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浅论“点”在商业首饰设计中的应用更新时间 2009-2-23 21:30:32 打印此文 点击数 96 摘要:在当今商业首饰设计艺术中,用于珠宝设计的构成手段可谓风格各异、流派繁多。但最富于时代精神的表现形式莫过于“点”的构成运用。点的形状、方向、大小、位置、聚集,发散,组合能够给人带来不同的心理感受和艺术魅力。本文分析近几年来商业珠宝首饰设计艺术中“点”的表现形式大体总结归纳出三种类型:强调整齐划一,以形成秩序美。运用自然散点的构图,获得多变的视觉效应。采用类似群化的组合,显露时代风格。关键词:首饰设计形式风格艺术魅力“点”在几何学中的意义只是表明位置而不具备面积和方向,但在设计构成中,代写论文 “点”作为造型要素之一,却具有无法取代的重要作用。在人类远古时期,“点”在手工制品表面装饰纹样中就已经被得到了大量的运用,时至今日,设计师依然情衷于“点”的易变随性和多样组合,再现着“点”那令人惊叹的艺术魅力。一、强调整齐划一。以形成秩序美所谓秩序感,就是一种赋予了作品统一性,而体现出作品的美感与冲击力,从而给人带来的一种稳重感、流畅感和归整感。秩序美是种模式情怀。它蕴含在大小相同、间隔相等、横平竖直的严格模式中。整齐划一虽极易陷入单板,然而背水一战,在极致中追求突破,同样会产生极具个性的优秀作品。秩序美更是种韵律心思。它蕴含在罗列整齐、组合清晰的流畅旋律里。单纯却又意义丰富,代写毕业论文 简明却又规律连续,在统一性和重复性中体现作品的视觉冲击。珠宝首饰没计中的重要原则:条理与反复,同样也是形式美的一种法则。他们是构成秩序美的重要因素。所谓的条理就是有组织、有规律地在设计中对画面进行?概括整理;反复是指把相同、相似的形象有规律的重复排列。调整连续而反复排列的单元个体也会产生如音乐节奏一样的律动感,也能使单调的形式和色彩产生变化而变得缤纷。例如我们所接触的二方连续、四方连续。运用此项秩序美的典型作品是这款源于Tifany经典设计。整体造型装饰简洁、醒目,将横点的等间距排列法应用到了手链造型设计装饰中,把一种完整的秩序美感呈现在了人们的面前。这种“点“的等间距排列法在此款手链设计装饰中将Tifany的创作精髓和理念表现得十分贴切。简约鲜明的线条诉说着冷静超然的明晰与令人心动神移的优稚。和谐、比例与条理在每一件Tifany设计作品巾都得到了自然的融合呈现。图(1)的作品中前后环衬的设计展现了这一设计理念的主题,不是一次性简单的重复,而是采用了两种大小不同的点相互组合,从侧面观看,较大的“点”在一群较小的点的上方,使整个画面呈现出从大到小的流动感,这样一大一小的反复变化将相同的形和色作规律的重复排列,产生了单纯、统一的感觉,给佩带者带来鲜明而深刻的印象。二、运用自然散点的构图,获得多变的视觉效应如果说整齐划一如同节奏感很强的打击乐,那么散点构成就是旋律优美的丝竹乐。散点构成简而有序、散而不乱、活泼多变。设计者看似随性而为,实者已在不露声色中营造出了视觉美感。运用形式美的法则中另外的两个重要因素是节奏与韵律。节奏原本是指音乐中节拍的长短,用在珠宝设计中,主要体现在图画中点、线、面、形、色的大小、轻重、虚实、快慢的变化;而韵律原本是指诗词中的抑扬顿搓所产生的感觉,在珠宝设计运用中,体现在各元素之间的风格、样式在统一前提下的变化。在图(2)这款耳坠的造型设计中,运用的是一种近乎自然的设计风格。“点”状的花芯图案大小相同、层次分明,代写留学生论文 呈参差状悬吊在空中。耳坠的仿花造型十分逼真,花朵用白银制作,花芯用圆形珊瑚制作。花芯以点的形式呈流动状分布,彼此参差有序,十分自然,毫无做作,把一种自然的情态表现得淋漓尽致,带来一种美妙的艺术享受。图(3)的作品是香港珠宝设计比赛得奖作品中的一款,设计主题灵感来源于烟花。如同烟花的绚烂缤纷一样,散点构成的规律也是丰富多样的。此款设计的风格明显浪漫多于严谨,那么散点构成的手法是最合适不过的。我们通过作品来分析一下散点构成的变化:这款手镯用钻石材质的点做不规则的组织排列,形式自由,星罗棋布般地点缀着,或大或小,或穿透或凸显。光折射出钻石的缤纷火彩,晶莹而又绚烂,使人们联想到头顶灿烂的星空中,烟花以不同的形式在不断的燃烧赞放,具有很强的感染力。相比之下,图(4)作品的设计所采用的散点构成就显得含蓄而理性化了。设计者似乎是漫不经心地将珍珠散乱地排列在桌面上,但从排列的疏密聚散,色彩的协调搭配,均可以感到是经过设计者精密地计算的。作品以球形的点构成为主,大大小小的单元个体有序地排列,其间跳动的色彩或深或浅,与单元个体相呼应,比例有松有紧,从点到线,合理地表达了珍珠优雅含蓄的气质,在和谐中透出华美。三、采用类似群化的组合,显露时代风格“点”的外形并不局限于圆形一种,也可以是正方形、三角型、矩形及不规则形等等。但其面积的大小,要限制在“点”的视觉效应的范围之内。在等间隔构成的网络上,把某一个或某一组单元的圆点,变换为上述其它各种形状中的某种或某几种,这种手法被称为类似群化组合。类似群化组合的特点在于统一之中蕴育着变化。每一季配饰都有新的设计元素,从花朵、蝴蝶到几何图案无奇不有,而本季尤以环形配饰以及多种形状的类似群化组合构成为最新焦点,如图(5—7)所示。代写硕士论文与以往不同,本季环形不再简单地强调大,而是善于将不同材质、不同光泽的元素进行组合,使之具有现代感的造型。装饰图案是以圆点、方点、菱形点、十字花纹点等多种形状的类似群化组合为主,均匀分布在主线链条上。所用的材质有树胶、珍珠、金属、玻璃等等,此类具不同光泽的“点f”密集而有节奏地在链条上有序排列,不断延伸,形成一定的量感,与金属链条构架一起,给人以丰富而现代的感觉。不同的材质将活泼与时尚结合起来,将复杂、简约、古典、现代等多种元素融为一体。综上所述,我们不难发现珠宝设计师们正在无穷尽地挖掘着“点”的艺术表现力和感染力。也正因为如此,“点”也更具有无穷尽的艺术表现力和感染力。但愿我国的珠宝设计工作者们重视“点”这个最基本的造型要素,借以激发灵感,记录下自己艺术思维活动中那闪光的理念瞬间。参考文献:[1]英(克)莱夫·贝尔著同金环,马钟元译艺术[M]中国文艺联合出版公司,1984.[2]凌继尧,徐恒醇.艺术设计学[M].上海人民出社,2001.论文网 on the "point" in the commercial jewelry design updated 2009-2-23 21:30:32 Hits 96 Print this article Abstract: In today's art jewelry design business for jewelry design style can be described as the composition of the various means different from many schools. However, the most wealth to the manifestations of the spirit of the times is the "point" of the composition of the application. Point the shape, direction, size, location, gathering, divergent, different combinations can bring feelings of psychological and artistic charm. This paper analyzes the business in recent years the art of jewelry design, "points" summarized the general expressions of three types: emphasis on uniform,Order to form the United States. Scatter the use of natural composition, access to changing the visual effect. Use a similar combination of grouping, show : jewelry design art form style charm"Point" in the meaning of geometry shows that the location not only have the size and direction, but in the design of composition, writing papers, "point" as one of modeling elements, but with the important role that can not be replaced. In ancient times human beings, "points" in the artefacts on the surface of decorative patterns have been received a lot of use now, designers continue to work the situation to "point" with the volatile and diverse portfolio, again with " point "that amazing artistic , emphasis on uniform. Order to form the United StatesThe order of the so-called flu, is a unity given works, and works reflect the beauty and impact, and thus bring a sense of a stable, smooth feel and sense to the order of the United States is a mode of feeling. It contains the same in size, the same interval, Wang Ping strict vertical mode. Although vulnerable to a single uniform, but背水一战, in the ultimate breakthrough in the pursuit of the same will produce outstanding works of great order of the United States is thought of rhythm. It contains the list of neat, clear and smooth combination of melody in. Significance of a simple but rich, but simple to write graduation thesis for the law, uniformity and repeatability in the work embodied in visual jewelry of the important principles: systematic and repeated, but also a law of formal beauty. They constitute an important factor in the order of the United States. Is organized so-called well-organized, regularly in the design of the screen for? Summary of finishing; repeatedly refers to the same image is similar to regular repeat order. Repeated with adjustment for individual units will also have the same rhythm as the music dynamic law, but also enable the monotonous change in form and color has become fun. For example, we have come in contact with the second side row, row order of the United States the use of this work is typical of this classic design from Tifany. Modeling the overall decoration is simple and eye-catching, the horizontalPoint method with applications such as distance to the decorative design of bracelet to order a complete sense of beauty presented in front of people. This "point" with spacing, etc. This bracelet design in the decoration will be the essence of Tifany creative and very relevant concept. Simple story line with a distinct clarity and calm aloof exciting move of God's gifted young. Harmony, proportion and well-organized in every towel Tifany designs have been a natural convergence. Figure (1) before and after work in the design of liner ring demonstrated the theme of this design concept, not a simple one-time duplication,Instead of using the two different points, the size of each portfolio, from the side view, the larger "point" in the group of the top of the smaller points so that the whole screen showing the movement of smallest sense, so that small freshman repeated changes in the same shape and color of the repeat order for the law, resulting in a simple, unified feel to the wearer brings a clear and profound impression on , the use of the natural scatter of the composition, access to the visual effect of changingUniform, as if a strong sense of rhythm of percussion, then scatter the beautiful composition is the melody string and wind music. Scatter constitute simple and orderly, rather than scattered and chaotic, lively and changeable. Rather appears as the designer for, it has created in the quiet of the visual rules of use of the two important additional factor is the tempo and rhythm. Refers to the rhythm of the original length of the beat music, used in jewelry design, the main point in the picture, line, surface, shape, color, size, weight, actual situation, the pace of change; and the rhythm of poetry in the original refers to the circumflex Dayton feeling generated by rubbing in the use of jewelry design, manifested in the various elements of style, under the premise of a unified style Figure (2) The design of the earring, the use of a near-natural style. "Points" to spend like the size of the same core design, structured, students write papers on behalf of irregular shape were suspended in the air. Imitation earring flower shape is very realistic, with silver flower production, flower production of the core with a circular coral reef. Spent batteries were in the form of point-like flow distribution, vary with each other in an orderly, very natural, without affectation, and a natural modal performance thoroughly, bringing the enjoyment of a wonderful (3) the work is the Hong Kong Jewelry Design Competition winning entries in a design theme inspired by the fireworks. Fun as splendid fireworks, as posed by the law of scatter is also rich and varied. This design style obviously stringent than romantic, then scatter the way constitute the most appropriate. We work to analyze changes in the composition of scatter: The bracelets with diamond material points of the organizations do with irregular, free-form, dotted with well-like, large or small, or to penetrate or highlights. Light reflects colorful diamonds color of fire, crystal clear and gorgeous, so that people think of a brilliant sky overhead, theTo different forms of fireworks in the ongoing release of combustion Chan, has a strong contrast, Figure (4) used in the design of works of scatter it is constituted of a subtle and rational. Designers seem to be scattered pearls carelessly will arrange the desktop, but with the density separation, color coordinated with all the designer can feel is the result of precision calculations. Works to constitute the main points of the spherical, large and small, individual units arranged in an orderly manner, during which the beating of the color or deep or shallow, with echoes of individual units, the proportion of pine has tight line from a point to a reasonable expression of a pearl subtle elegant temperament, China and the United States revealed in , use a similar combination of grouping, show style"Point" is not confined to the shape of a circle, it can be square, triangular, rectangular and irregular-shaped and so on. However, the size of its area, it is necessary to limit the "point" of the visual effects within the scope of. In a network such as the interval to a particular unit or group of dots, for the other transformation of the shape of one or a few, this approach is known as the grouping of similar composition. Grouping of similar features of a unified portfolio changes among for every quarter are new design elements, from the flowers, butterflies into strange geometric patterns have, and this season especially in accessories, as well as a variety of ring-shaped grouping of similar combinations for the latest focus of Figure (5-7) by show. Master's thesis writing and the past, this season is no longer simply to emphasize the ring, but that it is good to be different materials, different elements of the combination of gloss to make it with modern design. Decorative patterns are dots, square-point, diamond point, cross a variety of patterns, such as grouping similar combination of shape-based, uniformly distributed in the main line of the chain. Materials used are rubber, pearl, metal, glass, sum up, we can easily find designer jewelry are endless excavation to the "point" of artistic expression and influence. Precisely because of this, "point" has come to an end any more of the artistic expression and influence. Hopefully, our attention to jewelry design workers "point" of this basic design elements inspired to record their activities in the arts of thinking that the concept of instantaneous flash.

196 评论


从材质上看,绳与带大多都是纤维材料制成,但它们的质感和肌理却有所不同。质感是材料的自然质地,肌 理是指材料质地表面的纹理或凹凸效果,主要由不同的组织结构和不同的表面整理技术形成。绳因为是由两股或两 股以上的线拧合而成的圆柱形,有清晰的盘结的纹理,给人的感觉比较坚实有力,且通过光影作用,材质表面能够 产生强烈的立体感,给人以丰富的联想。 带可以由多种纤维织物或皮革等柔韧材料制成,它的质感完全取决于原 材料的特性。细腻、光亮的丝织物轻柔、高贵,粗实、厚重的棉麻质朴、亲切,而光滑、硬挺的皮革很容易使人感 觉到野性气息。近年来,材料被艺术家们当作最为直接的表现思想和观念的媒介,具有了独立的审美价值。绳带的 材质就是体现其美感的重要因素。 二、人类文明中的绳带文化 从人类用植物纤维或动物毛皮在身体上进行简单的捆束,到有意识、有目的地对纤维进行设计创造,纤维在 人们长期的生活体验中约定俗成地包含了"亲切、温暖、安全"的含意。绳带负载着千万年来人们对纤维材料的种种 美好感受,同时又在生产生活中发挥着重要的、积极的作用,因而最具亲和力。漫长的岁月中,绳带一直伴随着人 们的生活,验证着人类文明的进步,也逐渐形成了自己的文化。 在文字发明以前,人们通过绳结来记事。《易·系辞下》中写道:"上古结绳而治,圣人易之以书契。"结打 得大说明是一件大事,结小则代表是小事。随着人类生产活动的不断发展,结绳记事的方法也愈来愈复杂。 据记 载,古代秘鲁人记事的绳结五颜六色,结扣也形态各异。 利用绳带进行捆束或提拉的例子古今中外随处可见,那些巧夺天工的运用 传达了劳动人民的智慧和对平凡生活的无比热爱。中国汉代,人们用麻绳编串简 牍,造纸发明后便有了线装书籍。这种古色古香的样式一直沿用到近代。 其他象 粗实的泊船的缆绳、提井水的辘轳绳、渔民的渔网、牧民们套马用的可以收紧的 绳圈以及拴马的梅花绳扣,等等等等,不仅体现了劳动人民的智慧,还透出一份劳作以外的情趣。 一件物品被人们喜爱,既要有内在的功能美,又应有外在的视觉美。绳带视觉 上的美感开始被人们注意并用来作装饰大约是在新石器时代。 我国春秋战国时期的陶器和青铜器上常有类似绳子穿插、纠结的图案,说明当 时的人们已把绳的纹理看作是一种独特的美的图案。 这种纹饰与夔纹、饕餮纹等一 道,成为固定的器物装饰格式。 更多的绳带装饰则是直接将其捆扎或坠在物件上, 如香扇、花篮、宫灯、轿子等,有的做成缨络,有的是加一些垂饰。 "中国结"是将一段或多段绳子按照形式美的法则进行缠绕、穿插、拉紧而形成 的均衡或对称的"扣",是古人发挥想象,化平凡为神奇的突出代表。 经历了历史长 河的积淀,中国结已成为我国传统艺术中的瑰宝。 著名工艺美术理论家张道一先生 曾说:"中国文化源远流长,许多细小的事物在国人眼里都可能具有丰富的内涵。一条司空见惯的绳子,不仅因材 质、做法和用途的不同而分别称呼,并且由此而引申出很多词语,并赋予深刻的寓意。 在这时,它已远远超越了 用作捆、扎、系、绑的功能,演化为意识形态。" 现代人对绳带依旧情有独钟。在家居装饰设计中运用绳带或绳带编结物进行装饰,能够柔化家具与器物的冰 冷和生硬的感觉,赋予整个居室舒适的情调;馈赠礼品时,用绳带打结包装能使物品显得更精致更温馨。另外,象 舞蹈、艺术体操等艺术形式也对绳带十分青睐。红绸舞热情欢乐、彩带操优美流畅,每一次绸带的舞动都会给人们 带来美的享受。 抚旧生新,鉴古知今。绳带传承的不仅是历史和美学,更多的是人类的聪明才智和非凡的创造力。

242 评论



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