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[1] Lu Yan , Yu Shui Li* ,Chai Bao Xiang. Preparation of Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)(PVDF) Ultrafiltration Membrane Modified by Nano-sized Alumina (Al2O3) and its antifouling research,Polymer,46 (2005) 7701-7706.[2]赵方波,于水利*,荆国林,等. 淹没式膜生物反应器中膜污染机理的研究 [J]. 环境科学学报,2005,25⑶:107-112[3] Yu Shuili*,Zhao Fangbo,Liu Yanan,Zhan Hongjie,Wang jinlong. Performance Evaluation of ICAS-MBR For Decentralized Treatment and Reuse of Domestic Wastewater (In English)[C]. IWA Conference on Decentralized Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater,Xi An,China,May 18-22,2005: 503-509 (Oral presentation)[4]ZHEN xiang-hua,Yu Shuil*,WANG Bwei-fu. Flux enhancement during ultrafiltration of produced water using turbulent promoter (In English)[C]. International Symposium on Membrane Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment,Tsinghua University,China,2005,254-261.[5] Yu Shuili*,Fang-bo Zhao .Effect of Components in Activated Sludge Liquor on Membrane Fouling in a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (In English)[C]. International Symposium on Membrane Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment,Tsinghua University,China,2005,86-95 (Oral presentation)[6] Zhao Fangbo,Yu shuili,Liqian,Zhan Hongjie. Characteristics of N and P removal in an intermittently cyclic activated sludge-Membrane bioreactor process [C].1st EST,New Orleans,USA,January 23-26,2005: 284-289 (Oral presentation)[7] Liu Yanan,Yu Shuili*,Jing Guolin,Zhao Bingjie,Guo Siyuan,Analysis of Phosphate-accumulating organisms cultivated under different carbon sources with polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis assay. IWA international conference on Future of Urban Wastewater Systems,Xian,China,May 18-22,2005: 981-991? (Oral presentation)[8]刘亚男,于水利,薛罡,等.分子生物学技术在生物除磷中的应用及进展[J]. 水处理技术,2005,31⑼:10-12.[9]张洪杰,于水利,赵方波,等.膜生物反应器膜污染影响因素的分析[J]. 哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版),2005,21⑷:440-443.[10]云霞,徐江兴,于水利,等. 钯/离子交换树脂催化加氢除氧技术的实验研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2005,37⑵:249-251.[11]王北福,于水利,聂立宏,等.超滤/电渗析法处理驱采污水与回用. 中国给水排水,2005,21⑽:93-95.[12]梁雨,于水利,崔崇威,等. 聚硅铁与复合铝铁及硫酸铝的净水效果研究. 哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版),2005,20⑹:684-687.[13]Yu Y.. Study of the compare of oiliness wastewater treatment using PVDF and PVDF/NANO-size alumina (AL203) ultrafiltration membrane[A]. FILTECH2005 International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology[G]. Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden,Germany,Fitech Exhibitions Germany,2005,505-511.[14]Yu .. The use of ultrafiltration as electrodialysis pretreatment for produced water desalination in the daqing oifield[ A]. FILTECH2005 International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology[G]. Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden,Germany,Fitech Exhibitions Germany,2005,512-519.[15]Wang .. Electrodialysis of polymer-flooding produced water sequent use as confecting polymer water[A]. FILTECH2005 International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology[G]. Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden,Germany,Fitech Exhibitions Germany,2005,553-561.[16]Shi X.,Zhao .. Development of PB2=-RESIN based catalyst reactor for dissolved oxygen removal from ultrapure water[A]. FILTECH2005 International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology[G]. Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden,Germany,Fitech Exhibitions Germany,2005,490-796.[17]荆国林,于水利,韩强,等. 聚合物驱采油废水回用技术研究. 给水排水,2005,23⑶:60-63.[18]许晓强,于水利,崔崇威,等. 造纸用低温低浊水脱色技术生产性试验研究. 哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版),2005,25⑴:46-48.[19]余鑫晶,于水利,邱晓霞,等. 给水管道生物膜中的细菌生长研究[A].见: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,.[20]付英,于水利.氧化型聚硅酸铁去除溶解性有机物性能研究[A].见: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,.[21]王北福,于水利,董喜贵,等.油田采出水回用为灌溉用水的实验研究[A].见: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 首届中国城镇水务发展战略国际研讨会组委会,.[22]时文歆,于水利,邱晓霞,等.动电修复铅污染土壤和地下水初步研究[J]. 环境科学与技术,2005,28⑴:21-23.[23]Shi Wenxin,Yu Shuili,Liu Yanan,Zhao Liye .Speciation of Cd in Different Soils Before and After Electrokinetic Remediation[A].In:State Key Laboritory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse of China Pollution Control and Resource for A Better Tomorrow and Sustainable Economy[C].Shanghai,China:Shanghai Tongji University and Nanjing University,.[24]Yu Shuili,Zhen Xianghua,Wang Beifu,Zhao Fangbo,Zheng Haifeng,Liang ultrafitration to treat produced water for reinjection[A]. In:State Key Laboritory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse of Control and Resource for A Better Tomorrow and Sustainable Economy[C]. Shanghai,China:Shanghai Tongji University and Nanjing University,.[25] Wang Beifu Yu Shuili,Nie Lihong,Zhen Xianghua,Wei Hybrid UF and ED system Reusing polymer-flooding produced water as confecting polymer water[A]. In:State Key Laboritory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse of Control and Resource for A Better Tomorrow and Sustainable Economy[C]. Shanghai,China:Shanghai Tongji University and Nanjing University,.[26]Fu Ying,Yu Shuili,Yang efficiency of poly-silicon-ferric-sulfate(PSF)[A]. In:State Key Laboritory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse of Control and Resource for A Better Tomorrow and Sustainable Economy[C]. Shanghai,China:Shanghai Tongji University and Nanjing University,.[27] Liu Yanan,Yu Shuili*,Zhao Bingjie,Guo Siyuan. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal in anaerobic/ aerobic sequencing batch reactor supplied with glucose as carbon source. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition). 2005,22 ⑶: 102-106[28] Yu Shuili*,Liu Yanan,Jing Guolin,Zhao Bingjie,Guo Siyuan. Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) to Analyse Phosphate-Accumulating Organisms Cultivated with Different Carbon Sources. Journal of Environmental Science. 2005,17 ⑷: 611-614。[29] 卢燕,于水利,蔡报祥. 有机膜的无机改性及其性能研究[A].见: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,膜法水处理国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,.[30] 严哓菊,于水利,李薇,等. 一体式PAC-MF组合工艺对微污染水中农药及THMFP的去除效果试验研究[A].见: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,膜法水处理国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,.[31] 王北福,于水利,聂立红,等. 电渗析法回用聚驱采出水的试验研究[A].见: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,膜法水处理国际研讨会论文集[C].北京: 清华大学环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,.[32]严哓菊,于水利,李薇等. 浸渍型PAC-MF组合工艺对微污染水处理效果效果[A].见: 土木工程学会水工业委员会给水委员会第十次年会,2005年中日水处理技术交流会论文集[C].厦门: 土木工程学会水工业委员会给水委员会,.[33]刘亚男,于水利*,赵冰洁,等. 胞外聚合物对生物除磷效果影响研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2005,37⑸:623-625[34]刘亚男,于水利*,薛罡,等. 聚磷菌PAO1-1的筛选与除磷特征[J]. 中国给水排水,2005,21⑽:13~17.[35]付胜涛,于水利. 厌氧消化处理水果蔬菜废弃物的研究进展[J].中国沼气,2005,23⑷:18~21.[23]付英,于水利,张存兰,等.纳米TiO2膜无机亲水改性及在污水处理中应用展望.化工时刊,2004,18⑿:8-11.[36]芦艳、于水利、蔡报祥.高分子有机膜改性技术研究[J].现代化工,2004,24(Suppl1):84-86.[37]荆国林,于水利,韩强,等.电渗析降低含聚污水矿化度的方法[J]. 大庆石油学院学报,2004,28⑴:41-43.[38]荆国林,于水利,韩强. 聚合物采油污水处理技术研究进展[J]. 工业用水与废水,2004,34⑵:16-18.[39]荆国林,于水利,韩强. 电渗析处理含聚合物污水研究[J]. 西安石油大学学报自然科学版,2004,l9⑶:49-51.[40] 刘汝鹏,于水利,王全勇,等. 浅谈造纸废水处理工程设计. 工业水处理,2004,24⑿:64-67.[41]赵方波,于水利.膜生物反应器(MBR)中污泥膨胀的特征与控制对策[J]. 工业用水与废水,2004,34(增刊):107-110.[42]Liu Yanan,Yu Shuili*,Zhao Bingjie,Guo Siyuan. Study on the role of extracellular exopolymers n biological phosphorus removal in anaerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactor. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns (ICEC),Xiamen University,Xiamen,China. Oct. 2004,1127-1133[43]ZHAO Fang-bo,YU Shui-li,L Qian,Zhang Hong-jie? Characteristics of N and P Removal in An Intermittently Cuclic Activated Sludge-Membrane Bioeractor Process? 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns (ICEC),Xiamen University,Xiamen,China. Oct. 2004,1258-1259[44]Shi Wenxin,Cui Chongwei,Yu Shuili and Feng Weiming? Study on Electrokingtic Remediation of Cadmium Contaminated Soils 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns (ICEC),Xiamen University,Xiamen,China. Oct. 2004:278-281[45] Zhao Fangbo,Yu shuili,Liqian,Zhan Hongjie,Liyu. Study of Membrane Biological Fouling Layer Characteristics by AFM,SEM and HPLC. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on instrumentation Science and Technology. Xi An,China,August 18-22,2004: 631-636[46]于水利,时文歆,冯伟明,崔崇威. 铅锌矿区土壤镉污染的动电修复技术[J]. 湖南科技大学学报,2004,19⑶:78-80

342 评论


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130 评论


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