1999年归国以来以第一作者发表论文14篇,SCI收录两篇(以下第1篇、第3篇),EI收录一篇(以下第2篇);出版专著两部,第一作者及第二作者各一部。具体目录如下:Zhou, J., Flood, . and Li, W. 2000. Gold grade and tonnage models of the gold deposits, China. Resource Geology (SCI收录), 50 (1): 53~, J. 2006. Analyses of the alteration mineral mapping using Landsat data and relevant applications. 3rd International Symposium on FIEOS (Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites), Beijing(EI收录).Zhou, J., Han, P., Liu, L., Tian, Q. H. and Li, D. C. 2007. Characteristics of the Bumo gold field, Hainan Island, China and gold exploration through soil geochemical surveys. Resource Geology(SCI源期刊), 57(1): 76~89.周军,黎武兴,高凤亮. 柬埔寨王国金矿资源与正在兴起的金矿业. 黄金,2003,24(8):7~11.周军,黎武兴,高凤亮. 柬埔寨王国蒙多基里省Memong金矿区矿床地质. 黄金,2003,24(11):8~11.周军,梁云. 信息技术时代的黄金市场与金矿业浅析. 黄金. 2002,23(2):53-56.周军,马治国,李得成,田勤虎,刘磊. 与闪长岩类有关的金矿及其特征与意义. 黄金. 2006,27(8):5-8.周 军,高 鹏,田勤虎,刘磊,李得成. 新疆巴里坤ETM数据遥感地质填图的探索. 国土资源遥感,2005,65(3):57~65.周 军,陈明勇,高 鹏,刘磊,李得成,田勤虎. 新疆东准噶尔蚀变矿物填图及多元信息找矿. 国土资源遥感,2005,66(4):51-55.周军,高凤亮,沈杉平. 应用GIS研究中国原生金矿与砂金矿的关系. 长安大学学报(地球科学版),2003,25(4):48~54.周军,祁世军. 造山带金矿研究现状与存在的问题. 地球科学与环境学报,2004,26(2):16~23.周军,刘建朝,王瑞腾,张洪山,张震开,张可海,刘忠. 胶东金矿省成矿作用初析. 西安工程学院学报,2001,23(3):1-10.周军,刘建朝,杨正华,王瑞腾,张洪山,张震开,张可海. 胶东乳山金矿区原生晕地球化学特征及深部成矿预测. 西安工程学院学报,2001,23(4):16-27.周军,梁云. 地理信息系统及其在地质矿产勘查中的应用. 西安工程学院学报,2002,24(2):47-50.周军,王继辉,祁世军,杨正华,成亚利,张毅. 海南不磨金矿区地质、化探、遥感多元信息综合找矿研究. 西安:陕西科学技术出版社,2005. 123.于涤尘,周军,徐红霞,朱秀莲,孙大为. 超变函数论. 西安:陕西科学技术出版社,2005. 118.
1、周军. 数字化可视人体(DVH)与光动力学疗法(PDT),皖西学院学报,2007,23(5)2、周军. 光动力学疗法(PDT)中热疗辅助效果的探索,皖西学院学报,2008,24(2)3、周军, 宋军. 组织热参数变化对光动力学中辅助热疗效果的影响,安徽大学学报(自然科学版)、周军. 光动力学疗法(PDT)中热疗辅助效果的探索,沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)、Zhou Jun, Song Jun, Yuan Hao and Zhang Bo. The statistical properties of a new type of photon-subtracted squeezed coherent state, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29 (5): 0503016、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. Photon-subtracted two-mode squeezed thermal state and its photon-number distribution, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51 (5): 1591-15997、Jun Zhou, Shuai Wang, Jun Song and Hong-Yi Fan. Photon-number distribution and Wigner function of generalized photon-modulated coherent states, Modern Physics Letters A, 2012, 27(6): 12500138、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. On the photon distribution of the two-mode squeezed chaotic state,Physica Scripta, 2011, 84(4): 0450059、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. New approach for solving the Lindblad equation of the density operator for a harmonic oscillator interacting with an electromagnetic field, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2011, 50(10): 3149-315710、周军,袁好,宋军。相位扩散通道中密度算符相关态的时间演化 (The time evolution of relative density operator in phase diffusion channels), 物理学报 (Acta Physica Sinica) , 2012, 61(3): 03030211、Zhou Jun, Fan Hong-Yi and Song Jun. A new type of photon-added squeezed coherent state and its statistical properties,Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21 (7): 07030112、Jun Zhou and Hong-Yi Fan. Quantum state for the two-variable Hermite polynomial-Gaussian laser modes of the electromagnetic field, Optik, 2012, 123: 1212-121713、Jun Zhou, Jun Song, Hao Yuan and Hong-Yi Fan. Evolution of the photon-added coherent state in a laser channel, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2012, 90(6): 593-59814、Jun Zhou, Jun Song, Hao Yuan, Bo Zhang, Chuan-Mei Xie and Hong-Yi Fan. Photon-number distribution and Wigner function of generalized squeezed thermal state, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012,51(9): 2681-2689
以下是一些北大中文核心期刊,可能适合医学论文发表:1. 中国医学科学院学报2. 中华预防医学杂志3. 中华医学杂志4. 中华实验和临床病毒学杂志5. 中华医学遗