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首页 > 学术期刊 > 国外关于紫砂壶研究的论文

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Note tea for tea.performance for "Yun-colored fragrance are" In the past, been inconclusive. Moreover, scientific institutions sand pot on the "summer is not soured on the more places", the angle of sand ceramic pot with a detailed testing, it confirmed the superiority of sand ceramic pot a lot more, this conclusion is based on the uniqueness of sand materials .practical, is that it has a relatively high porosity so that it will have the advantages of good air permeability. According to "History of the Chinese Tao are" the first 394 records: purple clay material "is characterized by a higher iron content than ... ¨, purple's the existence of a large number of micro-structure of the reunion-like", which there are two types of pores, a species within the pores is reunited, and the other is wrapped around in the aggregate pore group, and the vast majority of open-type pores, purple device good air permeability, may be associated with such a special case of the micro-structure. According to Yixing clay pottery company on the determination of the physical and chemical process performance and found that the soil porosity sand as high as 10%. Therefore also describes the permeability of course, is good "implies both tea flavor color" and "Summer is not soured on overnight accommodation," the main reason. The plasticity of clay and sand-binding capacity, and is conducive to their reasons for decorating process. Furthermore purple mud wide range of calcination temperature, 1190 degrees Celsius to 1270 degrees, the current control the firing temperature of about 1200 degrees Celsius, which is purple products do not leak, not the aging, the more smooth the use of another more significant reason . Are described above, the silty fine-grained sandstone of the purple soil, is "pot should be" the best clay materials, are Yixing pottery is unique treasures. There are a lot of people mistakenly assume that all the clay pots are, is not true. Yixing purple sand by firing from the purple clay pottery tea is widely recognized as the best quality of tea.

263 评论


Zisha pot is a unique handmade clay handicraft in China. It was made in zhengde period of Ming dynasty. The raw material is zisha clay.


Zisha teapot is a collection of value "antique", masters of the works are often difficult to find a pot.


The raw material is zisha clay, which originated in dingshu town of yixing, jiangsu province, also known as yixing zisha pot.


It is said that the founder of zisha teapot was spring offering in Ming dynasty.






175 评论


储立之紫砂壶底款立,储立之,1942年出生于宜兴陶艺世家,2005年研高,江苏省工艺美术大师(2008年 第四届),师从七大老艺人吴云根。1958年进厂,同年9月入南京艺术学院深造,1961年毕业。经过几十年积累,具备了一定的紫砂艺术造诣,并形成了个人的艺术风格。业内人士评价:作品形式多样,涉及面广,无论壶艺造型及陶塑都十分注重题材的表达内涵,意境丰富、细腻入微、以势夺人。其壶艺作品古朴典雅、浑然一体、落落大方,造型线条简练、蕴有韵味;陶塑作品人体结构严谨,衣纹流畅飘逸,人物个性突出,力度超俗,且能运用多种技法语言,使砂艺作品显得端庄稳重,各具特色。作品常入选国内外展览,均获同行好评,并分别在全国、省、市评比中获奖。曾赴香港、马来西亚、台湾地区参加紫砂学术研讨和展览,其论文收辑于《中国科学技术文库》一书。在港台、东南亚地区颇有较高的知名度。作品被博物馆和收藏家珍藏。现于江苏宜兴紫砂工艺厂设储立之工作室,室号《仁贤斋》。为中国工艺美术学会高级会员、江苏省陶瓷艺术学会理事,江苏省工艺美术高级职称评委,并担任过全国陶瓷专家评委。1980年利用紫砂工艺的特色,创作《七件整套仿青铜陈设摆件》获首届全国陶瓷评比二等奖‘;1982年《紫砂六件陈设瓶》获江苏省新品评比三等奖;1989年陶塑《东坡品茶》获宜兴陶瓷公司新品评比二等奖;1990年陶塑《醉济公》获瓷都“景德镇杯”国际陶瓷精品大赛优秀创作奖;1994年陶塑《达摩》获全国陶瓷评比入选奖;1995年陶塑《弥勒佛》获江苏省工艺美术陶瓷评比优秀奖;《仿青铜壁饰》获宜兴陶瓷公司新品二等奖。《广州日报》曾介绍陶塑《东坡品茶》。论文《浅谈紫砂陶塑的艺术风格》载于《江苏陶瓷》并入选《中国科技论文集》。

160 评论


梅尧臣《宛陵集》 ,欧阳修《和梅公仪尝茶诗》 ,《满庭芳·试茶词》 ,这些作品中对于紫砂壶都有记载;他的过程以及步骤是非常繁琐的,需要对紫砂壶的表面进行不断的打磨,而且对于胚选择了一定的辨别力

286 评论


Yixing Teapots Clay teapots from the town in Yixing, near Wuxi, are an indispensable accessory for tea drinkers throughout China. Usually small, squat, and brown, fine craftsmanship and special materials make them an ideal vessel for making tea. The fired clay is uniquely able to bring out the flavors of tea leaves during brewing. Since the clay is absorbent, unlike porcelain or metal, some of the flavor is absorbed into the pot during each brewing. This gives the tea a richer and more mellow flavor - after using a pot many times, the pot itself can flavor boiling water without adding any fresh tea leaves! Much of the unique quality of Yixing teapots comes from the special dark brown clay they are fashioned from. The clay is not simply dug from the ground, but is actually made from rocks unique to the area, ground into powder and mixed with water. Craftsmen use choose several different types of rock and combine them in different proportions in light of what they are planning to make. The different colors of the best Yixing pottery come from different colored clays, not from paint or glazes, so pieces with several colors actually use several different clays. As a result, Yixing pottery is less brightly colored than Chinese porcelain, and uses more muted earth tones. Yixing pottery is not made on a potter's wheel or with thin coils of clay. Instead, artisans use a complex array of hand tools to shape the parts of a teapot, then put them together before firing. All the parts of a single teapot must come from the same lump of clay and must be worked at the same time - otherwise differences in the consistency of the clay or changes in air temperature or humidity of the environment where it is worked could cause cracks and breaks when the pot is fired. Each pot is made of five parts - base, lid, walls, spout, and handle. After "tenderizing" a suitable lump of clay with a heavy wooden mallet, the artisan slices it up and rolls out a thin sheet to use as a base, making it a perfect circle with a small compass. He then rolls out and pounds clay for the walls and shapes them around the base to form the curved sides of the pot. He then forms the handle and spout, attaches them, and then creates the lid, perhaps the most challenging part of the pot. The pot then dries in the air for two days before being fired in a kiln. Since the clay can crack easily, it is slowly moved deeper and deeper into the oven to prevent it from heating too fast. After being fired for 18-24 hours, depending on the clay and the item, the pot is finished and ready for some tea leaves! The workbench of a Yixing artisan is crowded with a bewildering array of tools, whose specialized uses have evolved over the centuries. There are separate compasses for measuring lid, bases, and walls of the pots, different mallets for pots with different shapes of walls, a plethora of knives and tiny awls, and tools uses to create the countors of everything from aged wood to the wrinkly skin of a gourd. A good set of tools and a thorough familiarity with their use is perhaps the key to the teapot craftsman's art. This seemingly simple process is actually quite demanding, especially for the simplest and least decorated pots. For while small imperfections can be hidden underneath decorations or carving, even the smallest flaws or imbalances in the shape of an undecorated pot are obvious even to an untrained eye. While round, unadorned teapots, differing in shape and curve, are a classic favorite, Yixing teapots are also decorated in all sorts of beautiful designs. At one extreme are pots shaped to look like fruits and vegetables, or pieces of wood or bamboo, with amazingly lifelike textures and artful imperfections. Others are decorated with Chinese calligraphy or poems. One of the most traditional and beautiful styles combines the simplicity of plain teapots with touches drawn from nature - such as crafting the handle to look like a plum branch, with a small spray of flowers spreading over a section of the pot. Since the clay absorbs flavor, you should keep the pot clean by washing it with warm water once you've finished drinking. But never clean it with soap - the soap can seep into the clay and give a soapy aftertaste to the next pots of tea! If you forget to clean it and the old leaves turn foul, adding boiling water, immediately pouring it out, and placing the pot in cold water will freshen the flavor again. ----------------------------- 下面这个有图片,有英文介绍 -------------------------------------

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