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INTRODUCTION The rapid development of science and technology, product features requirements of the growing number and complexity of the increase in life expectancy shortened, replacement faster. However, the design of the products, especially mechanical products in the design means, is力不从心, failed to keep pace with the needs of the times. At present, computer-aided product design drawings, design, manufacturing, production planning has been a relatively extensive and in-depth study and achieved initial results, and product development programmes of the early computer-aided design is far from meeting a need. To this end, the author read a lot of literature on the basis of a summary of the design and scholars at home and abroad to design the method used, and discussed the various methods of organic link between product design and mechanical Computer trend of development. Under the current domestic and foreign scholars to design machinery design methods used by the main features of the programme can be summed up modern design for the following four major types. 1, systematic design method Systematic design of the main features are: design as from a number of design elements of a system, every design element of independence, there are various elements of the organic links and a level of all the design elements Combined, you can design systems to achieve the task. Systematic design idea in the 1970s by the German scholar Professor Pahl and Beitz, a system based on the theory, developed a design of the general pattern, and advocate of the design work should be rational. German Engineers Association in this on the basis of design, develop standards VDI2221 "technology systems and product development design methods. The development of the product design process of mechanical model, basically follow the German standards VDI2221 the design. In addition, many of our product design and scholars in the programme design and also learn from other developed countries cited the systematic design, which is representative: (1) The user needs as the product concept of functional characteristics, structural design and part design, process planning, operations control, and so on the basis of the product development process of the macro, the use of Quality Function layout methods, systems and information needs of users will be reasonable and effective And converted to the various stages of product development objectives and operations control technology means a point of order. (2) products as organisms on the level of life, and life systems through the use of the product design process can demand level of success and realize the concept of functional requirements of the specific levels and product design level. At the same time using the system icons to life the abstract expression of the functional requirements of products, product features a system structure. (3) the mechanical design system in the application of science into two basic questions: First, to design products as a system to process, to determine the best of its components (modules) and their mutual relations and the other is the product design Process as a system, according to the design objectives, correct and reasonable to determine the design of all aspects of the work and the various design stage. As each designer to study issues and to consider the perspective of the different emphases, to design a programme of specific research methods also differ. Here are some representative of the systematic design design elements of With five design elements (functions, effects, effects of vector, shape and surface elements parameters) described "product solution" that a product design elements of the five identified, all the characteristics of products and value characteristics already identified. Chinese scholars have also adopted similar design methods described product of the original understanding. graphical modeling law Development of the design analysis and guidance systems "KALEIT, with a clear level of the graphic description of the product structure and functions related to the abstract information, and the system structure and function of the graphical modeling, and the function of the connection between. Will be assisted design divided into two methods and information exchange, the use of Nijssen information analysis methods can be used graphic symbols, with a variety of semantic model structure, the integration can be described conditions can be divided into binding type, can relations between any combination of features , Will design solutions and information technology integration, the design process to achieve a different level of abstraction of information between the graphical modeling. The literature [11] semantic network design as a design tool in the development of the semantic network design ASK, using nodes and a network of lines describing the design, components of the node that the unit design tasks, functions, components or processing Equipment, etc.), and lines used to adjust the definition node between different semantic relations, which in the design process for all the activities and results of pre-built model, the early design requirements to the definition of a specific structure can be described by the relationship between The definition of the expression, and a computer-aided design process from abstract to concrete leap. "idea" - "design" law Will be divided into product design "concept" and "design" in two stages. "Idea" phase of the mission is to seek, select and design portfolio to meet the requirements of the original understanding of tasks. "Design" stage of work is the concrete realization of the original understanding of the conceptual stage. The programme will be "ideas" for the specific description: According to a suitable functional structure, designed to meet the requirements of the mandate of the original understanding. Functional structure of the sub-function by "structural elements" to achieve, and "structural elements" of the physical connection between the definition of "functional carrier", "functional carrier" and "structural elements" and formation of the interaction between the functional diagram ( Mechanical movement diagram). Programme of "design" is based on functional diagram, the first qualitative description of all the "functional carrier" and "structural elements", then all the quantitative description of "structural elements" and connecting pieces ( "functional vector") the shape and location have The structure of. Roper, H. use of graph theory theory, the help from his definition of "total design unit (GE)", "structure elements (KE)", "functional structure elements (FKE)", "connecting structure elements (VKE)", "Structural parts (KT)", "structural elements parts (KET)" concept, and describes elements of size, location and transmission parameters of the relationship between the number of thumbs, the design intuitive design experts design "stage. From the design methodology of the point of view, the design task will be clear after the design work is divided into three steps: 1) access to functions and functional structure (referred to as "functional"), 2) find effects (referred to as the "effect"); ) To find structure (referred to as "the configuration of the Rules"). And use the following four strategies described machinery idea stage of the process: Strategy 1: were considered "functional" and "effect" and "configuration rules." Therefore, we can work in various steps to create variations in the respective programmes, resulting in the original understanding of the broad spectrum. Strategy 2: "effect" and "configuration rules" (including the designer to create the rules) association, to consider a separate function (usually associated with the design task). At this point, to identify the typical configuration rules and their effects need to have a wealth of experience, the programme spectrum far less than a strategy of the programme spectrum. Strategy 3: "functional" and "effect", "configuration rules" are closely related. Applicable to the function, and the configuration of the rules of no choice, with special requirements of the areas, such as ultra-small machinery, large machinery, high-value function parts, and those with special requirements of the functional components, and so on. Strategy 4: In view of the structural design requirements of the solution. The strategy starting from the existing parts, through different parts of the order and connection, was expected to function. Matrix Design In the programme design process used in "requirement - to" logic tree ( "or" tree) described requirements, the relationship between the function, to satisfy the requirements of functional design solution set, a different design. According to "request - to" logic tree establishment of a "request - to" association matrix, meet the requirements necessary to describe the complex relationship between function, expressed functional requirements and the relationship between the will matrix as a mechanical system design basis, the mechanical system design space as a functional decomposition of space, only that each sub-space design of a module, in the abstract phase of the high-level, with each module design movement conversion matrix And a vector for the operation of restraint that in the abstract phase of the low-rise, each module design parameters were expressed as a matrix and the equation of motion. bond graph Law Will form a system components into the function to generate energy, energy consumption, changing energy forms, such as various types of energy transmission and use of bond graph of the function of the components that will be based on the functions of the model and bonding with plans to achieve functional The automatic generation of structural and functional structure and bonding between the automatic conversion plans to seek bond graph generated by a number of design methods. 2, modular design structure From the perspective of planning products: the definition of its mandate to design features of the product structure is based on the use of existing products (such as GM parts components, etc.) described the design task, that is, when the mandate of decomposition on each task to consider whether there is the corresponding Solutions products, so that in the planning stages of product design tasks to eliminate the contradictions that might exist in the early forecast production capacity, costs and the development of the process of designing the plan adjustable, which can improve the design efficiency and design of reliability, At the same time also reduce the cost of new products. Feldmann will describe the function of the design task is divided into four levels of product structure, (1) products → (2) functional components → (3) main function components → (4) functional components. And the use of application-oriented features of the directory structure, a more specific functional components of the qualitative and quantitative description. At the same time developed for early in the product development and design tools used by early STRAT. Machinery specialized for most of that function can be used existing product solutions and new solutions with only a small number of special features, therefore, for the use of mechanical design features of the product structure, machinery specialized for the evaluation of the design, manufacture risk is very beneficial. Functional Analysis of the products promoted on the basis of the product is broken down into a function of one or more of the basic modular structure, through the selection and combination of these modular structure formed into various products. These basic structure can be parts, components, or even a system. The ideal modular structure should be standardized interface (connectivity and with the Department of), and is serialized, universal, integrated, hierarchical, flexible, economic, with interchangeable, compatibility and relevance of the . China's combination of software component technology and CAD technology, design and composition of deformation design combined, according to grade modular theory, machine processing center will be divided into Youdadaoxiao product level, component level, component-level and component level, and use CAD technology and expertise to their portfolio into different species, different specifications of the functional module, the module from the combination of these functions into different processing center overall programme. To select a design for the directory structure of the variation machinery tools, the design of the proposed elements for a complete, structured format, a solution set design directory. And Set Design listed in the directory comment on each of the additional information, very beneficial to design engineers choice of the elements. According to the connectivity features of mechanical parts and components, will be summarized into four types: 1) The components of direct targeting, and self-adjustment of parts, 2) a common structure of the assembly, 3) have nested structure and inlay Shell-like components of the connection, 4) a modular architecture and modular components of the connection. And a quasi-symbols that the typical components and rules of the connection between the components, to achieve this connection between the components of the algorithm and the concept of visualization. In the mechanical system design, "features a" module on the functions of decomposition, and provides the best functional decomposition "tablets" of the extent of the functional and institutional forms of one-to-one. "Structure to establish" as a function of the module is the choice of targets in order to achieve mapping , based on knowledge of product design features Knowledge-based product design features of the main features are: to use the computer to identify the language describing the characteristics of the product design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to establish the appropriate knowledge base and reasoning machine, and then use the storage areas have been established by the knowledge and reasoning Mechanisms to achieve computer-aided design products. The mechanical system design is based on products with the characteristics, and design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to push volume and decision-making, the completion of several comprehensive. To achieve this stage of the computer-aided design, we must study the automatic acquisition of knowledge, expression, integration, coordination, management and use. To this end, the scholars at home and abroad designed for mechanical systems design knowledge of automated processing done a lot of research work, the method used can be summarized in the following few. coding method According to "campaign conversion" feature (the function million) institutions will be classified, described and use the code function yuan and institutional categories, which established a "body system design expert system" Knowledge Base. On this basis, will be the dual logic and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of combining theory, the establishment of the "expert systems" reasoning mechanism, and for the four-position for the design of the machine. Use of biological evolution theory, through natural selection and sexual reproduction to the principle of evolution of organisms to the body design, use of network theory methods to express the structure for topology, and then through the coding technology, the structure and institutions Performance of individual chromosomes into the binary string, and in accordance with design requirements of fitness, the use of biological evolution theory of reproduction control mechanism, through the selection, crossover, such as a sudden variation means to eliminate low value of the individual are not suited to the fast evolution Be the best adaptation of the individual, that is, most with the design requirements of the agency programme. knowledge of the law mixed The complex mechanical systems design, mixed use of the knowledge expression describes the design of various types of knowledge is particularly suited to this point has been the design of many scholars of the consensus. In the development of complex product design intelligent decision support system DMDSS, will be the rules, framework, processes and neural networks, and other knowledge that organic combination of methods to adapt to different types of knowledge in the design of the description. Knowledge will be a single expression of a variety of methods (rules, framework and process), according to object-oriented programming principles, the framework of the groove with that object's properties, with rules that target the dynamic characteristics, with the knowledge that the treatment process, group Into a hybrid form of knowledge, and successfully developed the "object-oriented NC gantry milling machine gearbox design intelligent system GBCDIS" and "transmission structure design expert system GBSDES". use of the knowledge-based development tool Coupling in the CAD system, the use of the knowledge-based development tools NEXPERT-OBJECT, through the use of object-oriented approach, to create an object-oriented database design method for coupling the designer to design and structural design Provided extensive and reliable method of the design spectrum. NEXPERT describe the use of linear guide the design of the need to design based on knowledge of the content, which seek to knowledge-based solutions, and developed a linear guide design expert system. Design Law Directory Construction of the "modules", "functional element solution" and "institutions" three progressive design directory, and this directory of three progressive design principles of the programme as a mechanical transmission system intelligent design and development of the knowledge base of design Aids. Based on the example of the way In the development of expert systems design knowledge base, using the basic predicate described design requirements, design conditions and the selected programme, described by frame "Project" and various "concept entity," through case-based reasoning of the technologies used to produce candidate With the horsepower to product design requirements. 4, Intelligent Design Intelligent Design is the main characteristics: According to the theories of design, through the use of 3D graphics software, intelligent design software and virtual reality technology, and multimedia, hypermedia tools for product development design, the concept of products, description of the product结构.
机器人机器人可以界定一种由电子、电气或机械单位组成的可编程、自动控制装置。 更一般地说,它是一种职能到位的生活智能机器,机器人尤其可取的是某些工作职能。它他们和人类不同,他们不会感到疲惫和厌倦, 可以在环境条件差和真空,甚至是危险的环境下工作,他们不会因为一味地重复工作感到厌倦放下手边的工作。机器人不同于一般机械设备的特征是机器人可以自己进行工作,并对内外部的工作状况进行检测,将检测到的结果反馈给控制系统,由控制系统下达命令来调整下一步的动作,更为重要的是机器人往往有能力去尝试不同的方法来完成某项任务。 常见的工业机器人由于受到制造精度的限制,他们的外型看上去都非常的庞大和笨重,机器人在程序的控制下进行高效和高精度的工作。有人估计在1998年有72万台工业机器人被应用到生产中。可通信机器人被用在海底和核设施等半结构化的环境中,他们在那里从事非重复性任务,时间也没有太大的限制。“机器人”在古时候是指的是一个人, 现代“机器人“一词最早出现在20世纪的捷克语中,在捷克语中机器人的意思是奴隶、仆人或被强迫工作的劳动力。 机器人与人有很大的区别,但他们也非常的灵活,能够完成各种不同的工作。据剧作家卡雷尔`卡培科介绍, 最初的机器人就像弗兰肯斯坦博士的怪物—-不是用机械式的方法,而是有化学和生物的原理造出来。从这些最初的生物创作来看,这和目前的机械机器人流行文化没有多大不同。目前机器人领域已经有了许许多多的具有基本物理和导航能力机器人,同时,人们也开始将机器人运用于从娱乐到卫生保健等各个部门的日常生活中,进而完全取代人类。 许多爱好智能机器人的研究者正在不遗余力的进行机器人的设计。此外,机器人可用于更普遍的工作,例如清洁卫生的工作。 然而发明机器人的最初目的是代替人类在肮脏、枯燥和危险下进行工作,可是现在他们现被当作个人助理。 随着科学技术发展到一个新的境界, 机器人将会具有更多的智慧,对人类的未来产生重大影响。f机械,机电类毕业设计1毕业设计 可伸缩带式输送机结构设计 2毕业设计 AWC机架现场扩孔机设计3毕业论文复合化肥混合比例装置及PLC控制系统设计 4机械设计课程设计 带式输送机说明书和总装图4毕业设计 冲压废料自动输送装置 5专用机床PLC控制系统的设计 6课程设计 带式输送机传动装置 7毕业论文 桥式起重机副起升机构设计 8毕业论文 两齿辊破碎机设计 9 63CY14-1B轴向柱塞泵改进设计(共32页,19000字) 10毕业设计 连杆孔研磨装置设计 11毕业设计 旁承上平面与下心盘上平面垂直距离检测装置的设计 12.. 机械设计课程设计 带式运输机传动装置设计 13皮带式输送机传动装置的一级圆柱齿轮减速器 14毕业设计(论文) 立轴式破碎机设计 15毕业设计(论文) C6136型经济型数控改造(横向) 16高空作业车工作臂结构设计及有限元分析 17 2007届毕业生毕业设计 机用虎钳设计 18毕业设计无轴承电机的结构设计 19毕业设计 平面关节型机械手设计 20毕业设计 三自由度圆柱坐标型工业机器人 21毕业设计XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀设计 22毕业设计 四通管接头的设计 23课程设计:带式运输机上的传动及减速装置 24毕业设计(论文) 行星减速器设计三维造型虚拟设计分析 25毕业设计论文 关节型机器人腕部结构设计 26本科生毕业设计全套资料 Z32K型摇臂钻床变速箱的改进设计/ 27毕业设计 EQY-112-90 汽车变速箱后面孔系钻削组合机床设计 28毕业设计 D180柴油机12孔攻丝机床及夹具设计 29毕业设计 C616型普通车床改造为经济型数控车床 30毕业设计(论文)说明书 中单链型刮板输送机设计 液压类毕业设计1毕业设计 ZFS1600/12/26型液压支架掩护梁设计2毕业设计 液压拉力器 3毕业设计 液压台虎钳设计 4毕业设计论文 双活塞液压浆体泵液力缸设计 5毕业设计 GKZ高空作业车液压和电气控制系统设计 数控加工类毕业设计1课程设计 设计低速级斜齿轮零件的机械加工工艺规程 2毕业设计 普通车床经济型数控改造 3毕业论文 钩尾框夹具设计(镗φ92孔的两道工序的专用夹具) ...4 机械制造工艺学课程设计 设计“拨叉”零件的机械加工工艺规程及工艺装备(年产量5000件)5课程设计 四工位专用机床传动机构设计 6课程设计说明书 设计“推动架”零件的机械加工工艺及工艺设备 7机械制造技术基础课程设计 制定CA6140车床法兰盘的加工工艺,设计钻4×φ9mm孔的钻床夹具 8械制造技术基础课程设计 设计“CA6140车床拨叉”零件的机械加工工艺及工艺设备 9毕业设计 轴类零件设计 10毕业设计 壳体零件机械加工工艺规程制订及第工序工艺装备设计 11毕业设计 单拐曲轴零件机械加工规程设计说明书 12机械制造课程设计 机床传动齿轮的工艺规程设计(大批量) 13课程设计 轴零件的机械加工工艺规程制定 14毕业论文 开放式CNC(Computer Numerical Control)系统设计15毕业设计 单拐曲轴工艺流程 16毕业设计 壳体机械加工工艺规程 17毕业设计 连杆机械加工工艺规程 18毕业设计(论文) 子程序在冲孔模生产中的运用——编制数控加工(1#-6#)标模点孔的程序 19毕业设计 XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置的设计 20机械制造技术基础课程设计 设计“减速器传动轴”零件的机械加工工艺规程(年产量为5000件) 21课程设计 杠杆的加工 22毕业设计 多回转电动执行机构箱体加工工艺规程及工艺装备设计 23毕业论文 数控铣高级工零件工艺设计及程序编制 24毕业论文 数控铣高级工心型零件工艺设计及程序编制25毕业设计 连杆的加工工艺及其断面铣夹具设计 26机械制造工艺学课程设计说明书:设计“CA6140车床拨叉”零件的机械加工工艺及工艺设备 杂合XKA5032AC数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置设计机用虎钳课程设计.rar行星齿轮减速器减速器的虚拟设计(王少华).rar物流液压升降台的设计自动加料机控制系统.rar全向轮机构及其控制设计.rar齿轮齿条转向器.rar出租车计价系统.rar(毕业设计)油封骨架冲压模具连杆孔研磨装置设计 .rar蜗轮蜗杆传动.rar用单片机实现温度远程显示.doc基于Alter的EP1C6Q240C8的红外遥器(毕业论文).doc变频器 调试设计及应用镍氢电池充电器的设计.doc铣断夹具设计型双动拉伸压力机的设计WY型滚动轴承压装机设计Z32K型摇臂钻床变速箱的改进设计基于PLC高速全自动包装机的控制系统应用基于单片机控制的步进电机调速系统的设计普通-式双柱汽车举升机设计无模压力成形机设计(word+CAD)手机恒流充电器的设计3 摘要.doc智能型充电器的电源和显示的设计气动通用上下料机械手的设计同轴2级减速器设计行星齿轮减速器减速器的虚拟设计(王少华)运送铝活塞铸造毛坯机械手设计_王强CA6140车床后托架加工工艺及夹具设计SSCK20A数控车床主轴和箱体加工编程织机导板零件数控加工工艺与工装设计密封垫片冲裁模设计瓶盖拉深模的设计手机塑料外壳注塑模毕业设计五金模具毕业设计织机导板零件数控加工工艺与工装设计.rar_CA6140车床开环纵向系统设计C616型普通车床改造CA6150数控车床主轴箱及传动系统系统的设计XK100数控主轴箱设计XK5040铣床垂直进给机构XY数控工作台1毕业论文 经济型数控车床纵向进给系统设计及进给系统的润滑设计.doc毕业设计 环境专业 某盐化公司生产废水治理工程技术方案板料毕业设计成形CAE可行性分析==模具.doc毕业设计数控类 汽车车灯同步转向装置.doc毕业设计 设计加工客车上 “车门垫板”零件的冲裁模 hao毛EX1000高效二次风选粉机(传动及壳体部件)设计.rar oo: 348414338
8 车床主轴箱箱体右侧10-M8螺纹底孔组合钻床设计9 机油盖注塑模具设计10 机油冷却器自动装备线压紧工位装备设计11 5基于AT89C2051单片机的温度控制系统的设计12 基于普通机床的后托架及夹具设计开发13 减速器的整体设计14 搅拌器的设计15 金属粉末成型液压机PLC设计16 精密播种机17 可调速钢筋弯曲机的设计18 空气压缩机V带校核和噪声处理19 冲压拉深模设计20 螺旋管状面筋机总体及坯片导出装置设计21 落料,拉深,冲孔复合模22 膜片式离合器的设计23 内螺纹管接头注塑模具设计24 内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计25 全自动洗衣机控制系统的设计26 生产线上运输升降机的自动化设计27 实验用减速器的设计28 手机充电器的模具设计29 鼠标盖的模具设计30 双齿减速器设计31 双铰接剪叉式液压升降台的设计32 水泥瓦模具设计与制造工艺分析33 四层楼电梯自动控制系统的设计34 塑料电话接线盒注射模设计35 塑料模具设计36 同轴式二级圆柱齿轮减速器的设计37 托板冲模毕业设计38 推动架设计39 椭圆盖注射模设计40 万能外圆磨床液压传动系统设计41 五寸软盘盖注射模具设计42 锡林右轴承座组件工艺及夹具设计43 心型台灯塑料注塑模具毕业设计44 机械手设计45 机械手自动控制系统的PLC实现方法研究46 汽车制动系统实验台设计47 数控多工位钻床设计48 数控车床主轴和转塔刀架毕业设计49 送布凸轮的设计和制造50 CA6140车床后托架夹具设计51 带式输送机毕业设计论文52 电火花加工论文53 机床的数控改造及发展趋势54 机械加工工艺规程毕业论文55 机械手毕业论文56 基于ANSYS的齿轮泵有限元分析57 可编程序控制器在机床数控系统中应用探讨58 矿石铲运机液压系统设计59 汽车连杆加工工艺及夹具设计论文60 数控车床半闭环控制系统设计61 数控多工位钻床设计62 数控机床体积定位精度的测量与补偿63 数控机床维修64 数控加工工艺与编程65 塑料注射模设计与制造66 新型电动执行机构67 液力传动变速箱设计与仿真论文68 轴类零件的加工工艺论文69 中型货车变速器的设计70 数控钻床横、纵两向进给系统的设计71 经济型数控车床控制系统设计72 Y210—2型电动机定子铁芯冲压模具设计73 双坐标十字滑台设计及控制74 注射器盖毕业设计75 二级减速器的毕业设计 资料来源:
现今,伴随着我国科技、经济的飞速发展,我国的机械行业也取得了较大的进步。下文是我为大家整理的关于有关机械方面毕业论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 浅析机械设计与机
机电设备的安装好坏对企业的日常中安全和经济运行起到最直接的影响效果,对于机电设备的安装是众多工程人士关注的对象。下面是我整理的机电一体化毕业论文。欢迎参考! 机
毕业论文 (设计)文档规范格式毕业论文(设计)的整理、装订要求统一采用A4纸打印、左面竖装;毕业论文(设计)的书写格式规范1.毕业论文正文由毕业论文(设计)题目