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首页 > 医学论文 > 艾滋病的特点论文

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AIDS,a very serious illness which spreads very fast today,had been one of the most horrible killers human beings. From internet I have know something about is caused by HIV in the world there is no useful medician can cure AIDS,but it spread only in limited spread in three basic ways:first,through sexual intercourse ;second,throughcontact with diseased blood;and third from an HIV mother to people who are intravenous druy users may infect HIV virus too. The actual patt5erns of spreading of the AIDS virus change from culture .IN China ,the most important way to infect AIDS virus is intranvenous are about 840,000 cases of AIDS in China ,and about 134,000 newcases of AIDS could occur every place where there are the most cases of AIDS in China is Wenloucun in Henal provines. We can see the situation of AIDS in China is very serious,we should do something to solve the problem and prevent the spreading of AIDS in can do something in these ways:first,we should extablish a program educate our citizen about AIDS,let people know what cause it and how it spreads,so that people can know it clearly and prevent it easily,not only afriad of it;second, increase our scientist techology to fight against AIDS;third,makea healthy and civilizatim social environment,so there will be less sexual intercourse actions would happen,and there will be less dury users. Although AIDS is very horrible,we shouldn't fear,worry or have prejudices about it,we should comfront it and fight against this devil.记得采纳啊

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.文艾防艾论坛 可以领公益试纸.

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1、艾滋病对个人的危害 生理上讲,艾滋病病毒感染者一旦发展成艾滋病人,健康状况就会迅速恶化,患者身体上要承受巨大的痛苦,最后被夺去生命。 心理、社会上讲,艾滋病病毒感染者一旦知道自己感染了艾滋病病毒,心理上会产生巨大的压力。 另外,艾滋病病毒感染者容易受到社会的歧视,很难得到亲友的关心和照顾。 2、艾滋病对家庭的危害 社会上对艾滋病人及感染者的种种歧视态度会殃及其家庭,他们的家庭成员和他们一样,也要背负其沉重的心理负担。由此容易产生家庭不和,甚至导致家庭破裂。 因为多数艾滋病病人及感染者处于养家糊口的年龄,往往是家庭经济的主要来源。当他们本身不能再工作,又需要支付高额的医药费时,其家庭经济状况就会很快恶化。有艾滋病病人的家庭,其结局一般都是留下孤儿无人抚养,或留下父母无人养老送终。 3、艾滋病对社会的危害 艾滋病主要侵害那些年富力强的20-45岁的成年人,而这些成年人是社会的生产者、家庭的抚养者、国家的保卫者。艾滋病削弱了社会生产力,减缓了经济增长,人均出生期望寿命降低,民族素质下降,国力减弱。社会的歧视和不公正待遇将许多艾滋病人及感染者推向社会,造成社会的不安定因素,使犯罪率升高,社会秩序和社会稳定遭到破坏。 4、艾滋病对儿童的影响 艾滋病使千千万万的儿童沦为孤儿,使千万无辜儿童被迫承受失去亲人的痛苦,还要经常忍受人们的歧视、失学、营养不良以及过重的劳动负担。 艾滋病是我们人类共同的敌人,要消灭艾滋病需要全社会的共同努力,需要培养预防艾滋病的社会责任感,需要从"我"做起。

294 评论


写一篇关于艾滋病的论文,要从 写一篇关于艾滋病的论文,要从那几 个方面着手呢?给我设计个提纲啊。 那几 个方面着手呢?给我设计个提纲啊。

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