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首页 > 学术论文 > 国外桥式起重设备研究现状论文

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请参考下列内容:目 录摘要………………………………………………………………………4ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………50引言 …………………………………………………………………71起重机介绍 …………………………………………………………起重机的定义………………………………………………………起重机工作原理 …………………………………………………起重机的类型及特点 ……………………………………………起重机的发展状况…………………………………………………国内起重机机械发展状况………………………………………发展趋势……………………………………………………………模块化和组合化…………………………………………………大型化和专业化…………………………………………………自动化和智能化…………………………………………………成套化和系统化…………………………………………………轻型化和多样化…………………………………………………新型化和实用化…………………………………………………182桥式起重机的介绍……………………………………………………桥式起重机的分类…………………………………………………通用桥式起重机 ………………………………………………专用桥式起重机 ………………………………………………电动葫芦型桥式起重机 ………………………………………桥式起重机的组成和特点 ………………………………………桥式起重机小车 ………………………………………………桥式起重机小车运行机构 …………………………………… 我的毕业设计中的内容 …………………………………………桥式起重机的主要参数 ………………………………………这次设计中的桥式起重机的用途和结构特点 ………………293小车运行机构设计计算 …………………………………………起重机小车运行机构的计算 ……………………………………计算条件 ………………………………………………………运行阻力的计算 ………………………………………………电动机的选择 …………………………………………………打滑验算 ………………………………………………………减速器计算 …………………………………………………制动器的选择 …………………………………………………制动惯性力矩Ma……………………………………………最小静阻力矩Mjmin…………………………………………联轴器的选择 …………………………………………………联轴器传递扭矩的确定 ……………………………………缓冲器的选择 …………………………………………………减速器的设计 ……………………………………………………减速器各轴的传递功率、转速、转矩 ………………………高速级齿轮的计算 ……………………………………………中速级齿轮的计算 ……………………………………………低速级齿轮的计算 ……………………………………………齿轮的结构形式 ………………………………………………减速器箱体及附件 ……………………………………………减速器箱体的设计 …………………………………………减速器附件设计 ……………………………………………584结论……………………………………………………………………595设计总结………………………………………………………………606参考文献………………………………………………………………617英文资料………………………………………………………………628译文……………………………………………………………………729原文说明………………………………………………………………85摘 要起重机的出现关键词:桥式起重机,小车运行机构,减速器,Design of the bridge type hoist crane Car movement organizationABSTRACTThe invention of crane has greatly increased people’s work the water-turbine generator set and its accessorial equipments in the water and electricity station are large or medium-size. These equipments have a high request on the load of bridge type hoist crane , so they also have a high request on the capability of the words: bridge type hoist,,the reducer桥式起重机小车运行机构设计詹培红 Y041010 引言 物料搬运成了人类生产活动的重要组成部分,距今已有五千多年的发展历史。随着生产规模的扩仿真试验在IBM PC 386上进行,RS运动规划和图形仿真使用C语言来进行编程。RS模型的主操作是捕获目标并避免与工作空间中的障碍物发生碰撞。四种协调运动模式下的计算机仿真结果如图-图所示。计算机仿真显示RS双机械手协调运动规划模式和算法是合理而有效的。3-D RS模型的运动规划和计算机仿真是作者的未来研究工作。图 调整功能 图 协调操作 参考书目[1].Yoshida K, Umctani Y. Dual-arm Coordination in Space Free-flying Robot. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ., 1991, 1516-1521.[2].Papadopoulos E. Dubowsky S. Coordinated Manipulator/Spacecraft Motion Control for Space Robotics System. In. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ., 1696-1701.刘宏,生于1967年7月25日,分别在东北科技大学和哈尔滨工程大学获得理学士学位和理硕士学位,他的导师为蔡鹤皋和洪炳熔教授。他的研究方向包括机器人技术和自主控制。计算机数控机床的安全和维护1 计算机数控机床的安全操作注意事项在金属切削操作中安全性一直是特别受关注的.由于计算机数控设备自动化程度高并且速度快,所以它是一个危险源。为了防止人员伤害和对设备的损坏,必须找出存在危险的根源,且操作人员必须提高警惕。主要的 潜在危险包括:旋转部件,如主轴、主轴内的刀具、卡盘、卡盘内工件、带着刀具的转塔刀架以及旋转的夹具装置;运动部件,如加工中心的工作台、车床拖板、尾架顶尖,多工序旋转托盘;程序错误,例如G00代码的不正确使用而引起坐标值错误,产生意想不到的快速移动;设置或改变偏移值时出错,可能导致刀具与工件或刀具与机床之间的碰撞;随意地更改已验证的程序,也会引起机床产生危险动作。为了减少或避免危险,尽量遵循以下保护措施。(1) 使用机床制造商提供的机器原有保护罩。(2) 带上安全眼镜、手套,穿上合适的衣服和鞋。(3) 不熟悉机床操作前不要开动机床。(4) 运动程序之前,确认零件已被正确夹紧。(5) 验证一个程序时,遵循下列安全步骤: 启用机床锁定功能运行程序,检查程序中的语法错误 和几何轨迹。 使用RAPID OVERRIDE快速倍率开关降低速度或空运行程序。 采用单程序段执行来确认程序中的每一行。 刀具切削时,用FEED OVERRIDE进给倍率开关减慢进给速率,防止超负荷切削。(6) 禁止用手处理切屑以及用切屑钩子弄断长而卷曲的切屑。编制不同的切屑状态程序以便更好地控制切屑。如果要彻底清除切屑,应当关闭机床。 (7) 如果怀疑刀片在编程的切屑状态下有可能折断时,可选择一个更厚的刀片及减少进给或切屑深度。(8) 尽可能保持刀具悬出短些,因为它可能成为一个导致刀片折断的振动源。(9) 当顶尖支撑一个大零件时,确保中心孔足够大足以支撑和夹住零件。(10) 换刀、查找刀片或清理切屑时关闭机床。(11) 替换已磨损或损坏的刀具和刀片。(12) 列出现行刀具的偏移良清单,从机床上取下刀具,清除(设置为0)刀偏。(13) 在未得到主管许可的情况下不得擅自更改程序。(14) 如果你有任何与安全有关的担忧,立即通知你的技术指 导和主管。 2 日常维护 外观检查(1) 伺服电动机、探测器或数控主单元上的机床用油(切削 油,润滑油)或者渗漏情况检查。(2) 可移动部件的电缆上有无损伤或电缆绞后合情况检查。(3) 过滤器堵塞情况检查。(4) 控制面板的门是否打开检查。(5) 外部环境震动检查。(6) 数控装置单元是否放置在有灰尘的位置。(7) 引起高频的某物体是否位于控制单元附近。 检查控制单元内部 检查以下故障是否被排除:(1) 电缆连接器松动(2) 装配螺钉松动(3) 固定放大器螺钉松动(4) 冷却风扇工作异常(5) 电缆损伤(6) 印刷电路板插入不正确 故障诊断和维修当发生运行故障时,应找出原因以便采取适当的措施排除。为此,应执行下列检查: 检查故障发生状态 检查下列几个方面:(1) 故障出现时间?(2) 在何种操作过程中出现故障?(3) 什么故障?(4) 故障何时发生?即故障发生时的具体时间。(5) 在何种操作过程中发生故障?何种运行方式?a) 对于某项自动操作…程序号,序列号,程序内容?b) 对于手动操作…模式?c) 什么操作步骤?d) 前一步和后一步操作?e) 设置/显示的单元屏幕是什么?f) 是否发生在输入输出操作过程中?g) 机床系统状态如何?h) 是否发生在换刀过程中?i) 受控制的轴跟踪检测情况如何?(6) 发生了什么故障?(7) 设置/显示的单元屏幕上警告监测的报警内容。(8) 运用显示警报诊断屏幕来检查报告内容。(9) 驱动放大器状态显示什么?(10) 根据驱动放大器状态显示检查报告内容。(11) 加工顺序报警显示表示什么?(12) CRT显示屏幕是否正常?(13) 控制轴是否在跟踪?(14) 故障频率(15) 什么时候故障发生?频率怎样?(另一台机床的操作过程中故障是否出现?)(16) 如果频率很小或者在另一台机床的操作过程中出现故障,那么,故障的原因可能是供电电压的干扰。在这种情况下,检查a.供应电源是否正常(在另一台机床的操作过程中是否发生瞬时压降?)b.采取措施抗干扰。(17) 是否发生在特殊工作模式?(18) 什么时候达到最高行程?(19) 同一类工作的频率是多少?(20) 当执行相同操作是故障是否发生?(重复性检查)(21) 改变状态(进给倍率,程序内容,加工顺序等等)。(22) 是否发生相同的故障?原文说明原文说明的内容是:提出了自动机械卫星(RS)双机械手协调运动的规划设计。接着介绍了双机械手RS协调运动的四种模式。还介绍了双机械手的运动规划算法。最后,给出了微重力环境下,RS俘获目标实验模型的四种协调运动的计算机仿真结果。仿真试验显示本文所提出的运动模型和规划算法是非常有效的。另一篇是介绍计算机数控机床的安全和维护。题名:《自动机械卫星双机械手协调运动的规划设计》《计算机数控机床的安全和维护》作者:刘宏 洪炳熔 蔡鹤皋蒋忠理来源:高校出版社《自动机械卫星机械手》机械工业出版社《机电与数控专业英语》

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桥式起重机 - 桥式起重机桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行,构成一矩形的工作范围,就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。这种起重机广泛用在室内外仓库、厂房、码头和露天贮料场等处。桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易梁桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机3种。 普通桥式起重机 由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架3部分组成。起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重物。通常在额定起重量超过10吨的普通桥式起重机上装有主、副两套起升机构,副钩的额定起重量一般为主钩的15~20%。小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架,通常为焊接结构。起重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类:一类为集中驱动,即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱动两边的主动车轮;另一类为分别驱动、即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动。中、小型桥式起重机较多采用制动器、减速器和电动机组合成一体的"三合一"驱动方式,大起重量的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整,驱动装置常采用万向联轴器。起重机运行机构一般只用 4个主动和从动车轮,如果起重量很大,常用增加车轮的办法来降低轮压。当车轮超过 4个时,必须采用铰接均衡车架装置,使起重机的载荷均匀地分布在各车轮上。桥架的金属结构由主梁和端梁组成,分为单主梁桥架和双梁桥架两类。单主梁桥架由单根主梁和位于跨度两边的端梁组成,双梁桥架由两根主梁和端梁组成。主梁与端梁刚性连接,端梁两端装有车轮,用以支承桥架在高架上运行。主梁上焊有轨道,供起重小车运行。桥架主梁的结构类型较多,比较典型的有箱形结构、四桁架结构和空腹桁架结构。箱形结构又可分为正轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形单主梁等几种。正轨箱形双梁是广泛采用的一种基本形式,主梁由上、下翼缘板和两侧的垂直腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在上翼缘板的中心线上,它的结构简单,制造方便,适于成批生产,但自重较大。偏轨箱形双梁和偏轨箱形单主梁的截面都是由上、下翼缘板和不等厚的主、副腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在主腹板上方,箱体内的短加劲板可以省去,其中偏轨箱形单主梁是由一根宽翼缘箱形主梁代替两根主梁,自重较小,但制造较复杂。四桁架式结构由 4片平面桁架组合成封闭型空间结构,在上水平桁架表面一般铺有走台板,自重轻,刚度大,但与其他结构相比,外形尺寸大,制造较复杂,疲劳强度较低,已较少生产。空腹桁架结构类似偏轨箱形主梁,由4片钢板组成一封闭结构,除主腹板为实腹工字形梁外,其余 3片钢板上按照设计要求切割成许多窗口,形成一个无斜杆的空腹桁架,在上、下水平桁架表面铺有走台板,起重机运行机构及电气设备装在桥架内部,自重较轻,整体刚度大,这在中国是较为广泛采用的一种型式。 普通桥式起重机主要采用电力驱动,一般是在司机室内操纵,也有远距离控制的。起重量可达500吨,跨度可达60米。 简易梁桥式起重机 又称梁式起重机,其结构组成与普通桥式起重机类似。起重量、跨度和工作速度均较小。桥架主梁是由工字钢或其他型钢和板钢组成的简单截面梁,用手拉葫芦(见手动葫芦)或电动葫芦配上简易小车作为起重小车,小车一般在工字梁的下翼缘上运行。桥架可以沿高架上的轨道运行,也可沿悬吊在高架下面的轨道运行,这种起重机称为悬挂梁式起重机 冶金专用桥式起重机 这种起重机在钢铁生产过程中可参与特定的工艺操作,基本结构与普通桥式起重机相似,但在起重小车上还装有特殊的工作机构或装置。这种起重机的工作特点是使用频繁、条件恶劣,工作级别较高。主要有5种类型。①铸造起重机:供吊运铁水注入混铁炉、炼钢炉和吊运钢水注入连续铸锭设备或钢锭模等用。主小车吊运盛桶,副小车进行翻转盛桶等辅助工作。②夹钳起重机:利用夹钳将高温钢锭垂直地吊运到深坑均热炉中,或把它取出放到运锭车上。③脱锭起重机:用以把钢锭从钢锭模中强制脱出。小车上有专门的脱锭装置,脱锭方式根据锭模的形状而定:有的脱锭起重机用顶杆压住钢锭,用大钳提起锭模;有的用大钳压住锭模,用小钳提起钢锭。④加料起重机:用以将炉料加到平炉中。主小车的立柱下端装有挑杆,用以挑动料箱并将它送入炉内。主柱可绕垂直轴回转,挑杆可上下摆动和回转。副小车用于修炉等辅助作业。⑤锻造起重机:用以与水压机配合锻造大型工件。主小车吊钩上悬挂特殊翻料器,用以支持和翻转工件;副小车用来抬起工件。Bridge crane - overhead craneBridge in an elevated bridge orbit type crane , also known as Crane. The bridge crane lay along the elevated track in the vertical sides of runs, lifting the car along the track laid on the bridge on the horizontal run, the scope of work form a rectangle, can take full advantage of the space under the lifting bridge materials, ground equipment is not hindered. The cranes are widely used in indoor and outdoor warehouses, factories, docks and outdoor storage yard, etc.. Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and Metallurgy crane 3. General bridge crane from the lifting trolley, bridge movement organization, structure and composition of metal bridge . Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley traveling agencies and small frame of 3 parts. Lifting bodies, including the motor, brake , reducer , drum and pulleys. Motor through reducer rotating driven rolls, or rolls around on the rope down from the roll to lift heavy objects. Usually rated capacity exceeding 10 tons overhead crane equipped with a common main and auxiliary sets of lifting mechanism, auxiliary hook from the weight of the general rating of the main hook of the 15 to 20%. Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting the car to run institutions, agencies and chassis parts, usually welded structure. Crane Actuator can be divided into two categories: one for the collective drive, which uses a long shaft motor drive on both sides of the active wheel drive; the other for each driver, the wheels on both sides of each with a single active motor drive. In more frequent use of small overhead crane brakes, gear and motor combined into one of the "triple play" drive mode, a large bridge crane from the weight of the ordinary for the ease of installation and adjustment, drive often used universal coupling . Crane agencies generally take the initiative and driven by four wheels, if the effect is very heavy, the wheels of the approach used to reduce the increase in wheel load. When the wheels more than 4 must be balanced with articulated frame device so that the crane load evenly distributed throughout the 's metal structure from the main beam and side beams, divided into single-and dual-beam bridge girder bridge types. Single-girder bridge by a single span both sides of the main beam and in the end beam of the composition, dual-beam bridge consists of two main beams and side beams formed. The main beam and side beams rigidly connected at both ends with wheels end beam for supporting the elevated bridge in the running. The main beam welded rail for lifting the car running. Girder bridge structure of many types (Figure 2), typically a box structure, the four truss truss structure and fasting. Track box structure can be divided into two-box girder, double girder side rail box, partial rail box, such as several single main beam. Double-track box beam is widely used as a basic form, the main beam by the upper and lower sides of the vertical flange and web components, arranged in the rail car on the flange of the center line, and its simple structure, the convenience, suitable for mass production, but the larger self. Partial rail box beam and the partial double-track single box girder cross-section are from the upper and lower flange plate and unequal thickness of the main and auxiliary web form, arranged in the main web of rail car above the cabinets in the short stiffened plate can save, in which one side rail box girder is a wide-flange box girder instead of two main beams, less weight, but manufacturing is more complex. Four from the four truss structure to form closed space plane truss structure, the level surface is covered with truss walkway panels, light weight, rigidity, but in comparison with other structures, size large, complex manufacturing, fatigue lower strength, has less production. Partial fasting truss structure similar to the rail box girder, steel plate by the four form a closed structure, in addition to the main web is a real belly-section beam, the other three steel plate cut into many windows in accordance with design requirements to form a non-slash fasting truss, the upper and lower horizontal surface of paved walkway truss plates, crane operation and electrical equipment installed in agencies within the bridge, lighter weight, the overall stiffness, which is more widely used in China as a type. General bridge crane using power-driven primary, usually in the driver control room, there are remote control. From the weight of up to 500 tons, spans up to 60 meters. Simple beam bridge crane, also known as beam crane, its composition and structure similar to an ordinary crane. From the weight, span and working speed are small. Bridge girder or other beam by beam and plate steel section beam consisting of a simple, hand-pulling hoist (see manual hoist ) or electric hoist as the lifting trolley car accompanied by simple, usually in the car the next joist flange on the run. Bridge can be run along the elevated track can also be elevated along the suspension in the following orbit, such as crane crane hoisting beam Metallurgy crane cranes in the steel production process that can be involved in a particular process operation, the basic structure and general overhead crane similar, but in lifting a small car is also equipped with a special working body or device. The cranes feature is the use of frequent, harsh conditions, working-level high. There are 5 types. ① Casting Crane: for lifting hot metal into the mixer, steel-making furnaces and molten steel into a continuous ingot lifting equipment or ingot molds used. Sheng barrel lifting the main car, car to flip Sheng, vice and other auxiliary barrel work. ② tongs crane: the use of clamps will be lifted vertically into the hot ingot soaking pit furnace, or to transport it out into the ingot car. ③ off ingot cranes: steel ingot from the ingot mold used in the extrusion force. Small car off the tablets have a special device, from ingot ingot mold according to the shape of way may be: some off mandrel suppress ingot ingot crane, lift with tongs ingot mold; some press and hold the ingot mold with tongs, with small clamp lift steel ingot. ④ feeding cranes: to be in charge added to the open-hearth furnace. Column with the bottom of the main car pick rod to stir up and feed it into the furnace box. The main column can turn around the vertical axis, pick the rod up and down swing and turn. Vice-car heaters and other auxiliary operations for the repair. ⑤ forging crane: used with the hydraulic press with a large forged parts. Special master car turned feeder hanging hook to support and flip the workpiece; vice car to lift the workpiece.

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