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共有5种作文类型1、 比较型议论文对同一事物的正反两面进行比较分析,即分析事物的好与坏,利与弊,然后归纳自己的观点。要领:抓住事物突出的优缺点。写作常用套语开头:There is no doubt that…has (brought society) both advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacksObviously, it has both advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacks/positive effects and negative the rapid development of … is /are playing an increasingly important part in …today.论证或承接In spite of /Despite the adverse effects, it has its beneficial advantages derived from …are much greater than the speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows:What’s more,…Besides/Moreover/Furthermore,…结尾After weighing/considering the advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacks/positive effects and negative effects, I conclude that …Based on the analysis above, I believe that the …far outweigh the… .2、对比型议论文通过对比法,对不同事物进行比较,客观分析, 从而得出结论。对比法是指对不同事物的性质特点等的比较来证明论点的方法。要领:抓住两事物的鲜明特征进行比较。写作常用套语开头:When we…we’ll be faced with the choice between…and…When…, it is inevitable to meet /face the choices between…and…Recently, more and more people tend to …However, I feel and B are two important forms of…for us. Although A is getting more and more popular, B is by no means disappearing.论证或承接Despite the similarities, they are different from each other in the following aspects:First of all,…Second,…Third,…And finally/lastly,…On the contrary/in contrastHowever/nonetheless/besides结尾All in all/In conclusion/In a word/To sum up/In summary/To put it simply..Although B has its disadvantages, it can be accepted that…Therefore it depends on…3、辩论型议论文列出双方对某一事物的不同看法,运用事实加以论证,摆出自己的理由,得出结论。要领:举例要有说服力,说理要充分。写作常用套语开头:People’s opinion/views/ on …vary from person to person. Some say that …,while others think/believe that…When it comes to …, different people have different phenomenon of …has drawn nationwide attention.论证或承接Some people argue/assume that…,but things are quite different/this doesn’t take the position that …; some come to believe that….But I think/supposeSome people take for granted that…, but others take/hold an opposite idea…..As far as I’m concerned, I agree with the former/latter ’m on the side of the first argument. The following are the reasons for my personal ’m in favor of the first idea.结尾All things considered, I remain firmly in favor of…On the whole, I agree with the statement that…4、阐述说明型特点: 一般要求作者一开始就阐明观点或提出问题 ,接着摆出事实和理由加以论述,然后得出结论。内容可以是论人,论事,或论物。论据可以是事实,科学数据,学者专家的权威观点及公认原则。写作常用套语开头:No one can deny that…It is often said that…As everyone knows,….Recently, /In recent years, there has been in increasing concern about the problem of…It is well known that …has created certain problems for the society problem of…is becoming more and more serious.论证或承接To illustrate /prove this point, let us consider…It has been reported /found/estimated thatTo take …as an example,…There are many examples to show that…A number of factors will account for …结尾The best way to solve the problem is ...In addition to /apart from this, another way to solve the problem of …is …Effective measures should be taken to solve the things can contribute to solving the problem, but the following ones may be the most government should make stricter rules toIt is essential that quick necessary actions /steps /measures should be taken to deal with the phenomenon/ to cope with the is high time we took proper steps actions to the terrible 、因果分析型议论文特点:描述某种原因或现象以揭示其必然后果,或披露结果以追溯其各种原因。写作常用套语There are several reasons for…There are many factors that account for /contribute to /responsible for …,but the following are the typical are a number of serious effects on…Perhaps the most potential consequence is …Taking into account factors, /Judging from all the evidence offered, we may come to the conclusion that...Therefore, it can be inferred that…Accordingly, I recommend that…

219 评论


上学期:1、想象文{童话故事} 2、以“我长大了”为题,写写你的成长故事,从中要告诉别人你长大了。 下学期:1、想象文 2、介绍一本你最喜欢的书。 应该把分给我吧?

188 评论


08:心 浙江;成长的脚印 山东济宁;日历 浙江杭州. 07:翅膀 重庆;反省 河北;每一种草都会开花 山东临清;幸福 山东济宁;拥抱 山东枣庄;成长比成功更重要 江苏徐州;完美 四川成都... 打得累....+Q791661002告诉你(其实自己去买本满分作文的就好)...........

170 评论


四年级学生常见作文题目有哪些 篇11、作文题目:感谢提示:[1]写出你感谢谁,为什么要感谢?[2]写出一件具体事例,表达你感谢的心情。2、作文题目:我惹了祸提示:写清你惹了什么祸,怎么会惹祸的,惹祸后的心情,受到什么教训?3、作文题目:我战胜了提示:[1]把题补充完整。横线上可写“困难”、“胆斜、“懒惰”、“依赖”等等。[2]重点写清楚你怎样战胜的过程。四年级学生常见作文题目有哪些 篇21、作文题目:有趣提示:[1]把题目补充完整。横线上可填上“这堂课”、“这件事”、“这次活动”或某个人等;[2]重点要写出“趣”。2、作文题目:真好提示:[1]把题目补充完整。横线上可填“爸爸”、“妈妈”、“奶奶”、“老师”、“邻居”等等;[2]通过具体的事例写出这个人好在哪里。3、作文题目:我喜欢吃提示:[1]把题目补充完整。横线上可填“西瓜”、“荔枝”、“小笼包”、“大闸蟹”等等:[2]写出喜欢吃的原因,吃的过程,尤其要写出自己的感受。4、作文题目:真开心提示:[1]把题目补充完整,横线上可填“得了一百分”、“得了一等奖”、“受到了表扬”、“旅游”等等;[2]通过具体的事例写出开心的原因,写出自己真实的感受。四年级学生常见作文题目有哪些 篇31 《我的妈妈(爸爸)》例文1 我的小说迷老妈例文2 爱发短信的爸爸2 《我的爷爷(奶奶)》例文1 我的“三迷”爷爷例文2 勤劳俭朴的奶奶3 《让你瞧瞧我》例文1 我——“韩慢”例文2 我是快乐的读书郎4 《我的哥哥(妹妹)》例文1 弟弟是个小车迷例文2 胞哥是个电视迷5 《我的一家》例文1 我幸福的一家例文2 俺家的特异人6 《瞧咱多厉害》例文1 噍瞧咱斗蛋高手例文2 贪吃的我7 《我的邻居》例文1 邻居家的小孩.例文2 爱鸟如痴的赵爷爷8 《我的老师》例文1 难忘老师一片情例文2 爷爷教我唱军歌9 《我的好伙伴》例文1 我的好朋友例文2 我的好朋友艺超10 《瞧瞧这几位》例文1 我们班的“四怪天王”例文2 老师们的服装秀11 《我所熟悉的一个人》例文1 风雪夜归人例文2 “张二两”12 《我们班的……》例文1 我的同桌“老抢”例文2 野蛮淑女13 《怪人……》例文1 怪老头例文2 我们班的“姜怪人”14 《我和家人的故事》例文1 我的俩布丁妹妹例文2 瞧我在家的喜怒哀乐15 《童年的故事》例文1 我小时候的故事例文2 我的“拉拉”没了16 《这件事教育了我》例文1 吃菜叶儿还是吃菜帮儿例文2 那次让我好感动17 《第一次……》例文1 第一次当护旗手例文2 第一次当广播员18 《记……的一件事》例文1 吹抱号例文2 拖鞋飞到汤碗里19 《难忘的一件事》例文1 岂止是虚惊一场例文2 虚惊一场20 《想起这事好后怕》例文1 我再不敢惹牛了例文2 捅蜂窝,好险!21 《那事儿好有趣》例文1 那次捉龙虾的趣事儿例文2 学滑游龙板好爽22 《那件不愉快的事》例文1 咳,我那倒霉的脚例文2 稍不留神就生病23 《发生在家里的……事》例文1 调表例文2 被窝“窃读记”24 《那次好惊险》例文1 惊遇狂犬例文2 惊险打壁虎25 《难忘的一天》例文1 在宋爷爷身旁看球赛例文2 我看到的童工好可怜26 《雨中的故事》例文1 雨中真情例文2 难忘那个雨天27 《记一次……活动》例文1 气象局参观记例文2 奔向母亲河的怀抱28 《难忘的……比赛》例文1 难忘的乒乓球赛例文2 激烈的拔河比赛29 《一堂生动的……课》例文1 一堂有趣的`制作课例文2 有趣的包饺子课30 《我长大了》例文1 自己缝书包例文2 小小打工仔31 《走,到……去》例文1 走,挖野菜去例文2 走,野炊去32 《我学会了……》例文1 有种感觉叫自豪例文2 擀面皮给我快乐33 《我跟妈妈学做菜》例文1 学做菜例文2 学包饺子真有趣34 《我的成长相册》例文1 童年中的成长例文2 我成长的见证35 《……的滋味》例文1 被锁的滋味例文2 生病的滋味36 《开家长会的夜晚》例文1 家长会前例文2 家长会的晚上37 《感受父(母)爱》例文1 感受父爱例文2 荷叶似的母爱38 《我家的星期天》例文1 欢乐星期天例文2 家庭联欢好快乐39 《……我想对您说》例文1 妈妈,我想对您说例文2 妈妈,我对不起你啊40 《课间十分钟》例文1 瞧这大课间快照例文2 大课间好快乐41 《交流会的见闻》例文1 赶交流会真够味例文2 赶会真快乐42 《我发现了……的秘密》例文1 我看明白了金蝉脱壳例文2 放大镜的秘密43 《我欣赏了一场精彩的……》例文1 看春节晚会例文2 赏心悦目的奥运开幕式44 《我读了本好书》例文1 好书让我长学问例文2 名著里的“绰号”

258 评论


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