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Abstract: The Business English Correspondence is in the business environment, the use of correspondence with clients with different cultural backgrounds to communicate cross-cultural behavior. Business English Correspondence in the style and genre has its particularity, its translation is also the translation of the laws of ordinary different, Nida's dynamic equivalence translation theory emphasizes translation effects on and so on, rather than the formal right, etc. This Business English Correspondence found a translation of the theoretical basis to achieve the elimination of cultural barriers to the successful use of correspondence for the purpose of communication. Keywords: Business English Correspondence cultural differences between dynamic equivalence

308 评论



339 评论


Abstract:There is still a distinctive Han nationality, Tunbao people, who live together in Guizhou today. People here, living an unsocial reclusive life, still keep the cultures and customs of Ming Dinasty from generation to generation,and form the unique Tunbao Culture. In this culture, Dixi, a folk opera preveiling in Tunbao region, is the most noticeable part. It wins Tunbao people’s affection for its rough, riot art character, and profound cultural meaning, and becomes gradually a spiritual carrier and symbol of Tunbao people in the great change of 600 years. Key words: Tunbao people, Tunbao culture, Dixi Opera

199 评论


随着我国经济的高速发展,新知识,新思维,新方法,新问题,新事物层出不穷,使得原有的会计理论中相关概念定义已经不能对其内涵做出完整而全面的阐释,在这种阐释之下,就需要对会计进行全面的改革,重新构建新形势下的会计理论创新体系。这就需要在会计原则,会计假设,会计计量模式,会计核算理论,会计平衡公式,会计确认基础等几个因素分别进行探讨和研究。[关键词] 面临的新情况 会计理论体系创新

233 评论


Abstract: There remains a group of unusual Chinese people in Guizhou today, the Tunbaos. Cut off from civilization, they even stand by their traditions and cultures handed down from Ming Dynasty, which turns to the exceptional Tunbao Culture. Among these conventions, a folk opera well spread in Tunbao called Dixi is the most impressive. Its raw and unrestrained expression and profound cultural meaning make it popular there and become the will and symbol of Tunbaos during the great changes in more than 600 years.Keywords: Tunbao Culture, Dixi

124 评论


摘要:has its particularity, its translation is also the translation of the laws of ordinary different, Nida's dynamic equivalence translation theory emphasizes translation effects on and so on, rather than the formal right, etc. This Business English Correspondence found a translation of the theoretical basis to achieve the elimination of cultural barriers to the successful use of correspondence for the purpose of communication 关键词: Business English Correspondence cultural differences between dynamic equivalence

181 评论


Title: Discuss Female Image of Jin Yong’s Novels Abstract: The popularity of Jin Yong’s novels is not casual, but a kind of historical choice. Because of its high literariness, female in the novels are endowed with different characteristics of charm personality, such as youth, beauty, sagacity, kindness, etc. But most female images only can be abstracted three basic features: they are “spokesperson of love”; have the trend of immortal-like; have pure nature to reflect male’s world. Keywords: spokesperson of love, immortal-like, pure, love pattern of numerous star holds a month in both hands 完全是自己翻译的,不信你可以找在线翻译比较比较,希望对你有帮助。

314 评论


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