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EarthDay originally celebrated at Spring Equinox around March 20, is an annualday on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciationof the Earth’s natural environment. Now Earth Day is coordinatedglobally by the Earth Day Network,and is celebrated in more than 175countries every 2009, the United Nations designated April22 International Mother Earth最初,地球日是在每年的春分,也就是三月二十号,这一天世界各地都会进行各种活动,希望能够增强人们的环境意识。现金,在同名组织“地球日组织”的协调下,地球日每年都在超过175个国家进行。 2009年,联合国指定每年的四月二十二号为世界地球日。People are more active doing something which isfriendly to the environment on Earth Day, like saving water, collectingrecyclable waste, reducing the uses of chemical materials which could pollutethe environment, etc..世界地球日这一天,人们会更加主动地去做一些有益于环境的事情,例如,节约用水,回收可再回收利用的废物,减少可能造成环境污染的化学物质的使用等等。Nowadays our world is highly developed with the improvementof technology. The wide use of technology helped us build factories,laboratories, mines, dams and all kinds of facilities which are supposed to dogood to the mankind. And of course they have brought and are still bringing usbenifits. But in the meanwhile they are causing and will be keeping causingserious environmental problems, such as all kinds of pollutions, the damage tothe ozonosphere and so on. And with the growing population of mankind, We areacctually ravaging the living condition of other species, which would cause theimbalance or even collapse of the ecosystem.现今,科技的发展带来了整个世界的高度开发。在科技广泛应用的帮助下,我们建立了各种各样的工厂,实验室,矿场,水坝以及其他所有的能够给人类带来益处的设施。这些设施在带给我们利益的同时,也对环境产生了严重的影响,例如,各种形式的污染,对臭氧层的损伤等等。同时,人类人口的增长,我们也在不停地掠夺其他物种的生存环境。这很有可能造成生态圈的失衡甚至是崩溃。Acctually we can treat everyday as the Earth Dayand be aware of environmental protection all the time. In which way, our motherearth could be protected and she would be able to support us much longer.其实,我们可以把每一天都当做世界地球日,每天都有意识地保护环境。这样,我们才能够保护我们的地球,她也能够更长久地养育我们。

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巧克力对心脏有好处 除了改善精神状态,近年来,巧克力的防病作用开始得到科学家的重视。最近,《美国药物杂志》发表的一篇论文称,巧克力、尤其是黑巧克力含有一种天然抗氧化剂黄酮素,能防止血管变硬,同时增加心肌活力、放松肌肉,防止胆固醇在血管内积累,对防治心血管疾病有一定功效。 其实,这已不是科学家第一次提出巧克力的防病功效,希腊和德国也有过类似的研究。去年9月,英国权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》发表了美国的一份研究报告,指出巧克力可预防心脏病。美国加州大学的安德鲁·瓦特豪斯也发现:黑巧克力和红酒、水果、蔬菜一样,含有酚醛类物质(黄酮素就是其中一种),能杀死导致癌症和心脏病的受损细胞。日本的研究还表明:从巧克力中提取的酚醛类物质能提高血液的免疫力。 前不久,据《美国临床营养学杂志》报道,意大利拉奎拉大学的研究人员做了一个试验:让15名健康人连续15天每天吃100克黑巧克力,结果发现,他们的血压有所降低,而对胰岛素的敏感度则得到加强。但是,志愿者们连续15天每天吃100克白巧克力后,就没有收到这样的效果。因此,医生们估计,黑巧克力对糖尿病患者可能有一定的帮助作用。 另外,英国伦敦西敏斯特大学的克洛博士发现,巧克力可以预防感冒。他指出,巧克力的气味能促使男性免疫系统产生一种名为“免疫球蛋白A”的抗体,它可以对付身体上的各种“小毛病”如感冒等。 除了这些实实在在的保健防病作用,科学家们还指出,巧克力中还含有多种营养成分,比如有抗氧化作用的维生素E、镁;人体必需的钾、铁和鞣酸等,对儿童大脑发育大有好处的卵磷脂;果仁、牛奶巧克力还会加入一些其他的营养成分。另外,巧克力的原料可可豆中含有大量黄烷醇,它也具有保健防病的作用。 在科学家们的研究中,巧克力的一些“害处”也得到了澄清。研究发现,巧克力中的脂肪不会影响胆固醇水平。胆固醇正常的人在连续食用一个月的可可酱或纯巧克力后,胆固醇指标并未升高。此外,研究还表明,巧克力既不会引发粉刺和暗疮,也不会造成龋齿。 专家们推荐多吃黑巧克力 由于近年来对巧克力的认识和舆论宣传不断加深、更新,所以,在欧洲等地,巧克力的消费量明显上升。在法国,10年来巧克力的产量上升了33%,达40万吨。 在人们对巧克力的关注程度不断上升的同时,黑巧克力开始唱起了“主角”。一个原因是在巧克力的保健作用中,它显得特别“突出”;另外一个原因就是,黑巧克力是含糖量和脂肪含量最低的巧克力之一。在法国,有81%的人将黑巧克力作为购买巧克力的首选。去年,由于媒体纷纷报道黑巧克力的保健作用,日本各大商场甚至出现了抢购的场面。 尽管巧克力好处很多,但是,这世上毕竟没有十全十美的食品。对于巧克力,专家们的意见仍然是“适量食用”。本报驻法国记者在法国卫生部的网站上看到,食品卫生公告就是用“适量”一词来指导人们食用巧克力。在巴黎,一家名叫“可可与巧克力”的食品店的店主诺拉女士告诉记者,巧克力虽然营养丰富,但是,它的热量不低,每天的食用量最好还是控制在100克以内。本报驻加拿大记者的朋友、营养保健食品专家詹姆斯博士也持有同样的观点。他认为,巧克力含糖较多,肥胖者还是少吃为妙;一般人每天的食用量也别超过100克。还有专家认为,巧克力的营养成分不均衡,容易产生饱腹感,影响正常饮食,故儿童不宜多吃。而成人吃多了巧克力,也可能产生厌食、恶心、无力、抵抗力变差等“巧克力综合征”。

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Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.不久之前,许多人认为婴儿的基本需求是食物和保持温暖干燥.人们以为婴儿只有到了五六个月大的时候才会开始学东西.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human beings.然而,美国的医生声称婴儿在他们出生的头几天便开始学习.肯尼迪施莱佛国立儿童健康和人类发展机构是联邦政府代理机构,他的目标是鉴别那些能影响人类健康发展的经验.Research scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings该机构的调查科学家们注意到婴儿很大程度上受环境的影响,如果婴儿的母亲做了什么他们喜欢的事情,这个婴儿就会笑.婴儿学着通过微笑来愉悦母亲或者监护人来达到得到最好的照料的目的.这就是婴儿如何学习与他人联系交流的方式.

207 评论


Will the ability of human to thinkdeteriorate as a result of reliance on modern technology? The author claimedso. The more we human beings depend on the high technology which provides uswith convenience and efficiency, the more possible we will too lazy to think onour own. However, he fails to fully evaluate this issue. And for one thing, theability to think and use of technology are not mutually exclusive. In fact, thedevelopment of technology makes more possibilities and more space for humanmind to think and concede that sometimes technology doesimpair the ability to, for example, compute, as we have calculators andcomputers to do those tedious jobs for us. And because of the GPS, we do not need to remember theroads home and do not have to think about which route will be shorter andfaster. And sometimes, when we have trouble or, the first thing come up with isnot to find the answer by thinking, but to click the keyboard and just the same time, the development oftechnology also provides us with new problems and challenges never thoughtpossible. And the most compelling example will be China, there is an ancient mythcalled Changebenyue, a story in which a women named Change eat a kind ofmedicine and then flied to the moon. For ancient Chinese, it is ..

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