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身体健康是从物质意义对人的生活质量的理解。下面是我带来的 医学英语 科普 文章 ,欢迎阅读!



Five-a-Day "No Benefit" 每日五份没效果

One of the most commonly-held beliefs regarding health and nutrition in the UK has beenfound to be untrue, according to a new scientific study.

For many years British people have been recommended to eat at least 'five-a-day' – that isfive items of fruit or vegetables every day in order to improve their health and reduce thelikelihood of illness, in particular cancer.

The recommendation was first put forward in 1990 by the World Health Organizationwhich said that the 'five-a-day' diet could prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

Since then the advice has been a mainstay of public health policies in many developedcountries, such as the UK, where the population eat a high proportion of junk food.

Many health campaigns have promoted the advice, and indeed much food packaging inBritain states how the contents will constitute part of your five-a-day.

However, a study of 500,000 Europeans from 10 different countries refutes the commonly-believed suggestion that up to 50% of cancers could be prevented by increasing the public'sconsumption of fruit and vegetables.

Instead the study, which is led by researchers from a well-respected New York medicalschool, estimates that only of cancers could be averted by eating more fruit and veg.

It seems that the key to avoiding cancers is to have an overall healthy lifestyle whichincludes not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, taking exercise and avoiding obesity.

But medical charities have spoken out to remind people that diet is an important factor instaying healthy, and that even a reduction in cancers is still a positive step.

Cancer Research UK said: "It's still a good idea to eat your five-a-day but remember thatfruits and vegetables are pieces in a much larger lifestyle jigsaw."



legionnaires' disease is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia. legionnaires' disease is caused by infection with legionella bacteria which are found naturally in the environment and thrive in warm water and warm damp places. man-made water systems sometimes provide environments that let legionella bacteria increase to large numbers. these man-made systems include showers, spa pools, fountains, and air conditioning cooling towers. people usually get legionnaires' disease by breathing in mists that come from a water source contaminated with legionella bacteria.

an estimated 8,000 to 18,000 people get legionnaires' disease in the united states each year. some people can be infected with legionella bacteria and have mild symptoms or no illness at all. patients with legionnaires' disease usually have fever, chills, and a cough, which may be dry or may produce sputum. some patients also have muscle aches, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite, and, occasionally, diarrhea. from the time of infection with legionella bacteria, it takes 2-10 days for symptoms to appear. in most cases, symptoms begin after 5-6 days. legionnaires' disease is treated with antibiotics, such as erythromycin. the earlier that treatment is begun, the better the outcome.

the first known outbreak of legionnaires' disease was in philadelphia, usa, in 1976. a total of 221 people contracted the disease and 34 died. most of those that died were legionnaires and that's how the disease got its name. the second largest outbreak was at the stafford hospital in england in 1985; a total of 101 people contracted the disease and 28 died.






For women who want to have children, planning the right time is a difficult decision. In recent years, many women have opted to put off having kids until their late 20s and well into their 30s — focusing on finishing school, building their careers, traveling, and maybe even paying down their student loans before taking the leap into parenthood. Statistics show that women are waiting longer and longer to have kids — the current average age of first-time moms is up to , up from just 15 years ago.


The choice to have children is extremely personal and of course there’s no wrong answer when it comes to being ready to be a mom. But according to Dr. Gillian Lockwood, medical director at the Midland Fertility Clinic in the UK, there is an ideal age when our bodies are best suited to pregnancy. Can you guess what it is?

要孩子的选择是一个非常私人的话题,选择什么时候做母亲都没有错。但是英国米德兰生育诊所的医学主任Gillian Lockwood表示,我们的身体有一个最佳的生育年龄。你能猜到是多少岁吗?

I’ll give you a hint: it’s when many of us have a quarter-life crisis. Also: when it finally becomes affordable to rent a car.


Yep. According to Lockwood, the ideal age to get pregnant is 25.


Unfortunately, says Dr. Lockwood, it’s also the age when motherhood is low on many women’s list of priorities. She explained in the Evening Standard:


“Age 25 is exactly the time when today’s young women have left university, are trying to get off on a good career, trying to pay back their student loans, trying to find someone who wants to have babies with them and trying to get on the housing ladder.”

“25岁的当代年轻女性刚刚大学 毕业 ,事业起步,忙于偿还助学贷款,找男朋友,努力买房。”

Dr. Lockwood also had some harsh words about fertility treatments being marketed as a viable option to women over 40. “The bleak reality is that the chance of IVF working with your own eggs once you are 40 is absolutely abysmal,” she said. “Would we let, yet alone encourage, patients to pay for an elective operation with a less than five percent chance of working?” While that may be Dr. Lockwood’s opinion, plenty of wannabe parents may be happy to take those chances.


It’s worth reiterating that there are so many factors that inform the choice to have kids and only you can decide when — and IF — you want to become a mother. Whether you choose to have kids at 20, 30, 40, or beyond; biologically, through a surrogate, or via adoption, always listen to your own body and make the decision that makes sense for your own life. You know what’s right for you.


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题目:认识餐桌盐众所周知,地球化学中的众多化学元素,有的对人体是害的,有的对人体是有益的,然而所有有益于人体的化学元素对人体的作用都是双刃剑,则:少了会致病,多了同样会致病。这里我们可得出这样一个结论,大自然给人类养生的秘诀就是一个“度”字。 近代科学发现人体中需要含有60多种化学元素,其中:氧、碳,氢、氮、钙,磷、钾、硫、钠、氯、镁、等11种元素占人体重量组成的,学术界称它为“宏量”元素。其余不到的是由硅、铁、氟、锌、碘、铜、钒、锰、镍、硒、铬、锡、钼等为人体必需的14种元素组成,学术界称它为“微量”元素。人体中还有30多种极其微量甚至只能在化验中以“痕量”显示的元素,这些元素中,有些具有对人体特殊生理功能为人体所必需的,也有一些对人体可有可无的,此外另有一些是对人体是有毒的,诸如:铅、镉、汞、六价铬、砷、等元素。 当以上这些元素均以人体所需的“度”存在于人体时,人体就健康。但在人体的新陈代谢、吐故纳新的生理活动过程中,由于受到地球化学环境制约和人为饮食习惯的影响,而对某一种元素的摄入量过多或过少时,它就会在人体上显示出某些不适甚至于不同程度的病态来。当前人们非常关心“钠”这个宏量元素对人体影响。钠在地球上分布非常广泛,多以“氧化钠”存在于各类岩石中,而人体所需的钠是“氯化钠”,即“食盐”。柴、米、油、盐是人们日常缺一不可的四大生活物质。,有人爱吃咸(称口味重),有人爱吃淡(称口味轻),这里可有学问了,我们且不可轻视它。因为钠元素是人体代谢所必需的矿物质营养素,起着维持细胞酸碱度的平衡,并且维持神经、肌肉、心脏、肾脏以及各种人体生理功能的正常运动。钠摄入人体后又会通过尿、粪、汗液、泪水、鼻涕等向体外代谢,而主要的是通过汗液排泄。如果人体钠的摄入量高于排泄量超过人体所需的“度”时,它会打破体内的代谢平衡,阻碍其他营养的吸收,出现周身浮肿,引患高血压,诱发心脑血管病发生,严重危害着人的生命。但当钠摄入量少于排泄量而不能满足人体钠的所需的那个“度”时,又会罹患“钠缺乏症”,其症状表现:为身体倦怠乏力,神情淡漠木僵,还会出现恶心、视力模糊、心率加速、血压降低、脉搏细弱、肌肉痉挛、起立昏倒,严重的甚至会导致肾功能和心功能衰竭,同样会危害人的生命。眼下时尚“清淡”,然而清淡还得有个“度”,当前有人把“戒晕禁盐”作为长寿之道,这就就显得不那么科学了。国际卫生组织建议成人每天食盐摄入量需要6克左右,也就是人体每天的必需量。但依照我们中国人的口味成人每日食盐的摄入量要超过6克的2—3倍。大家都知道,一般体力劳动的人出汗多,钠通过汗腺向体外 排泄量就多了,人们付出的动强度大,相对多吃一些盐亦在情理之中。夏天,人爱出汗,如果得不到钠的及时的补充,人就会中署。”,我国的西部地区因日照强,所以那里的人群特别爱吃咸,这是气候因素所决定的。从人们日常生活习惯看,吃辣与不吃辣它和口味或重或轻有关,辣能刺激人体汗腺的分泌,可促进人体对钠元素的新陈代谢。大家都知道,四川人爱吃火锅,咸得简直不能再咸,然而辣得简直不能再辣,大概就是这个道理。食盐对人体还有一个非常重要的作用,是它作为人体“补碘的载体”,则“加碘食盐”被国家强制在全国范围内推行。碘是人体内必需的微量元素,国际卫生组织建议每天成人摄入量为150- ──300微克,我们莫看其微,一当人体患上“碘缺乏症”,可对人体健康的危害就大了。它可诱发人体“甲亢症”和“克汀病”的发生。甲亢症状:颈粗、突眼、怕热、多汗、腹泻、易饿、心悸、消瘦、肌无力、手震颤、妇女月经纹乱,还会焦燥易怒,从而常常会引发家庭、邻里、社会的不和谐。严重的还会导致精神、心血管、肌肉骨骼、生殖系统等诸多方面的疾病,因此危及人体健康和寿命。从历史角度看,在未推行加碘食盐前, “甲亢”病患者随处可见,因患克汀病而导致人群中出现白痴、半白痴几乎每个大小村庄都有不同程度的存在,聋哑、半聋哑和智商低下的人就更多了,“白痴家庭”也常有所见,而且山区尤为严重一些。这不能说与我国有部分地区环境缺碘无关吧。再次呼吁对富含碘的海产品有着不常吃和不爱吃习惯的人群,购买食盐,需选加碘食盐。

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