免疫胶体金技术(Immune colloidal gold technique) 是以胶体金作为示踪标志物应用于抗原抗体的一种新型的免疫标记技术,英文缩写为:GICT。胶体金是由氯金酸(HAuCl4)在还原剂如白磷、抗坏血酸、枸橼酸钠、鞣酸等作用下,聚合成为特定大小的金颗粒,并由于静电作用成为一种稳定的胶体状态,称为胶体金。
This text passes to try early early to the 孕 ( HCG) examination the creation craft of the note( gum gold method) studies, establishment a set of complete detailed HCGs tries the note produces the process.As to it's the inside gum gold aqua burns the system, immunity gum the gold antibody the aqua system has, gold mark mat, sample mat, C- T the 膜 handles etc. of the key step establishes the standard operation the rules distance, passing eyes measure the method with the certain golden production in in gum in gold, immunity in in gum of method of purple and outside spectrum quantity, insure the production out early the 孕 tries early the intelligent degree in note is high, after running the plank scaleboard than the of the same kind product is clear
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免疫胶体金技术(Immune colloidal gold technique) 是以胶体金作为示踪标志物应用于抗原抗体的一种新型的免疫标记技术,英文缩写为:G