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首页 > 学术论文 > 青霉素发酵毕业论文

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个人实习计划,最复杂版本总结通过这次实习,我觉得我收获很大,首先,我知道了大学生实习报告怎么写,同时,在老师的指导下,我也知道了毕业论文怎么写。这次实习使我明白走向社会工作是一件多么不容易的事。在以后的工作中,我一定会珍惜机会,争取将工作做得更好。以下是我的毕业实习个人总结:首先我在这次任务中担任检验员,虽然任务算是最轻的,但重要是熟悉各个部门操作流程.主要方面有①各岗位车间的标准程序规章②设备仪器工具的使用③原料 辅料检验入库发放记录④关键工序 主要瓶颈⑤不同环境下生产产品的检验⑥检验记录。其次这次实习,帮助我树立药品生产反应是中心、工艺是主体、设备是环境、检验是条件的思想,使我认识到药品生产是按工艺和检测两大主线来实施的。通过这种普遍联系的整体—部分—整体的思维方法和认识过程,使我学到一套科学的训练方法。提高动手、观察、分析、综合等四种能力,促使生产能力的提高落到实处:动手能力是收集毕业设计资料与素材的首要能力。观察能力是生产能力强弱的直接体现。分析能力是前两种能力的发展。综合能力是前三种能力的总括和提高. 通过认识实习——生产实习——毕业实习在时间和空间上形成一个实践链,这个链的高端环节毕业实习—毕业设计(论文)将使学生的四年学习的庞杂而繁多的知识和理论得到一次新的全面的“装配”与升华。我这次毕业实习的题目是《青霉素的工业生产及相关影响检测》.青霉素由真菌产黄青霉产生的。青霉素的生产目前主要用微生物发酵法进行生物合成。很少数亦可用化学合成法生产。此外还可将生物合成法制得的青霉素用化学或生化方法进行分子结构改造而制成各种衍生物,绝大多数青霉素是针对新药物开发的,因此人们总希望在发酵过程或其后的工艺过程中努力提高其产率.本研究旨在探讨不同发酵条件对青霉素发酵的影响,为调控生产青霉素提供最佳的发酵条件,和缩短生产周期,提高产量提供科学依据实习的开始通过对青霉素生产工艺的文献检索,对整理资料的认真学习和分析,掌握了青霉素的一般生产工艺流程,并有针对性的了解了青霉素的生产环境,生产状况有了实质性的认识。通过实习期间对不同ph值 温度最适时间生产的青霉素进行管碟法检测.而系统的认识到了青霉素质量检验.通过不同环境生产青霉素为调控生产青霉素提供最佳的发酵条件,和缩短生产周期,提高产量提供科学依据.最后查阅青霉素的主要用途。(研究和医药方面)了解到临床上主要用于革兰阳性球菌例如链球菌、肺炎球菌、敏感的葡萄球菌等的感染。和用于分子生物学研究这次实习对我来说收获非常大,真是学有所用,我可以把以前书本上学到的知识和实际工作结合起来,使我对我所学的专业技术有了更大的兴趣,也学到了一个科研工作者应该有的态度,就应该是脚踏实地,吃苦耐劳。在以后的学习生活中我一定要积极主动学习老师同学的优点和长处。本次实习相信对我以后的工作会有很大帮助,是我走向社会的最后一堂很有意义的实践课。以上也算是我的实习工作总结,最后,我感谢学校给我这次实习的机会以及精心指导和鼓励我实习的马金柱老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。

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Penicillin was QingMeiJun in fermentation metabolic process of secondary metabolites. Penicillin production is to determine the production capacity of strains, and internal factors in the process of fermentation process adjustment control, equipment structure, dynamic conditions, such as quality of raw material, which is the growth of bacteria, biosynthesis of environmental conditions. Both at home and abroad, to improve the general level of penicillin fermentation, reduce the consumption and manufacturing cost, it is to be in "breeding high strain and reform process, equipment and dynamic conditions", etc in test, research, seeking high yield, high. Therefore in the eighth five-year plan for national public projects, to solve the key technical problems are: 1) high strain breeding penicillin, 2 penicillin high technology research, Three new developed. Stir fermentation, Our team around the three aspects of the technology in public. In the us, including breeding in protoplast fusion had done the experiment, cross breeding methods, but according to what we have human, material conditions, main or mutation breeding and natural separation method combining. First, we examine the mutagen screening for more effective, QingMeiJun chemical compound processing factors, Secondly according to production conditions change, in order to ensure the filter is used to produce the strains of promotion. Through more than a screening and treatment, the application of mathematical statistic method, the scientific analysis of the test results obtained 18-26-93 high-yield mutations. Not only the original plant production capacity increase. And the result of rheological properties, matrix are superior to the strains (fermented liquid viscosity, matrix increased).In the process of research, the mathematical statistical method, with the unit price for the change of time validity, other parameters for the independent variables, the production of large and test data analysis. We recognize the appropriate process control is fully exert important means of inner potential strains. Green is a complicated mould fermentation process of many factors control engineering. Which is more strains in the metabolism of pH and the comprehensive reflection of factors, the balance of sugar is main control factors, process control, and we know that in different strains of equipment or oxygen condition should be adapted to the process and to show the potential. We have established a set of "flexible" mode, the practical process of change in the appropriate means of control, the dynamic process control to ensure the production management level of improving steadily. QingMeiJun aerobic bacteria, it is growing metabolism, synthesis of penicillin are required to have sufficient oxygen supply. For in the existing air supply under the condition of limited and mixing power under improve dissolved oxygen levels, can be improved by optimizing the purpose of mixing system. We use mechanics, fluid mechanics, from the current situation analysis, to improve gas bubbles, decentralized state liquid oxygen forms of exercise to improve the ability to target. Through the analysis and field tests, radial flow and axial flow from mixing, the advantages and disadvantages of the shaft, design, runoff and mixing combination of big height more air orientation wing of the tooth chip mixing system combined. Such a stir the mixture kettle, good effect, the current slightly lower, the air flow is not the circumstance, improve dissolved oxygen levels.

273 评论


Looking at the situation at home and abroad, to enhance the level of penicillin fermentation, reducing consumption and manufacturing costs are in the "breeding high-yield strains, the reform process, optimizing the equipment, power conditions", etc. to carry out experiments, research work, in order to seek high-yield, high-efficiency . Therefore, in countries of "85" public relations project, sure you want to solve the main technical problems is: 1. Breeding high-yielding strains of penicillin; 2 penicillin high technology research; 3 fermentation stirring new is Penicillium metabolism in the fermentation process of secondary metabolites. Penicillin production capacity of bacteria is to determine the internal factors, while the fermentation process in the process of adjustment control, equipment structure, power conditions, the quality of raw materials which is the growth of bacteria, metabolism, biosynthesis of the environmental of all, we conducted a mutagen screening study, the more effective of Penicillium to deal with the physico-chemical complex factor; followed by screening in accordance with changes in the conditions of production conditions to ensure that the selection of strains used in the production of easy to focus on the project team carried out the three aspects of technology public relations. In strain selection, we have done our protoplast fusion experiments, cross breeding methods used, but we have the manpower, material conditions, mainly the use of mutation breeding and the natural method of combining the a multi-processing, a large number of screening and the application of statistical methods of mathematical analysis of scientific test results, which received high-yielding mutant 18-26-93. Not only to increase production capacity than the original strain of . And broth rheology, substrate use, etc. is better than the original strain (lower viscosity in fermentation broth, raise the utilization rate matrix).PH is a bacteria which metabolic factors in more than a reflection of the balance of sugar is the main control process control factors, and we recognize the bacteria at different oxygen equipment or a state of the technology should be adapted to be fully matched the performance of its the process, the use of methods of mathematical statistics to titer unit time changes as the dependent variable, other parameters as variables, a large number of production and test data so analyzed. We recognize that the appropriate process control is the inherent potential of strains to give full play an important means. Penicillium fermentation process is a complex multi-factor control supply in the existing conditions and limit the power of mixing to improve dissolved oxygen levels, can improve by optimizing the mixing system to achieve this purpose. We use mechanics, fluid mechanics and so on, starting from the existing analysis of the situation in order to improve the dispersion of liquid gas mixture, the form of bubbles movement to achieve the goal to increase oxygen have established a "flexible and practical process model", in view of changes in the use of appropriate means of control, dynamic control of process management to ensure steady increase in production levels. Penicillium is the aerobic bacteria, the growth and metabolism, synthesis of penicillin must be sufficient oxygen the analysis and on-site testing, for radial flow and axial flow mixing, their respective advantages and disadvantages of each other, self-designed shaft, the combination of runoff and mixing with a high degree of self-designed major multi-tooth chip modular wing air-driven mixing system. Such mixing kettle full of mixed results, and slightly lower in the current agitation, air flow does not increase, the increased level of dissolved oxygen.

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  • 青霉素论文参考文献英文

    31 四片青霉素烧焦一个十八岁少女 家庭护士 2007/04 中国期刊全文数据库 32 丘吉尔与青霉素的发明者 健康必读 2007/03 中国期刊全文数据库 3

    清香薄荷amy 4人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 发酵饲料毕业论文

    你这样找,估计一时半会找不到实用的,好的,自己去网站下吧~ 目前国内知名的论文下载网站肯定是中国知网、万方等网站了,你要的论文里面应该会很全,众所周知搜索免费,

    美丽世界的angel 4人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 生化制药技术毕业论文青霉素

    要的话可以给你PPT第二章 基因工程制药第一节 概述第二节 基因工程药物生产过程第三节 目的基因的获得第四节 基因表达第五节

    小薰1988 3人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 关于青霉素钾盐的毕业论文

    由青霉菌Penicillium chrysogenum 发酵制造,系最早应用于临床的抗生素。熔点:214~217℃(分解)。旋光度[α]D:+310 (c=0

    恩恩慧慧 5人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 酵素类毕业论文


    独家记忆159 6人参与回答 2023-12-12