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首页 > 学术期刊 > 逆向物流问题与对策研究现状论文

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In recent years, with China's economy, particularly the rapid development of manufacturing industry, resources and environment, and the restriction of manufacturing problems also increasing. In the global economy for the impact of the new round of stand firm, enterprise began to focus on the new field of logistics, reverse logistics. For manufacturing enterprise is concerned, the only business strategy, adjusting production as soon as possible through effective reverse logistics management, ability to save cost and improve the efficiency of using resources and for the purpose of environmental protection.logistics. Second, to reverse logistics in supply chain cycle occurred in the problem of these problems made detailed analysis shows; In the supply chain to the reverse logistics management mode thoroughly discussed, and according to the different real situation choice. Finally, in view of China's manufacturing enterprise development problems occurred in the reverse logistics, the specific case, and the balance in the entire supply chain manufacturing enterprise management benefit and reverse logistics implementation effect was put forward on the basis of reasonable and effective solutions.First of all, this paper expounds the connotation of reverse logistics, the importance and the analysis of the specific manufacturing enterprise development and significance of the reverse

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