(Fault Diagnosis and Data - Gearbox (auto)) (这是一个case study,讲Toyota 的) (有四页) Complete automatic transmission failure is obvious because the car will not move at all when shifted into forward or reverse. Usually the symptoms of impending automatic transmission failure are not quite as dramatic, and can be inspected by a mechanic to determine if the transmission needs replacing or if there is any chance the problem can be repaired.Delayed Shifting:One common symptom of automatic transmission problems is delayed shifting when the vehicle is cold, particularly for reverse or first gear.Loss of One Gear:Sometimes one gear will go out entirely while the others still function. If fourth or reverse gear fails, for instance, the vehicle at least can be driven to a shop.Unusual Shifting Speeds:Shifting may take place at unusual speeds, earlier or later than it should. The speed where shifting takes place also may keep changing.Noise and Jerking:Any noise while shifting is a symptom of automatic transmission failure, and so is rough, jerky shifting.Odd Movement:If the vehicle tries to move while in park or neutral, it most likely has automatic transmission failure.Shift Lever Issues:If the shift lever is difficult to move, this indicates transmission problems as well..
磨损过大。叉车变速器常见故障与缘由 1.叉车变速器内发作不正常的动静。主要是因为轴承磨损松旷和齿轮间不正常啮合而致使的噪声。当叉车轴承磨损或轴承外圈与变速器壳体
中央广播电视大学毕 业 论 文题 目:浅谈捷达轿车故障分析及诊断方法 姓 名 李来骁 学 号 20077