"The Shawshank Redemption," with Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, Clancy Brown, and James Whitmore. Written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the short novel "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption," by Stephen King. City Centre. "R" - Restricted; profanity, violence, mature content. Prisoners of Hope -- 'Shawshank Redemption' Melodramatic but RewardingBy Jeff ShannonWhen trustworthy colleagues told me they found "The Shawshank Redemption" either too long or vaguely disappointing, I must confess I was mystified. As the credits rolled after my first viewing, I was certain I'd seen one of the best movies of the year. After a second viewing (a rare luxury for reviewers these days), I understood my friends' complaints but my initial opinion held firm. It's true that Frank Darabont, making an otherwise remarkably assured directorial debut, could use a lesson in pacing and editorial economy, and from a detached perspective "The Shawshank Redemption" is likely to seem cleverly but deviously manipulative. It's by no means a perfect movie. But like "Field of Dreams," this movie about perseverance, ingenuity, and hope in the face of hopelessness held a greater personal significance - an emotional connection to a well-told story that transcended whatever niggling reservations I might have formed. Judging from the applause that followed both screenings I attended, there's clearly something to "The Shawshank Redemption" that many people will find, well . . . redeeming. It's in many ways a standard prison movie, beginning in 1947 when a New England banker named Andy (Tim Robbins) is wrongly convicted for the murder of his adulterous wife and her lover, and sentenced to two life terms in the Shawshank State Prison in Maine. There he meets Red (Morgan Freeman), another lifer who's "a regular Sears Roebuck," serving as Shawshank's primary supplier of smuggled goods and contraband. The corrupt, Bible-thumping warden (Bob Gunton) is a joylessly hissable villain straight out of the Snidely Whiplash school of melodrama, as is his vile and violent head guard, played with mule-headed brutality by the ever-effective Clancy Brown. Providing moral counter-balance are the prison's oldest inmate (a welcomed return for James Whitmore), and the close-knit members of Red's benevolent gang who, like Red, see in Andy a unique and optimistic spirit. Their admiration deepens when Andy earns rare privileges (by cooking the warden's books and filing the guards' tax returns) and mounts a successful campaign to build New England's finest prison library. But every privilege has a greater cost, and "The Shawshank Redemption" turns into a dark journey of the soul, with Andy cleverly and patiently awaiting his chance at freedom. To say that Robbins is too inexpressive is to miss the subtle, internalized grace of a finely calibrated performance. Like a sly bluffer who knows just when to tip his hand, Robbins portrays Andy as a man who can survive torture, threat, and psychological terrorism because he's matched his inward faith with an outward defense. The latter gives the movie its almost mythological payoff, delivered in tandem by the equally excellent Freeman, whose wise narration rises Andy's uplifting story to almost legendary status. Sharply adapted by Darabont from a novella by Stephen King, the film has been mounted with physical authenticity, but as a kind of adult fable it should not be confused with reality. There's a slightly artificial tidiness to the story, and it won't grab you if you aren't immediately hooked. But as it spans nearly two decades in the enduring friendship of Andy and Red, "The Shawshank Redemption" accumulates the kind of spiritual depth that comes from taking a path well chosen. The journey may not be a smooth one, but the destination is well worth the effort.
自考毕业论文格式规范 设计毕业设计(论文)是学生在校学习的最后阶段,是培养学生综合运用所学知识,发现、提出、分析和解决实际问题,锻炼实践能力的重要环节,是对学生实际工作能力的系统训练和考察过程。毕业设计报告(或论文,下称报告)是学生在教师指导下,对所从事工作和取得成果的完整表述。报告的撰写是学生基本能力训练的过程,应当符合国家及有关行业(部门)指定的有关标准,符合汉语语言规范。为加强对此项工作的指导,严格把关,制定本规范。 一、报告的结构与要求 报告包括标题、内容摘要、索引关键词、目录、正文、后记、参考文献和附录等部分。全文专业技术类不少于12 000个汉字(含较简单的图表、程序段等),经济管理和文法类不少于10 000个汉字。报告一律打印,不得手写。 1.报告标题 报告标题应当简短、明确,有概括性,符合毕业设计任务的要求。报告标题应能体现报告的核心内容、专业特点和学科范畴。报告标题不得超过25个汉字,不得设置副标题,不得使用标点符号,可以分二行书写。报告标题用词必须规范,不得使用缩略语或外文缩写词。 2.内容摘要 内容摘要应扼要叙述报告的主要内容、特点,文字精练,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,包括主要成果和结论性意见。摘要中不应使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号,并应避免将摘要撰写成目录式的内容介绍。内容摘要一般不超过200个汉字。 3.索引关键词 索引关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能够覆盖报告主要内容的通用专业术语(参照相应的专业术语标准),一般列举3~5个,按照词条的外延层次从大到小排列,并应出现在内容摘要中。 4.目录 目录应独立成页,包括报告中全部章、节的标题和所在页码。 5.正文 正文包括绪论、报告主体和结论等部分。正文必须从页首开始。 绪论一般做为专业技术类报告的第一章,应综述前人在本领域的工作成果,说明毕业设计选题的目的、背景和意义,国内外文献资料情况以及所要研究的主要内容。 经济管理类和文法类报告的绪论即全文的开始部分,不编写章节号。一般包括对写作目的、意义的说明,对所研究问题的认识并提出问题。 报告主体是全文的核心部分,应结构合理,层次清晰,重点突出,文字通顺简练。 结论是对主要成果的归纳,要突出创新点,以简练的文字对所做的主要工作进行评价。结论一般不超过500个汉字。 正文一级及以下子标题格式如下: 专业技术类:第一章;1.1;一、;1.;(1);①; 经济管理、文法类:1;1.1;一、;(一);①。 6.后记 对整个毕业设计工作进行简单的回顾总结,对导师和对为毕业设计工作、报告撰写等提供帮助的组织或个人表示感谢。内容尽量简洁明了。 7.参考文献 参考文献是报告的不可缺少的组成部分。它反映了毕业设计工作中取材的广博程度。参考文献应以近期发表或出版的与本专业密切相关的学术著作和学术期刊文献为主。参考文献数量专业技术类不少于10篇,经济管理和文法类不少于15篇。 产品说明、技术标准、未公开出版或发表的研究报告等不列为参考文献,有确需说明的可以在后记中予以说明。 网上参考文献应注明准确的网页地址。 8.附录 对不宜放在正文中但对报告确有作用的材料(如外文文献的复印件和中文译文、公式的推导过程、较大型的程序流程图、较长的程序代码段、图纸、数据表格等),可以编制成报告的附录。附录字数不计入报告应达到的文字数量。 二、打印要求 报告必须使用标准A4打印纸进行打印,页面上、下边距各2.5厘米,左右边距各2.2厘(报告所附的较大的图纸、数据表格及计算机程序段清单等除外),并按报告装订顺序要求如下: 1.封面 见附件《报告封面、指导教师意见页、系部答辩委员会意见页》。 2.内容摘要 摘要标题按照正文一级子标题要求处理,摘要内容按照正文要求处理。内容摘要不设页码。 3.索引关键词 索引关键词与内容摘要同处一页,位于内容摘要之后,另起一行并以“索引关键词:”开头(字体加粗),后跟3~5个关键词(字体不加粗),词间空1字,其他要求同正文。 4.目录 目录列至报告正文的二级及以上标题所在页码,内容打印要求与正文相同。目录页不设页码。 5.正文 正文必须从正面开始,并设置为第1页。页码在页末居中打印,其他要求同正文(如正文第5页格式为“―5―”)。 报告标题为标准二号宋体字,居中,单倍行间距; 报告一级子标题为标准四号黑体字,居中,单倍行间距; 报告二级及以下子标题为标准小四号黑体字,左起空两个字打印,行间距为固定值20磅; 正文一律使用标准小四号宋体字,段落开头空两个字,行间距为固定值20磅; 正文中的公式原则上居中。如公式前有文字(如:“解”、“假定”等),文字应与正文左侧对齐,公式仍居中,公式末尾不加标点。公式序号按章编排,如第二章的第三个公式序号为“(2—3)”,附录2中的第三个公式序号为“(②—3)”等; 正文中的插图应与文字紧密配合,文图相符,内容正确,绘制规范。插图按章编号并置于插图的正下方,插图不命名,如第二章的第三个插图序号为“图2—3”,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字; 正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。 6. 后记 后记独占一页,标题按照正文一级子标题要求处理,内容按照正文要求处理。 7. 参考文献 按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,内容打印要求与报告正文相同。参考文献从页首开始,著录格式如下: 7.1 著作图书文献 序号 作者.书名.版次(第一版省略).出版者,出版年份:引用部分起止页码 7.2 译著图书文献 序号 作者.书名.译者.版次(第一版省略).出版者,出版年份:引用部分起止页码 7.3 学术刊物文献 序号 作者.文章名.学术刊物名.年,卷(期):引用部分起止页码 7.4 学术会议文献 序号 作者.文章名.编者名.会议名称,会议地址,年份.出版地,出版者,出版年:引用部分起止页码 7.5 学位论文类参考文献 序号 作者.学位论文题目.学校和学位论文级别.答辩年份:引用部分起止页码 7.6 西文文献 著录格式同中文,实词的首字母大写,其余小写。 参考文献作者人数较多者只列前三名,中间用逗号分隔,多于三人的后面加“等”字(西文加“etc.”)。 学术会议若出版论文集者,在会议名称后加“论文集”字样;未出版论文集者省去“出版者”、“出版年”项;会议地址与出版地相同的省略“出版地”,会议年份与出版年相同的省略“出版年”。 8. 附录 按照正文一级子标题以下格式打印,每个附录均从页首开始,并在附录起始页的左上角用标准小四号黑体字注明附录序号。 9. 评定意见页 见附件《报告封面、指导教师意见页、系部答辩委员会意见页》。 三、范文示例 (报告标题:永久性载人空间站对接技术研究) 封面(略去) (另起一页) 内 容 摘 要 本报告通过对目前世界上正在使用的永久性载人空间站之间或与运载飞行器之间的交会对接技术的对比研究,提出了…… 索引关键词:空间技术 飞行器 空间站 交会对接 (另起一页) 目 录 第一章 绪 论…………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 课题背景………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.2 交会对接技术发展现状………………………………………………………… 1 第二章 ………… 2.1 ………… 后 记………… 参考文献………… 附录1…………
The Shawshank RedemptionA successful young banker Andy found his wife fornicate with a baseball coach. He flew into a fury and planned to shoot them dead at one night. But at last he gave up. His reason won his emotion. Surprisingly, his wife and her lover died at that night. Andy was framed for murder. And the sentence was two life imprisonments. He was sent into Shawshank prison. That was a dark and gloomy hell with mad prisoners, cruel warders and viperous and greedy wardenry. The first night Andy spent in it, a new comer like Andy couldn’t bear the fear and kept crying and shouting. The result was he was taken out and beaten dead by the warders. At that moment, Andy understood that if he want to live he must be silent in Shawshank. In Shawshank Andy knew an old prisoner Red. They gradually became friends. Red was able to get some small goods for the prisoners. So Andy asked for a little hammer because of his interest in geology. The life in Shawshank was full of danger. Andy, as a new prisoner, was often threatened and maltreated by some scoundrels because he always refused their unbearable and disgusting demand. In such a dark prison, no one could help him even if someone may want to. After tow years, one day, Andy, Red and some other prisoners got the chance to rebuild the roof. They heard the head of the warders complaining that he had to pay high tax to government if he wanted to receive his brother’s inheritance. Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt from taxation. The condition was to give each prisoner 3 bottles of ice beer. All the prisoners enjoyed the rare and short freedom leisurely. Red said,” It’s just like rebuilding the roof of our own house. We are free like God.” Another consequence was that from then on Andy got the protection from the head of the warders. And all the warders even the wardenry began to consult Andy for financial affairs. So some of his special behaviors were permitted, such as pasting posters of some famous actress on the wall or carving chessmen with his little hammer at night.Prisoner as he was, Andy did more than a civilian. He kept writing one letter to the government every week to ask for bankroll to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. When checking the books from the government Andy found a piece of disc of The Wedding of Figaro. Then he played the disc in the radio room, letting the dulcet music spread above Shawshank. Although he was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty, he wasn’t regretful at all, because of the greatest thing in the world——music, which represents another best thing for human——hope. Later on, Andy knew a new prisoner Tommy, from whom Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. He immediately told the wardenry about this and naively thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But the wardenry didn’t do that. He killed Tommy. Andy had been laundering money for the wardenry for a long time. So it’s impossible for the wardenry to set Andy, as a tool and an attester for his crime, free. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Both Andy and the audience should despair. But the climax of the movie appears. At a night with thunderstorm Andy escaped from Shawshank. Everyone including the wardenry and Red couldn’t believe it. The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole on the wall was covered by the huge poster of a famous actress. At that night, Andy crawled through the narrow tunnel to a drain-pipe and then smashed it with a stone under the cover of thunderclap. He was crawling while vomiting in the pipe which was as long as five football grounds by Red’s estimate. At length, Andy got out of the pipe into a little river outside the prison. He walked to the middle of the river and ripped his shirt, letting the rain wash all the filth away. Under the lightning and thunder, Andy spread out his arms, regaining freedom. When reading the postcard from Andy, Red sighed with feeling,” Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright.” Andy had said,” Life has only two choices——get busy living or get busy dying.” This is the most impressive word in this movie. It influenced a lot of people including me. Everyone is able to be busy living, but not everyone can do that all the time. That’s why a few people have brilliant life; many remain mediocre till the last minute of their life while some always struggle to get out of poverty. We complain that God is unfair. We just despair when we are in all-time low. We take hands-off attitude towards ourselves when others think we are failure, although we will weep in dreams. All of these have a same reason——we forgot that only ourselves can save ourselves. Holding hope forever especially in desperation and reminding myself to get busy living at any moment. That’s the most precious thing I got from this movie——The Shawshank Redemption
已发表的有以下论文,参考下吧:1.张洁小说的女性意识浅谈2.激进与犹疑——张洁小说女性意识评估3.一场女性救赎失落的悲剧——张洁小说女性形象论析 4.试论张洁小
英语翻译论文题目 写英语翻译的论文需要写哪些内容呢?选什么样的题目合适?下面是我为大家收集的关于英语翻译论文题目,欢迎大家阅读! 1、谈英语谚语的翻译 2、谈英
上百度上搜搜就OKAY! 本人也非常喜欢这部电影,百看不厌···
The Shawshank RedemptionA successful young banker Andy found his wife fornicate