Computers have accelerated the transformation of the world's human pace, but it is after all bulky. SCM in this case was born. As of today, SCM application rapid development of technology, looking around us now in all spheres of life, from missiles, navigation equipment, to the various instruments on the aircraft control from a computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation to real-time process control and data processing, and our lives extensive use of the smart card, electronic pets, which is inseparable from the microcontroller. Monolithic single-chip micro-computer or computer. (Single-Chip Microcomputer) is the set of CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. Its small size, low cost, high performance, which are widely used in smart industries, and industrial automation. And 51 Series SCM SCM is the most typical and the most representative one. The graduation design Through the study, and thereby achieve the study, design, development hardware and software capabilities. Based on a microcontroller based on the will to achieve timing, stopwatch, calendar, alarm clocks, and other functions of a multi-functional electronic clock design study, in detail, the computer application of data conversion, Principle LCD, keyboard scanning principle, SCM regularly interrupted principle. Thereby achieve studying and understanding the relevant directives SCM in all aspects of the application. By AT89S52 system, temperature detection chip, the clock chips, liquid crystal displays, memory, Regulators and electricity supply of components, to achieve clock calendar display function can be carried out, hours seconds of the show and real-time temperature display. Also calculated with the calendar and clock, calendar calibration, regular hours and set the alarm function. The article attached circuit diagram, the PCB plans and procedures checklist for the reference of our readers. Due to limited, and it will inevitably be lighter inadequate, locations will give teachers and students correction and criticism. Keywords : stopwatch, alarm clock, calendar time
一 课题任务:以FPGA适配板为核心,设计并制作一款数字万年历。此数字万年历以“日”为基本计时单位,用8只数码管适时显示“年、月、日”。此万年历具有区分大小月、调整日期、生日提醒等功能。 二 课题研究现状及发展趋势:在当代繁忙的工作与生活中,时间与我们每一个人都有非常密切的关系,每个人都受到时间的影响。为了更好的利用我们自己的时间,我们必须对时间有一个度量,因此产生了钟表。钟表的发展是非常迅速的,从刚开始的机械式钟表到现在普遍用到的数字式钟表,即使现在钟表千奇百怪,但是它们都只是完成一种功能——计时功能,只是工作原理不同而已,在人们的使用过程中,逐渐发现了钟表的功能太单一,没有更大程度上的满足人们的需求。因此在这里,我想能不能把一些辅助功能加入钟表中。在此设计中所设计的钟表不但具有普通钟表的功能,它还能实现额外的功能:世界时、农历显示。人类不断研究,不断创新纪录。发展到现在人们广泛使用的万年历。万年历是采用数字电路实现对.时,分,秒.数字显示的计时装置,广泛用于个人家庭,车站, 码头办公室等公共场所,成为人们常生活中不可少的必需品,由于数字集成电路的发展和石英晶体振荡器的广泛应用,使得数字钟的精度,远远超过老式钟表, 钟表的数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大大地扩展了钟表原先的报时功能。诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、自动起闭路灯、定时开关烘箱、通断动力设备、甚至各种定时电气的自动启用等,但是所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究万年历及扩大其应用,有着非常现实的意义。它可以对年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒进行计时,对于数字电子万年历采用直观的数字显示,可以同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒等信息,还具有时间校准等功能。综上所述此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,符合电子仪器仪表的发展趋势,具有广阔的市场前景。三 设计方案:1.工作原理...................有做好的设计可以给你参阅的!!!!!!
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数字电子钟的设计 一、 绪论 (一)引言 20世纪末,电子技术获得了飞速的发展,在其推动下,现代电子产品几乎渗透了社会的各个领域,有力地推动了社会生产力的发展和
1.围城 2.灵感 3.猫 4.纪念 5.上帝的梦 6.窗 7.写在人生边上 8.魔鬼夜访钱钟书先生 9.释文盲 10.杂言--关于著作的 11