药店 drugstore、pharmacy、dispensary非处方药 (Non-prescription Drug or Over-the-Counter, OTC)处方药 (Prescription Drug, Ethical Drug,or Receptor X, Rx)症状 symptom用法用量:usage and dosage感冒 catch(have)a cold发高/低烧 have a high/slight fever鼻塞 have a stuffy nose流涕 have a runny nose咽喉痛 have a sore throat咳嗽得很厉害 cough a lot咳嗽有痰 cough up some phlegm您需要什么,先生/女士? Can I help you Sir/Madam? 或What can I do for you?2shivery 发冷 sleepy 发困 syrup 糖浆 capsule 胶囊 essence 口服液 tablet 药片 ache all over 浑身酸痛 cough mixture 咳嗽药水My throat feels swollen. 我的喉咙肿了。 Golden throat 金嗓子喉宝What’s wrong with you? 您怎么啦。I need some medicine for my cold. 我要一些感冒药。Do you have a temperature? 您量过体温了吗?Do you cough up any phlegm? 咳嗽有痰吗?How long have you been like this? 像这样多长时间了?Take this medicine 3 tablets once after meals, and three times a day. 一天三次,每次三片,饭后服用。3power 药粉 pill 药丸 ointment 软膏 eye-drops 眼药水 nose-drops 滴鼻剂 ear-drops 滴耳剂 nasal spray 鼻喷雾剂 suppository 栓剂 aerosol 气雾剂 chewable tablet 咀嚼片 plaster 贴膏 bond-aid 邦迪 protecting wound plaster 护创膏 Take a rest and you will be well soon. 注意休息,很快就会好的。I think this drug may be suitable for you. 我想这种药比较适合你。The cashier is over there. 收银台在那边。Please go to the cashier to pay the fee first. 请先到收银台付账。4Clinistix [klinistiks] 尿糖试纸Home pregnancy test 早孕测试笔(纸)extended release 控释片ulcer 溃疡ulcerated tongue 生溃疡的舌疮This medicine can fast relieve. 这种药可以迅速缓解。blood pressure meter 血压计absorbent conton ball 酒精棉球perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis 常年性,季节性的过敏性鼻炎have a fungus infection on the feet 脚染上真菌My congestive feet are itchy. 我的脚又肿又痒。fungicide 杀真菌剂redoxon 力度伸I have a rash all over my body. 我全身起皮疹。tinea tonsurans 头癣,发癣It's a very effected ,less toxic and better tolerated drug. 这药非常有效,毒性小,且耐受性好。5contraceptive 避孕品condoms 安全套dysmenorrhea n. 痛经lose a lot月经量过多to start a family 怀孕dysentery n. 痢疾,腹泻bacteroidal dysentery 细菌性痢疾costive/constipated adj. 便秘的constipation n. 便秘laxative 泻药This will loosen your stools. 这种药可以通便。I am constipated for several days.我便秘好几天了。insomnia失眠 hypertension 高血压 hypotension 低血压fretted 发炎 allergic rhinitis 过敏性鼻炎 allergic dermatitis 过敏性皮炎vitamin C effervecent tables VC泡腾片 numbness 冻伤 herbal 草药的This is a special adhesive for easting the pain, apply it to the painful and change it every two days.这是专门的药膏,贴在患处,两天换一次。Did you take any medicine before? 你以前用过其他药吗?6flu 流行性感冒influenza virus 流感病毒otitis media 中耳炎meningitis 脑膜炎convulsion 痉挛、惊厥with normal limits 在正常范围内migraine-headache 周期性偏头痛insulin 胰岛素overtired 过度疲乏的hoarse (声音)嘶哑的drink feeder 奶瓶hyperthyroidism 甲状腺功能亢进You can have it filled at pharmacy. 你可以到药房去配药。I’ve got a terrible cough and a pain down here in my chest. 我咳得很厉害,胸部下面这儿痛。7氢化可的松 cortisol 可的松 cortisone抗真菌药 antifungal agent 止泻药 antidiarrheal agent抗生素 antibiotics 药物不良反应 ADR adverse drug reaction平喘药 antiasthmatic drug 抗寄生虫药 antihelmintics抗高血压药 antihypertensives 解热镇痛药 antipyretic analgesics我能为你做什么?Can I help you?我牙痛.My teeth ache heavily.我为你配点止痛片和消炎药,并建议你这两天不要吸烟。如果还不见好转,请去医院就医。I’d like to prescribe some painbiller tablets and anti-inflammatory tablets. And I advice you to stop smoking cigarettes these days. If it continues like that, please go to hospital for a running rose流鼻涕sleeping pill 安眠药traditional Chinese medicine 中医药Chinese herbal medicine 中草药I wonder if you cough up phlegm? 我想问一下,您咳痰吗?Have you ever nauseated or vomited? 有过恶心,呕吐吗?Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? 您以前患过什么慢性病吗?Are you allergic to penicillin? 您对青霉素过敏吗?Do you take your temperature? 您量过体温了吗?I hope you’ll be completely recovered from your illness as soon as possible. 希望您早日康复。97月1日起,药店需凭处方销售抗菌药,持拉丁文或英文处方购药的顾客将会越来越多,因此,《药店英语》栏目将从本期开始刊登处方中常见词干、缩写词、药品名称的中英文对照,供店员朋友们参考。 国际非专利药品名称(INN)采用的部分词干的中文译名表英文 中文 药物 类别 举例-cillin 西林 青霉素类 抗生素 Penicillin 青霉素cef- 头孢 头孢菌素类 抗生素 Cefalexin头孢氨苄-conazole 康唑 咪康唑类 抗真菌药 Ketoconazole酮康唑-oxaoin 沙星 萘啶酸类 合成抗菌药 Norfloxacin诺氟沙星-vir 韦 阿昔洛韦类 抗病毒药 Acyclovir阿昔洛韦-nidazole 硝唑 甲硝唑类 抗菌药 Metronidazole甲硝唑-caine 卡因 普鲁卡因 局部麻醉药 Procaine普鲁卡因-bufen 布芬 丁酸衍生物 消炎镇痛药 Ibuprofen布洛芬-profen 洛芬 布洛芬类 消炎镇痛药 Ketoprofen酮洛芬-zepam 西泮 苯二氮柞类 镇静催眠药 Diazepam地西泮(安定)-oxicam 昔康 昔康类 消炎镇痛药 Piroxicam吡罗昔康-pril 普利 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 降压药 Captopril 卡托普利-sartan 沙坦 血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂 降压药 Losartan 洛沙坦-thiazide 噻嗪 碳酸酐酶抑制剂 利尿药 Hydrochlorothiazide 氢氯噻嗪-dipine 地平钙 通道阻滞剂 降压药 Nifedipine 硝苯地平-tidine 替丁 H2受体拮抗剂 抗溃疡药 Cimetidine 西咪替丁Sulfa- 磺胺 碘胺类 抗菌药 Sulfafurazole 磺胺异唑-dazole 达唑 咪唑类 驱肠虫药 Albendazole 阿苯达唑 -vudine 夫定 核苷类 抗病毒药 Zidovudine 齐多夫定-brate 贝特 苯氧乙酸类 调血脂药 Fenofibrate 非诺贝特-vastatin 伐他丁 羟甲戊二酰辅酶A还原酶抑制剂 调血脂药 Lovastatin 洛伐他丁-racetam 拉西 坦酰胺类 中枢兴奋药 Piracetam 吡拉西坦
中医基本语句英语翻译例析 例1 中国医药学有着数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结,是我国优秀文化的一个重要组成部分。 将这句话翻译成英语,自然可以译作: Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. It is the crystallization of the experience accumulated by Chinese people in fighting against diseases. It is also an important part of Chinese culture. 这个译法当然是不错的,但是不是可以翻译得更简洁明快一些呢?仔细推敲原文的文意层次,就可以看出,句中的三层意思其实是层层递进,一气呵成的。翻译成三个独立的简单句,似乎割裂了原文的神韵气质。根据这样的分析,我们似可将译文修改如下: Traditional Chinese medicine, an indispensable part of the Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years, was established on the basis of the long�term experience of the Chinese people in dealing with diseases. “同疾病作斗争”,是具有中国大陆特色的用语,翻译成英语,听起来似乎有点军事味道。对此类用语,我们在翻译时可以采取轻化的方法予以翻译。在上面的翻译中,我们将“与疾病作斗争”译作dealing with diseases。表面看来语气似乎不如原文有力,但基本意思的表达却显得更为客观实际。 例2 中医学是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治的一门科学,它有独特的理论体系和丰富的临床实践。 Traditional Chinese medicine is a science that studies the physiology and pathology of human body as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. It is unique in theory and rich in clinical practice. 这个译文基本也是通顺的,但从文法上看,似乎还可以再加简洁。原文是一个复合句,译文将其划分为两个独立的句子。这样的处理自然无可非议,但似乎读起来不够简练。从中文来讲,先介绍中医学的功用,再言其特点与特色,是很合理的。但从英文来看,反其道而行之更为可取。比如,我们可以将上文改译如下: Traditional Chinese medicine, a science with unique theory and rich clinical experience, studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of human body as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. 比较两个译文,就用词数量而言,前者似乎比后者更简洁。但从结构上看,后者因为使用了同位语结构,所以显得比较自然流畅。而且后者将physiology和pathology转化为形容词physiological 和pathological,且增加了functions和changes,使得physiology和pathology的含义由抽象而具体,其语义也随之变得明确起来。 例3 在古代的唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,它逐步形成并发展成为独特的医学理论体系,为中国人民的保健事业和中华民族的繁衍昌盛作出了巨大的贡献。 Under the influence and guidance of the ancient Chinese materialism and dialectics, and through long�term medical practice, traditional Chinese medicine was gradually established and developed into a unique medical system and made great contributions to the healthcare course of the Chinese people and prosperity and development of the Chinese nation. 在这个译文中,有些中文的表达方式,其实可以稍微轻化一些。比如“在古代的唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下”,似乎译出一个“影响”就足矣。再将“指导”译出,就显得有些“拟人化”了。当然,“拟人化”在文学作品中是必不可少的,但在这里,似乎不必追求如此效果。毕竟我们翻译的是医学资料,不是文学作品。另外,“繁衍昌盛”在这里的基本意思是讲中华民族的发展问题,似不必逐字翻译,总括译作development即可。 综上所述,上面这则译文似可改译如下: Influenced by classical Chinese materialism and dialectics and improved through long�term medical practice, traditional Chinese medicine has eventually evolved into a medical system with unique theory, contributing a great deal to the healthcare of the Chinese people and development of the Chinese nation. 例4 中医药学是以整体观念为主导思想,以脏腑经络的生理和病理为基础,以辨证论治为诊疗特点的医学理论体系。 Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical system characterized by the concept of organic wholeness as its principal theory, the viscera and channels as its physiological and pathological basis, and treatment based on syndrome differentiation as its diagnostic and therapeutic features. 总体上看,这个译文似无大碍,跟中文相比,好像还挺对应。但读起来却觉艰涩,缺乏流畅之感。对于这样排比似的中文结构,翻译时宜将其语义稍加调整,以便在行文时灵活布局安排。试改译如下: The idea of organic wholeness plays a dominant role in traditional Chinese medicine, which, physiologically and pathologically based on the states of the viscera and channels, is mainly characterized by treatment according to syndrome differentiation. 在这个译文中,我们对英文的句式略微作了调整,使得译文显得较为婉转,且语义层次较为清明。从中文结构来看,“……主导思想”、“……基础”、“……诊疗特点”等三部分似乎是并列关系。但这一“并列关系”其实也是有层次之分的。正是基于这一考虑,我们对译文作了这样的调整。 例5 《黄帝内经》总结了春秋战国以前的医疗成就和治疗经验,确立了中医学的独特理论体系,成为中医学发展的基础。 Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine has summarized the medical achievements made and clinical experiences accumulated by doctors before the Spring�Autumn Periods and the Warring States, established the unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine and become the foundation of the development of traditional Chinese medicine. 译文似乎有些亦步亦趋,过分考虑了原文的结构形式。译文在语义上虽然与原文比较对应,但行文却显得略为生硬。如原文中的“总结”一词,直译作summarize,略嫌直质。若译作collection,则比较合乎文意。原文“中医学”出现了两次,但在译文中也出现两次,则显得累赘。根据这一分析,我们似可将译文修改如下: Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine, a collection of the medical achievements and clinical experience before the Spring�Autumn Period and Warring States, has established the unique theory of traditional Chinese medicine and laid the foundation for its development. 若采用伴随状语,这个译文还可以改译如下: Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine is a collection of the medical achievements and clinical experience before the Spring�Autumn Period and Warring States, establishing the unique theory of traditional Chinese medicine and laying the foundation for its development. 若采用方式状语,译文还可以改译如下: As a collection of the medical achievements and clinical experience before the Spring�Autumn Period and Warring States, Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine has established the unique theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and thus laying the foundation for its development. 由此例可以看出,翻译时切入点不同,译文便因之有异,但基本意思却可保持不变。所以方法与技巧是灵活的,绝非一成不变。 例6 它一方面用当代的先进哲学思想为指导,从而推动了医学科学的发展,另一方面又在医学科学发展的基础上,丰富和提高了哲学理论。 On the one hand, it has used modern advanced philosophical thought as the guidance so as to promote the development of medical science. On the other hand, based on the development of medical science, it has enriched and improved philosophical theory. 这段话摘自高等中医药院校教材《中医基础理论》,讲的是《黄帝内经》的内容与作用。但仔细推敲中文,有些用词似乎不够确切。如说它用“当代的先进哲学思想为指导”,“当代”是什么概念(可能是“当时”之误吧。)?说它“推动了医学科学的发展”,“科学”又是什么概念?先秦的医学可以称作“科学”吗? 中文作者为什么使用这些几乎是极度夸张的词语来论述《内经》呢?不得而知。但我们在翻译时,似乎不必不折不扣地按原文字面之意从译。否则译文便显得有些怪异。先秦时期的著作怎么会使用“当代的先进哲学思想”呢?本着实事求是的原则,焦村先生曾将译文修改如下: It adopted advanced philosophical ideas then to promote the progress of medicine on the one hand, and on the other, enriching and improving philosophical doctrines with the development of medicine. 比较原文和两个译文,我觉得译文似乎还可以再深化一步,以便使其精神实质更加具体。所谓“当代的先进哲学思想为指导,从而推动了医学科学的发展”,实际上强调的是阴阳、五行学说在中医基本理论体系构建中的作用。而“又在医学科学发展的基础上,丰富和提高了哲学理论”,实际上强调的是医学发展对哲学进步的促进作用。基于这样的考虑,译文还可以作如下修改: With the adoption of philosophical ideas then, the theory of medicine was systematized; with the development of medicine, the doctrine of philosophy was enriched.
Ankle: Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱破裂Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折Ankylosing Spondylitis 关节黏连脊椎炎Aseptic Necrosis 无菌的骨疽Back Pain: Approach to Management 怎样处理背痛问题Back Pain: Prevention 预防背痛Baker's Cyst 贝勾氏囊Bones 骨骼的功能Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤Bunions 姆趾黏液囊肿大Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管综合症Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折Compression Fracture of the Vertebrae 脊椎压迫性骨折Dislocation 脱臼Dupuytren Contracture 掌挛缩病Elbow: Golfer's Elbow 高尔夫球肘Elbow: Tennis Elbow 网球肘Fibromyalgia 纤维组织肌痛Flat Foot 扁平足Foot: Hammer Toe 锤状趾Foot: Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎Foot: Ulcers 脚溃疡Fracture 骨折Fracture: Bones in the Foot 脚部骨折Fracture: Clavicle 锁骨骨折Fracture Types 骨折的种类Frozen Shoulder 凝肩Ganglion 腱鞘囊肿Hand Fracture 手骨折Hand: Tenosynoritis 手部腱鞘滑膜炎Heel Spurs 脚跟骨刺和发炎Herniated Disk 椎间盆后凸Hip: Arthritis of the Hip 髋关节炎Hip and Knee Replacement 髋关节和膝关节置换手术Hip Fracture 髋部骨折Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎Joints 关节Knee: Arthritis 膝关节炎Knee: Joint Pain 膝关节痛Knee: Runner's Knee 跑步者膝盖Knee: Torn Ligaments 膝韧带撕裂Knee: Torn Meniscus Cartilage 半月板软骨撕裂Knee Pain: Injury, Degeneration & Arthritis 劳损、退化与膝盖关节炎Knee Pain and Shoes 膝关节痛与鞋子Knee Replacement: Surgery Can Relieve Pain 膝关节置换术:手术舒缓痛楚Kyphosis 脊柱后弯Leg Cramps 小腿抽筋Lumbar Herniated Disc 腰椎盆脱出Mallet Finger 锤状指Morton Neuroma 莫耳通氏神经瘤Muscles 肌肉Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 (退化性关节炎)Osteomalacia 软骨病Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症Paget Disease 柏哲德氏病Ribs & Cartilage Inflammation 肋与软骨炎RICE Therapy RICE治疗法Rotator Cuff Injury 旋转肌边创伤Sciatica 坐骨神经痛Scoliosis 脊柱侧凸Scoliosis 脊柱侧弯Shin Splints 胫纤维发炎Shoulder: Dislocation 肩脱位Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Tear 轴转肌撕裂Shoulder: Tendinitis & Caspulitis 肩部腱炎和囊炎Spinal Stenosis脊柱狭窄Swollen Legs, Ankles, or Feet 腿、踝或脚肿胀Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis and Bursitis 腱炎、腱鞘炎和黏液囊炎Trigger Finger 弹机状指 只要在百度打上“医学词汇 骨科”就出来了
据学术堂了解,在医学论文的翻译过程中,不少医学工作者表示中医术语翻译好难。翻译中医术语,不仅需要具备翻译功底,还须熟知中医学理论和扎实的古汉语知识。所以,难是可以理解的。为了帮助医学工作者解决烦恼,下面我们来谈谈医学术语的翻译方法。一、科技英语常用构词法。在科技英语构词中,普遍运用的是复合法、缀合法、缩合法、首字母缩略等,这些方法在中医术语翻译时均可借鉴。1、复合法这类术语在中医术语翻译中占了很大的比例,其含义大多是各个词含义的叠加。采用这种译法的优点是容易找到对应词,结构明了,易于理解。缺点是译文往往不够简洁。2、缀合法此类术语的含义为词缀与词干意义的相加,特点是简洁,专业性强,与西医术语的可比性强,便于学术交流。但在目前中医术语翻译中,这类词的使用比例并不高,如针灸。3、缩合法其含义通常是构成该词的两个部分的词语意义相加,其特点类似缀合法。例如针压。4、首字母缩略这种方法在科技英语(包括医学英语)中使用得非常广泛,但在中医英语中却很少使用。目前被普遍接受的只有”中医”一词。当然,也有学者在这方面做了有益的尝试,如将温病缩略为。首字母缩略是一种非常便捷的构词方式,可提高单位词汇的信息量。但是,如何运用这一方法使中医术语趋于简洁,规范,还有待进行深入的研究。二、其他翻译方法1、词性的转换由于中文和英文的语言结构,表达方式不同,在翻译时要将中医术语的结构进行转换。较常用的方法是将中文的主谓结构,动宾结构转换成英文中的名词性词组或非限定动词词组。例如 止痛等。对症状的描述也多采用类似的方法。由于症状表示的是一种状态,而非具体动作,其中文可采用主谓或动宾等词组来描述,而在英语中则常采用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)的形式。如盗汗等。2、结构调整中医术语大多形成于中国古代,故语言形式上保留了古汉语的特点,讲究工整对仗。但在译成英语时,往往需要对这类结构进行调整,采用符合目的语语言习惯的结构,实现意义上的忠实。如神疲肢倦,心悸怔忡等。3、音译法由于东西方文化和中西医理论之间存在很大的差异,所以有不少中医术语很难在西医(英语)中找到对应的词,用意译的方法则译文过于冗长,不符合术语简洁精练的要求。在这种情况下,采用音译不失为一种可取的选择,必要时可加以注释,以弥补音译的不足。例气一,气功一,阴阳一。气是中医理论中的一个重要概念,它既可以指人体的生命物质,也可以指人体的生理功能。用音译法来翻译,则最直接,最简洁地反映出了”气”的真实内涵。 基本上,医学工作者翻译医学术语,可以从以上两种方法出发。当然,在翻译的过程中也要注意实际的语境要求。最后,希望这两种翻译方法可以帮助到大家。
医学英语高频词汇课:6大常见学科|06 急诊.pdf|05 影像.pdf|04 消化系统.pdf|03 神经系统.pdf|02 心血管系统.pdf|01 呼吸系统.pdf
医学常用的词汇英语有口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology、口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology
药店 drugstore、pharmacy、dispensary非处方药 (Non-prescription Drug or Over-the-Count
药店 drugstore、pharmacy、dispensary非处方药 (Non-prescription Drug or Over-the-Count
医学常用的词汇英语有口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology、口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology
医学英语词汇锦集 现今医学分为传统医学、基于“生物-医学模式”近代发展起来的西医,20世纪西医又发展到“社会-心理-生物医学”或综合医学模式,后基因组时代系统生