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Athwart this world we were flying scarcely

174 评论


美国大学申请essay要如何写,美国金融essay写作的话同学们要注意哪些事情,看了下面美国商科essay范文大家就能够明白了:Should I be accepted into the ______ MBA program, I will be active in the classroom, with student organizations and where other opportunities arise. In and out of the classroom I am one who is always willing to raise his hand or disagree or simply add a new perspective to the rigor of a ______ education demands both teamwork and trust in your teammates. These are critical lessons for every manager. At times, as the leader of my ______ team, I will manage the overall project and delegate assignments. Other times, as a team member, I will contribute toward our end goal. Practicing teamwork in an educational environment offers the opportunity for analysis and introspection. Due to the hectic pace of the business world, it is difficult to find the time to examine the inner workings of a team. Studying for two years at ______ will enable me to study team dynamics and reflect on my role as both a leader and a participant of a courses Id like to gain an inner point of view from the leading country of the industry. Second and related, during my experience in the MBA courses I hope I will meet other people who have had the opportunity to work in this field and to share with them experiences, ideas and opinions. I want to go deeper from an already interesting academic point of view to the point of view that the mixture of firsthand experience and knowledge can give you. Last, I think an MBA is a clear signal that you can give to inform others of your knowledge and the end of my MBA course I want to have a broad understanding of the key functional disciplines, the role of ______ and the opportunities and challenges of the global arena in business. I believe the key to problem solving is effective teamwork and management of resources and I am looking to develop these skills to an exceptional standard. In addition to this, I require career management skills to ensure that I place myself in a role that is going to challenge and excite the short term, I need to broaden my understanding beyond the functional areas I mastered at ______ and at several entrepreneurial companies where I was the ______. I want to expand my point of view as ______ and bring my unique perspective to bear on issues that face the whole company. I also want to improve my ______ and ______ skills so that in the long term as ______ I can lead the whole company toward a common the same time, I will be open to the assistance my classmates can give me from their particular undergraduate field of study. I will enjoy the opportunity to work with highly talented and motivated students. Sharing ideas and experiences will give me the chance to improve myself while helping my at ______ , I hope to not only share my experiences and perspectives, but also learn through the experiences and perspectives of others. I hope to challenge my classmates to look within themselves to understand how building diverse relationships can help them grow as I share and relive my personal and professional experiences with others, I will gain new insights to these experiences and will be able to better internalize hope to develop lifetime friendships and forge professional relationships that extend well beyond the completion of the the same time, I will be open to the assistance my classmates can give me from their particular undergraduate field of study. I will enjoy the opportunity to work with highly talented and motivated students. Sharing ideas and experiences will give me the chance to improve myself while helping my peers.

326 评论



300 评论


美国留学申请文书写作技巧和范例:近几年来,随着文书写作在留学申请中的重要性逐渐被大家认识,这样一个事实也渐渐浮出水面--一篇逻辑不通、语言混乱的申请信能使背景很强分数很高的申请者连一封录取信都拿不到,而一套精心制作、文采飞扬的申请材料能够使背景非常普通的申请者从数千名申请者中脱颖而出。 一般来讲,校方在申请高峰期每天要阅读数百名申请者的材料,平均下来,每套材料的阅读时间只有不到十分钟的时间,有的甚至更短。我们团队有几个人因为家离要申请的学校不远,因此他们自己申请的时候曾经亲自到过学校。每位老师面前都摆着半人高的申请材料,他们的阅读速度非常快,几分钟读完一篇,简单作些记号就换下一篇,只是偶尔被一些佳文所吸引。 美国留学申请文书写作技巧和范例,说到吸引,这里有一个误区。有的申请者(包括他们本国申请者)认为只要能显得与众不同就能吸引校方的注意,因此挖空心思地使用一些很不得体的语句。曾经有一位法学院的申请者在申请信中第一句话就说"The first thing I need to do is to kill all lawyers",这种"与众不同"的结果大家可想而知。 我们中国申请者在还有一个更容易犯的错误就是,总是试图在申请信中把生平的所有经历都囊括进去。我们不少朋友的申请信从自己呱呱坠地开始写起,小学中学大学作过什么事得过什么奖,一一罗列。看似内容很多,可通篇读完后阅读者留不下任何印象。其实申请信不是简历,也不是记叙文,而是建立在记叙上的议论文,记叙是说发生在你身上的事,议论指这些事给你带来的影响和你对这些影响的看法。全文应该非常主观,这也是你向校方表达你主观想法的最好的(如果不是唯一的)机会,那些客观的部分请交给申请材料中的其他内容(如成绩单、简历等)来表达。就好象我们家里用菜刀切菜,刀刃磨得再快但如果离开了沉重的刀背切不了菜,反过来刀背再厚实但如果没有锋利的刀刃还是没法用。在这个例子中,申请信是刀刃,其他客观材料就是刀背。 话说回来,那怎样才能吸引来校方的注意力并使其持续保持呢?方法就是使校方阅读者产生心灵上的共鸣,使其觉得阅读你的文章是一种享受,其实这也是留学文书写作的高境界。我们可以分两步来做,第一步,选好要说的;第二步,说好所选的。 说到写作素材的选择,大家会面临两种情况,有的朋友会觉得自己想说的事太多了,按照学校规定的篇幅根本就写不下,还有的朋友认为自己很平凡很普通,根本就没什么可说的。先说第一种情况,首先,有的学校对申请材料特别是PS在篇幅上有限制,即使没有篇幅限制,洋洋洒洒数千字的文章只会使本来就头昏脑胀的校方阅读者的眉头皱得更紧。其次,文章的重点应该是事件对你产生的影响和你对此的看法,而不是那些事件本身,明白这点后,你对篇幅限制的那种紧迫感就会大为减少,剩下的问题就只是怎么安排先后和主次。第二种情况更为普遍一些,很多朋友第一次写申请信的时候觉得根本就无话可说,无从下笔。解决这个问题又要分两步,第一问问自己想通过文章向校方树立什么样的形象,第二找到合适的切入点,再延伸开来一点一滴的把这个形象树立起来。在睿智联合的笔下,每个申请者,哪怕其背景再普通再单纯,都是对事业充满理想和报负、对生活充满激情和感触的独特个体。这种理想和激情都是真实存在的,也许朋友们自己感觉不到,但是我们能挖掘出来。 但是大家不得不承认,英语为非母语的作者要做到这点非常困难,就好象反过来,老外用中文讲笑话我们怎么都不觉得逗。一篇文章如果无法使读者产生“会心”的感觉,充其量只能算是作者思想的载体,是死的,而真正的好文章是活的,因为其既是思想又是感情的载体。而对于那些英语为母语的作者而言,这个问题就迎刃而解了。相同的成长环境,相似的教育背景,相近的人生价值取向,自然而然地就使文章产生了“西方人与西方人之间的共鸣”。

326 评论


美国留学申请文书写作技巧和范例,一般校方在申请高峰期每天要阅读数百名申请者的材料,平均下来每套材料的阅读时间只有不到十分钟的时间,因此需要学生有技巧的进行文书写作。 美国留学申请文书写作技巧和范例:近几年来,随着文书写作在留学申请中的重要性逐渐被大家认识,这样一个事实也渐渐浮出水面--一篇逻辑不通、语言混乱的申请信能使背景很强分数很高的申请者连一封录取信都拿不到,而一套精心制作、文采飞扬的申请材料能够使背景非常普通的申请者从数千名申请者中脱颖而出。 一般来讲,校方在申请高峰期每天要阅读数百名申请者的材料,平均下来,每套材料的阅读时间只有不到十分钟的时间,有的甚至更短。我们团队有几个人因为家离要申请的学校不远,因此他们自己申请的时候曾经亲自到过学校。每位老师面前都摆着半人高的申请材料,他们的阅读速度非常快,几分钟读完一篇,简单作些记号就换下一篇,只是偶尔被一些佳文所吸引。说到写作素材的选择,大家会面临两种情况,有的朋友会觉得自己想说的事太多了,按照学校规定的篇幅根本就写不下,还有的朋友认为自己很平凡很普通,根本就没什么可说的。先说第一种情况,首先,有的学校对申请材料特别是PS在篇幅上有限制,即使没有篇幅限制,洋洋洒洒数千字的文章只会使本来就头昏脑胀的校方阅读者的眉头皱得更紧。其次,文章的重点应该是事件对你产生的影响和你对此的看法,而不是那些事件本身,明白这点后,你对篇幅限制的那种紧迫感就会大为减少,剩下的问题就只是怎么安排先后和主次。第二种情况更为普遍一些,很多朋友第一次写申请信的时候觉得根本就无话可说,无从下笔。解决这个问题又要分两步,第一问问自己想通过文章向校方树立什么样的形象,第二找到合适的切入点,再延伸开来一点一滴的把这个形象树立起来。

199 评论


找中介老师问一下 还有官网会有要求的

187 评论


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