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如果要我写的话 首先是侠的起源,这要从墨家思想开始谈起. 然后是侠的定义 金庸对侠的认识及其转变 金庸笔下人物的侠之表现 侠之大者 武侠精神在日本及西方的发展 武侠精神与自我满足心理的论述. 书目的话,有一本《十家论墨》很不错。讨论金庸的书和文章就太多了。另外百家讲坛之类的节目讨论武侠的也很多。记得采纳啊

181 评论


现在对金庸小说的定性似乎很难用简单的“武侠小说”来说明问题了。从地摊读物到文学研究的经典文本,金庸小说从俗到雅的转变除了人们或大众的阅读尺度的放松,很大一部分也与金庸小说本身所包含的文化内涵有关系。陈墨先生的《金庸小说与中国文化》一书,从“文化知识论”和“文化精神论”两个部分,很详细地论述了金庸小说与中国文化的天然关系。①其实,金庸小说所包含的文化内涵不单单仅限于中国的传统文化,还包括西方文化的传统,比如情节的构思、西化语言的运用、电影手法的运用等等,还包括人物形象的的塑造和刻画,都与西方文化有着扯不断的关系。当然,作为华人作家的金庸,其作品的根柢还是在于中国的传统文化。金庸的十五部小说,时代背景都是在古代的中国,人物大多是江湖的侠客,表现的主题也都是在此基础上铺衍开来的侠义故事。所以说,侠义精神是金庸小说中的精神母题。“侠义”二字,按我个人的理解,应该分成“侠”和“义”两个部分。侠文化是中国文化中最独特的一部分,也是较能体现只能中国文化本质的一部分。中国古代对于“侠”的理解可谓是大相径庭,韩非认为“儒以文乱法,侠以武犯禁”;而司马迁则不以为然,他说“救人于厄,振人不赡,仁者有乎”,并做《游侠列传》为侠客高唱赞歌;李白的《侠客行》也对侠客给予了很高的评价,“纵死侠骨香,不惭世上英”。而“义”则是儒家的基本论点之一,“仁义礼智信,忠良孝悌行”。在中国人看来,一个人若是大忠大善,那他必定是个极重信义之人,一个若是大奸大恶,那肯定也是个没有义气的人。韦小宝说的更加明白:“一个人若不讲义气,那还不如死了算了。”金庸的小说,可以说很成功,很精彩地发挥和阐释了中国人精神深处的侠义观念,当然他的小说流传之广,读者之众也就不足为奇了。中国传统的小说很早就渗透着侠义的精神,宋代的话本小说就有专门讲述侠义故事的,四大名著中的《水浒传》可以说就是这个侠义传统的成就。真正意义上的武侠小说,可以追溯到唐人传奇《聂隐娘》,清代的公案小说从某个角度来说,也有武侠小说的影子。近代是武侠小说鼎盛发展的时期,平江不肖生、还珠楼主等作者层出不穷,一直到现代的金庸、古龙、梁羽生等,武侠小说可谓兴盛不衰、蔚为大观。当然,对武侠小说的看法可以说是毁誉参半,正统学者的批评不胜枚举,但是老百姓们可不管那么多,他们喜欢侠义故事,他们喜欢侠义英雄。在古代,人民的生活极端痛苦,贪官巫吏为所欲为,老百姓无奈之余,就希望有伸张正义、扶危济困的英雄侠士来拯救他们。从西方心理学的角度来看,人类心中都有一个“英雄情结”,或称“在上情结”,西方文学的源头就是“英雄史诗”,许多读者在阅读武侠小说的时候,都会有代入的现象存在,把自己幻想成为书中的英雄,以得到“英雄情结”的自我满足。在金庸的小说中,侠义精神得到了重新的阐释,这可以从以下几个方面来看:第一、金庸的十四部武侠小说,塑造了许许多多的形象。“侠”可以说是其中着力塑造的重点,根据金庸先生自己的观点:“侠与英雄的区别在于侠士可以不顾于自己的利益,可以为正义、为社会、为国家牺牲自己。侠士有一点,就是为了别人利益可以不顾自己的利益。”(按:根据笔者采访金庸先生录音整理)《射雕英雄传》里的郭靖,就是在各类的研究文章中被人津津乐道的“真正的侠”,“对国家忠,对朋友义,对爱情贞”,这是郭靖一生贯穿不便的原则。在《神雕侠侣》中,他助守襄阳,抵抗蒙古的入侵,可以说正是在实践他自己所说的“为国为民,侠之大者”,这时的郭靖其实已经超越了一般的江湖恩仇框架,完全是把国家兴亡,百姓疾苦与自身联系在一起了,所以江湖上人人都称郭靖“郭大侠”,这并不是因为他武功高,而是因为他为国为民的情怀;《神雕侠侣》中的鲁有脚,武功并不算一流,但就是因为他领导丐帮抗击蒙古,所以人人也称他“鲁老侠”。在金庸的观念里,一个人若要成为侠,不在于他的武功或地位有多高,而在于他是否为国家,为百姓作出了怎样的贡献,或是他为正义,为他人作出了什么。从这里可以看出,与传统文化的“侠”相比,金庸赋予“侠”更多的责任感和正义感。李白的《侠客行》有云:“三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻”,古代的侠士可以为报知遇之恩舍生忘死,像荆轲,像专诸,像聂政,与其说他们是侠客,倒不如说他们是政治力量的工具,是为了报答知遇对方来实现自己的自身价值,比如荆轲,他去刺秦决不是想到刺杀秦王能拯救天下百姓,天下太平,而是想到去刺杀秦王能报答燕丹的一番知遇之恩。正所谓“士为知己者死。”纵观金庸的15部武侠小说,从《书剑恩仇录》的陈家洛到《鹿鼎记》的陈近南,每可称之为侠的人都曾经为国家、为他人、为正义而奋不顾身:陈家洛是反清组织的头目,为了反清复明不惜抛弃自己心爱的女人;袁承志是抗清大将袁崇焕的儿子,名为承志,所作所为当然也是子承父业;胡斐只因恶霸凤天南逼死人命,千里追凶,不畏生死;乔峰更是为了宋辽两国息战,百姓免于战火而自尽而亡;陈近南一生鞠躬尽瘁,为的是光复大明的江山。以上所举的例子,金庸在小说中都作了可歌可泣的描述,并给予了充分的肯定。《飞狐外传》中的赵半山说的好“咱们学武的,功夫自然有高有,但只要心地光明磊落,行事无愧于天地,那么武功高点的固然好,武功低也是一般的受人敬重。”这句话说的通俗一点,似乎可以理解为“练武不为民做主,不如回家卖红薯”,这也可以说是金庸小说对于“侠”的最基本要求。第二、与“侠”相应的是“义”。如果说“侠”是金庸小说的血肉的话,那么“义”则是“侠”的灵魂,是金庸小说中最富有人文精神的一个方面。②围绕着“义”,金庸小说给我们展示了一个个豪气干云的故事。《雪山飞狐》中胡一刀、苗人凤英雄惺惺相惜的义气;《射雕英雄传》中丘处机和郭啸天、杨铁心的义气;《笑傲江湖》中正教高手刘正风和魔教长老曲洋的琴萧结义;直至《鹿鼎记》中的韦小宝在康熙和天地会之间来回,从头到尾,他也没有作过对不起任何一方的事。武侠小说中常描写到帮会、社团。他们集结的一个根本的原则就是要讲义气,是喝过血酒,拜过关公的,不求同年同月同日生,但求同年同月同日死,背叛朋友是要三刀六洞,为人不齿的。在金庸看来,“义”的一个重要内涵就是英雄人物肝胆相照,惺惺相惜,一诺千金,不负于人。③在《韦小宝这个小家伙》一文中,金庸写道:“中国人讲义气,是中华民族能够保存下来而且发扬壮大的一个重要因素。重视情义当然是好事。。。。。。一个人群和谐团结、互相爱护,在环境发生变化时尽量采取合理的方式与之适应,这样一个人群,在与别的人群斗争时自然无往而不利,历久而常胜。” ④当然,金庸小说的“义”和一般的哥们义气自然是不一样的,旧派小说一味强调无原则的江湖义气,快意恩仇,这在金庸小说里是看不到的。因为所有的义气必须有一个前提------“正义”,与正义相联系,或以正义为基础,有时为了维护正义,当然“大义灭亲”也是难免、义不容辞了。《神雕侠侣》中杨过在不明杀父真相的情况下,屡次欲杀郭靖,但是当了解到父亲杨康的可恶行径之后,马上就放弃了报仇的念头;《倚天屠龙记》中宋青书杀害师叔莫声谷,父亲宋远桥最终也是大义灭亲,成就师兄弟的恩义。

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作为金迷还是决定帮下你吧,但有的地方还不知道怎么译,人名大部分没译。你参考下吧。 The mid-fifties, from Jin Yong's "Ta Kung Pao" after the "New Evening News" for the supplement. Colleagues in Liang Yusheng, both like to go next, but also like to talk about martial arts novels, but also do not have to write yourself. At that time, Hong Kong, a well-known incident boxer contest. Ring based in Macau, the entire contest only played a few minutes to Tai Chi Master to send to send crane punched beaten bloody nose and the head end. This news makes people very excited, the man in the street, all in the discussion of this matter."New Evening News" that this great gimmicks, Xu readers can recruit, the next day in the contest, to be published novel series of ads.Liang Yushengresponsibility falls on the body, he started the idea of writing a day. In this way, while writing board, completed a "龙虎斗Jinghua", great reading, set off a boom not a small martial arts novels. In 1955, Jin Yong, into "martial arts", a hand is "书剑恩仇录", also posted on the "New Evening News" on. Since then stop until the seventies only to withdraw from "the political arena." He wrote a total of 14 36 long, short novels, according to chronological order, are:① "书剑恩仇录" ② "碧血剑" ③ "snowster" ④ "shooting Heroes" ⑤ "Return of the Condor Heroes" ⑥ "飞狐外传" ⑦ "白马啸西风" ⑧ "鸳鸯刀" ⑨ "连城诀" ⑩ "Yitian Dragon Saber" ⑾ "Dragon" ⑿ "knight line" ⒀ "Laughing In The Wind" ⒁ "Deer and the Cauldron" The quantity and LiKuang(倪匡)creative, Gulong compared, perhaps not that much. But must be aware that, in the creation of these novels of Jin Yong, the founder of his "Ming Pao Daily News", the complexity of the services, enough to make most people can not cope with. Jin Yong able in the newspaper outside, a hand-written novels, a hand-written editorial, every day for nearly two decades.He wrote the novel this afternoon, the evening of writing editorials, and his novels are first-class and social commentary. If there are no editorials and his novels, "Ming Pao Daily News" can be developed to look like today, I am afraid there is much doubt. Jin Yong had 14 works of his own words even as a first couplet: snow white deer shooting pain, laughter upon the book of God Bi Xia Yuan. Shows that both the title of his well-thought through in detail, not just an increase on. Sign off after he spent about ten years to amend the embellishment, the creation of a serious attitude can be compared to any great writer. Jin Yong is the life of their own creation, he did not repeat the past, not repeat itself. He was in the traditional mode of thinking has injected new blood for the culture of modern martial arts has made a try. In particular by Guo Jing, Yang Guo,令狐冲such as the right to scorn For the youthful hero, a high dignity, freedom of the spirit of an independent personality, which is the human spirit, "the progress of the only reliable source." Description of the character in Jin Yong's world, the best Olympic song of humanity,郭靖and黄蓉, Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu, he was令狐冲Yingying, China丁典with others凌霜love, dumping countless readers. Jin Yong's works, completely broke, "pure literature" and "popular literature" of the line.What do you say it is what it is, the line did not distinguish between what is the point. A strong sentiment, filled in the meantime. This is a great writers all have feelings. Jin said: "I think literature is the expression of people's feelings. Literature is not unreasonable, if we can demonstrate a profound and vivid emotions, and that is good literature.... ... After all, fiction or in life is to reflect, I think the final analysis, emotional life or an important part, therefore, should reflect the life experiences focusing on the most important emotional problems. " Talking about the great tragedy of life,Like a Dream, bleak volatile, I am afraid that the number of the history of Chinese literature Cao, Jin Yong's two best written. In short, they tried to write the Chinese people's life experience. Wrote so many martial arts and was known as the "heroes", Jin Yong's martial arts will be? Let's hear his own explanation: Imagine most of the (referring to martial arts movements). However, Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin boxing, there is a formal record of Wudang boxing, there are a lot of people will, as far as possible, according to it is not written to be changed. The midst of many other martial arts is my own imagination to create out of the traditional did not. Not come from some great masters, the martial arts factions, but also can do some changes. Movements inside the majority of novels are my own imagination. At that time, the need to take a look at the role of what kind of action, which in the idiom, Poetry and the Four Books and Five Classics, or inside, to find an appropriate sentence as the names of the movements. Sometimes can not find suitable words on their own to go with. All in all the names of the movements must be figurative. It appears that only ordinary heroes scholar Jin Yong. Jin Yong's novels one of the important contribution is to rectify the 54 European literature and art since the new bad habits, the real spirit to write the Chinese language. Back in the fifties, Jin became aware of the importance of language. He pointed out that: In the history of world literature, a writer is almost no other countries have used the text written a great work. English and French are very close, many will view the text of the British from a young age, but not a British writer has written a great French works.Of course, writing articles is not difficult to the ordinary, the difficult point is the text where a number of subtle, and many can only realize the difference between the unspeakable, it is not foreign writers have. As far as I write, "书剑恩仇录" experience, because it is against the backdrop of a Qing Dynasty novel, all the vocabulary and concepts of modern is my effort to avoid the majority of, for example, I try to use "to the idea" "puzzling", "secretly Sato", etc. instead of "thinking", "consider"; with "attention", "careful" and to replace the "attention" and so on.The novel is a popular recreational reading, but I think France and Germany are those sinologist, in spite of their "Book of History," "Songs of the South," "The Book of Songs" most studies, and I also read many books read do not understand, but they may not be able to differentiate between "cautious" and "attention to" subtle differences between the. Popular fiction does not matter is that, on to the real literary works, it is a significant matter. Home in the modern martial arts novels of Jin Yong undoubtedly has the capacity of master, is a veritable "chief martial arts." He is not only shaping the morphology of the modern martial arts novels - the writer Jin Yong's martial arts novels of the future, I am afraid there is no impact from him - in particular, valuable and hard standing and other writers is that he is extremely knowledgeable with the history of classical literature knowledge and deep understanding of human nature. No more is that Jin Yong wrote not only action, but also in depicting "fight" at the same time, the figure depicts the psychological activities, martial arts and martial arts perfect mood in which the character shows. This list goes on in the book of the lens, readily opened, all of this, I see immense interest people have a sense of beautiful.Writing this way, the traditional martial arts novels, there is a significant breakthrough. Jin Yong is also not particularly good at describing Fam King, so that the development of a more incredible circumstances, Qifeng processes.Such as desert sand, a new vista, lotus leaf water south of the Yangtze River Adventure, Buddhist Taoist temple solemn,old Temple of the mountains, isolated paradise Taoyuan, lean wild tribes of the alien, inaccessible ice Xuefeng Ren, ... ... also What are the mountains of vague, mysterious hole valley, coupled with the bizarre eccentric cult activities, as well as the amazing group of stimuli to the high seas shark, etc., etc., it is incredible, made his mark. Jin Yong's rich imagination, none, so intoxicated with the total of which is reading, eye, eye-opener, very fun. The twentieth century Chinese fiction, reading to read to, or Jin Yong.

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