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The smarter way to primary reason to buy a used car is that a used car costs less than a new one. Not so many yearsago, there were only three ways to buy a used car: from a private owner, from a used-car dealer, or from a new-car dealer. Each presented a buyer with a question that was impossible to answer—how do I know if I'm getting a car that won't fall apart the day after I buy it? A prudent buyer could take precautions, of course, such as having a mechanic inspect the car before handing over a check, or patronizing a reputable dealer who would stand behind what he sold, but it was still usually a 'buyer beware' recent years, however, a new way of marketing used cars has evolved which gives a buyers another, possibly more attractive, choice. Today, a buyer has the option of purchasing a CPO car or 's a CPO? It means Certified Pre-Owned, which means that the used vehicle in question isn't just a pig in a poke, but comes with some guarantee as to its initial quality and potential CPO phenomenon is essentially a byproduct of vehicle leasing, which took off in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In those days, automakers, particularly those who made high-priced luxury cars, put together attractive leasing packages that gave buyers the option of being able to drive a car for less per month than it would have cost if they had financed and purchased in the traditional way. Leasing peaked in 1999, when nearly three-and-a-half million vehicles, roughly a quarter of all new-car deals, were of leasing a car as being the same as leasing an apartment—you get to use it, but you don't own it. When the term of your lease expires, you move on. In the case of an apartment, the landlord freshens it up and puts it back on the market. In the case of a car or truck, the landlord, who is the auto dealer in conjunction with the automaker, does the same thing—the off-lease vehicle is reconditioned and put back on the market as a first, automakers were reluctant to flood the market with off-lease CPOs, fearing that they would undermine new-car sales. But that turned out not to be the case. Over the past decade or so, new-vehicle sales have been remarkably robust and sales of CPOs have run apace. For example, for one recent month, Audi reported 6,473 new-car sales and 2,225 CPO sales, a fairly typical proportion for some of the more upscale leasing has tapered off somewhat in recent years—because heavy discounting and a variety of incentives have made the outright purchase of a new car more attractive—it still accounts for millions of transactions each year and keeps the CPO market for BuyingIntroductionBuying a used car obviously carries a certain degree of risk. After all, with a new car you get the peace of mind that no one has driven the vehicle carelessly or failed to have it maintained on a regular basis. And, if something does go wrong, the car is under warranty—at least for a period of time. These safeties are not usually included in the purchase of a used car. But used-car buying need not be as fraught with anxiety and terror as some may think. Knowing where and how to buy a used car as well as which cars to buy can alleviate most of the tension consumers feel about this unknown process. If you are willing to spend time doing thorough research, you will soon be driving the car of your dreams, secure in the knowledge that you paid a fair price for your new set of a Used Car :#How much could you afford? -Before you begin your search for a good deal on a used car, spend time considering many of the same factors that would apply to a new car purchase: how will you use the vehicle; how long do you plan to keep it; and your budget for the purchase, including insurance, operation, maintenance and repair costs.#What Car should you buy? -Decide what car best suits your lifestyle and image. Since you could probably be owning and using the same car for many more years, you need to anticipate future needs and lifestyle changes. Today you could easily consider buying a mid-sized car as these cars are available at great down your dream list is a bit more difficult for used cars than new cars because there are so many more used vehicles. Talk to friends or acquaintances who drive cars that appeal to you; word of mouth is often one of the best ways to gather information about reliability or quirks of certain cars.#How Old is Old? -If Budget is top priority then you rather buy a smaller car that's newer than a large car that's older. Owning a larger car will cost you more as the running costs - fuel, maintenance, tyres, spares are costlier. The best bet is to look for something almost new - Two years or younger. You could get a real good deal because there are plenty of car owners who don't want to be seen in a 'yesterday's model' - they want to be seen driving only latest a middle-aged car ( 3 - 5 years old ) that has been treated well by its owner could be a great deal. You could find a lot of these cars at a good bargain. Cars that have logged 14,000 to 18,000 Km a year are prime flogged badly by chauffeurs or heavily used ones are like buying readings can be rolled back, or "clocked." This fraud is practiced by thousands of fly-by-night, independent used-car sellers nationwide. The effect is obvious: a high-mileage car is turned into a low-mileage car to increase the car’s value. A car with low mileage, but with a lot of wear on the driver's seat or the brake and accelerator, may indicate tampering with the

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我国二手车金融开始步入规范化发展阶段。展望未来,在中国经济“双循环”新格局和“十四五”发展新要求之下,以二手车为核心的汽车流通产业作为稳增长、扩内需重点领域,将具备重要的战略意义。因此《2021中国二手车金融与生态报告》中提到,2020年,我国二手车金融渗透率达30%左右,预计2025年可达48%左右。据分析机构Frost & Sullivan预测,随着二手车消费在汽车总消费中的占比增加,预计到2030年,中国二手车汽车金融市场规模将达到7043亿元。





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在新车利润空间日渐萎缩的今天,二手车正在成为中国汽车市场新的增长点。如何认识并参与这个市场,如何从玩家到赢家,值得每一位角逐者深思 编者按: 2007年是中国二手车元年。支撑这个断言的是如下事实--从2004年开始,二手车连续三年增长速度高达30%,与之伴生的是新车的不断降价和利润空间的日渐压缩,二手车市场由此正在迅速成为汽车从业者新的增长点,而这个事实正冲击着逐利者敏感的神经。 同样冲击他们敏感神经的还有国外成熟二手车市场已经描绘出的美丽愿景--其远远超过新车的销量,高达45%的利润空间,让人们对中国二手车市场的预期越来越高。 在这个庞大国家的庞大市场,二手车界的各路人马已经群情高涨;人们正在翘首中国二手车市场会在某一时刻壮观一把,一如当年新车市场的井喷现象。 但是,真真假假的车况、混乱不堪的评估,缺乏诚信的市场环境,像一把心锁,锁住了消费者对二手车的激情。 无论是传统的二手车市场,还是后起的品牌二手车,抑或是新兴的拍卖行,他们或者经过多年的培育终于看到了前景,或者嗅到了利润的味道而跻身其中。 现在,他们一同聚首到中国二手车市场这个舞台中央,他们需要的是更实在作为,他们正在试图努力击碎那把心锁,让更多人更放心地去接受二手车。 一场大戏,道具已经摆好,主角也已登场,如何演才是关键。井喷征兆当陈晓波们在市场第一线敏感地嗅到二手车市场越来越大的商机时,行业分析家们也在数据的变化中进一步印证这一趋势。位于北京市南四环西路、占地面积大约200多亩的北京市旧机动车交易市场的二期工程已经成形,而西边于2002年7月建成并投入使用的一期工程占地也达200亩,在这里的200多家旧车经纪公司已经耕耘了近5个年头了。 这里是北京地区最大的二手车流通中心,每天旧车库存量达到3000余辆。陈晓波则是在这里成长起来的二手车经纪人之一,这个市场每个细微的变化他都可以迅速感受到。 他告诉记者,在这个市场里,奥拓、QQ、夏利等小排量轿车很受消费者的欢迎,每天都能成交近200辆左右,并且小排量二手车的价格高得离谱,个别品牌的二手车只比新车便宜2000元钱。 这些小型二手车受青睐大多占了功能的优势。陈晓波说:夏利是小排量车中交易最多的车型之一。主要是油耗低,价格实惠,售后服务与维修都比较方便,零部件价格相对也便宜,年轻人练手爱买这个;奥拓外形还可以,油耗也低,车的性能好,保值率高,还有就是很适合改装,北京那么堵,它钻来钻去特别灵活,停车也方便,非常受欢迎。

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