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Pip: Pip is an orphaned boy raised by his domineering sister and her kind husband, and his life and expectations make for the drama of the novel. A mysterious benefactor enables Pip to escape a destiny as the village blacksmith, and he travels to London as a teenager to become a 'gentleman.' Pip's perception of his life and prospects (especially his prospects with Estella) change dramatically when he's twenty-three, when he learns that his benefactor is not a rich old lady, but a common convict. Ultimately, Pip comes to appreciate the convict as a benefactor and a friend. Theme Analysis Great Expectations is a coming of age story that revolves around the life of one man Pip. From the time he was seven years old until he was in his mid-thirties, Pip shows us the important events in his life that shaped who he became. Along the way, he acquires a menagerie of different acquaintances and friends that influence him in his decisions and goals for his life. Pip’s story has one main point: no matter what happens to a person in their life, a person cannot change who they are inside. Pip does not realize this at first however. From the time he met Estella and Miss Havisham, Pip tried to change himself to fit a mold that he thought they desired. He began simply, learning to read and write. As time went on, and his circumstances changed, Pip pulled farther and farther away from where he came from and in doing that, who he was. Through his story, people see that this type of change brings him no joy, and in Pip's case, exactly the opposite. Pip’s story is not about living happily ever after with Estella. Dickens never tells us what happens, if anything, between them in the end. He leaves it only that they remain friends. There is a purpose for this. Dickens novel is about Pip’s quest for Estella’s love and what he is willing to do to gain it. The story is never about the love itself. We can see this because in the majority of the story, Estella is only present in Pip’s heart and thoughts. The actual interaction between the characters Dickens keeps at a minimum. Great Expectations is a story that the public can relate to because at some point, everyone goes through the struggles that Pip must battle. It shows that possessions and wealth do not change who people are inside, and that finding one’s self can be a long tedious process until finally the mists rise and everything becomes clear.

294 评论


皮普 是狄更斯 《远大前程》主人公 ,他的远大前程是 成为“上等人” 贪图安逸享乐 不学无术,现实,虚荣

265 评论


皮普:多情,又有些虚荣,深爱这他心中的女神奥斯黛拉奥斯黛拉:高傲, 玩弄感情,之后才明白什么是真爱,当然这与她从小受到的教育有关

208 评论



272 评论


〈〈远大前程〉〉中皮普的性格分析 1.介绍查尔斯狄更斯的生平及主要作品,简述小说远大前程的内容。 2.从四个不同时期皮谱的人际关系以及心理活动的变化来分析皮谱的性格。 皮普的童年时期 皮普去伦敦之前的时期 皮普在伦敦之前生活的时期 皮普知道真正的恩主之后 3.全面剖析皮谱这一人物形象性格中的缺点和优点。 优点:对知识的渴求;对梦想的执著。 缺点:对金钱的过度崇拜;对于生活的被动。 4.分析影响皮普性格的原因 环境改变了他的性格.使皮普从天真无邪,充满幻想的少年到奢华势力的青年. 乔及马格韦契的爱使得皮普性格中仁爱的一面开始复苏. 文化是皮普性格形成的决定力量. 5. 总结全文. 总结皮普性格的特点,皮普给我们的启示及影响皮普性格的原因.

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