农产品品牌相关英文文献,点击下载Farmer-owned brands?DJ Hayes, SH Lence.,Agribusiness, 2004 of Origin as a Brand: The case of New Zealand lambRL Clemens, BA Babcock - 2004
farm families through an experiential learning model, by John Smith, Journal of Agricultural Education, 2010 farm principles for sustainable agriculture in developing countries, by Donald Brown and William McBride, World Development, 2011 family farms: Supporting the global food system, by Ernesto Pollitt and Elizabeth G. Pringle, Annual Review of Environmental Resources, 2012 farmers in a global economy: The need to invest in small-scale agriculture, by William C. McKillop and Cheikhou Bop, International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013 capital and family farm sustainability: An empirical analysis of New Zealand farms, by Richard B. Howitt and Stuart Locke, Rural Sociology, 2014 farms and regional development: Evidence from smallholder agriculture in the Andean Highlands, by Gonzalo Alfonzo, Ecological Economics, 2015 family farming: Enhancing agricultural productivity and environmental protection, by Frank J. Convery and Jonathan R. Gillard, Journal of Organic Systems, 2016 approaches to family farming: A case study from Mexico, by Joanne E. Taylor, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2017 role of family dynamics in the success of small-scale farms, by Carolina L. T. dos Santos, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018 from family farmers: Best practices for agri-food system resilience in times of global change, by María del Pilar Olmedo and Stephen G. Sherwood, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2019.
关于家庭农场的外文文献有哪些答: 中英文外文翻译文献家庭农场摘 要家庭农场是一个农场拥有和经营的家庭像其他家族企业和房地产的所有权,往往会给下一代的传承。这是许多人类历史的主要是农业经济的基本单元,并继续在发展中国家。家庭农场的替代品,包括那些由农业,俗称“工厂化农场,或通过集体农业。关键词 家庭农场/现代农业/发展/策略
先写好题目再找到合适的发几率比较大 中国农资 《农民致富之友》 饲料与畜牧(新饲料\规模养猪、养猪人) 《农产品加工》中旬刊 农机使用与维修 《湖南农
我国农产品物流现状及对策研究Relate to Our Country Agricultural Product Logistics Current Situa
[1]吴琼. 基于博弈分析的食品安全规制研究[D]. 苏州大学: 苏州大学,2010. [2]施蕾. 食品安全监管行政执法体制研究[D]. 华东政法大学: 华东
我国农产品物流现状及对策研究Relate to Our Country Agricultural Product Logistics Current Situa