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Johnny's Entertainment in Japan and in Thailand they are part of the group G-Junior on the GMM Grammy Label. Members Pichaya Nitipaisalkul (Golf) * Real Name: Pichaya Nitipaisalkul * Nicknames: Golf * Date of Birth: February 20th, 1987 * Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand * Blood Type: B * Height: 170 cm * Weight: 53 kg * Family: 2 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), 1 younger brother -Mike (Pirath) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo). * Favorite Color: White, Gray * Favorite Sports: Basketball, Ping Pong * Favorite Animals: Siberian Huskies * Fears: Ghosts, Electric Plugs, Alsatian Dogs * Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Video Games * Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Michael Jackson, Omarion, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Jay Chou * Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School Information: Golf is the third child of five. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 14. Golf is known to be loud and confident, as opposed to his much quieter brother. He is very talkative and friendly but gets serious about things like work. Unlike his brother, he is daring and doesn't worry as much and just likes to have fun and go crazy, especially when he is with his friends. He also likes to set goals for his future and try to reach them. His opinion of his attractive quality would be his sociable personality and his ability to make people laugh. He was nicknamed 'Golf' because when he was born, golf was starting to gain popularity in Thailand. Golf likes working with Mike because he likes being able to share everything with his sibling and when they fight, he won't talk to Mike until he apologises. Golf has a phobia of plugs because when he was young, he got a shock from plugging in a lamp and he hasn't been able to bring himself to plug anything in by himself since. His bad experiences include having a spider dropped on his head. Pirath Nitipaisalkul (Mike) * Real Name: Pirath Nitipaisalkul * Nicknames: Mike * Date of Birth: December 19th, 1989 * Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand * Blood Type: B * Height: 174 cm * Weight: 57 kg * Family: 3 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), Golf (Pichaya) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo). * Favorite Color: White * Favorite Sports: Basketball, Football, Ping Pong, Tennis, Badminton * Favorite Animals: Kittens * Fears: Love, Bugs * Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Working Out * Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Tackey & Tsubasa, Lucifer, Gackt * Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School * Ideal Girl: Doesn't like to expose herself and loves him very much Information: Mike is the fourth child of five. Since he was a child, he always dreamed of being a singer or a superhero like Spiderman. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 11. He is known to not have much confidence and is mostly quiet and serious. He doesn't talk much and tends to worry a lot, especially about his image, according to Golf. Mike's opinion of his attractive quality would be his eyes, though he says he has never really observed himself. His nickname 'Mike' comes from their family business, Michel Angelo, which started when he was born. A nickname that he got from his friends was 'Het' (meaning mushroom) because his hair used to resemble a mushroom. A nickname that he would choose for himself would be 'Ling' (meaning monkey) because he was once told that he had a monkey face. Mike likes working with his brother because he says it's fun to always be with someone he can trust and when he and Golf fight, he is usually the one to say sorry and make up. Mike is scared of insects because they jump on him when he sleeps and he is allergic to dog hair. His bad experiences include being heartbroken at the age of 12. His favorite quote is "Do what you want others to do to you". He is very shy but loves to smile a lot even if he is a serious working guy. Information Pirath and Pichaya come from a musical family as their older brothers, who go by Sand and Bank, were also popular musicians in Thailand in the late 90s. When Golf and Mike were 14 and 11, they tried out for the group G-Junior. After a year of training they passed the audition and began working on their first album, GOLF-MIKE, released three years later. Golf & Mike debuted during Thongchai McIntyre's For Fan concert in 2002. After their debut, they traveled to Japan and participated in concerts with popular J-Pop groups NEWS and Ya-Ya-Yah. They covered Tackey & Tsubasa's Epilogue for their debut album as well as Yume Monogatari during concerts as they both idolize Tackey (Takizawa Hideaki). Their participation in the Japanese music scene did not end there, however as recently they were put into a group under Johnny's Entertainment with Yamashita Tomohisa called Kitty GYM. They were also due to perfom with ARASHI and G-JR in a J-Pop/Thai-Pop concert on October 7 at the Impact Arena, Bangkok, to celebrate Thailand's ties with Japan but the J-Pop group were sent back to Japan a few days prior to the concert date due to Thailand's current unstable political state. Korean stars they have interacted with include Byul. Though Golf and Mike are brothers, the third and fourth children of five respectively, their personalities are very different; they are 'like black and white', as Mike once said in an interview. Because they study in an international school and have spent time in Australia studying, they are fluent in English and can also speak some Japanese in addition to Thai. They enjoy normal teenage things, such as hanging around the Siam Center, a popular shopping center for teenagers in Thailand. Both are also interested in graphic design and art, as well as video games and manga and are very good at drawing. Their Golf-Mike logo was designed by Golf and the Golf-Mike monkeys were also drawn by him. They own a blog, however, due to their collective inability to type in Thai, they only write in English. Thailand Discography Albums * <> Let's Bounce * <> 10 Club (with G-Junior) * <> 365 Days with Golf & Mike * <> One by One Singles * <2005.??.??> Bounce VCDs/Other * <> LET'S BOUNCE * <> The Show Must Go On * <> 365 Days with Golf & Mike Photo Books * UNSEEN GOLF-MIKE * GOLF-MIKE THE BACKSTAGE SHOW Commercials * 12 Plus Cutie * Yamaha Fino * True Move Japanese Discography Singles * <> Fever to Future (with Kitty GYM) * <> Nippon Ai ni Iku yo (ニッポン アイニイクヨ; I'll Go Meet You in Japan) Awards * <2006> Seed Popular Artist of the Year Award * <2006> Channel Thailand Music Video Awards: Favorite Breakthrough Artist Award

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Super Junior 综艺类: Full House全集: 第01集: 第02集: 第03集: 第04集: 第05集: 第06集: 第07集: 第08集: 第09集: 第10集: 第11集: Full House 第12集: Full House 第13集: Full House 第14集: Super Junior 人体探险队全集: 人体探险队 第01集: 人体探险队 第02集: 人体探险队 第03集: 人体探险队 第04集: 人体探险队 第05集: 人体探险队 第06集: 人体探险队 第07集: 人体探险队 第08集: 人体探险队 第09集: 人体探险队 第10集: 人体探险队 第11集: 人体探险队 第12集: 人体探险队 第13集: Super Junior 了不得的外出全集: 了不得的外出 第01集: 了不得的外出 第02集: 了不得的外出 第03集: 了不得的外出 第04集: 了不得的外出 第05集: 了不得的外出 第06集: 了不得的外出 第07集: 了不得的外出 第08集: 了不得的外出 第09集: 了不得的外出 第10集: 了不得的外出 第11集: 了不得的外出 第12集: 神秘追踪全集: : 第02集: 第03集: 第04集: 第05集: 第06集: Super Junior SHOW全集: SJ Show 希澈日记: SJ Show 银赫日记: SJ Show 强仁日记: SJ Show 始源日记: SJ Show 东海日记: SJ Show 晟敏日记: SJ Show 丽旭日记: SJ Show 神童日记: SJ Show 艺声日记: SJ Show 李特日记: SJ Show 基范日记: SJ Show 滑雪特辑上: SJ Show 滑雪特辑下: SJ Show 日记回顾上: SJ Show 日记回顾下: SJ Show 泰国特辑上: SJ Show 泰国特辑下: SJ Show 公主日记花絮: SJ Show 韩庚中国行01: SJ Show 韩庚中国行02: SJ Show 韩庚中国行03: SJ Show 韩庚中国行04: SJ Show 前期回顾+日记回顾: SJ Show Fanmeeting特辑上: SJ Show Fanmeeting特辑下: SJ Show 同居同落+王的男人01: SJ Show 模仿情书+王的男人02: SJ Show 模仿情书+王的男人03: SJ Show 泰国特辑+王的男人04: Super Junior东海始源基范塞班行全集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第01集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第02集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第03集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第04集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第05集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第06集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第07集: 东海始源起范塞班行 第08集: Super Junior 美少年宿舍大骚动全集: 美少年宿舍大骚动 韩庚篇: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第01集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第01集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第02集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第02集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第03集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第03集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第04集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第04集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第05集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第05集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第06集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第06集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第07集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第07集 下: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第08集 上: 美少年宿舍大骚动 第08集 下: Band Of Brothers全集: Band Of Brothers 第01集: Band Of Brothers 第02集: Band Of Brothers 第03集: Band Of Brothers 第04集: Band Of Brothers 第05集: Band Of Brothers 第06集: Band Of Brothers 第07集: Band Of Brothers 第08集: Band Of Brothers 第09集: Band Of Brothers 第10集: Band Of Brothers 第11集: Band Of Brothers 第12集: Band Of Brothers 第13集: 第一次泰国行花絮全集: 第01集: 第02集: 第03集: 第04集: 第二次泰国行花絮全集: 第01集: 第02集: 第03集: 初出道全纪录: 初出道全纪录 第01集: 初出道全纪录 第02集: 初出道全纪录 第03集: 初出道全纪录 第04集: Super Junior 出道纪录全集: 出道记录 第01集: 出道记录 第02集: 出道记录 第03集: 出道记录 第04集: 出道记录 第05集: 出道记录 第06集: 出道记录 第07集: 出道记录 第08集: 出道记录 第09集: 出道记录 第10集: 出道记录 第11集: 出道记录 第12集: 出道记录 第13集: 出道记录 第14集: 出道记录 第15集: 出道记录 第16集: 出道记录 第17集: 出道记录 第18集: 出道记录 第19集: 出道记录 第20集: 出道记录 第21集: 出道记录 第22集: 出道记录 第23集: King: 070310 Star King 第09期 Super Junior: 070407 Star King 第12期 Super Junior:070512 Star King 第17期 Super Junior: 070721 Star King 第27期 Super Junior: 071013 Star King 第38期 Super Junior: 071222 Star King 第47期 Super Junior: 080329 Star King 第61期 Super Junior: 080405 Star King 第62期 SJ SS501 少女时代: 060121 明星金钟 希澈李特: 060218 明星金钟 希澈李特 神童: 060603 明星金钟 希澈李特 神童 始源: 060902 明星金钟 韩庚强仁: 【韩庚民族舞震撼全场】 060909 明星金钟 韩庚强仁 东海 晟敏: 061021 明星金钟 韩庚: 071006 明星金钟 韩庚恩赫 神童: 071208 明星金钟 韩庚李特 强仁: 071015 夜心万万 金希澈 韩庚: 综艺杂集: 公主日记花絮 韩庚 李特 东海 神童: 060413 公主日记 韩庚李特 东海 神童 上: 060420 公主日记 韩庚李特 东海 神童 下: 070902 动物农场 上: 070909 动物农场 中: 070916 动物农场 下: 找朋友 金希澈: 071229 开心辞典 韩庚: 070818 快乐大本营 韩庚崔始源 上: 070825 快乐大本营 韩庚崔始源 下: 鲁豫有约 韩庚 我在韩国当明星 上: 鲁豫有约 韩庚 我在韩国当明星 下: 崔红万和他的强友们 韩庚 希澈: 070922 中秋特辑比画更美李特 神童 东海 恩赫: Super Junior 中国行上: Super Junior 中国行下: Super Junior 13人访问 上: Super Junior 13人访问 下: 现场类: 080708 Super Junior 日本武道馆 FanMeeting 上: 080708 Super Junior 日本武道馆 FanMeeting 中: 080708 Super Junior 日本武道馆 FanMeeting 下: 080708 Super Junior 日本武道馆 FanMeeting花絮: Super Junior Super Show全场+花絮: 080330 CCTV2 Super Junior 奥运中国年剪辑: 081122 Super Show SOHU专访清晰片段: 051119 Super Junior Twins【庚带面具】: 060818 Super Junior Music Wave全场剪辑: SM 冬日SnowDream MV拍摄花絮 上: SM 冬日SnowDream MV拍摄花絮 中: SM 冬日SnowDream MV拍摄花絮 下: Timeless 无剪辑花絮韩庚 始源 第01集: Timeless 无剪辑花絮韩庚 始源 第02集: Timeless 无剪辑花絮韩庚 始源 第03集: Timeless 无剪辑花絮韩庚 始源 第04集: Timeless 无剪辑花絮韩庚 始源 第05集:都给你了

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名字:金贤重(jīn xian zhong) 韩文名字:김현중 罗马拼音:Kim Hyun Joong 金贤重所属公司:KEYEAST(原DSP公司) 粉丝名称:Henecia 学历:汉阳高中(毕业)、庆熙大学、 青云大学演出企划经营学系 (已经考入) 生肖:虎 脚的大小:275mm 身高:182cm 体重:57kg (因工作压力和生病洗胃导致从68kg降到57kg) 语言:韩语、日语、英语、一点泰语和汉语。 好友:ss501成员、金在中(JYJ)、朴有天(JYJ)、金俊秀(JYJ)、(Bigbang)、姜俊英、郑允浩、李民浩、金范、金俊、具惠善、郑素敏、李诗英、裴勇俊、丁海明等 绰号:小队,金狗牛,囧人,ET,火星人,四次元,脱线王,PG,宇宙神…… 家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥 尊敬的人:,父母,长辈,徐太志 特长、爱好:吉他、贝斯、钢琴、唱歌、演戏、跳舞、主持、游泳、橄榄球、健身、足球、篮球、网球、钓鱼、看漫画…… 信仰:天主教 (小时候信基督教) 平均睡眠时间:6-7小时 能够向别人炫耀的事情:成为SS501的一员 有什么资格证书:跆拳道1段、1类驾照、摩托车普通驾照 早晨起床最先做的事:洗澡 理想的早餐菜单:拉面 握力:中等程度 口头禅:真的 用一句话来形容自己的性格:温柔 喜欢的角色(动画片、电视等):《海贼王》中搭乘梅莉号的所有人 擅长的声音模仿:安德烈·金老师 手机铃音:自己的歌 喜欢的颜色:黑色 喜欢的蔬菜:蘑菇 椰菜 喜欢大海还是山:山 最喜欢家(房间)的哪里:我自己的房间 最喜欢自己身体的哪一部分:瞳孔(很大很漂亮)、锁骨(可以盛水)、喉结 最不喜欢自己哪一部分:嘴巴(总是容易干) 将来的梦想:做自己音乐的歌手 会的乐器:吉他、贝斯、鼓、三角铁、响板 (吉他演唱水平得到过很高评价,而且出道前还是比较有名气的乐队的贝司手) 买的第一张CD :徐太志和孩子们2辑LP 看的第一场现场演出:Limp Bizkit 喜欢的艺人:徐太志、Limp Bizkit、KORN、Metallica、U2、Marilyn Manson、Lifehouse等很多 想和哪位一起演出:徐太志 喜欢的演艺人:李孝利,裴勇俊 适合兜风时听的歌:Blind(lifehouse) 在练歌厅经常唱的歌:李适的《幸运》(《幸好有你》) 最喜欢SS501的哪首歌:《世界的翅膀》 理想的男性是什么样的:能够该做事的时候做事,该玩的时候玩的男性 理想的女性是什么样的:像朋友般没有瑕疵的朴素女性,简单,真实,能和朋友一起愉快相处。 理想的约会:一起演奏乐器 拿手的料理:拉面 韩国食物中最喜欢的、最讨厌的:最喜欢牛杂汤、最讨厌狗肉 喜欢的饮料:苹果汁 讨厌的饮料:番茄汁 金贤重喜欢(擅长)的科目:体育 讨厌(做不好)科目:英语 喜欢的电影:《恋爱,不堪忍受的轻浮》 (也说过《泰坦尼克号》是看过这么多电影中最像电影的呢..)《once》(在我们结婚了中为皇甫惠静唱《once》的曲子《In the rush》) 喜欢的书(小说,漫画等):《海贼王》《火影忍者》 喜欢的运动:足球 喜欢的品牌:Generalidea 将自己打扮得帅气的要素:帽子 喜欢用的香水:没有 喜欢的花:樱花 喜欢的游戏:足球游戏 喜欢的玩乐方式:抓鬼游戏 喜欢的动物:狗 电话和短信,更喜欢哪种方式:电话 经常会思考什么问题:我会一直快乐吗 无论如何都想主张的是:请不要非法下载专辑!! 如果可以重生的话想成为什么 :外星人 狮子(在我结中说的) 面对困难的时候怎样应对:睡觉 世界和平需要的:废弃核武器,禁止开发武器 如果只能带三样东西去无人岛的话:飞机,汽油,操纵师 就这个东西绝对不能落下:我的乐器 (你就是飞出宇宙也要带上这个) 关于恋爱: 在每日每夜上说过 初一的时候喜欢一女孩 为了能看见她 连续吃了两年半的粉肠 高一好的 出道时分手

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