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According to tradition, Confucius was born in 551 BC, in the Spring and Autumn Period, at the beginning of the Hundred Schools of Thought philosophical movement. Confucius was born in or near the city of Qufu, in the Chinese State of Lu (now part of Shandong Province).He was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese thought and philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence in China over other doctrines, such as Legalism (法家) or Taoism (道家) during the Han Dynasty[2][3][4] (206 BC – 220 AD). Confucius' thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism (儒家). It was introduced to Europe by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius."His teachings may be found in the Analects of Confucius (论语), a collection of "brief aphoristic fragments", which was compiled many years after his death. Modern historians do not believe that any specific documents can be said to have been written by Confucius,[5][6] but for nearly 2,000 years he was thought to be the editor or author of all the Five Classics[7][8] such as the Classic of Rites (editor), and the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (author)

213 评论


你好人工翻译 My Favorite Book My favorite book is a Journey to the West, it tells a story of a master and his apprentice went to India to obtain buddhist scriptures after experienced eighty-one difficult story. My favorite character is Sun wukong. He is *** art and lively, he respect his teacher, he is brave and strong. The story is very vivid, at the same time it also reflects the life philosophy. This book is one of China's four major classical novels, and it was also made into TV shows and cartoons, favored by children and *** s like it. After I read this book, I'm very touched. I also want to learn their despising of difficulties, and the spirit of ongoing when facing the hard times.

Some are cute and naive, some are sensitive and meloncholy, and others are tender and precise. But all of them are intimate and natural, simple and charming.

ROBOT scientists are not just TRYING TO make robots LOOK more like people 机器人科学家们不仅试图使机器人看起来更像人 For example ,there are already robots working in factories .these robots LOOK more like huge arms 例如,已经有机器人在工厂工作。这些机器人看起来更像巨大的武器 They do simple jobs over and over again 他们一遍又一遍简单的工作 People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored 如果人类做这种事情,会觉得无聊 But robots will never get bored 但是,机器人永远不会厌倦

富家不用买良田,书中自有千钟粟。 安居不用架高楼,书中自有黄金屋。 出门莫恨无人随,书中车马多如簇。 娶妻莫恨无良媒,书中自有颜如玉。 男儿欲遂平生志,六经勤向窗前读。

在中国,很少人有孔子那么重要。虽然他是在2564年之前出生的,但是人们任然_________他的生日在九9月25日并举行典礼来__________他。孔子是古中国最出名的_____________和哲学家。他在公元前554年出生于一个在鲁国,现山东,的贫穷的家庭。__________他小(年轻)的时候,他的父亲去世了,所以他必须通过工作帮助自己的母亲。但是年轻的孔子并没有停止_________。他拜访了很多著名的老师,学习了音乐,历史,———(看不清)之类的东西。当他30多岁的时候,孔子开始在他自己的学校里________学生。这被认为中国的第一个学校。人们说孔子有超过3000名学生。孔子为创造孔子思想而著名。孔子思想的基础是仁,意思是爱他人。孔子思想的主要____________包括诚信,善良,孝顺。这些对我们的生活很重要。现在,我们___________在世界各地建立孔子学院以便更多的人...... 希望对你有帮助!


From China's reform and opening up, China after more than 30 years of rapid economic development, has bee the fourth largest economy. With the development of the economy to tell, people can more and more disposable wealth. Experts believe that the next 5 years, average annual economic growth of 7% growth, people will move towards a more fortable life, fortable life. In this environment, the Chinese people have begun to quietly change consumer attitudes, lasted nearly a thousand years, "Survival," the traditional concept of consumption began to "the enjoyment and development of type" ahead of changing consumer concepts. How to create a rational concept of consumption on individuals, society and the world of great significance. Ahead of consumption in developed countries a high level of economic development, improved social welfare and a sound legal system and social effect of a bination of factors, gradually over time the development of a social phenomenon. People save their most basic feature is generally not high, the basic Is a balance, which is why the developed countries the share of GDP are very high consumption. In an increasingly globalized, the consumption concept in China is gradually moving closer to the developed countries, excessive consumption are increasingly recognized for the people, in particular, is playing China's current consumption of 80 main post. Increase in consumption will undoubtedly bring an infinite number of economic vitality, especially experienced by more than 30 years and exports to drive foreign investment, China is now facing economic restructuring is undoubtedly essential. However, China's national conditions, the current prevalence of consumption ranks only consider their own feelings, do not take into aount the financial burden of parents, difficult to make money, lack of family, court sense of responsibility on the other hand, the expansion of consumer desires inconsistent with their ine, easily lead to economic risk. Social development and is currently extremely unbalanced in our excessive consumption of the same time, the number of needy people who need assistance level difficulties, their own ability to create a harmonious munity bring you happiness is much larger than the consumption by material brought much more. Given the above *** ysis, the traditional consumer is not conducive to stimulating domestic demand, promote economic development, ahead of consumption, particularly unrestrained luxury consumption goods imports, while not easing the current social problems growing gap beeen rich and poor, is not conducive to China's own business development and growth, is also a million desirable. Therefore, given the current socio-economic development level, consumption and trade-offs ahead of the traditional benefit consumer harm, personally think that the living habits of thrift, "lines" and establish "rational and prudent spending, sustainable consumption" concept is the most suitable current needs.

后来证明他是个很酷的男孩 他说了如何清理他的柜子,这样他的妈妈就不用之后再做这些了

你知道……我们在七月的一个阳光明媚的早晨开始了这项伟大的事情在Pindars Corner的Pat 和 Liz Monyhan的美丽的农场上。62个国家,16个月,3场谈判,2个对手,6套黑色套装。因为你,我们在这里。 你们说了一些重要的事情和观念。全州的就业问题是重要的,保健是重要的,教育是重要的,环境是重要的,社会保险是重要的,还有妇女选择权是重要的。这一切都很重要,我从心底里想说谢谢你,纽约! 感谢你开启你的思想和心胸,让我们看到了在这个州,这个国家,我们可以为孩子们和未来做些什么的可能。我由衷的感激你给予我们能服务于你的机会! 一字一字码出来的,希望楼主采纳!

I'm Zimeng Song, I'm gonna be 11 on July 10th this year. I'm outgoing and want to make friends with everyone. If I had no intention of hurting you, please do five me, because I am not the person who could express the real thinking in mind clearly. At last, the new year is ing. May you happy the whole horse year.

329 评论


孔子(前551~前479) 中国春秋后期思想家,教育家,儒家的创始人。名孔丘,字仲尼。鲁国人。 生平 先世为宋国贵族,因避内乱移居鲁国。父叔梁纥,母颜氏 。鲁襄公二十二年(前 551)生于鲁国陬邑( 今山东曲阜 )。鲁国是周公儿子伯禽的封地,素有礼乐之邦之称 。至春秋末,礼乐仍保持完好。鲁国根深蒂固的礼乐传统对孔子有深刻的影响。孔子幼时常以陈俎豆、设礼容为戏。早年丧父,家境中落,年轻时曾做过管粮仓、管放牧的小官。30余岁时开始授徒讲学。鲁昭公二十六年( 前516),鲁国内乱,孔子不满季氏为首的三桓擅权 ,一度离鲁至齐 ,不久返回。开始整理诗、书、礼、乐,招收弟子日多,影响愈大。鲁定公九年(前501),出任中都宰,颇有政绩 。后升为司空和大司寇。定公十年齐鲁夹谷之会,孔子相礼,鲁国兵礼并用,收回被齐国侵占的郓、灌及龟阴之田。定公十三年,孔子为维护公室,建议毁季孙氏、叔孙氏、孟孙氏等三家都邑,季孙氏、叔孙氏的邱、费被毁后,孟孙氏以武力对抗,孔子计划失败。以后鲁国政局有变,孔子见理想难以实现,遂带领弟子离开鲁国 ,开始了周游列国的飘泊生涯 ,时孔子55岁。孔子14年中先后到过卫、陈、宋、蔡、楚等国,向各诸侯宣传自己的政治主张,但均不见用 。鲁哀公十一年( 前484),季康子以币迎孔子,孔子归鲁,时年68岁。鲁哀公和季康子虽常向孔子问政,但终不起用。孔子晚年致力于教育,整理《诗》、《书》等古代典籍,删修《春秋》。其学生将其思想言行记载在《论语》中。 孔子画像 哲学思想 孔子所处春秋时代是奴隶制社会向封建制社会转变的时期,孔子思想中充满新与旧的矛盾,反映了大变动时代的精神风貌。 天命鬼神观 孔子继承了传统的天命鬼神观,视天为万有的主宰和人格神,认为天命主宰着人的生死,也决定着社会的治乱。他主张“君子有三畏:畏天命、畏大人、畏圣人言”,“不知命,无以为君子也”。但同时他又否定周时盛行的占卜活动,提出“ 天何言哉 ,四时行焉 ,五谷生焉”,认为天命就蕴含在自然事物的运行之中。所以他主张“敬鬼神而远之,可谓知矣 ”。《论语》记载孔子“不语怪 、力、乱、神”,并且说“未知生,焉知死”,“未能事人,焉能事鬼”,回避了关于人死后是否变鬼的问题。 《孔子杏坛讲学图》 仁与礼的学说 礼原为中国奴隶社会的典章制度,春秋时“礼崩乐坏” ,礼已名存实亡 。孔子注重社会伦理问题,把礼看成是维护等级制度的重要手段,是区别华、夷的标志。他谴责破坏周礼的行为,对鲁国季氏窃用天子之礼,“八佾舞于庭”极为愤慨,说“是可忍,孰不可忍也”。孔子主张“正名”,试图用周礼的形式去匡正已经产生变化的社会现实,要求人们“克己复礼”。但是,在不违背周礼的基本原则的前提下,孔子同意结合时代的变化对周礼的具体内容有所损益。仁这一概念在春秋时已广泛使用,孔子赋予了它以新的涵义,使其成为中国哲学史上最重要的范畴之一。《论语》记载:“樊迟问仁 ,子曰 :爱人。”孔子又对子贡说:“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。”他认为仁就是推己达人的忠恕之道。孔子仁的思想主要内容包括成为“圣人”和“仁人”的道德理想,认为“仁”具有最高的道德价值,“志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀生以成仁”。他重视道德修养,强调自身的努力,即“为仁由己”,“仁远乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣”。要求人们“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”。他提出了一系列修养方法,如反求诸己;一日三省等 。孔子的仁还包含着爱惜劳动者的思想 ,如仲弓问仁,孔子曰:“出门如见大宾,使民如承大祭。”子张问仁,孔子曰:“能行五者于天下 ,为仁矣。”此“五者”即“ 恭、宽、信、敏、惠”。孔子的“宽”、“惠”表现在统治方法上就是要行“ 德政 ”。所谓德政包括两个相互联系的方面,即在经济上实行惠民政策,政治上宽刑罚而重教化。经济上惠民就是要使民“足食” ,《论语》记载孔子“所重 :民、食、丧、祭”,主张“因民所利而利之”。政治上宽民就是要反对“不教而杀”的苛政,孔子主张对人民要“道之以德,齐之以理”,反对“道之以政,齐之以刑”,认为只有这样才能培养人民的道德观念,促使人民自觉遵守社会规范。为了行德政,孔子还提出了“举贤才”的政治主张 。《论语》记载仲弓问政,子曰:“先有司,赦小过,举贤才。”他认为还必须考虑到民意,“举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服”。 中庸之道 中庸之道是孔子立身行事的最高标准,他说:“中庸之为德也,其至矣乎,民鲜久矣。”他主张处理事务时,既不能过,又不能不及,认为“过犹不及”。孔子主张恪守“中道”,如《 论语 》记载,孔子提出“质胜文则野,文胜质则史”,“ 文质彬彬,然后君子 ” ;主张“ 德刑并用 ”,“ 宽猛相济 ”;对学生,性格过于进取的加以遏制,对于谦退的加以鼓励。孔子反对过激的言行,但同时也反对不讲原则,“同乎流俗,合乎污世,居之似忠信,行之似廉洁,众皆悦之,自以为是”的“乡愿”行为,称“乡愿,德之贼也”。 知识论 孔子就知识的来源和对知识的态度把人分为四等:“生而知之者,上也;学而知之者,次也;困而学之者,又其次也;困而不学,民斯为下矣。”他虽承认有“生而知之”的圣人,但他所强调的是后天学习,着眼于“学而知之”和“困而学之”的中等人。孔子一生学而不厌,主张“三人行,必有我师焉”,“多闻阙疑”、“多见阙殆”。他还讨论了学与思的关系,认为“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,提倡勤于学习,善于思考,举一反三,闻一知十,触类旁通。孔子主张学以致用,他说:“诵诗三百 ,授之以政 ,不达,使于四方,不能专对,虽多,亦奚以为?”他反对知而不行或“言而过其行”的人。 《孔子周游列国图》 逻辑思想 孔子是中国古代逻辑思想的启蒙者,他提出了“正名”主张,虽然主要是为了实现政治和伦理方面的名分等级制度,但包含了逻辑证明的初步意识。孔子认为言有赖于名,名不正则言不顺。从正名的需要出发,孔子还强调推理在认识中的作用,提出同类可以相推的原则。 美学思想 孔子是中国古代美学的奠基人,孔子的美学思想也建立在他的仁学基础上,他认为要使“仁”的原则得到实现,就要唤起人们自觉行仁的要求。他力图发挥文艺的特殊社会作用,陶冶人们的伦理道德感情,把文艺作为唤起人们自觉行仁 ,建立和谐的社会关系的重 要 手段 ,他提出“兴于《诗》、立于礼、成于乐”的思想,力求使人们对行仁不但“知之”、“好之”而且“乐之”。在美与善的关系上,他主张“尽善”、“尽美”,认为最高的道德境界和审美 境界是同一的 。孔子还要求“ 美 ”和文艺必须绝对服从“礼”,为维护礼服务。 教育思想 孔子是中国历史上首创私人讲学的教育家。传说他有弟子三千,贤人七十。他主张“有教无类”,学生中不少人出身低贱,许多过去无权受教育的平民子弟得以受教育。孔子把培养为统治阶级服务的知识分子作为教育的目的,认为“学而优则仕”,“学也,禄在其中矣”,故而以“文行忠信”作为教育的主要内容,排斥生产知识和劳动技能的教育。他注重道德培养,主张治学要先立人,提出了一整套以道德培养为核心的教育思想 ,提倡“ 学而时习之”,“温故而知新”。他注重言传身教,提倡“知之为知之,不知为不知”的老实态度,要求自己“学而不厌,诲人不倦”。在教学中他讲究教育方法,注重启发 、诱导 ,“不愤不启,不悱不发”,注意有的放矢,因材施教。他是中国历史上影响最深远的第一位教育家。 孔子墓(山东曲阜孔林) 历史地位 孔子的学说博大精深,虽具有一些传统的保守的思想因素,但其主流在当时是有利于社会进步的。所以在战国时代得到了进一步的发展,成为先秦显学之一。但由于历史的原因,汉以前并未受到统治者的特别重视。汉代以后,建立起中央集权的封建统治,孔子的思想适合统治阶级的需要,所以受到重视。汉武帝采纳董仲舒的对策,“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,正式确立了孔子及其学说在中国思想界的统治。以后,历代统治者进一步采取了神化孔子,提倡儒学的措施,巩固了孔子的至尊地位。孔子的思想对中国封建社会的哲学、文学、艺术、教育、史学等产生了巨大的影响,作为中国传统文化的杰出代表,这种影响波及到东亚乃至全世界 。但在漫长的封建社会中 ,统治阶级出于自身的需要,片面发展了孔子思想中的保守方面,束缚了人们的思想。五四运动以后 ,孔子 思想 的保守性受到了进步思想家的批判。中国的一些学者,包括马克思主义的哲学、史学工作者,对孔子及其思想作了系统的研究和评价,取得了很大成就。孔子思想学说主要汇集在孔子弟子撰写的《论语》中,《左传》和《史记·孔子世家》亦有有关孔子言行的记载。很全了,自己翻译吧!!!

257 评论


1 Kong Zi said that “also the nature is close, the custom far also” 2 Kong Zi advocated that “teaches all comers without discrimination” 3 but he “to truncate the mark in the health, the cutting down a tree in Song, in Shangzhou, encircles YuChen Cai poorly”, 4 “after acquiring achievements from study then to be an officer” 5 Kong Zi said: “above the human, may in the language; Below the human, may not in the language also”, 6 "Confucian analects" “advanced” in records 7 “male to smelt is long” to record 8 “not indignant not to open, is not unable to express or explain oneself does not send, lifts a corner not by three inferences, then no longer also”, 9 “knows was inferior, good was inferior happy”, 10 Kong Zi told that “I ten have five, but remembers in study “,” study continues, he the coffin is stops “, 11 “study does not think, then deceives, thinks, but not school constitution danger”, 12 “study, but time custom it”, “wengu knows 13 “to know it newly” to know it, did not know that for did not know” 14 “three person of lines must have my teacher”, “see a worthy person and be inspired to be likewise”, the 15 study not only needs to extrapolate, “as soon as but also wants to hear knows ten”, 16 teaches students in accordance with their aptitude heuristic teaching to teach with skill and patience one learns by teaching to think in view of sex education study unifies to review the old and thereby know the new each matter to ask that study variable extrapolates

110 评论


In other words, it's about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully. Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 ., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K'ung Ch'iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two

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1. Confucius said: the original characteristics of human are the same, the environment and the habit you have make it . Confucius claimed that “everyone has the right to be educated. When it comes to education, there’s no different between people, such as racial, . His footprint had been cleaned up in Country Wei. He had been scared by cutting trees in Country Song. He once to be poor in Countries Zhou and Shang. He had been besieged in Countries Chen and . If you study well, you should be an official to contribute to your . Confucius said:” If your status is more than “Hong ran”, then you can talk with the people whose status is higher than you, but when you are lower than “Hong ran”, you cannot。(我们中国古代的官僚名称不好翻译,所以保留原词了)6. Had been recorded in the chapter which called “advanced” in the analects of . Had been recorded in the chapter which called “ Chang, Gongye” in the analects of . I won’t tell him until he wants to understand something but cannot, I won’t suggest him until he want to tell something but cannot. If I suggest one aspect but he cannot give out other three aspects, then I won’t tell him any . The one who is good at it is better than the one who know it; the one who is interested in it is better than the one who is good at . Confucius said that:” I began to study at fifteen years old”,” I won’t give up study until I am died.”11. Studying without thinking then you will be confused but get nothing; thinking without studying then you will be tired but learning nothing. ( this sentence tells us that studying should be combined with thinking)12. Often review the things you have learned when you are learning. While you review what you have learnt you may get new . If you know it, it’s good; but if you don’t know it, please be honest, just say you don’t . While I see three people walking in line, there must be someone can be my teacher. If I see someone’s good manner, characteristic, or skills, we should think about to be like him or . While you are studying, you not only should give other three aspects while others mentioned one aspect, but can give ten points when you hear one.• Everyone has multiple intelligence; someone is good at verbal, someone maybe good at musical or mathematical. We should give them education at the area they are good at, and then they can achieve their value. When you are teaching, not give the answer to your students directly, but leading them, let them get the answer themselves. The teacher who is very patient, and is good at leads his students to find out the answers themselves. The teacher also can get knowledge from his students while they are talking with each other. Different people have different abilities, so we should use different methods to teach different students. Studying and thinking should be combined together. Review what you have learnt, you may get new knowledge. If you cannot understand anything, please do not be shy, just ask others. Learning have no fixed teacher, everyone can be your teacher because he must have something you do not know. Give you the example of one aspect; you should have the ability to give out other three aspects.都是自己翻译的,所以网址出处就给不了了,呵呵~你看看哪里意思理解有误,我好订正~

111 评论


Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, the core of his thought is "benevolence", "ceremony." "Benevolence" of the claim is "benevolent love", the idea is to require the ruling class people, and against tyranny. Confucius believed that, to achieve the "love", but also follow the "Faithfulness and Forgiveness" is "Do unto others, do not impose on others" requirements. "Li" is the idea of "Misinterpretation", that is to restrain themselves so that they comply with "gift" requirement, Confucius, the pursuit of "ritual" is a particular sub-system level of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Confucius was further proposed the "rectification of names" proposal is the correct hierarchical order to achieve equal status and orderly. This reflects the conservative side of his political thinking. Confucius, Mencius thought comes. Mencius, Confucius's "benevolence" to "benevolent" doctrine. He believes that the implementation of "benevolent" to be "system property from the public," so that each household has acres of fields, mu of the house, have a basic means of production; "not won the farming season" to ensure that farmers work time; " Province penalty, tax grabbing thin "so that people have the lowest material living conditions; strengthen moral education so that people understand," filial piety the faithful, "the truth. Mencius see people suffer exploitation and oppression of the feudal landlord class suffering in an attempt to use these measures to ease class conflict, to consolidate the rule of the landlord class, but it is still good for the development of production. With the "benevolent" theory linked, Mencius also proposed a "people Gui-Jun light" idea, said: "people, boat followed, the king of light" ("Mencius down"). He believes that people only with the support of monarchy, to obtain and maintain a dominant position, so he should implement the main Zhang Guojun, "benevolence", and the public "fun." The monarch harm people, people can kill. Business King Zhou was a famous tyrant in history, King Wu, he thought killing right, said: "Kazuo Zhou Wen punish men, and did not hear Regicide also" ("Mencius, under King Hui of Liang"). Mencius, although sympathetic to the people, condemned the tyrants of the side, but his political ideas, or maintenance of the feudal system, so he preached: "Auntie who govern people, labor are governed. Rule in the people who eat people, government people who eat others observed throughout the world righteousness "(" Mencius Tengwen Gong on "). This view has long been the system of exploitation as a defense for the theoretical basis.

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