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首页 > 学术期刊 > 糖厂毕业论文

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The industrial sewage that the factory produces in giving birth to a child, is that industrial pollution arouses the most important water body pollution cause. It accounts for most of the pollution discharging industry. Pollution contained by industrial sewage is in endless variety because factory kind different , the factory , procedure of production different even if being the same kind, quality and amounts kept pollution in the mouth by whose is also different. The direct row arrives at Nature middle after these waste water reaches the standard if without treatment , is able to bring about immense contaminating to the wave and soil and destroys. The system designing that water designs a set of waste water treatment originally being to wash a jar , to wash a box specifically for some Guangxi sugarhouses make part recirculating water and every workshop who tempers workshop snapout with fire's on the basis of that floor water and system temper a workshop with fire, makes the waste water that the sugarhouse produces in procedure of production discharge as a result of handling the queen being able to reach the standard. Pass the analysis to target water sample in the process designing that, anaerobic living things of contrast handles law and good oxygen living things handling the law applicability , choose the handicraft being fit to owe sugarhouse sewage treatment system, after and establishing the method handling law with good oxygen living things as sewage treatment system, still according to the factory scale and the day handle a water yield , the sludge is a law in activity, biomembrane chooses ultimate handicraft in modeling after and contacting oxide hair, and contacts oxide law to what be chosen having carried out all-round concrete introduction. Design's our country reaches Guangxi area inner water environment current situation pass connection finally most, at present , reinforce knowing that the factory carries out the significance handling on waste water. Keywords: Industrial sewage; Water body pollution; Sell system at reduced prices; Handle handicraft; Contact oxide law; Discharge up to the standard

294 评论


计算机信息管理专业毕业论文题目(参考)网络电话应用程序设计 中小型企业物资管理系统 网上超市销售与管理 中小型企业的仓储管理系统 中小型企业的客户关系管理系统 酒店管理与决策支持系统 铁路售票管理系统 计算机考试系统的开发应用 步进电机控制器设计 网上商店安全电子交易 网上通用教学自测系统 大/中型网络规划与设计 基于校园网的电子商务网站交易系统 网吧管理系统 小型企业主生产计划子系统 大型贵重设备资源共享数据管理系统设计 存储体系中块/页调度的综合性演示软件 小型企业人力资源管理系统设计 计算机公司销售管理系统 多媒体CAI课件制作 PDA手机编程 CRM的简易制作 存储体系的多媒体软件 网上协作学习系统 网上考务系统的实现 FTP服务器设计与实现 学生信息管理系统 甘蔗成长分析系统 基于DCOM的分布式多媒体系统 基于局域网的通信监管理系统 基于J2EE平台MVC架构的设计实现 基于COM试验机测试控制系统 基于J2EE的电子商务系统 多媒体远程教育 数据库加密研究 数据库非修改性攻击技术 安全性整体检验算法与研究 长岭集团冰箱配套管理 计算机系教师信息管理系统 计算机软件综合实验CAI深度研制 系级党务管理系统(计算机系) 学生管理评估网络系统 公司商品订货系统 设备质检信息管理系统 线性流水过程演示系统 物资管理系统客户端 模拟电路疑难点的CAI课件 水温控制系统的设计 网络用户特征分析设计(个人版) 网络安全-黑客攻击手段分析 家庭防盗报警器 物资管理信息系统分析与设计 企业考勤管理系统 医院门诊-住院收费系统 个人助理的应用与研究 酒店信息管理系统 电子商务中信息传递安全问题研究 视频业电信网络中的应用 基于FPGA的TCP/IP协议内核 网上教务信息管理系统的设计 知识供应链模型及其咨询网站开发 物资管理信息系统服务器端代理服务器 广西城市建设学校人事管理系统 并行程序设计-HANOI塔问题的求解 基于网络的法端达公司商务管理 网络用户特征分析设计(企业版) USB通信方式研究 车辆装备维护技术保障系统 网上购房系统 嵌入式操作系统 uc/os-II 的分析与研究 基于ORCAD的CAI实现 多媒体动态网站设计 动态网站制作 基于WEB的电子科技书店 在线考试系统 财务管理软件 W INDOWS 2000 看门狗设计 预测模型分析及实用软件开发 用户兴趣学习系统 商务通 - 网上超市 网上实时与非实时答疑系统 基于网络的实验上机考核系统设计 库存控制模型研究及信息系统开发 医院管理系统--财务、人事管理 餐饮管理系统 冠岩景区外联预报结算系统 网络故障报警系统研究 儿童体质监测系统 中学教务管理系统 糖厂车辆调度管理系统 银行信贷管理系统 漓江信息产业集团计划任务管理系统开发 网上教育环境支撑系统 桂林集联旅游汽车公司结算系统 IP可视电话--音视频传输 电子商务模拟软件设计--网上超市 网络通信中的加/解密技术 PCI驱动程序的开放 基于EXCEL自动报表生成系统 医疗保险金自动审核 足彩据的收集与分析 LINUX环境下的防火墙设计 基于某公司的原料库存预测子系统 网络商场 超市管理系统 网上商品房销售系统 操作者特征提取及身份识别研究 PDM的多文档管理 精度设计的计算机模拟 汽车网上交易系统 多人协作博弈模型及其软件开发 有线电视收费管理系统 基于DIREXCT的游戏设计 电子公告板系统开发 电子器件仓储管理系统 线性方程组的并行算法 XML到关系数据库转换工具的实现 基于PETRI网的综合算法研究 基于XX公司的生产量的决策子系统 关系运算的并行算法 国土资源信息办公一体化系统 工模具厂信息管理系统开发 网上就业需求管理系统 基于ERP的企业管理系统---计划管理系统设计 测试系统用户界面与安装程序实现 电子商务网站管理与安全系统 基于UPPAAL实时系统验证技术应用 基于CORBL环境主机的查询系统与编程技术 网上批发采购管理系统 电子政务--电子日历系统 基于网络的连锁超市的物流管理系统 基于校园网的交互式网络教学系统 公文阅读安全保证系统 ERP采购管理系统 基于SMV的协议验证技术应用 查询系统随机加解密技术研究

235 评论


Production of industrial waste water generated is caused by industrial pollution, water pollution of the most important reason. It accounts for the emission of industrial pollutants in the majority. Pollutants contained in industrial waste water from factories and different types of different, even the same plant, different production processes, the pollutants contained in the quality and quantity are not the same. Such as those of untreated wastewater directly into the target nature, water and soil have caused a great deal of pollution and destruction. The design is aimed at a sugar refinery in Guangxi smelting plant part from recycled water and the shop floor of the red water and tank-cleaning smelting workshop, wash me to design a waste water treatment system so that sugar produced in the production process of waste water After treatment, emissions can be achieved. In the design of the course objectives through the analysis of water samples, as compared with anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment of biological treatment of the scope of application of choice for the sugar refinery process wastewater treatment system, and in establishing the aerobic biological treatment as a method of sewage disposal system, and then based on the size of the factory and on dealing with water in the activated sludge, biofilm and fat oxidation in the final selection process, and the selected contact oxidation of a comprehensive specific introduction. The final design, by contacting the Guangxi region in China and the status quo of water environment, to raise awareness of wastewater treatment plant on the importance of. Key words: industrial waste water pollution treatment system contact oxidation process emissions standards

252 评论



337 评论


The factory produces the most important cause being hit by the industrial sewage coming into being , being that industrial pollution arouses water body pollution. It accounts for most of the pollution discharging industry. Pollution contained by industrial sewage is in endless variety, even if being that the same kind factory , procedure of production are different , quality and amounts kept pollution in the mouth by whose is also different because factory kind different. The direct row arrives at Nature middle after these waste water reaches the standard if without treatment , is able to bring about immense contaminating to the wave and soil and destroys. Creation designing that being to wash a jar , to wash box water specifically for some Guangxi sugarhouses make part recirculating water and every workshop who tempers workshop snapout with fire's on the basis of that floor water and system temper a workshop with fire designs a set of waste water treatment system , uses a sugarhouse originally in procedure of production waste water classics treatment the day afer tomorrow can reach the standard discharge. Pass the analysis to target water sample in the process designing that, anaerobic living things of contrast handles law and good oxygen living things handling the law applicability , choose the handicraft being fit to owe sugarhouse sewage treatment system, after and establishing the method handling law with good oxygen living things as sewage treatment system, still according to the factory scale and the day handle a water yield , the sludge is a law in activity, biomembrane chooses ultimate handicraft in modeling after and contacting oxide hair, and contacts oxide law to what be chosen having carried out all-round concrete introduction. Design's our country reaches Guangxi area inner water environment current situation pass connection finally most, at present , reinforce knowing that the factory carries out the significance handling on waste water.

275 评论



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