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首页 > 学术论文 > 智能物流小车毕业论文

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Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, eliminate interference, the use of wireless digital module CC1101 for two car communication. The intelligent design two cars are from the start to car, overtaking alternately lead, lead a circle overtaking about 27 seconds. Key words: C8051F340 infrared to the dc speed-down wireless digital overtaking lead

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题目定好的话我可以帮你写开题。。。在论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。(一)智能获取技术使物流从被动走向主动,实现物流过程中的主动获取信息,主动监控车辆与货物,主动分析信息,使商品从源头开始被实施跟踪与管理,实现信息流快于实物流。(二) 智能传递技术应用于企业内部,外部的数据传递功能。(三) 智能处理技术应用于企业内部决策,通过对大量数据的分析,对客户的需求,商品库存,智能仿真等做出决策。(四) 智能利用技术在物流管理的优化,预测,决策支持,建模和仿真,全球化管理等方面应用,使企业的决策更加准确性和科学性。社会发展推动智能物流进步智能新技术在物流领域的创新应用模式不断涌现,成为未来智能物流大发展的基础,不仅推动了电子商务平台的发展,还极大地推动行业发展。智能物流的理念开阔了物流行业的视野,将快速发展的现代信息技术和管理方式引入行业中,它的发展推动着中国物流业的变革。作为中国物流行业先行者的智能物流,站在行业的前沿,以敏锐的嗅觉,把握物流业的发展方向,通过物流信息平台的搭建,率先实现物流行业信息化,为物流行业领航掌舵,全面迎接智能物流时代的到来。2010年,国家发改委委托中国工程院做了一个物联网发展战略规划的课题,课题列举了物联网在十个重点领域的应用。物流是其中热门的应用领域之一,“智能物流”成为物流领域的应用目标。随后,物联网迅速在物流业界热起来了。然而,现阶段对智能物流的诠释比较多的还是在技术层面,例如信息技术或传感器在物流中的应用等,呈现出技术推动的特色。而任何一种技术在产业界大面积的推广,一定要有双驱动——除了技术驱动外,还应该有产业驱动。在物流领域来看,物联网只是技术手段,目标是物流的智能化。谈到“智能”二字,我们对智能的认识是一个逐渐深化的过程。早期认为自动化等同于智能。而后随着科技的发展,出现了一些新的智能产品,如傻瓜相机、智能洗衣机等,它们能够从现场获取信息,并代替人作出判断和选择,而不仅仅是流程的自动化,此时的智能是“自动化+信息化”。然而发展到今天,互联网的出现,或者说进入物联网时代,智能的涵义又更进了一步。仅仅通过自动采集信息来作出判断和选择已经不够了,还要与网络相连,随时把采集的信息通过网络传输到数据中心,或者是指挥的本部,由指挥中心作出判断,进行实时的调整,这种动态管控和动态地自动选择,才是这个时代的智能。也就是说,智能应该具有三个特征,即自动化、信息化和网络化。而智能物流的出现,标志着信息化在整合网络和管控流程中进入到一个新的阶段,即进入到一个动态的、实时进行选择和控制的管理水平。这个水平一定是大家马上都需要的,所以一定要根据自身的实际水平和客户需求来确定信息化的定位,但这肯定是未来的发展方向。

161 评论


Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, disappear

333 评论



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