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1.来稿应具先进性、科学性和逻辑性,要求资料真实、数据可靠、论点明确、结构严谨、文字通顺。论著、综述等一般不超过4 000字,简报、病例报告等一般不超过1 000字。2.来稿须附第一作者主管单位推荐信,并注明对稿件的审评意见,以及无一稿两投、不涉及保密及署名无争议等项。3.来稿要求1式2份,其中1份应为原稿,另1份可为复印件,但照片图必须提供2份原始照片。文字应隔行打印。特殊文种、上下角标符号、需排斜体等应予注明。凡字迹潦草、涂改不清的稿件,恕不受理。4.来稿首页请标明以下内容:题名,每位作者的姓名、工作单位,负责与编辑部联系、修改稿件、通读校样的通讯作者的姓名及其详细通讯地址、电话号、传真号和Email地址。5.本刊对重大研究成果或论文所涉及的课题取得国家或部、省级以上基金资助或属攻关项目,将使用“快速通道”在最快时间发表,凡要求以“快速通道”发表的论文,作者应提供关于论文创新性的书面说明和查新报告,经审核同意后一般在收到稿件后4个月内出版。6.根据《著作权法》,并结合本刊具体情况,凡来稿在接到本刊回执后3个月内未接到稿件处理通知,系仍在审阅中。作者如欲投他刊,请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投。一旦发现一稿两投,将立即退稿;而一旦发现一稿两用,本刊将刊登该文系重复发表的声明,在中华医学会系列杂志上通报,并在2年内拒绝以该文第一作者为作者的任何来稿。7.来稿一律文责自负。依照《著作权法》有关规定,本刊对决定刊用的文稿可做文字修改、删节,凡有涉及原意的修改,则提请作者考虑。对退请作者修改的文稿,要求作者将修改稿以纯文本格式存入软盘,将文件名标注在软盘上,与修改稿打印件一并寄回本刊编辑部。修改稿逾3个月不返回本编辑部者,视作自动撤稿。8.来稿决定刊用后,由作者亲笔签署论文专有使用权授权书,专有使用权即归中华医学会所有。除以纸载体形式出版外,中华医学会有权以光盘、网络期刊等其他方式出版决定刊用的文稿。9.稿件确认刊用后,将通知作者按有关规定交纳版面费,刊印彩图者需另付彩图印制工本费。版面费和彩图印制工本费可由作者单位从课题基金、科研费或其他费用中支付,确有困难者可申请减免。稿件刊登后酌致稿酬(已含光盘版,网络版稿酬),赠当期杂志1册,论著类文章赠送抽印本20份。10.来稿请自留底稿。不采用稿件一般不寄还,但原始照片一律退还作者。若需退还原稿,请在投稿时声明。

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期刊名 journal of ethnopharmacology 出版周期: 半月刊 中科院杂志分区 全科医学与补充医学分类下的 3 区期刊 近四年影响因子2014年度 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 杂志由 ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0378-8741 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The Journal of Ethnopharmacology is dedicated to the exchange of information and understandings about people's use of plants, fungi, animals, microorganisms and minerals and their biological and pharmacological effects based on the principles established through international conventions. Early people confronted with illness and disease, discovered a wealth of useful therapeutic agents in the plant and animal kingdoms. The empirical knowledge of these medicinal substances and their toxic potential was passed on by oral tradition and sometimes recorded in herbals and other texts on materia medica. Many valuable drugs of today (., atropine, ephedrine, tubocurarine, digoxin, reserpine) came into use through the study of indigenous remedies. Chemists continue to use plant-derived drugs (., morphine, taxol, physostigmine, quinidine, emetine) as prototypes in their attempts to develop more effective and less toxic medicinals. In recent years the preservation of local knowledge, the promotion of indigenous medical systems in primary health care, and the conservation of biodiversity have become even more of a concern to all scientists working at the interface of social and natural sciences but especially to ethnopharmacologists. Recognizing the sovereign rights of States over their natural resources, ethnopharmacologists are particularly concerned with local people's rights to further use and develop their autochthonous resources. Accordingly, today's ethnopharmacological research embraces the multidisciplinary effort in the: ? documentation of indigenous medical knowledge, ? scientific study of indigenous medicines in order to contribute in the long-run to improved health care in the regions of study, as well as ? search for pharmacologically unique principles from existing indigenous remedies. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology publishes original articles concerned with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of plant and animal substances used in the traditional medicine of past and present cultures. The journal will particularly welcome interdisciplinary papers with an ethnopharmacological, an ethnobotanical or an ethnochemical approach to the study of indigenous drugs. Reports of anthropological and ethnobotanical field studies fall within the journal's scope. Studies involving pharmacological and toxicological mechanisms of action are especially welcome. Clinical studies on efficacy will be considered if contributing to the understanding of specific ethnopharmacological problems. The journal also welcomes review articles in the above mentioned fields especially on novel methodologies relevant to disease states.

196 评论


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225 评论


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  • 中科院皮肤科医学期刊投稿

    1.来稿应具先进性、科学性和逻辑性,要求资料真实、数据可靠、论点明确、结构严谨、文字通顺。论著、综述等一般不超过4 000字,简报、病例报告等一般不超过1 00

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    1.1 投稿方式--该刊已实行网上投稿、审稿、收/投修稿及校对校样稿,投稿后该刊通过手机短信以及Email随时通知您稿件的处理进展情况,作者登录到投稿系统后,系

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