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在回复审稿人意见的时候,诚恳的态度非常关键,最好可以附上一个新的cover letter。当你不同意审稿人的意见时,你可以说“Thank you for your comments. We understand your concern about XXX. However, because YYY. To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX.”首先站在审稿人的角度上去肯定审稿人的意见,然后客观的指出文章的原意,并且做出具体解释。从另一个角度来看,既然审稿人都理解错了,其他的读者更有可能,说明文章的表达还是需要改进的。建议对相关的句子重写,尽量表述得更加清晰。



Thank you for your comments. We agree with your suggestion to XXX, because YYY. We have made changes to ZZZ on page/line XX as you suggested.


172 评论








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把握好回复的时间尺度,原则上是不能让编辑觉得你过于草率,不够重视(更不能超过deadline)。要根据具体的修改意见,掌握好修改时间。即使是minor revision,意见比较少的,只需要花一天甚至几小时搞定的,也不要立刻投回去。

至少一周后再投出去,因为在这一周里你还要充足的时间去检查论文里的小毛病,更重要的是,编辑不会觉得你是在敷衍他。如果是major revision,建议至少三周后再投,修改到尽量符合审稿意见上的要求。否则一旦让你重修,将会浪费更多的时间精力。



138 评论


投稿Energy,35天后返回修改,给的大修,求教有经验的虫友如何回复审稿意见比较好。另外,为什么附件里只有一个人的审稿人意见?Dear***, The review of this paper is now complete, and I am including the Reviewers' reports (directly at the end of this email and sometimes as attachments).  As you can see, one Reviewer recommends rejection, and the others recommend possible reconsideration after major revisions.  If you are able to revise the manuscript thoroughly in response to the Reviewers' comments, I believe that it would be suitable for second review.  I should add that, in view of the strong criticisms, anything but a thorough response and revision would just be an unfortunate waste of time. Once you have revised the paper accordingly, please submit with it a note describing in detail your response to these comments and a separate copy of the revised paper marked up to indicate where the revisions were made. NOTE: Upon submitting your revised manuscript, please upload the source files for your article. For additional details regarding acceptable file formats, please refer to the Guide for Authors at: When submitting your revised paper, we ask that you include the following items: Manuscript and Figure Source Files (mandatory) We cannot accommodate PDF manuscript files for production purposes. We also ask that when submitting your revision you follow the journal formatting guidelines.  Figures and tables may be embedded within the source file for the submission as long as they are of sufficient resolution for Production. Refer to the Guide for Authors for additional Highlights (mandatory) Highlights consist of a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings of the article and should be submitted in a separate file in the online submission system. Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point). See the following website for more information Please note that this journal offers a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown next to published articles on ScienceDirect (see also ). If your paper is accepted for publication, you will automatically receive an invitation to create an AudioSlides presentation. Thank you for your interest in ENERGY. Sincerely, Milorad Lj Bojic, . Editor Reviewers' comments: Reviewer #1: Through a thorough reading and reviewing, the reviewer suggests that the following problems should be addressed and the manuscript should be modified. 1. Keywords should contain "Lauric acid".   2.  XRD results reveal that the IKL and LA/IKL have the same diffraction peak at 2 of , indicating that the LA molecules are mainly located on the IKL surface rather than the inner-layer. Please discuss in more detail. 3. In the FTIR spectra, there are no peaks at 3670 and 3624 cm-1, please check why? 4. The authors note that the LA drives the IKL to exfoliate, which may afford an increase of specific surface area for LA/IKL. However, BET results reveal an obvious reduction of specific surface area. Is there any other reason for this reduction, for example the LA/IKL aggregation? Since SEM images imply that LA/IKL has larger size than IKL. 5. Please check the result of the impregnation ratio of LA in LA/IKL ( wt%), which should be about 58 wt%. Reviewer #2: This manuscript reported a novel form-stable phase change material (FSPCM) for thermal energy storage which was prepared by*******. I have read the whole paper and find that this study is simple and less novelty. The very similar work been published in Journal of Materials Science & Engineering (Preparation and Thermal Properties of Binary Organic / kaolin Composites as Shape-stabilized Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage, 2013, 31, 268-272.) In addition, the Ref. 19 and Ref. 29 have been cited repeatedly. Therefore, this paper in present stage could not be accepted for publication in Energy. Reviewer #3: COMMENTS: (1) The authors need to be careful in their English usage. Therefore, full of the paper should be reviewed. Especially, some sentences in the introduction section are lack of continuity. (2) What is LOI in Table 1? Please clearly write it. (3) On page 4, line 7, "The suspension was ultrasonic at 70 oC for 2 h…." should be corrected as "The suspension was kept in ultrasonic bath at 70 oC for 2 h…." (4) The performances of energy storage and release of composite PCMs are substantially dependent on their thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of the composite PCM is important parameter in thermal energy storage applications.  Please clarify the why did the authors measure the thermal conductivity value of the composite PCM. It is possible; the authors should be provided the thermal conductivity value of the composite PCM. (5) There are some writing errors in the text. For example; ---On page 1, line 24, "kaolinite is one ….. " should be "Kaolinite is one ….."---On page 1, line 59, "In recently years, ….." should be corrected as "In recent years , …."---On page 5, line 1, "Differential scanning calorimety (DSC) was carried out….." should be     corrected as "Differential scanning calorimety (DSC) measurements were carried out…."---On page 5, line 15, "The morphology and microstructure was….." should be corrected as "The morphology and microstructure were….."---On page 6, line 58, "FTIR spectroscopy and the results is shown….." should be corrected as "FTIR spectroscopy and the results are shown .." ---On page 7, line 19, "The adsorption peaks at 2923 cm-1 and 2854 cm-1 is caused….." should be corrected as "The adsorption peaks at 2923 cm-1 and 2854 cm-1 are caused.." ---On page 8, line 19, "…… of mespores below …..." should be corrected as "…… of mesopores below ……."---On page 8, line 47, "……SEM images were made." should be "…SEM images were obtained. ---On page 9, in the caption of section "thermal properties…..." should be corrected as "Thermal properties……" (4) The following papers can be useful to more clearly understanding the form-stable composite PCM: ---Capric-myristic acid/expanded perlite composite as form-stable phase change material for latent heat thermal energy storage, Renewable Energy  Volume: 33   Issue: 12   DEC 2008 Pages: 2599-2605    ---Preparation, characterization and thermal properties of Lauryl alcohol/Kaolin as novel form-stable composite phase change material for thermal energy storage in buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 59, Issues 1-2, 25 September 2013, Pages 336-347 ---Structures and thermal properties of fatty acid/expanded perlite composites as form-stable phase change materials Energy and Buildings, Volume 68, Part A, January 2014, Pages 587-592 ---Preparation, characterization and thermal properties of lauric acid/expanded perlite as novel form-stable composite phase change material, Chemical Engineering Journal  Volume: 155   Issue: 3   Pages: 899-904   Published: DEC 15 2009 ---Preparation, thermal properties and thermal reliability of eutectic mixtures of fatty acids/expanded vermiculite as novel form-stable composites for energy storage Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry  Volume: 16   Issue: 5   Pages: 767-773   Published: SEP 25 2010

你按审稿人的建议认认真真地修改,特别是第二个审稿人,说你的论文simple and less novelty,这是很大的硬伤,这个问题不解决,很难录用的。还有你们细节太不注意了,英语写作也要提高。


283 评论


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