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Abstract objective to explore the role exchange students "teaching mode" in the clinical application of rehabilitation medicine teaching effect. Methods of clinical medicine in 96 professional students, including experimental group teaching by 48 students "and" teaching mode role exchange control, 48 students adopts the traditional teaching mode. After two groups of students and theory test and questionnaire. The result of the exam scores than theory of students in control group (p < ), and two groups of students' theory test scores are statistically significant differences between rate (p < ), Students in learning interest and initiative, knowledge and understanding of memory and self-study ability and problem solving ability than control group (p < ). Conclusion "and" teaching mode role exchange in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine application effect is good.[key] role exchange, Teaching methods, Rehabilitation, exploring[in] spasm of cerebral palsy type cerebral palsy is one of the most common, and its main function obstacle for sports development lags behind, abnormal posture, tendon hyper-reflexia, increased muscle tension, etc. According to the principle of Bobath therapy in the treatment of Bobath ball movement of cerebral palsy children borderline dysfunction can have very good effect.[key] spasm of cerebral palsy, Movement function, Bobath ball.

341 评论


Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus stejneger白眉蝮蛇短尾亚种thrombin: 凝血酶serine protease :丝氨酸蛋白酶Kangshuanmei : 康栓梅(脑血栓药物)取自白眉蝮蛇短尾亚种毒液的类似凝血酶的丝氨酸蛋白酶-康栓梅的一级结构。

180 评论


标题是论文中浓缩的最重要的信息点,是文章主要观点及主要论点。写出一个简明扼要、重点突出且不乏味的SCI医学论文英文题目是件较有挑战性的事情,论文作者需要有相当不错的英文写作能力,写出符合西方人胃口的文章题目,有一些情况下还要对西方文化有一定研究才可以。SCI医学论文英文题目翻译的要求是:重点突出,行文准确、规范、简洁、得体。 含糊不清的文题通常会给读者与做索引的人带来很多不必要的麻烦和不便。

简洁:文题切记不要过于复杂。字数过多削弱读者的印象。最好的方法使用几个字体现文章的中心内容,作主标题,再加一个副标题以表明区别。 文题中,将主要位置留给关键词。文题没有必要的冠词可以删除(a,an和the)和多余的说明性短语。


215 评论


东北白眉蝮蛇毒中抗栓酶的初级结构(thrombin-like serine protease 类凝血酶 )

269 评论


[摘要] 目的 探讨“师生角色互换法”教学方式在临床医学专业《康复医学》教学中的应用效果。方法 对在校96名临床医学专业学生进行分组教学,其中实验组48名学生采用“师生角色互换法”教学方式,对照组48名学生采用传统教学方式。课后对两组学生同时进行理论考试和问卷调查。结果 实验组学生的理论考试成绩优于对照组(p<),且两组学生理论考试成绩的优良率差异有统计学意义(p<);实验组学生在学习兴趣和主动性、知识的记忆和理解、自学能力和解决问题能力方面要强于对照组(p<)。结论 “师生角色互换法”教学方式在《康复医学》教学中应用效果较好。[关键词] 角色互换;教学方法;康复医学;探析【摘要】痉挛型脑瘫是脑瘫中最常见的一种,其运动功能障碍主要表现为运动发育滞后、异常姿势、腱反射亢进、肌张力增高等。依据Bobath疗法的原理,Bobath球在治疗痉挛型脑瘫儿童的运动功能障碍方面可以起到很好的作用。【关键词】痉挛型脑瘫;运动功能;Bobath球 [abstract] objective law "and" role exchange in clinical teaching method in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine specialized application effect. Methods of clinical medicine in 96 professional students, including experimental group teaching by 48 students "and" teaching mode role exchange control, 48 students adopts the traditional teaching mode. After two groups of students and theory test and questionnaire. The result of the exam scores than theory of students in control group (p < ), and two groups of students' theory test scores are statistically significant differences between rate (p < ), Students in learning interest and initiative, knowledge and understanding of memory and self-study ability and problem solving ability than control group (p < ). Conclusion "and" teaching mode role exchange in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine application effect is good.[key] role exchange, Teaching methods, Rehabilitation, exploring[in] spasm of cerebral palsy type cerebral palsy is one of the most common, and its main function obstacle for sports development lags behind, abnormal posture, tendon hyper-reflexia, increased muscle tension, etc. According to the principle of Bobath therapy in the treatment of Bobath ball movement of cerebral palsy children borderline dysfunction can have very good effect.[key] spasm of cerebral palsy, Movement function, Bobath ball1,“师生角色互换法”教学法在《康复医学》教学中的应用探析2,Bobath球在改善痉挛型脑瘫运动功能障碍中的应用1, "the role of teacher teaching method" in the exchange of rehabilitation medicine application2, the ball in improving spasm Bobath type cp motor dysfunction application辛苦~~

116 评论


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