In Vancouver we are building the 2010 Winter Olympics Athlete's Village to exceptional levels of sustainability. After the games three quarters of the the 1,000+ residential dwellings will be sold at market rates while approximately 250 will become non-market housing for seniors and low income singles and families. This is intended to be a demonstration of the best urban planning, architectural, and engineering practices in the world today and act as the model for future local high-density development. The larger Southeast False Creek neighbourhood, of which the Olympic Village is the first phase, will include an elementary school, a streetcar line, parks, day cares, commercial, retail, office space, at least one grocery store, a community centre, a marina for non-motorized boats and kayaks, and a mixture of subsidized and market housing for 10,000 to 15,000 people, all built to very high levels of environmental sustainability (minimum LEED Silver equivalence).The 16 building, million square foot, single phase Olympic Village is being built to the LEED Gold standard while the Community Centre is being built to LEED Platinum. The building that will become seniors' housing is going to attempt to reach the Net-Zero standard, which represents annual energy, water, and carbon neutrality. All of the buildings will feature green roofs, passive solar design, beyond-code insulation and glazing, and low/no VOC paint and carpets. Rain water will be retained in cisterns to be used for irrigation of the green roofs and landscaping. The buildings will be heated and cooled using an in-slab hydronic system connected to a hybrid district heating/cooling system powered by high-efficiency natural gas boilers and heat exchange system that will use both ground-source heat pipes and an innovative heat exchange system tied into the sewer pipes to recover their latent heat. Electricity comes from local hydroelectric dams. A streetcar will run through the neighbourhood and connect it to two nearby rapid transit stations. All parking is underground and well below average in its parking to dwelling ratio. As an interesting final note, after the Olympics the buyers of the Village’s apartments and rowhouses will be given the names and nationalities of the athletes who stayed in their homes while competing. I think that’s a nice touch.
给你几个思路:1.从主题曲《更高一点 更远一点》想到的2.从中国选手庞清/佟健的自由滑曲目《追梦无悔》想到的3.从中国选手申雪/赵宏博历经四次奥运会,坚持不懈终成正果想到的。4.从中国选手周洋以一敌七,坚持奋斗最终夺冠想到的。5.从中国女子短道速滑队团结互助,包揽四项冠军想到的。6.从中国选手王蒙承担队长责任想到的。7.从中国女子冰壶队初露锋芒却敢打敢拼,获得铜牌想到的。8.从中国自由式滑雪空中技巧笑看挫折想到的9.从本次冬奥会中国队的失意者不抛弃不放弃想到的10从中国体育代表团突破自我创造佳绩想到的其实还有很多,已上素材既可以一事写足,也可以通过分析几个事件的同一个核心精神写散文,还可以根据某一个事写成议论文。思路已经有了,真情实感还是自己写比较好。方法:由事迹联想到生活。
不知是因为原来的冬奥会不在寒假时举行,还是不曾注意,在我的记忆中,这是我第一次关注冬奥会。没想到冬天里的运动是那么的精彩,冬天的故事格外的动听。冰上的回旋舞其实这一届的冬奥会刚刚开始时,我对有关“冬奥会”的消息都不知道呢,直到2月15日的双人花样滑冰预赛,第一个出场的申雪、赵宏博获得了双人花样滑冰短节目的历史最高分的时候,我们全家才开始关注起第二十一届温哥华冬奥会。2月16日,申雪、赵宏博夺冠已经不是我的愿望,我期盼着双人花样滑冰的领奖台上出现三对中国选手,希望中国能够包揽双人花样滑冰的金、银、铜牌。结果与我的期望差不多,申雪、赵宏博获得金牌,庞清、佟健获得银牌,有一点点可惜的是,张丹、张昊在表演时出现了失误,无缘奖牌。温哥华冬奥会已经是申雪、赵宏博参加的第四届冬奥会了,2002年盐湖城冬奥会,2006年都灵冬奥会都无缘金牌。如今,两人年龄之和已经接近七十岁,在他们人生中最后的一个冬奥会上,一枚金牌终于为他们的运动生涯画上了一个完美的句号。他们为了得冬奥会金牌而复出,为了复出而加紧练习,每次都是教练把从冰场上练习的他们“赶”出来,正是他们的汗水和付出,浇灌出了一枚金牌!红色旋风2月19日、2月21日,短道速滑赛场上刮起了一场红色的旋风。2月19日,王濛参加500米短道速滑,预赛、半决赛先后两次破了世界纪录,最后以绝对优势获得了冬奥会500米短道速滑冠军,是中国第一个在冬奥会上成功卫冕的选手,而这个项目也被中国连续三年包揽冠军。作文库 “故事”情节波折的是在2月21日的短道速滑1500米的比赛上。小组赛上,王濛犯规无缘决赛,而另一位中国选手也被淘汰,决赛局,场上有三名韩国队员,韩国队教练已经提前庆祝了胜利。可是周洋在韩国队员的重重夹击下,上演了“三英战吕布”的好戏,最后遥遥领先于对手,获得了短道速滑1500米的冠军。中国夺冠后,周洋与教练李琰紧紧拥抱在了一起,欢呼着胜利,而一旁的韩国教练脸色阴沉,当中国人忙着庆祝的时候,韩国人灰溜溜的离开了短道速滑赛场。这个冬天,下了很多场大雪,天气很寒冷,而在温哥华冬奥会上,中国红在比赛场上博得了啧啧的赞叹,这个冬天很温暖,这个冬天的故事生动而精彩!
关于冬奥会的题目有如下: 1、《争奇斗艳》 2、《奥运的火炬》 3、《如那复苏的春风》 4、《燃起蒸腾的希冀》 5、《拼搏的人儿》 6、《斗志昂扬》 7、《定格