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1. INTRODUCTION Theory and Overviews· Baldwin, Richard E.; Forslid, Rikard; Martin, Philippe; Ottaviano, Gianmarco . and Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric (2003) Economic Geography and Public Policy. Princeton University Press.· Fujita, Masahisa; Krugman, Paul and Venables, Anthony (1999) The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.· Fujita, Masahisa and Thisse, Jacques-Fran?ois (2002) Agglomeration and Market Interaction, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 3362. · Henderson, J. Vernon and Thisse, Jacques-Fran?ois (2004) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics - Volume 4: Cities and Geography, Elsevier.· Markusen, James; Melvin, James; Kaempfer, William and Maskus, Keith (1995) International Trade: Theory and Evidence, McGraw-Hill. · Neary, Peter (2001) "Of Hype and Hyperbolas: Introducing the New Economic Geography". Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 39, pp. 536-561. · Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban (2006) "A Spatial Theory of Trade". American Economic Review, vol. 95, pp. 1464-1491. · Sj?berg, ?rian and Sj?holm, Fredrik (2002) "Common Ground? Prospects for Integration the Economic Geographers of Geographers and Economists". Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, pp. 467-486. Empirics: Overview · Brakman, S.; Garretsen, H.; Gorter, J.; van der Horst, A. and Schramm, M. (2005) "New Economic Geography, Empirics, and Regional Policy". Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis working paper. · Head, Keith and Mayer, Thierry (2004) "The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade". In: Henderson, V. and Thisse, . (eds.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Elsevier. (download pdf). · Helpman, Elhanan (1999) "Explaining the Structure of Foreign Trade: Where do We Stand?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 13, pp. 121-124. · Krugman, Paul (1994) "Empirical Evidence on the New Trade Theories: The Current State of Play". In: New Trade Theories, CEPR Conference Report, London. · Leamer, Edward E. (1994) "Testing Trade Theory". In: Greenaway, D. and Winters, . (ed.) Surveys in International Trade, Blackwell, Oxford. · Leamer, Edward E. and Levinsohn, James (1995) "International Trade Theory: The Evidence". In: Grossmann, G. and Rogoff, K. (eds.) Handbook of International Economics, vol. 3, Elsevier, New York. · Overman, Henry; Redding, Stephen and Venables, Anthony (2001) "The Economic Geography of Trade, Production and Income: A Survey of Empirics". CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2978. · Feenstra, Robert C., Lipsey, Robert E. and Bowen, Harry P. (1997) "World Trade Flows, 1970-1992; With Production and Tariff Data", NBER Working Paper No. 59102. DESCRIPTIVES: SPECIALISATION AND TRADE VOLUMES Trade Structures · Balassa, Bela (1965) "Trade Liberalisation and 'Revealed' Comparative Advantage". Manchester School, vol. 33, 99-123.· Bernhofen, . and Brown, . 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Geographical Clustering of Firms· Devereux, Michael P.; Griffith, Rachel and Simpson, Helen (1999) "The Geographic Distribution of Production Activity in the UK". Institute for Fiscal Studies Working Paper, No. 99/26. · Dumais, Guy; Ellison, Glenn and Glaeser Edward L. (2002) "Geographic Concentration as a Dynamic Process". Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 84, pp. 193-204. · Duranton, Gilles and Overman, Henry (2005) "Testing for Localisation Using Micro-Geographic Data". Review of Economic Studies, vol. 72, pp. 1077-1106. · Ellison, Glenn and Glaeser, Edward L. (1997) "Geographic Concentration in . Manufacturing Industries: A Dartboard Approach". Journal of Political Economy, vol. 105, pp. 889-927. · Henderson, J. Vernon (2003) "Marshall's Scale Economies". Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 53, pp. 1-28. · Lafourcade, Miren and Mion, Giordano (2007) "Concentration, Agglomeration and the Size of Plants". 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20[美] Mankiw(曼昆):经济学原理(Principles of Economics).第三版.梁小民译.北京:机械工业出版社2003
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从1970年起,到现在, 在这段期间,美国是世界能源消耗国,排第三。但据报道,中国近年来的消耗已经超越了美国。从1990~2010,美国在石油消耗就已经上升了3
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