Abstract: Workers on stone damage detection of neurobehavioral function, and to explore the main factors for the relevant departments to provide an effective theoretical basis for prevention and control measures. Methods selected randomly assigned Jiaxiang County in Jining City 5 stone processing enterprises of 60 male workers, as the stone work group; selected 60 non-stone workers as the control group: the work environment was measured using the noise and dust sampler noise, dust concentration measured case . Results stone work group relationships, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobia, paranoid, psychotic and other factors were associated with a significant difference between the control and also higher than the normal adult group. Conclusion The noise and dust on the stone carving industry workers have influence neurobehavioral function, as many factors at the human body, its neurobehavioral function of workers exposed to the negative impact of increased synergies with the combined, more serious harm, the relevant departments should be promptly effective integrated control measures.
福州市郊寿山乡生产的寿山石,久已声名远播。据宋代梁克家《三山志》记述,宋时农民便已开采寿山石。寿山石应用于雕刻艺术更是源远流长。1954年以后陆续在福州出土的一些南朝人的古墓,陪葬物中便发现有寿山石猪造型。 奇怪的是,寿山石雕在历史上长期不见经传,是否它在古时只被视作一种雕虫小技呢?不过,据方宗娃《寿山石志》引述施鸿宝《闽杂记》说:"明末时有担谷入城者,以黄石压一边,曹节愍公见而奇赏之,遂著于时。"可知寿山石中之最佳品黄石(即田黄),当时还未被珍视,寿山石雕看来更未引起人们普遍的注意。到了清代,有关寿山石的著述日多,可见寿山石真正名扬遐迩,还是近二百多年来的事。 有这么一个传说:清乾隆皇帝曾梦"福寿田"三字,拆字者指为福建寿山之田黄,便派人搜寻,果得田黄宝石。皇帝祭天时便将它供在案上祭拜,田黄由此身价飞腾,高贵至极。石雕艺人的高手亦从此得以进入宫廷,专事雕艺,称为御工。据末代皇帝爱新觉罗·溥仪说,乾隆皇帝有一套"玺印",用的就是田黄名石,是当时御工的佳作。出土文物发现,康熙宗室墓中,也有以寿山石章作为陪葬的。 田黄是寿山石的极品,因色带黄而得名。它娇小玲珑,到采掘后期,最大的不过上斤,常单独一块藏于水田下的一二米深处,很难找到。采掘者事前往往下定"上穷碧落下黄泉"的决心,有时把田土全部翻转也一无所获,难怪古有"黄金易得,田黄难求"之说。 寿山石雕十分讲究按材施艺。艺人一石在手,得先揣摩其形色,拟定其作品的内容,然后下刀,行家称之为"相石"。试看有些石雕作品,往往独一无二,原来就是艺人不愿过多切削原材,只凭巧思,相形度势在不同形色的石科上,雕出不同状态的景物。就是一些同样的作品,也可见其在色彩、纹理上的扬长避短,化弊为利,从而取得其大同中见小异之妙。最近福州石雕厂在广州文化公园举办的寿山石展览,人们便可见到石雕艺人用高超技法刻出的人物、花果、动物、印章等各种类型的石雕作品,端的千姿百态,洋洋大观。
Abstract: objective through the stone carving homework workers neurobehavioral functions, and discuss the testing damage main factors, put forward effective for the prevention and control of relevant departments to provide theoretical base. Measures Methods using random principle extraction jining city easily five stone processing enterprise male workers 60, as a stone ZuoYeZu; Choose a stone homework workers 60 people as control group: use noise meter measuring work environment noise and dust sampler determination of dust concentration. Results stone ZuoYeZu interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostile, terror, paranoid, psychoticism and other factors are significant difference compared ChengRenZu and also higher than normal. Conclusion stone industry noise and dust workers neurobehavioral functions of stone carvings are influence, when many factors at the same time, its effect on the human body to expose workers neurobehavioral functions with negative effects of increased, joint synergy, harm is severe, the departments concerned shall take timely effective comprehensive prevention and control measures.
摘要: 目的 通过对石雕作业工人神经行为功能损伤的检测,并探讨主要影响因素,为相关部门提出有效的防控措施提供理论基础。 方法 采用随机原则抽取济宁市嘉祥县5家石雕加工企业男性工人60名,作为石雕作业组;选择非石雕作业工人60人作为对照组:运用噪声仪测定工作环境噪声以及粉尘采样器测定粉尘浓度情况。结果 石雕作业组人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性等因子均与对照有显著性差异,同时也高于正常成人组。结论 石雕行业噪声以及粉尘对石雕工人神经行为功能均有影响,当多因素同时作用于人体,其对暴露工人神经行为功能的负面影响加大,具有联合协同作用,危害比较严重,相关部门应及时采取有效的综合防治措施。Abstract: objective through the stone carving homework workers neurobehavioral functions, and discuss the testing damage main factors, put forward effective for the prevention and control of relevant departments to provide theoretical base. Measures Methods using random principle extraction jining city easily five stone processing enterprise male workers 60, as a stone ZuoYeZu; Choose a stone homework workers 60 people as control group: use noise meter measuring work environment noise and dust sampler determination of dust concentration. Results stone ZuoYeZu interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostile, terror, paranoid, psychoticism and other factors are significant difference compared ChengRenZu and also higher than normal. Conclusion stone industry noise and dust workers neurobehavioral functions of stone carvings are influence, when many factors at the same time, its effect on the human body to expose workers neurobehavioral functions with negative effects of increased, joint synergy, harm is severe, the departments concerned shall take timely effective comprehensive prevention and control measures.
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Abstract: Workers on stone damage detection of neurobehavioral function, and t