摘要 5 1 绪论 25-32 1.1 国内外液压机技术现状及发展趋势 25-29 1.2 课题研究意义和研究内容 29-32 2 整体方案及重要参数的确定 32-39 2.1 整体方案的提出与确定 32-35 2.2 系统主要参数的确定及主要元器件的选型 35-37 2.3 高速数控压机液压系统工作原理 37-39 3 液压系统建模 39-52 3.1 建模的基本要求 39-40 3.2 比例阀数学模型 40-41 3.3 阀控缸数学模型的建立 41-50 3.4 液压系统最终数学模型 50 3.5 系统参数的确定 50-52 4 系统仿真 52-56 4.1 概述 52-53 4.2 稳定性分析 53-56 5 PID控制器设计 56-62 5.1 PID控制方法简介 56-57 5.2 PID控制方法设计 57-60 5.3 总体仿真 60-62 6 PID控制策略的工程实现 62-71 6.1 给定值处理 62-63 6.2 被控量处理 63-64 6.3 偏差处理 64-66 6.4 控制策略的实现 66-67 6.5 控制量处理 67-68 6.6 自动手动切换 68-71 7 系统硬件和软件设计 71-78 7.1 机械设计 71-73 7.2 控制系统设计 73-78 8 结论 78-79 致谢 79-80
Abstract This paper introduced the PLC and the characteristics of the development trend on the hydraulic press in the development of domestic and international situation and forecast. And detailed the YS32G-630C hydraulic principle and the characteristics of the hydraulic machine's main circuit, the control circuit and the principle of the hydraulic system carried out a detailed analysis. This paper presents the traditional hydraulic machine relay - contact with electrical control system for a number of issues and made a better rehabilitation programmes. Through the use of programmable logic controller (PLC) to replace the traditional relay - access control, allowing the system to control more easy-to-understand, the operation more flexible. In the design of hardware and software design of the system on two aspects of the transformation programme. On the hardware circuit design, described the system of ideas and transform the content and the choice of PLC and the PLC control system wiring design done a detailed explanation. In line design software, according to the work of hydraulic flow chart and control circuit, discussed the idea of the design process and its design, and the mapping of the procedures ladder. Papers in the final of the PLC control system design of the interference problem for a simple exposition. In modern enterprises, the PLC with its powerful, universal quick, environmental adaptation, and simple programming and a series of advantages in a variety of machine tools has been widely used.
This paper introduced the PLC and the characteristics of the development trend on the hydraulic press in the development of domestic and international situation and forecast. And detailed the YS32G-630C hydraulic principle and the characteristics of the hydraulic machine's main circuit, the control circuit and the principle of the hydraulic system carried out a detailed analysis of This paper presents the traditional hydraulic machine relay - contact with electrical control system for a number of issues and made a better rehabilitation programmes. Through the use of programmable logic controller (PLC) to replace the traditional relay - access control, allowing the system to control more easy-to-understand, the operation more flexible. In the design of hardware and software design of the system on two aspects of the transformation programme. On the hardware circuit design, described the system of ideas and transform the content and the choice of PLC and the PLC control system wiring design done a detailed explanation. In line design software, according to the work of hydraulic flow chart and control circuit, discussed the idea of the design process and its design, and the mapping of the procedures ladder. Papers in the final of the PLC control system design of the interference problem for a simple exposition. In modern enterprises, the PLC with its powerful, universal quick, environmental adaptation, and simple programming and a series of advantages in a variety of machine tools has been widely used.
机械设计与研究 也是一样
作为一个毕业几年的过来人,我想给你一些建议,我也在上海。希望你对这种换专业的事情要慎重。 个人觉得,化学目前在上海或全国来说还是比较热的,上海的化工业也在全国走
引 言在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化、自动化已成为突出的主题。随着工业现代化的进一步发展,自动化已经成为现代企业中的重要支柱,无人车间、无人生产流水线等等,