们的世界。









*** 还要采取有效的措施吸引市民采用公共交通工具,例如,降低价格,完善相关设施。

关于校园安全的英语作文 50——80词左右

Recently,six killing accident happen in elementary school,which have a bad influences on our social influences can be described as elementary school killing accident cause the students'panic,worrying about their own 's more,it also cause the parents'and teathers' worry,and parents and teachers must pay more attention to their children's and student's but not least,due to this,many other people hold panic for their own what we have discussed ,we know the serious consequence of killing accident in elementary facing this accident,relative department should take effective measures to reduce the killing accident in elementary school,reducing the social panic,assurencing the social safety,


development of the society, people can live a better life in general. So becauseof the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own jam es to life. While people in order to be punctual, they oftenignore the cars crossing on the road. This behavior will easily bring trafficaccidens. On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and thenregardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic accidents. Boththe driver and people themseves' behaviourleads to accidents. Those accidents may take people's lives away. It's soterrible. Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian shouldobey the traffic regulation as we have only one life.

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253 评论


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