Huanglong first citrus disease in China's Guangdong Province, the Chaoshan area that has been 100 years of history. In the early 1940s, Chen Bao of the Chaoshan area of the distribution of citrus Huanglong, hazards and pathogens carried out a detailed survey and study, the pathogen that caused the disease to toxic factor. 50 to 60 years, Professor Lin Kongxiang through a lot of tests, confirmed that the disease is a citrus Huanglong can be transmitted through grafting of the disease, the first time that the citrus Huanglong disease is a contagious disease at that time under the inference that the level of awareness The pathogenic virus. 1979, Ko-such as through the electron microscope and found that thick outer membrane of bacteria Huanglong (20-30 nm), and uneven thickness, that should belong to the pathogenic type of Rickettsia's (Rickettsia-like Organisms, as RLO) And then was officially named the category of bacteria (BLO). Zhao Xue, and other sources (1979) through pilot confirmed citrus Psylla (Diaphorina citri) Huanglong disease can spread through the Huanglong survey found that the prevalence of regional and citrus Psylla the distribution of general consensus. 1987, Qi-Ming Zhou first proposed the citrus Psylla in Guangxi in the south to the northern Guangxi migration issues. China's summing up decades of citrus Huanglong disease prevention and treatment of experience: strict enforcement of the protection of plant quarantine ward and no important new area of the means of establishing disease-free nursery, nurturing seedlings are disease-free citrus Huanglong disease prevention foundation in the ward in time Psylla of citrus, complete Wachubingzhu, strengthen cultivation and management is to prevent disease and Huanglong popular key measures.可以吗?
柑橘黄龙病病害症状:有的叶片呈类似缺锌的花叶状,病树在3~5年内枝梢逐渐干枯、根烂,树势明显衰退,终致全株死亡。 常年发病,时刻防治病害发展。治疗方案:靓果安150-300倍+沃丰素600倍+大蒜油1000倍+有机硅喷雾2次,每次间隔10天左右.(针对无果粉的品种和有果粉品种转色期前)
柑橘黄龙病是世界柑橘生产上的毁灭性病害, 是由一种限于韧皮部内寄生的革兰氏阴性细菌引起, 能够侵染包括柑橘属、枳属、金柑属和九里香等多种芸香科植物。目前,该病主要分布在亚洲、非洲、大洋洲、南美洲和北美洲的近50 个国家和地区, 中国19 个柑橘生产省(市、自治区)中已有11 个受到该病危害,严重制约柑橘产业的健康发展。
Citrus fruits Huanglong gets sick most as early as discovered in our country Guangdong Province Chaoshan area that until now had more than 100 years history. In the early-1940s, Chen Qi儤 the distribution which, the harm and the cause of disease got sick to Chaoshan area citrus fruits Huanglong has carried on the detailed investigation and the research, thought that caused this sickness cause of disease for the toxin factor. 50~ the 60s, Professor Lin Kong Hunan through the massive experiments, confirmed the citrus fruits Huanglong sickness is one kind may through plant disease which grafts infects, had proven for the first time the citrus fruits Huanglong sickness is one kind of infectious plant disease, inferred under at that time the cognition level thought that this cause of disease is a virus. in 1979, Ke Chong and so on through the electron microscope observation, discovered that the Huanglong germ the external coat periplast is thick (20-30nm), and thickness is non-uniform, thought that this cause of disease should belong to the kind to set up the gram inferior body (Rickettsia-like Organisms, is called RLO), afterward officially is named as a kind of bacterium (BLO). Zhao Xueyuan and so on (1979) (Diaphorina citri) may disseminate the Huanglong sickness through the experimental confirmation citrus fruits aphid, through the investigation discovered Huanglong gets sick the popular region is roughly consistent with the citrus fruits aphid's distribution. in 1987, Zhou Qiming proposed for the first time the citrus fruits aphid in Guangxi domestic the question which migrates by sweet osmanthus southing Gui Bei. Summarizes experience which our country several dozens year prevention citrus fruits Huanglong gets sick: The strict implementation plant quarantine is the protection does not have the ward and the newly developed area important administrative method; The establishment not gets sick the plant nursery, the cultivation not gets sick the nursery stock prevents the foundation which citrus fruits Huanglong gets sick; In the ward prompt prevention citrus fruits aphid, digs out the diseased plant thoroughly, strengthens the cultivation management is prevents the Huanglong sickness to occur with the popular essential measure.
1 发生情况柑橘黄龙病典型症状:①黄梢型:外围部分枝条或树顶新梢叶片黄化,黄化的叶片极易脱落;②黄斑型:叶基部、叶脉附近或边缘褪绿黄化;③缺素型:果小而畸形,病叶小。我国柑橘黄龙病至今已有11个柑橘栽培省、区遭受其危害,严重制约了我国柑橘产业的发展,也为出口贸易带来非常不利影响。因此如何提升柑橘黄龙病的防控研究水平,促进我国乃至全球柑橘产业健康发展是我们园艺和植保工作者以及柑橘生产者迫切需要解决的问题。2 防控对策严格检疫制度、繁育健康种苗、清除菌源和传毒媒介、高效环保化学农药的使用等多个环节。 严格检疫制度,繁育健康苗木外检部门要严格检疫,防止美洲种、非洲种及其变异株系传入我国;大力繁育并推广健康苗木;对于没有隔离育苗条件的老病区采用防虫网棚培育无病苗,育成的苗木需经电镜检查和血清学等生物技术手段鉴定证明是无病的才可以种植。 防治柑橘木虱,消灭传播媒介柑橘木虱具有快速繁殖、传病性高、终身带菌的特点,因此在冬季要彻底清园(柑橘木虱处于相对静止期),杀灭越冬柑橘木虱;在萌芽期喷10%吡虫·灭多威可湿性粉剂、20%氰戊·马拉松乳油、30%吡虫啉乳油和40%马拉硫磷乳油等药剂防止成虫在芽隙处产卵。 提高树体抗性,加强栽培管理加强栽培管理,提高树体的抗性;新梢转绿后对柑橘园进行一次全面的检查;及时挖出黄龙病树;挖病树和治木虱必须同时进行,在进行挖除之前要喷药,防止木虱迁移传染;柑橘种植过程中要注重优化种植结构,杜绝种植柑橘木虱转移寄主的植物,比如说九里香和黄皮等。
病毒名称:柑橘皱叶病毒Citrusleafrugosevirus(CiLRV)。 分类地位:等轴不稳环斑病毒属Ilarvirus,雀麦花叶病毒科Bromovir
桔子树,用作经济栽培的有3个属:枳属、柑橘属和金柑属。中国和世界其他国家栽培的柑橘主要是柑橘属。常绿小灌木,高约3 米。小枝较细弱,无毛,通常有刺。春季开花,1
柑橘溃疡病“无孔不入” 如何科学用药?