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As a small-scale study, this study was designed to investigate some disadvantages and problems in college listening teaching and learning with the purpose of providing some suggestions for further reform. In particular, by means of questionnaire survey, the study was carried out to examine the college students’listening proficiency, the context of listening teaching and learning in universities of China. With the help of the quantitative methodology, the data in this study was collect...[1] 万中艳. Chinese Teachers' Beliefs about Their Roles in ELT (English Language Teaching) are a Main Cause to Influence Learners' Participation in Classroom Interaction: A study of College English Teachers in Sanywiang College[D]. 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 (硕士), 2005,(03) . 李潇.Teaching and Learning of Listening in Universities of China: Suggestions on Reform[D]. 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 (硕士),2005,(03)如果需要更多,私聊,下载也可以
医学是一个广泛而复杂的学科领域,相关SCI论文的题材也非常丰富。星科SCIER认为以下是一些常见的医学SCI论文的题材:1. 疾病研究:涉及疾病的发病机制、病因
1、经皮肾镜激光碎石术治疗尿路结石的围术期针对性护理的效果 2、输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术患者的护理 3、泌尿外科住院患者药物过敏性休克的抢救及护理 4、预防
主要研究方向:1、口腔美容修复2、口腔粘接学代表论文:1、牙本质表面状态对粘结界面影响的激光扫描共聚焦显微镜研究 实用口腔医学杂志【2005,21(1):71-
高振利,二级教授,博士生导师,烟台毓璜顶医院副院长,全国五一劳动奖章获得者,山东省有突出贡献中青年专家,享受国务院 *** 特殊津贴。
海军军医大学,地处上海,创建于 1949年,时,称华东军区人民医学院, 1951年定名为第二军医大学,。,2015年由原总后勤部转隶中央军委训练管理部。2017