Some issues with microblogging are privacy, security, and integration[12].Privacy is arguably a major issue, because users may broadcast sensitive personal information to anyone who views their public feed. Microblog platform providers can also cause privacy issues, through altering or presetting users' privacy options, in a way which users feel compromises their personal information. An example would be Google’s Buzz platform, which incited controversy in 2010 by automatically publicising users’ email contacts as ‘followers’. Google later amended these concerns have been voiced within the business world, since there is potential for sensitive work information to be publicised on microblogging sites such as Twitter. Integration could be the hardest issue to overcome, since it can be argued that corporate culture must change to accommodate microblogging.这篇文献是从维基百科英文版里找到的,以后你要是要找英文文献的话,可以上英文版的维基百科,很方便的哦.
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Some issues with microblogging are privacy, security, and integration[12].Privac
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