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靠,这种质量的翻译还好意思拿出来,让你们看看学英语的人的翻译。下面是我自己的B. Process Development ToolB.工艺过程开发工具Lithography modeling has also proven to be an invaluable tool for the development of new lithographic processes or equipment.对于平板印刷模型(模型,modeling这个词是个关键,楼主自己想一下其他部分怎么翻译的,然后选一个更好的词吧,我暂时用这个,然后后面标一个问号,你愿意改就改,不愿意改就说模型其实也不错的)的处理和设备,平版印刷原理已被证明是无价的工具。 Some of the more common uses include一些更有用的用法,包括 the optimization of dye最优化染色loadings in photoresist装载光阻材料 [23,24],(这个数字不知道怎么翻译,楼主自己弄吧) simulation of substrate reflectivity [25,26],模拟(仿真)光感底层反射率 the applicability 的适应性and optimization of top and bottom antireflection coatings [27,28],和最优化顶部和底部的防反射覆盖材料 and simulation of the effect of bandwidth on swing curve amplitude [29,30].以及模拟(仿真)是曲线震动振幅的带宽 In addition, simulation has been used to help understand the use of thick resists for thin film head manufacture [31] as well as other non-semiconductor applications.另外,模拟(仿真——这个要看你这个论文的其他部分,lz自己决定用哪个吧)还被用于加强微薄薄膜顶部的抵抗性,以及其他非半导体的计算机部件 Modeling is used extensively by makers of photoresist to evaluate new formulations [32,33]模型(?)在光阻材料中被广泛地应用于质量控制目的中,检验新的理论(或者叫公式,我不知道专业上你们用哪个词) and to determine adequate measures of photoresist performance for quality control purposes [34].以及测定光阻材料性能。(最后那句挪到前面了) Resist users often employ modeling as an aid for new resist evaluations. 抵抗者经常适用模型(?)作为新抵抗评估的帮助。On the exposure tool side, 在曝光工具方面,modeling has become an indispensable part of the optimization of the numerical aperture and partial coherence of a stepper [35-37]and in the understanding of the print bias between dense and isolated lines [38]. 模型(?)已经成为优化数字光圈,步骤的泛音布局以及理解印刷线的稀疏浓密中不可缺少的一部分 The use of optical proximity correction software requires rules on how to perform the corrections, 光学亲近修正软件的应用需要履行修正的规则。(自己看英文,这句不翻得不好)which are often generated with the help of lithography simulation [39].这种修正在帮助平版印刷术的模拟中经常产生As a development tool, lithography simulation excels due to its speed and cost-effectiveness. 作为一个发展工具,平白印刷模型的优势在于它的速度和投入产出。Process development usually involves running numerous experiments to determine optimum process conditions, 工艺过程开发经常会包涵连续的,不断的实验来测定最适宜的工艺条件shake out possible problems, 发现可能存在的问题determine sensitivity to variables,测定变量的灵感度 and write specification limits onthe inputs and outputs of the process.以及著述加工过程中的输入和输出的规格限定 These activities tend to be both time consuming and costly.这些行为(指测定这个那个的那些实验)花费大量的时间和金钱 Modeling offers a way to supplement laboratory experiments with simulation experiments to speed up this process andreduce costs. 模型为实验室模拟实验提供了一个可以加快速度和减少支出的补充。Considering that a single experimental run in a wafer fabrication facility can take from hours to days,试想,一个单一的试验用途的胶封工具需要花费几个小时甚至几天的时间。 the speed advantage of simulation is considerable. 模拟的速度优势是需要考量的。This allows a greater number of simulations than would be practical (or even possible) in the fab.(fab是啥啊?出现在这里很俚哎!不能在论文中出现表意不同的俚语的,应该是lab吧?)这就让更大量的===模拟仿真在实验室中变为实验允许的(甚至是可能的)(意思就是一个是实验的,更有可能是实际应用的)这个,回阿粥的话,一般般啦!

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原文:B. Process Development Tool Lithography modeling has also proven to be an invaluable tool for the development of new lithographic processes or equipment. Some of the more common uses include the optimization of dye loadings in photoresist [23,24], simulation of substrate reflectivity [25,26], the applicability and optimization of top and bottom antireflection coatings [27,28], and simulation of the effect of bandwidth on swing curve amplitude [29,30]. In addition, simulation has been used to help understand the use of thick resists for thin film head manufacture [31] as well as other non-semiconductor applications. Modeling is used extensively by makers of photoresist to evaluate new formulations [32,33] and to determine adequate measures of photoresist performance for quality control purposes [34]. Resist users often employ modeling as an aid for new resist evaluations. On the exposure tool side, modeling has become an indispensable part of the optimization of the numerical aperture and partial coherence of a stepper [35-37] and in the understanding of the print bias between dense and isolated lines [38]. The use of optical proximity correction software requires rules on how to perform the corrections, which are often generated with the help of lithography simulation [39]. As a development tool, lithography simulation excels due to its speed and cost-effectiveness. Process development usually involves running numerous experiments to determine optimum process conditions, shake out possible problems, determine sensitivity to variables, and write specification limits on the inputs and outputs of the process. These activities tend to be both time consuming and costly. Modeling offers a way to supplement laboratory experiments with simulation experiments to speed up this process and reduce costs. Considering that a single experimental run in a wafer fabrication facility can take from hours to days, the speed advantage of simulation is considerable. This allows a greater number of simulations than would be practical (or even possible) in the fab.翻译:B.工艺过程开发工具 Lithography塑造也被证明是为新的平版印刷的过程或设备的发展的一个无价的工具。 某些更加共同的用途包括染料的优化 在光致抗蚀剂[23,24的]基体反射性[25,26的] loadings,模仿,上面和底部抗反射膜[27,28的]带宽的作用的适用性和优化和模仿对摇摆曲线高度[29,30]。 另外,模仿被用于帮助了解使用浓厚为薄膜头制造[31]抵抗并且其他非半导体应用。 塑造由光致抗蚀剂制造商广泛地用于评估新的公式化[32,33]和确定充分 光致抗蚀剂表现measures质量管理的打算[34]。 抵抗用户经常使用塑造作为新的援助抵抗评估。 在曝光工具边,塑造成为了数值口径和部分相干性的优化的一个不可缺少的部分步进[35-37]和在对在密集和被隔绝的线[38之间的]印刷品偏心的理解。 使用光学接近度更正软件要求关于怎样的规则执行更正,在石版印刷模仿[39帮助下]经常引起。 As开发工具,石版印刷模仿擅长由于它的速度和成本效益。 工艺过程开发通常介入跑许多实验确定最宜的处理情况,震动可能的问题,确定敏感性到可变物和写规格限制 the过程的输入和输出。 这些活动倾向于是费时和昂贵的。 塑造提供一个方式用仿真实验补充实验室实验加速这个过程和 reduce费用。 考虑在薄酥饼制造设施的实验性奔跑可能从几小时采取到几天,模仿的速度好处是可观的。 这比实用(甚至可能的)允许模仿的一个更加了不起的数字在很好。

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B.工艺过程开发工具 Lithography塑造也被证明是为新的平版印刷的过程或设备的发展的一个无价的工具。 某些更加共同的用途包括染料的优化 在光致抗蚀剂[23,24的]基体反射性[25,26的] loadings,模仿,上面和底部抗反射膜[27,28的]带宽的作用的适用性和优化和模仿对摇摆曲线高度[29,30]。 另外,模仿被用于帮助了解使用浓厚为薄膜头制造[31]抵抗并且其他非半导体应用。 塑造由光致抗蚀剂制造商广泛地用于评估新的公式化[32,33]和确定充分 光致抗蚀剂表现measures质量管理的打算[34]。 抵抗用户经常使用塑造作为新的援助抵抗评估。 在曝光工具边,塑造成为了数值口径和部分相干性的优化的一个不可缺少的部分步进[35-37]和在对在密集和被隔绝的线[38之间的]印刷品偏心的理解。 使用光学接近度更正软件要求关于怎样的规则执行更正,在石版印刷模仿[39帮助下]经常引起。 As开发工具,石版印刷模仿擅长由于它的速度和成本效益。 工艺过程开发通常介入跑许多实验确定最宜的处理情况,震动可能的问题,确定敏感性到可变物和写规格限制 the过程的输入和输出。 这些活动倾向于是费时和昂贵的。 塑造提供一个方式用仿真实验补充实验室实验加速这个过程和 reduce费用。 考虑在薄酥饼制造设施的实验性奔跑可能从几小时采取到几天,模仿的速度好处是可观的。 这比实用(甚至可能的)允许模仿的一个更加了不起的数字在很好。

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265 评论


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