计算机人脸识别是一个复杂和困难的问题,其原因是:(1)人脸是由复杂的三维曲面构成的可变形体,难以用数学描述;(2)所有人的人脸结构高度相似,而人脸的图像又受年龄和成像条件的影响,这使得同一人在不同条件下的差别可能比不同的人在相同条件下的差别还要大。因此,人脸识别技术实用化所需解决的重要问题是研究能在上述变化条件下可靠工作的人脸识别技术,即鲁棒的人脸识别技术。实现鲁棒的人脸识别涉及人脸检测、特征检测、人脸描述、建模、识别等技术,而其中最关键的是特征检测。基于上述理解,本论文以鲁棒的人脸识别为目标,以人脸特征检测为重点进行了相关的研究,并取得了如下创新性成果:1、提出多线索自适应人脸特征检测方法,将多种人脸线索通过导引、校验、纠错等方式相融合,实现了在姿态、背景和光照变化的情况下人脸特征的可靠检测。与现有典型的特征检测方法相比,正确率和适应性有显著提高(对于姿态变化的情况,正确率提高10%左右),从而使人脸特征检测技术达到实用阶段。2、提出图像分析和运动分析相结合的交叉验证方法,实现了活动图像人脸特征检测中的自动纠错和特征估计机制,从而使视频中人脸特征自动检测的正确率达到98%以上,为基于... It is difficult to implement the face recognition mechanism using computers for several reasons. First, human face is a deformable object composed of complex 3D curve surfaces, which is hard to be represented in form of mathematics. Secondly, faces of different persons have the similar structure. On the other side, the face images are greatly dependent on ages and photography conditions. This results that the difference between two face images of two different persons taken under the same photography co...
Research looks at how some never forget a face 研究着眼于部分人是如何对面孔过目不忘的"Society operates under the assumption that everybody is about the same at recognizing faces, and that everyone sees the world in the same way," says Richard Russell, an author of a 2009 paper that first described the existence of super-recognizers. "That simply is not true." “社会的运作基于这样一个假设:每个人辨认面孔的能力都差不多,且每个人都以同样的方式看待世界”,理查德·罗素说道,“事实根本不是这样。”罗素是一篇发表于 2009 年的论文的作者之一,该论文首次描述了“超级人脸识别者”的存在。 加入会员可查看 Super-recognizers never forget a face. They need to focus on it only once to instantly recognize it again. Most super-recognizers can recall a face even years later whether in person or in a photo. Moreover, during this pandemic time of widespread mask-wearing, they can recognize people from their eyes alone. 超级人脸识别者对人的面孔过目不忘,他们只需用肉眼“对焦”一张脸一次,就能立即将它再次辨认出来。无论是看真人还是看照片,大部分超级人脸识别者即便在多年以后都还能记起曾经见过的脸。而且,在这个人人戴着口罩的疫情时代,他们仅凭眼睛就能把人认出来。 加入会员可查看 "For a never-before-seen face shown as an image, the average person derives a snapshot-like representation, while super-recognizers automatically get an idea of what that person's face looks like from other angles," says Meike Ramon, who heads the Applied Face Cognition Lab in Switzerland. 瑞士人脸识别应用实验室的负责人梅克·拉蒙(音)表示:“对于一张从未见过的且以图片形式展示的人脸,普通人会对它产生一种类似快照的大致印象,而超级人脸识别者则会不自觉地就知晓这张脸从其他角度看起来是什么样子。” 加入会员可查看 Super-recognizers show greater electrophysiological activity when processing recognition, meaning their brains show bursts of electrical activity sometimes stronger than that of controls. The skill is so brain-dependent that one super-recognizer, after suffering a debilitating stroke, lost his super-recognizing ability. 超级人脸识别者在进行人脸识别的过程中会出现更强烈的电生理活动。也就是说,他们的大脑会爆发出在某些时候比对照组更为剧烈的电活动。这项技能对大脑的依赖程度之高,以至于一位超级人脸识别者在饱受中风折磨后,失去了他的超强识别能力。 加入会员可查看 Regardless of the scientific underpinnings, super-recognizer skills proved invaluable during riots that erupted in London and other English cities in August 2011 — better than software. 先不论超级人脸识别者能力的科学依据如何,至少在 2011 年 8 月伦敦和其他英格兰城市爆发骚乱期间,这种能力是非常有价值的——比人脸识别软件更强。 加入会员可查看 Josh Davis, professor at the University of Greenwich in London, and a super-recognizer expert, says about 20 super-recognizers identified an estimated 600 suspects responsible for the destruction by sifting through thousands of closed circuit television images. 伦敦格林威治大学教授、超级人脸识别者的研究专家乔什·戴维斯说,经过对数千份闭路电视监控的仔细审查,约 20 名超级人脸识别者辨认出了约 600 名造成破坏的嫌疑犯。 加入会员可查看 主编:Hoby、噔噔 品控:木子、迎迎 审核:噔噔 重点词汇 look at 看;检查、察看;研究 例句:If an expert looks at someone or something, they examine them. assumption /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ n. 假定,假设,臆断 相关词汇:assume(v. 假定,假设,臆断) 例句:We can't assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to remain silent. 搭配短语:an assumption focus /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ v.(人眼)调整视力以看清楚;调节(相机、望远镜)的焦距 例句:You should keep your camera focused on the bird. 例句:It took a while for my eyes to focus in the dark. recall /ˈriː.kɑːl/ v. 记得;回想起,回忆 词根词缀:re-(again,再次) 相关词汇:call(v. 召唤) 搭配短语:as I recall 例句:As I recall, you specifically told me not to call the client. 搭配短语:recall doing sth. 例句:I don't recall myself saying that. widespread /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ adj. 分布广的,普遍的,广泛的 搭配短语:widespread support 搭配短语:widespread use derive /dɪˈraɪv/ v. 获得,取得,得到 近义词:obtain 搭配短语:derive A from B 例句:The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'. snapshot /ˈsnæp.ʃɑːt/ n. 快照;概况,概要,简介 英文释义:a photograph taken quickly and often not very skilfully 搭配短语:a snapshot of sth. 例句:The book gives me a snapshot of life in the Middle Ages. representation /ˌɪ.zenˈteɪ.ʃən/ n. 代表;描述,描写,描绘 相关词汇:represent(v. 代表;描述,描绘) 例句:The film represented Kennedy's assassination as a government conspiracy. 搭配短语:a lifelike representation of sth. get an idea of 理解,明白,知道 近义词:understand burst /bɝːst/ n. 爆炸;迸发,突然爆发;一阵 词性拓展:burst(v. 爆炸,爆裂) 英文释义:a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period 搭配短语:a burst of activity 搭配短语:bursts of activity control /kənˈtroʊl/ n. 对照组 词性拓展:control(v. 控制) debilitating /dɪˈbɪl.ə.teɪ.t̬ɪŋ/ adj. 使人虚弱的 underpinning /ˈʌɚˌpɪn.ɪŋ/ n. 基础,支承结构;(理论、动机、学说的)基础 相关词汇:pin(n. 固定东西的材料,如发夹、别针、钉子等) 词性拓展:pin(v. 把……别住,把……固定住) 搭配短语:to pin a note on the door 搭配短语:to pin your hair back 相关词汇:underpin(v. 加固建筑物的地下基础;支撑,巩固) 例句:He presented the figures to underpin his argument. 搭配短语:the theories that underpin our teaching methods 搭配短语:the theoretical underpinnings 搭配短语:the scientific underpinnings sift /sɪft/ v. 筛分,过滤;筛选;细查,详查 搭配短语:sift the flour 搭配短语:sift into 搭配短语:to sift the flour into a bowl 搭配短语:sift through 例句:If you sift through something, such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly. closed circuit television 闭路电视监控系统 相关词汇:closed(adj. 闭合的) 相关词汇:circuit(n. 电路) 相关词汇:television(n. 电视) 缩写:CCTV 相关词汇:China Central Television(中央电视台)
可以。 毕业论文是可以用别人训练出来的,但是自己也要有创新,不能全部使用,不然是不会过的。毕业论文(graduation study)是专科及以上学历教育为对本
随着图像处理技术的迅速发展,图像识别技术的应用领域越来越广泛。我整理了图像识别技术论文,欢迎阅读! 图像识别技术研究综述 摘要:随着图像处理技术的迅速发展,图像
摘 要 人体识别是计算机视觉领域的一大类热点问题,其研究内容涵盖了人体的监测与跟踪、手势识别、动作识别、人脸识别、性别识别和行为与事件识别等,有着非常广泛