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首页 > 学术论文 > 超氧化物歧化酶功效研究论文

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Abstract:Trohalose is one kind of non- reducible double sugar, it has the remarkable biological activity matter protection effect, at present should pass through widely applies to the medicine, food and the biological preparation protection. The fat Plastid is the fat protoplasmic membrane which forms by the lipin double molecular film constitutes the monolayer, several or the multilayered ball superfine Microcyst, commonly used in drugs manufacture and cosmetics. This experiment inspects Trohalose to the VC fat Plastid rate influence, uses the thin film law preparation blank fat Plastid. Under the supersonic condition, will dissolve will have Trohalose the VC solution envelope to the blank fat Plastid center. Contrasts the different Trohalose density the fat Plastid rate, knew Trohalose to fat Plastid rate does not have the function. The SOD enzyme (hyperoxide mutase) applies in the cosmetics, the active maintenance is its application main question. Through joins Trohalose does the long-term experiment, using the NBT law measured its activeness continues all around, confirmed maintains well at 35 ℃ airtight conditions next 5% Trohalose SOD enzyme activity.

185 评论


Blood sugar is a non-reinstatement of the double, which has significant biological effects of reactive material protection, should now be widely applied by the medical, food and biological agent protection. Oily skin by body double layers formed as a single-level skin membrane, the spherical ceramic floors of multi-storey or live, commonly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics. The experimental observation of VC skin body to survive the impact of the rate, using a blank skin membrane legal body. In Ultrasonic conditions will be dissolved in a glass of VC solution 1-15 blank skin body. In a different blood concentrations of salty body rate was blood on the skin of the body may not rate. ZnSOD enzymes (superoxide dismutase) in cosmetics, reactive maintenance of the main problems is its application. By acceding to survive so long experiment, using NBT France measuring its reactive sustained around 35 degrees confined conditions confirmed in the 5% sugar ZnSOD Meihuo sexual maintain best.

83 评论


在国外,SOD常用于对缺血、出血性心、脑等重要脏器病伤(或手术治疗后)引发的继发性(自由基)过氧化损伤及其自由基清除药物治疗效果的监测,以指导临床制定相应的自由基清除干预对策及最佳治疗时间窗的确立,它对自由基继发损伤病情的诊断、自由基清除治疗疗效跟踪和预后判断与评估等具有重要参考价值。比较一致的意见是:SOD测定虽然是一种非特异的辅助诊断指标,但对机体自由基代谢紊乱、自由基清除干预对策、以及对于同一病患者病程转归(自由基损伤的加剧或降低、自由基清除剂药物或手术治疗效果)的判断,实时动态监测具有重要参考价值。1、SOD水平降低(1)生理性降低:①机体抗氧化营养素摄入不足 如VitE、VitA、VitC、β-胡萝卜素、硒、铜、锌、锰等缺乏,硒是GSHPx 的组成部分,铜锌是Cu/Zn-SOD的成分,锰是Mn-SOD的成分。②一般老年人清除酶活力降低,老年人新陈代谢功能下降,酶诱导生成减少,不能维持自由基的低浓度动态平衡。(2)病理性降低:①脑部神经疾病脑血管病:急性脑梗死、脑出血、蛛网膜下腔出血、HIE(Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, 缺氧缺血性脑病)、外伤:颅脑损伤②缺血性心脏病心肌缺血(冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病)、急性心肌梗塞③医学手术救治治疗后继发损伤缺血-再灌注损伤(IRI)全身循环障碍待恢复血液供应后造成再灌注损伤:休克微循环痉挛解除、心脏骤停后心脑肺复苏、体外循环的建立与撤除(如:心脏外科体外循环术后重新恢复血流供应后可能造成心肌缺血-再灌注损伤等)某一组织器官缺血后血流恢复或某一血管再通后造成再灌注损伤:如动脉搭桥术、经皮腔内冠脉血管成形术(PTCA)、溶栓疗法、器官移植、断肢再植、冠状动脉痉挛解除等高压氧(HBO)治疗后过度氧化损伤放射治疗后过氧化损伤:放射性脑病2、SOD水平增高(1)生理性增高:长时间外源性增加过多的SOD,机体将不能维持一定量的自由基水平,免疫细胞使用自由基作为一个方法执行其免疫功能,过低的自由基会引起生理生化过程失常,破坏正常的生理功能,如:机体解毒、吞噬功能下降、凝血过程受阻及胶原蛋白、前列腺素、环核苷酸合成受损等,并引起严重的毒副作用。(2)病理性增高:国内外研究表明,在急性病患发生初期,当机体自由基产生大幅过多激增时,机体会很快引起氧化应激,并影响到蛋白质表达等调节、应答机制。在自由基的诱导及机体代偿应激下,细胞或机体会诱导性地增强抗氧化能力,一般会出现一过性SOD水平增高现象。但随着高浓度自由基对SOD的大量消耗,以及机体的失代偿,SOD的生物合成能力会很快回落到低水平,并与较高浓度的自由基保持新的动态平衡。3、临床监测2012年,为了完善检验项目,更好地为临床服务,禅城区中心医院检验科生化室日前开展了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的检测 。

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超氧化物歧化酶Orgotein (Superoxide Dismutase, SOD),别名肝蛋白、奥谷蛋白,简称:SOD。SOD是一种源于生命体的活性物质,能消除生物体在新陈代谢过程中产生的有害物质。对人体不断地补充SOD具有抗衰老的特殊效果。超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase, , SOD)是1938年Marn等人首次从牛红血球中分离得到超氧化物歧化酶开始算起,人们对SOD的研究己有七十多年的历史。1969年McCord等重新发现这种蛋白,并且发现了它们的生物活性,弄清了它催化过氧阴离子发生歧化反应的性质,所以正式将其命名为超氧化物歧化酶。这些资料是在波恩斯*诺*美那里看到的,如果还有什么不明白的,可以随时问我!

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我来!海藻糖 trehalose (实际上就是琼脂agar)非还原性双糖Nonreducing disaccharides bio-active compounds生物活性物质medicine:可以单用指“医学”,不要再用其他的了!Bio-nutrition生物制剂脂质双分子层liposome bilayersmicro-encapsulation (sac)微囊 脂质体liposome得率yield薄膜法thin-film method空白脂质体Blank liposome超氧化物歧化酶super-oxide dismutase脂质膜lipid membranesmono-layer 单层multiple-layer多层enveloped 包封pharmacy制药cosmetic化妆品球型global,round脂质膜lipid membrane超氧化物歧化酶( super-oxide dismutase , SOD )Abstract Trehalose is a kind of non-reducing disaccharides, and it has significant effect on protection of bio-active compounds. Currently, it is widely used in protection of mechine, food, and bio-nutritions. Liposome is a kind of mono-layer, several layer or multiple-layer global super-thin micro-sacs, and it composes of lipid membranes formatted by liposome bilayers,often used in pharmacy and cosmetic. The experiment studies the effects of trehalose on the yield of VC (Vitamin C) liposome,The blank liposome was prepared by the thin-film method. We enveloped the VC solution containing trehalose in the blank liposome under ultrasonic conditions. Comparison of the liposome yields under different trehalose concentrations shows that trehalose has no effect on the liposome yields. SOD(super-oxide dismutase)is used in cosmetic production and the key problem for its application is the maintenance of its activity. Long-term experiment by adding trehalose and determining its activity with NBT method for four continual weeks showed that the optimum conditions for maintaining the SOD activity were 35℃, sealed, and 5 percent of added trehalose.

336 评论


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