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毕业论文格式范文[摘要]页面要求:毕业论文须用A4(210×297mm)标准、70克以上白纸,一律采用单面打印;毕业论文页边距按以下标准设置:上边距(天头)为:30 mm;下边距(地脚)25mm;左边距和右边距为:25mm;装订线:10mm;页眉:16mm;页脚:15mm。 页眉:页眉从摘要页开始到论文最后一页,均需设置。页眉内容:浙江广播电视大学专科毕业论文(设计),居中,打印字号为5号宋体,页眉之下有一条下划线。 页脚:从论文主体部分(引言或绪论)开始,用阿拉伯数字连续编页,页码编写方法为:第x页共x页,居中,打印字号为小5号宋体。题目采用黑体二号居中,题目下空一行写摘要,摘要(包括关键词)、参考资料用宋体5号。 前置部分从中文题名页起单独编页。 字体与间距:毕业论文字体为小四号宋体,字间距设置为标准字间距,行间距设置为固定值20磅。正文中的小标题用三号黑体.[关键词]毕业论文,免修免考,社会实践为加强中央广播电视大学免修免考,促进广播电视大学教育与其他高等教育的相互沟通,推进中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点的深入开展,中央广播电视大学制定了《中央广播电视大学免修免考课程管理办法(试行)》文件,现就文件中有关问题问答如下:一.《中央广播电视大学免修免考课程管理办法(试行)》何时实施,以往中央电大所发文件与本规定有不符者,将如何执行? 本规定自文件发布之日起开始执行;以往中央电大所发文件与本规定有不符者,废止。二.免修免考课程内容有何要求? 作为免修免考替代的课程,其专业层次、教学内容和教学要求应不低于现修专业被替代课程的专业层次、教学内容和教学要求。三.免修免考对象?免修不免考的对象? 免修免考对象为电大课程、国家自学考试课程、合作高等学校课程、国家外语等级证书;另外,对于公共基础课程(15年有效),允许已获得相应科类专业专科以上学历(国家承认的国民教育系列)者免修免考,并获得相应学分,如:数学专业毕业的学生可申请非数学专业的高等数学课程免修免考。免修不免考的对象为其他高等学校课程。注:开设专业与合作高校一览表专业名称合作高校专业名称合作高校会计学北京工商大学英语北京外国语学院计算机科学与技术清华大学工商管理东北财经大学金融学中国金融学院法学中国政法大学汉语言文学北京大学数学与应用数学东北师范大学土木工程天津大学机电哈尔滨工程大学公共事业管理(卫生)北京大学医学部小学教育上海师范大学公共事业管理(教育)东北师范大学水利水电工程华北水利水电学院四.现修专业所有课程只要符合条件均能被免修免考吗? 现修专业并不是所有课程只要符合条件均能被免修免考!因为考虑到课程开放的特点,课程开放专业所有课程暂不考虑学分替换和免修免考问题;反之,对于已获得课程开放专业的合格课程可免修免考电大其它非课程开放专业的课程。五.免修免考课程学分如何记载? 经审核允许进行学分替换的课程,学分按现修专业中被替代课程规定的学分记载;对批准免修免考课程的成绩,按“合格”记载。六.如何理解文件中的专业层次? 专科段层次的课程只能替换相同或不同专业专科段层次的课程,即使其它条件符合免修免考要求,也不能用它来替换本科段层次专业的课程。例如:某生在专科段学了经济数学课程,在本科段学习时又必修相同内容和要求的该课程(且教材相同),可它仍然不能被免修免考。但是中央电大对英语课有特殊规定,对于在低层次(如专科段)所学的,并记入毕业总学分审核的英语(1)(2)课程,在高层次(如本科段)学习中只给予免修免考,但不能获得学分,其学分必须通过选修同层次课程获得;在同层次中予以免修免考,并获得本课程学分。相反,某生在本科段学了经济数学课程,在专科段学习时又必修相同内容和要求的该课程(且教材相同),那么该课程允许免修免考,并获得相应的学分。七.只要教学内容、教学要求不低于现修专业被替代课程教学内容、教学要求的课程都能免修免考吗? 不是。作为免修免考替代的课程,除了考虑其教学内容、教学要求不低于现修专业被替代课程的教学内容、教学要求外,还应考虑其有效年限、课程所在院校和专业层次等等。八.所有免修免考的课程均可获得相应的学分吗? 不是。中央电大对英语课有特殊规定,对于在低层次(如专科段)所学的,并记入毕业总学分审核的英语(1)(2)课程,在高层次(如本科段)学习中只给予免修免考,但不能获得学分,其学分必须通过选修别的课程获得;在同层次中予以免修免考,并获得本课程学分。九.如何理解文件中的有效年限? 有效年限是指已获得的毕业证书、单科结业证书、国家外语四、六级证书签发日期到电大注册日期。如6年有效这样理解:如果你是合作高校97年7月毕业生,02年入学注册,注册时离毕业时间只有5年,不到规定年限6年,那么你将有权利申请免修免考课程,并且此门课程保留八年学籍有效。假如你是03年秋季或之后前入学注册,注册时离毕业时间已到规定年限(6年),那么你将没有权利申请免修免考。另外,高校毕业生课程均视为毕业年所学,比如98年合作高校学生在第一学历学习时学了国际公法课程(不管此门课程当年毕业时间,均视为该专业毕业年98年7月所学),假如这位学生03年春季或之前注册中央电大开放教育本科法学专业,那么根据《中央广播电视大学免修免考课程管理办法(试行)》规定和中央广播电视大学专业教学计划,他将可以免修免考该课程,并获得该课程5学分(前提是符合免修免考应具备的其它条件);相反,假如这位学生03年秋季或之后注册中央电大开放教育本科法学专业,那么根据《中央广播电视大学免修免考课程管理办法(试行)》规定,此门课 程已过免修免考有效年限6年,因此他将不能申请免修免考。对于有单科结业证书的课程,有效年限起始日期不应以毕业证书日期为准,而应以单科证书签发日期为准(审核人员应加强管理力度,预防学生舞弊)。十.省级成人高等本科英语统测证书能替换电大公共外语课程吗?国家外语四、六级证书呢? 获得省级成人高等本科英语统测证书可以免修电大英语(1)(2)(或电大英语(3)(4)课程)课程和大学英语Ⅲ(1)(2)课程,但其不能获得相应学分,其学分必须通过选修同层次其他课程获得相应学分。我们建议具有较高外语水平的学生,各校应鼓励他们学习更高层次的公共外语课程。 获得国家外语四、六级证书的学生可以替换所有设置公共外语课程(包括大学英语Ⅲ(1)(2)),并可取得相应的学分。十一.是否除合作高等学校之外的任何其他高等学校课程,均不能免修免考? 不是!对于普通高等学校基础专业毕业的课程,将可申请电大非原毕业专业基础课程的免修免考,并取得相应的学分。如:数学专业毕业的学生可申请非数学专业的高等数学课程免修免考。十二.免修免考外语课程将影响申请学位吗? 不一定!如《免修免考课程管理办法》允许注册前6年内或注册后学籍期间,获得国家外语四、六级证书者可免修免考电大非英语专业所有外语课程,但是中央电大学位条例只承认申请学位当年前5年内所获得的国家外语四、六级证书。另外,通过外语专业毕业证书取得电大非英语专业外语课程免修免考者,将无法替代学位外语。十三.只要符合替换要求的课程都能100%替换吗? 不是!替换课程比例有限制,如下表课程类型替代必修总学分比替代方法电大课程(含注册生)100%免修免考国家自学考试课程40%免修免考合作高等学校课程100%免修免考其他高等学校课程50%免修不免考十四.某生98年注册国家自考办法律专科专业(共11门课程),现已通过9门,还有两门屡站屡败,后来这位学生转入中央电大注册视听生法律专科专业学习,恰好有5门课教学内容、教学要求、有效年限、专业层次等都不低于现修专业被替代课程的教学内容、教学要求、专业层次。试问这位学生的5门课能免修免考吗? 不一定,文件规定课程替换有比例限制,对于国家自考办课程,只能替换现专业(电大注册视听生法律专业)必修课总学分的40%,那么根据电大注册视听生法律专业教学计划,其必修课总学分为47分,折40%,实际能替换为18.8学分。即从5门课中挑出学分和不高于18学分的完整课程来替换。假如这位学生的5门课程是中央电大或合作高校的,那么这些课程将100%替换。假如这位学生是92年注册国家自考办,那么情况又不同了,还得验证这5门课程的有效年限(国家自考办单科结业证书6年,电大课程和合作高校均为8年)。十五.对于分学期课程(如刑法学(1)(2)课程、学校管理(1)(2)课程等分两学期开设的课程)应如何执行替代原则? 对于分学期课程(如《刑法学(1)(2)》),首先应明确它在教学计划中是作为一门课程,因教学内容和教学任务等较重而分两学期开设,严格课程名称为《刑法学》,(1)(2)只是标识分两学期开设。单独的《刑法学(1)》或《刑法学(2)》都不能构成一门完整的课程。因此不能对现修课程《刑法学(1)》或《刑法学(2)》中之一进行免修免考,只有原修课程的教学内容、教学要求、有效年限、专业层次等都不低于现修被替代课程《刑法学(1)(2)》方可免修免考。如:高自考《刑法学》教学内容和要求高于电大《刑法学(1)》但低于《刑法学(1)(2)》,因此高自考《刑法学》不能替代电大《刑法学(1)(2)》。那么能否替代《刑法学(1)》呢?回答不能!因为《刑法学(1)》不是一门课,无法替代一门课的部分内容。十六.那些证书能免修免考电大课程? 国家外语四、六级证书(替代非外语专业所有英语课程,6年有效期)、国家承认的基础专业(如数学专业、英语专业等)毕业证书(替代非本专业相对应的基础课程)等。十七.省级电大审核的基本程序? (1)由省级电大按照申请免修免考的条件、申请免修免考的原则,负责对学生有关证件的有效性进行审核,并将有关证件、材料复印存档且填写初审意见。(由经办人初审并填写)。 (2)省级电大要聘请熟悉本课程教学要求且具有中级以上职称的专职教师,根据专业层次、教学内容和要求不低于现修课程教学大纲要求的原则,对有关教材(或教学大纲)进行审核。对于学科发展变化较快的课程,应以学生知识结构的合理性为原则,严格控制并适当缩短证书有效年限。审核之后,要认真填写审定意见及审定结论。 (3)教务处主管领导,要根据免修免考申请条件、原则、专家审定意见及证件的有效性等情况,对申请作最后的审批。 (4)省级电大根据批准的申请报告,将免修免考课程人员情况、单科结业证书复印件及审核意见等文件存入学生成绩档案。(对批准免修免考课程的成绩,按“合格”记载) (5)省级电大应将审批结果,填入“广播电视大学课程替代、免修免考情况登记表”;采用教务管理系统中的成绩管理子模块,录入免修免考课程数据。将免修免考数据和“广播电视大学课程替代、免修免考情况登记表”(打印稿)随考试成绩单报中央电大。 (6)省级电大应按时向申请人反馈中央电大审批结果,通知应包括未批准的原因等情况。十八.中央电大终审程序? (1)中央电大负责对“广播电视大学课程替代、免修免考情况登记表”进行审核,并根据省级电大上报的有关情况,对学生的课程免修免考档案进行抽查。 (2)中央电大自收到“广播电视大学课程替代、免修免考情况登记表”起三个月内,将终审结果以书面形式通知省级电大你看这里:

237 评论


机电一体化技术专业是培养以机械学和电子学为基础,熟悉现代机械制造的基本理论、技术和装备,具有机电一体化产品和技术的运用和开发能力的高等技术应用性专门人才。下面是我为大家带来的该专业的 自我评价 的 范文 ,相信对你会有帮助的。

机电一体化专业 英文自我评价 篇一

Through three years of college life, I grew up a lot. At the time of graduation, I made a summary of my three years of harvest and feelings, and as a guide for my future action.

From the ideological point of view, I am from a ignorant little boy to serve the people of a Communist, ideological consciousness has been greatly improved. I love the motherland, love the people, and resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. I think the value of a person by his social contribution to others to measure, I joined the Chinese Communist Party is also the reason to strive to achieve self-worth. I have conscientiously studied the various theories of the Party and have endeavored to put them into practice and have a clearer understanding of the Party.

Learning, I think the primary task of college students or learn cultural knowledge, so I learn in the sense, not to relax. I think a good learning method is very helpful to learn knowledge, so after each exam, I will summarize the learning experience. A hard work a harvest, often see their gratifying achievements, I will sigh as long as you have the determination, nothing is impossible. For students of our computer-related majors, the knowledge of light optics is not enough. I use the spare time often read computer class books, and participated in a number of computer-level qualification examination, and achieved good results. I think that learning is the student's occupation, the occupation also need to have wisdom, perseverance and perseverance. In today 's fast - growing information age, we can not fall behind unless we continue to learn new knowledge.

Learning is important, a person's ability to cultivate can not be ignored.Three years of college life gave me a lot of opportunities to challenge themselves, such as the Department of the student council election, the yard organized speech contest, cultural and artistic festival of the art show, English speech contest. In the process of participating in these activities, I made some very good friends, learned the way of doing things, exercise their ability. These experiences make me understand that if you try something, there are half the chance of success, if you do not try, the probability of success can only be zero. When the opportunity comes, we must take good hold.

University campus is a big family. In this family, we play the role of the object being cultivated. The teachers are our elders, so I respect them. Students like brothers and sisters, we learn together, with entertainment, help each other, live in harmony. Collective life so I know to take the initiative to understand others and care for others, but also made me become more strong and independent. I think their own things should be responsible for their own, others can only give you some advice. Things to calmly think, do not impatient. Not easily committed to the commitment to the efforts to fulfill.Life needs to sketch themselves, not the same way there is not the same life.

Three years of college life is a good memory of my life, I move forward will not forget to look back at the time.


In college, I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction of efforts to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. In order to meet the needs of social development, I earnestly study all kinds of professional knowledge and give full play to my specialty. We will tap their own potentials and combine with the opportunity of summer social practice every year to gradually improve their ability of learning and analyzing and dealing with problems.Coordination of organizational and managerial competencies.

Three years of college life is the key point of my life. Three years of campus life and social practice I continue to challenge themselves, enrich themselves, to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation. Has always been that people should be old to learn the old I am knowledgeable, the meticulous of the professional, which has been affirmed in the results, each year have been third - class scholarships. In not satisfied with the theory of course, but also focus on practice.

Learning, I did not let myself down, the results have been among the best.Scholarships are awarded each year. I am a mechanical and electrical professional, know not only the theoretical knowledge, but also practical ability, so I often participate in practical activities. Now is the information age, learning the professional at the same time, I also conducted a computer learning, through efforts to get the national computer grade three. I learned a lot of new things, I am very willing to help people who need help, and greatly improve their self-learning ability. Then there is learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking.To learn hard only hard to learn is not enough, to learn "methods" to do things. I have come here to learn the purpose of "fishing", but it is easier said than done, I changed a good many ways to do what is diligent in thinking, the case of the old man, There do not know where to diligent to ask.In learning, to "independent thinking" as their motto, always remember not to alert. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the basic knowledge of the public and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has also been a qualitative leap, to a more rapid grasp of a new technical knowledge, I think this is very important for the future. In the study of knowledge this time, I and teachers to establish a strong friendship between teachers and students.The teacher's earnest teaching, so I realized the fun of learning. I and many students around, but also established a good learning relationship, help each other to overcome the difficulties. Now I have to face graduation, is doing graduate design, I became the design team leader, but also exercise the self-hands and analysis of problem-solving ability, benefit.

Ideologically, the fine style, treat people sincere, can better deal with interpersonal relations, doing things calm and stable, can reasonably arrange the affairs of life. For the community for the school for the students to do things for the people around is no longer feel cumbersome, but very happy to do and can be satisfied and happy, not to think about doing their own things, others less control. And has been in the pursuit of personality sublimation, pay attention to their own conduct. I worship people who have great charisma, and have always wanted to be able to do it myself. In college life, I insist on self-reflection and strive to improve their own personality. Now I understand the reason, willing to help others not only to cast a noble character, but also get a lot of their own interests to help others but also to help themselves. Looking back over the past few years, I have been very happy to have helped the students when I was in trouble. Similarly, my classmates also gave me a helping hand when I was in trouble. For the teacher, I have always been very respected, because they are in a loss when I guide to help me. Without the help of a teacher, I might not know where to go. I now realize that character is not so much a personal character to run, as it is the responsibility of the individual society as a whole. A person living in this world, you have to bear some responsibility to the community obligations, with a noble character, you can correctly understand their responsibilities, in the contribution to achieve their own value.

Life, I use spare time and vacation time outside to find part-time, do tutoring, but also exercise my social skills. In school life, let me learn a reasonable self-care life.

As a __ year university graduates, I have a young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal.


After four years of mechanical and electrical integration of the University of professional courses, modest and self-discipline of me, optimistic, sincere, frank, hardworking team spirit, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, not susceptible to external interference, In the study, I have good grades, many scholarships, through the spare time to learn to participate in self-examination (construction), to participate in Zhejiang Province computer grade examination has been through a windows, two (vb), three (network technology). In the depth of textbook knowledge at the same time, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, the use of spare time for a variety of computer software learning and use. In the face of every practice of the school are taken seriously, strive for the best, to learn more professional knowledge, in the praise of teachers at the same time, but also lay the foundation for future work.

As a college student, I think the most important thing is not to say how good his book read, but how he should have the quality of the brutal competition in this society to survive! I think everyone has their own way, also have their own means of livelihood. Competition through the survival of society will be more exciting than the other way to survive, what business is not in the competition to grow up, so competition is the lifeblood of enterprise survival. Speaking of myself, is a very ordinary person! But I also have their own quality, I love life, like hard work, in good faith but also hard-working, with team spirit. Hope to use their own efforts to work hard in the future. Find a more and others can contact, full of competitive career! The real iron rice bowl is not in a place to eat a lifetime, but no matter where to have food to eat!

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198 评论


尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是一名即将于2008年7月毕业的XXX大学的本科生,所学专业是机电一体化。我仰慕贵单位尊重知识、重视人才之名,希望能成为贵单位一员,为贵单位的事业发展尽我全力。 本人在大学四年中对本专业的知识学得比较扎实,而且还多方涉猎。在计算机方面,除了学DOS、AUTOCAD、FORTRAN、汇编语言外,还参加培训或自学WORD、WINDOWS、FRONTPAGE2000(个人网站:http://tianxingjian.51.net),另外,对CAD/CAM、智能CAD、3DS等有一定的认识。在英语方面,作为外协一员,多次参加外语协会的疯狂英语活动,具有一定的听、说、读、写以及技术资料翻译能力,曾完成5000字以上的机器人专业英语的翻译。另外,在大学伊始本人曾在校编辑部做过一年的学生通讯员,而且,作为邓小平理论研究会的一名会员,参加过多次各种邓研会议,给我的理论修养带来莫大的益处。 诚然,虽然大学四年的学习生活、一定量的社会经历,使我养成了冷静自信的性格和踏实严谨的工作作风,并赋予我参加社会竞争的勇气。然而,所学知识是有限的,大学培养的仅仅是一种思维方式和学习方法,“纸上谈兵终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。因此,我将在今后实践中虚心学习,不断钻研,积累工作经验,提高工作能力。久闻贵单位是深值信赖且有发展潜力的单位,神往已久,兹附上简历一份冒昧求职,希望贵单位能给我一个发挥能力的机会。 感谢阅读我的求职信,期待着您的答复。 XXX学校 XXX 2006.X.X My name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 1958, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer, planting bananas and pineapples, and my mother takes care of the house. I have two brothers and one sister. Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences. My early education was received in my hometown, i.e. six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school. After completing nine years of formal education in 1958. I went to Xiamen and participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year junior colleges. Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering College. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because, on the one hand , I liked Physics very much; and on the other hand, electrical industry is a major sector of the economy of China. The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job. In working, however, I've Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs. Therefore, I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Then, if possible, I would like to continue my education toward a Master's degree. After this objective is reached, I will return to my country and seek a job in a public firm. Most probably I will continue to work with Nan Ya Plastic Company.

103 评论


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