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238 评论


Advertisement English utilizes universally in the nowadays life, it is a multiplex discipline, has the special language, the artistic characteristic. In the article through the quotation classical advertisement language, --narrated for us the advertisement definition, the advertisement English's definition and the characteristic translate the method extremely. This article first part, indicated the advertisement definition to have generalized and division the narrow, also had the profit making and the nonprofit division, and had the respective characteristic, what article main research was the profit making advertisement, what and studied specially was the advertisement language characteristic; This article second part from the glossary, the syntax, the rhetoric three aspects introduced the advertisement English characteristic; This article third part, has studied six advertisement English translation method; The fourth part has demonstrated some classical advertisement language and the translation. 广告英语;Advertisement English翻译;Translation广告语Advertisement language

288 评论


Night shift, try not to translate the you,----Cross-examine history, patients with pig disease without such animals before contact with these animals, nor vivid, patients with products of hui, no more pork edible history. According to antimicrobial susceptibility test results has applied cefoperazone and compound's new and rifampacin --. But high fever, chills, still cannot be controlled symptom onset seizures, and every day, the first - began lumbago, lumbar spine X-ray normal, giving oral antiphlogistic painkillers May 2, 750 mg moby-dick, after treatment, the waist/still pain, bedridden. Mri signal hint L4/5 disc is changed, there pus in intervertebral space already, the rear gb pus like intervertebral disc, the same into sedation vertebral bone destruction is inferior, the corresponding bilateral waist muscles plane in the abscess. In general, descending into orthopaedic lumbar posterior lumbar 4, 5 lamina resection, exploration, open L4/5 clearance, immediately after all there yellow viscous medium, and pus flow 4ml disc nucleus pulposus in degeneration and broken. Surgical removal of intervertebral disc degeneration necrosis as far as possible, rinsed repeatedly intervertebral space, dural rear surfaces placed the tube, properly fixed, the two confirmed lavage and drainage unblocked and closed after the wound. Postoperative from a tube perfusion antibiotics physiological saline, another tube after negative pressure. Because the patient during a change from the asana, in apparent flaxen purulent content derivation, 3ml about. After 1 week, liquid crystal temperature drainage normal after uproot the tube. After the surgery, the patient temperature decreased gradually to reduce lumbago, one week after temperature drop to normal. Training for pigs cholera still pus salmonella. After intravenous antibiotics 2 weeks after discharge continues to serve, ciprofloxacin 1 months. After a month in protected up activities, waist and flank pain without neurological symptoms. After six months, the patient waist activity return temperature is normal. Obstacles, MRI and lumbar 4/5 clearance no abscess lesions, intervertebral space height is lower than normal. X-ray examination reealed waist April/may narrow intervertebral space, bottom flange bone formation bridge. Follow-up to March 2009, has recovered completely without lumbago, etc, the instability of the lumbar spine.

273 评论


句子结构——短句是准则用清楚的英语书写的文章更容易被发表,这一点需要牢记。据统计,1600年,平均每个英文句子有 40到60个单词;1900年,平均每个英文句子有 21个单词;1970年,平均每个句子有 17个单词;而现在,平均每个英语句子只有 12到 17个单词。由此可见,现代英语的发展趋势是由繁至简的。中文写作惯用长句,而英语,特别是科技英语,通常使用非常精炼的句子。短句是准则,使用简短而表意清楚的句子并不显得幼稚。专业的英语作者使用短句。No. 2可数名词和不可数(物质)名词Posted十二月 10th, 2007 by admin单数可数名词(可以计数的事物)通常用冠词修饰;复数可数名词有时用冠词修饰。不可数名词(难以计数的事物;也称物质名词)没有复数形式;不可数名词有时也用冠词修饰。首先要确定该名词是可数名词还是不可数名词,然后考虑如何对这个名词计数。No. 3逗号的正确使用方法逗号是最难掌握的标点符号类型,逗号使用不当会改变句子的意思。在表示重要的和非重要的信息时,请多留意逗号的用法。推荐用法:The equipment that we used was madeby the XX Company.可行用法:The equipment which we used was made by the XX Company.错误用法:The equipment, which we used, wasmade by the XX Company.正确用法:The equipment, which was made in Shanghai, was very expensive.当你校对标点符号的使用时,要特别注意以下单词:that、which和 who;此时应再次确认,此信息是重要信息还是是可以省略的多余信息。如果此信息是重要的,切勿使用逗号。如果此信息是附加的、不重要的,必须使用逗号。No. 4动词时态一般过去时用于表示你所做过的事:In this study, a number of functional and structuralproperties of sodium were compared to determine the underlying reason for theobserved functional changes.过去时通常用于描述研究的结果:Assessment of size using standarddenaturing gel conditions showed multiple bands whose size was consistent withdiscrete oligomeric forms of A.一般现在时用于陈述事实:Alzheimer's disease is a fatalprogressive dementia.一般现在时用于指代图表内容:The amino acid sequence of the synthetic Vpu (1-40) peptidesused in this study is shown in Figure 1A.现在完成时用于指代持续有效的已经进行过的研究或过去开始的现正正在进行的动作:The current state of GPCR researchhas evolved in large measure from observations made in two et al have shown that …检查文章是否使用了正确的动词时态:介绍性的语言的时态应该主要使用现在时和现在完成时。描述材料和方法的语言的时态应该主要使用一般过去时。对于结果和讨论的描述,结果应该主要使用过去时;而对于其他研究的观察一般使用现在时或现在完成时。No. 5冠词使用规则定冠词“the”指代当前情况:We began the experiment;the ”指代常识:The situation in Iraq isdeteriorating;the”指代之前提到的名词:We tested a new measuring device anda new mixer. The new mixer worked well.不定冠词“A/an”指代在前面没有提到的名词:We planned anew fluidwas separated with a centrifuge.冠词的使用取决于冠词出现的上下文以及冠词之后名词的类型。什么时候使用“a/an”或者“the”(所有例句选自最近的 ACS Chemical Biology):The emergence of antibioticresistance poses a major threat to human health, prompting interest in theexploration of new antibiotic is the second most abundant “trace”element in the body. This metal ion is vitalfor normal cellular function as acofactor in numerous enzymes, in transcription factors, in the immune system,and in the reproductive data provided solid evidence that theobserved IgG antibody response is T-cell dependenNo. 6词首字母大小写问题关于地名和地理学术语如何正确大写的问题。因为中文不牵涉大写问题,所以中文母语的作者可能会有点迷惑。其实大写问题对于英语母语的作者而言也不太容易理顺。大写问题虽然棘手,但是下面的小贴士会对您有所帮助。一般而言定义明确的地区的首写字母要大写,以下是 The Economist Style Guide的建议:“Use upper case for definitegeographical places, regions, areas and countries, and for vague but recognisedpolitical or geographical areas…lower case for east, west, north, south exceptwhen part of a name.”(大写用于明确的地理学位置、地区、区域、国家以及模糊但是被认可的行政或地理区域 east, west, north, south等用小写,但当他们是名称一部分的时候除外。)这条通用法则也适用于地球表面的地带,如 North Temperate Zone, the Equator等。No. 7常见易混单词英语中有许多对单词很容易混淆。此贴士主要讨论拼写相近而意义不同单词,或者充当不同词性的单词。优..助服务

110 评论



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358 评论


  • 在医学论文中asked什么意思

    1、参考文献类型:普通图书[M]、期刊文章[J]、报纸文章[N]、论文集[C]、学位论 文[D]、报告[R]、标准[s]、专利[P]、数据库[DB]、计算机程序

    井中月2500 6人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 医学论文中是什么意思


    小月半月月 4人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 医学论文中5什么意思


    淡咖啡生活 3人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 医学论文中a什么意思

    文献标识码A意为:专著、论文集、学位论文、报告。 文献标识码A的格式: 【序号】主要负责人。文件标题【文件类型标识】。出版地点:出版单位、出版年份。开始和结束页

    蓝缀天堂鸟 4人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • gut是在医学期刊什么意思

    患肿瘤最可怕的是复发转移。 “槐耳颗粒”就可能阻断肿瘤的复发转移 ,因为它是被国际权威机构证实具有抑制肿瘤干细胞功效的药物。除“槐耳颗粒”外,目前还没有发现其他

    匪号叶小二 3人参与回答 2023-12-06